Thursday, June 23, 2022
Archangel Uriel to lightbearers
The ax that is laid unto the root of the trees is the ax of the Law wielded by the Person of the Lamb incarnate. The tree is the symbol of individuality, male and female. In the son, the daughter of God the Tree of Life does manifest the fruit of good works within its branches, ring upon ring of the causal body. And the tree trunk is the Christ Self through whom the soul is rooted in the bedrock of reality, nourished from below by the currents of Mother Earth as from above by the Spirit currents of the Father.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
You will no longer remain outside of the confluence of the mighty River of Life that flows from the Source of thy true being! You are called this day to be messengers going before the face of the Lord Christ whose hour is come. For Gabriel Archangel stands in the midst of the congregation to announce to every true virgin light, to every soul of God manifesting the purity of pure love, to every father and mother manifesting the purity of the light of the Word, and to every little child:
“This day is the light of the Lord Christ come into thee. This day is the light of the Lord Buddha born within thy soul and heart and womb and mind. For the hour of the Advent is upon this Earth.”
Therefore I, Uriel, send you. And I declare by the authority of your own God Presence: you will no longer remain outside of the calling of the Lord. For the Lord has called and called unto you for many a year, and you can no longer bask in the light of that calling without responding as a respondent to that Word.
I come then for a quickening of fire. And I send the fire, for I AM the archangel of the judgment of the Son of God, Christ Jesus. I AM the archangel now sending forth by the veiling of the prophet my Word of sacred fire into the very midst of the people Israel for whom the promises have been written, for whom the covenants are sealed.
Therefore you are the covenant people. And therefore of these stones, one and all, God is able to raise up the seed of Abraham which is the seed of the Lord Christ through the Eternal Guru, Sanat Kumara.
Therefore the Ancient of Days sends forth the quickening and those who have slept are awakened to sacred fire of Life. And those who sleep in this moment now are quickened by the electric shock that leaps across from the very heart of the Great Central Sun Magnet. And those who are asleep to the fiery mission of the Messenger of the Christ are now summoned to it.
I, Uriel, stand. We have spoken through this Messenger and others down through the centuries. Now the Lord thy God demandeth the response of thy heart to this responsibility.
Behold, I send you forth in the very midst of the fallen ones. For John Baptist, that messenger sent before the face of the image of the Son of God—he came into the very midst of the reign of the fallen ones in church and state. He came to rebuke them. He came to cut them down. And he did not spare the Word of the Lord unto them.
Therefore in the hour of his coming as was prophesied by Malachi, in that day shall the children of Israel take dominion over the seed of the wicked. These fallen ones and their seed, mechanization man and that godless creation, shall be consumed by sacred fire.
Lo! the hour is come for the fulfillment of the prophecy in ye all. And that prophecy could not have been fulfilled in the hour of the coming of the Lord Christ without the messenger John Baptist. And therefore that Christ who is to incarnate in this people one by one, family by family and nation by nation shall not and cannot appear less the messengers of the Word go forth preaching the light and enlightenment....
O blessed seed of Christ, wherefore didst thou doubt? Woe to you who doubt! Woe to you who withhold the fullness of the sacred heart unto the ascended hosts of the Lord! Woe to you who tarry and say We will let the Messenger perform all these works and we will observe and we will applaud and we will bask in the light and we will receive the initiations, but we are not fit to be chalices of the living Word.
Behold, I say unto you, Woe! For as in the coming of the Second Advent all shall give way their temples unto the living God, so all who are the forerunners of that light must allow John Baptist to enter that temple—the mighty Spirit of Elijah, the mighty Spirit of the Holy Ghost—to declare the acceptable day of the Lord’s anointing and His appointing of His sons and daughters as judges over the twelve tribes of Israel.
And therefore in that hour of his coming, this anointing, this infilling with the Holy Ghost is for the judgment, is for the raising up and is for the leveling whereby every valley shall be filled, every mountain shall be brought low. And this leveling of karma and this judgment of the proud shall come upon the Earth in this very decade as it is prophesied by the Lord unto you through this Messenger. Therefore it shall come to pass if you are the fitting vessels for the very Spirit by which it is to be accomplished, my beloved....
Lo! because he is come you are here. Lo! because he is come you are baptized by water and by fire and by blood—even the blood of the Lamb, even the very presence of the light of Alpha and Omega. Lo! because of the mighty victory and mission of John, lo! the hour is come.
And they shall all know me, saith the Lord. They shall all know me nation by nation, from the least unto the greatest. <18> For this is a physical, tangible vibration of the light of God and it is conveyed, it is registered upon the beings of all mankind and upon the fallen ones who know that the hour is come, who know that the judgment is descended, and who fear even the very presence of these my little ones!
Therefore come forth out of the desert and preach the Word of the Almighty and speak to these fallen ones and rebuke them by the power of the Lord’s Spirit. Let it be done by writing by pen, by the sword, by the Word, by confrontation, by rebuke of the Spirit and by such an intense light of peace that their warlike consciousness is exposed and cut down by the ax that is laid at the root of error—the very root of conception of mechanization man, the very root of manipulation of the light of God.
To the very core of life itself is the mighty ax of the Lord descended in this hour; and it is up to you to seize it, to run with it and to be no more as dumb beasts. For I say the Lord thy God this day unlooses the tongues of all of you who will respond to this hour of prophecy, for you have been there in past ages and you have remained as dumb beasts and you have not spoken out and you have not communicated the Word. Therefore is opportunity come to you in this hour....
I AM Uriel sent by God this day to speak unto the children of the light, unto the tribes of Israel, unto all who have the seed of Sanat Kumara. I AM come! and I AM contacting my people throughout this planetary body.
You have raised up your heads. You have seen the work of the fallen ones. Now I say, Speak out unto the nations! Deliver the certain Word of prophecy and of the judgment—and fear not for thy life, for thy life is hid with Christ in God....
Wherefore dost thou doubt, O little one? They have come! They are God-victorious!—contrary to the message of the fallen ones who declare that they have failed in their mission. I say, Mighty Victory records forever and forever thoughout all of cosmos the mighty victory of John Baptist and Jesus Christ as Elijah and Elisha come again! And thus they come again in this hour in the only way that the great Law will allow—into the very temple of your being.
Therefore by this flow of the River of Life, by the mighty Word through you, by the speaking of the Lord you are cleansed and baptized and made whole by the water of the Word of John, by the fire of the Word of Jesus. This is the baptism of the age.
...And place thy head upon the breast of the Lord Jesus until your heart become his heart—a sacred heart, a flaming fire that will not be put out but that will consume all unlike itself, all that is the hardness of heart of evil ones....Let them be rebuked by the stern word of the many prophets whom we send forth—by the Spirit of the Lord....
Therefore I say, heed the Word of the Lord! Speak the Word of judgment, of rebuke, exhortation, and the call to repentance unto the just and unjust! Speak the Word of the Almighty and live forevermore as that Word!
You cannot be inheritors of the Word incarnate if you will not speak the Word in the full power of the Holy Spirit—even as I empower this Messenger. So let the fire flow. Let the fire go forth. And let the fire not be the fire of man but the fire of God Almighty—pure in mighty purity of Elohim, undefiled before the light, and without attachment to the consequences of that Word.
For my Word goeth forth, saith the Lord, and my Word returneth unto me. And all that is done unto John Baptist and Jesus Christ, all that is done unto you, so it is done unto me. And therefore this day I, the Lord thy God require of the fallen ones the blood of the prophets, the blood of the martyrs, the blood of the saints, the blood of those who have given their life for Christ, for Almighty God, for Buddha and for the eternal light of freedom nation by nation.
Even so, saith the Lord—so is the blood of saints required of them this day. And they shall not stand. No, they shall not stand. They cannot stand. For it is prophesied even by your father Enoch who heard the Word of the Lord even as I speak it unto you in this hour....
Thus saith the Lord. So out of Elohim the Word descends. Thus spake Zarathustra of old, the mighty fiery one who communed with the living flame, who was consumed by the flame and yet not consumed. For he, being a son of God, retained the individualization of the God-flame. Standing in the presence of the flame, he arose in the presence of the flame and he ascended unto the Most High God.
Therefore that mighty fire, that all-consuming fire is descended in this hour. And the people of God and the people who are the fallen ones will stand in that flame and speak. And when they speak truth, behold that truth and their soul in truth shall live forevermore. And when they speak the lie, behold their soul in that lie shall be consumed and consumed forevermore. Thus is the sacred fire as the presence of the living God able now to devour all that is less than the light of God which never, never, never fails!
May you hear this my Word of God frequently to remind you that you are most beloved, that you are chosen as children of the light to be inheritors of full Sonship, and that you are called with a great calling of the ages. It is the call of Camelot. It is the call of the Ancient of Days. It is the call of the Community of the Holy Spirit. It is the call to come apart now and be a separate and chosen people unto the Lord thy God!
It is the call of the Lord to make haste and to go to the mountains and to send forth the light, even the light from within the Inner Retreat that you may be found in a haven of safety and purity and love and strength by oneness when the Word does go forth for the full exposure of Nephilim and fallen ones. And when the reaction does come see to it that ye are found in the very Holy of Holies.
Whithersoever the Lamb goeth, there are found upon the mountain the hundred and forty-four thousand initiates of sacred fire who preach the Word of the Lord, whose mouths are undefiled. And therefore the pure light goeth forth unto the nations, and upon the farthest reaches of the Earth the Word is heard. It is carried not by satellite but by the light and sound ray. And it is heard. And instantaneously that judgment descends. [Intonation of the sound ray]
The power of God is present to raise you up to accomplish His will, to rebuke the nations, to stand forth as the acceptable worthy ones—worthy to be overshadowed by John Baptist and Jesus Christ, worthy because you understand these nefarious deeds of the fallen ones. These who are a part of the cult of Satan, that Fallen One, who have gone forth plotting their murder of John and Jesus even among the high priests—think not that they have not plotted the death of the children of the light in the manipulation of population, in toxins in all foods and drugs and in the diabolical cult of death known as abortion!
O my beloved, these aborters of Life will surely pay. And they are paying the price. And I come with a message of acceleration.
The Lord God is content to annihilate time and space. And where time and space are not, I say, the fallen ones cannot, do not appear. Therefore be the light of Infinity, for Infinity itself cancels out the not-Self, the unreal self, of the finite realm.
Understand this mystery of the Holy Grail: Thy Holy Grail is Infinite—even the chalice, even the flame, even the fullness of thy Identity. Therefore naught can stand in the presence of the Lord this day!
Thus you see, my beloved, that until within the secret chamber of your heart the light of Infinity cancels out the prison bars of time and space, not until that occurrence can the days be shortened for the elect
or the wicked be brought to immediate judgment.
Thus the Lord has spoken out of the temple of the tabernacle: Thus far and no farther. Thus far and no farther!
Thus shall you repeat in the hour of your challenge and rebuke of every lie and injustice and inconsistency of these fallen ones: “Thus far and no farther!” And that mighty hand of the Lord of the World shall be upon your hand as you speak with that authority of Gautama Buddha, of Jesus Christ and of your own blessed God Self.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 23:37
Go to the root as John Baptist did. Go to the very root with the axe to take it out completely. For this axe of victory is truly laid at the root of the Nephilim gods who have placed themselves first and foremost in education. There I stand! And there we are! For all life proceeds from the education of the child and youth.
-MightyVictory, Pearls of Wisdom 30:42
the goal of each 14-month cycle is for you as a disciple of Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha to pass through the 14 stations of the Aquarian cross of the Woman and her seed (Rev. 12:4, 5, 17). The 14 stations of the Aquarian cross provide a path of initiation for the Divine Mother and her sons and daughters that is parallel to the 14 stations of the Piscean cross fulfilled by Jesus. The stations signify the 14 events that occurred in Jesus’ life during his Passion on Good Friday from 1. Jesus is condemned to death to 14. Jesus is laid in the sepulchre. They represent not only the testings and trials of chelas of ascended masters but also personal and planetary karma that lightbearers are bearing in their bodies in this transition from the 2,000-year dispensation of Pisces to Aquarius.
-Guru Ma/Serapis Bey, Pearl 32:38
And surely as I live this day and as I speak to you in the name and by the voice of the Lords of Karma I prophesy to you that except ye be converted by love this night and cast all else into the fire and forgive all and seek forgiveness, you shall know in time the judgment of the Holy Spirit for your rejection of so great a gift of love of the Great White Brotherhood, of Lord Morya El, who has succored you and laid down his life for you again and again! -Rose of Light, Pearl 33:22
Just as Cain was rejected by Lord Maitreya for his sin so he would have been accepted had his offering been acceptable. Nevertheless to love the point of light within the heart, the point of light that is God is to love the seed potential. Yet if a man himself love not his potential for being in God, he will not bear the fruit of God- consciousness. Wherefore Jesus cursed the barren fig tree and John the Baptist laid the axe at the root of evil fruit saying “Every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.” -Jesus Christ, Pearl 36:26
I ask you to pray for those who are discouraged, as you well know that discouragement is the devil’s best tool. Pray for all in the Earth who are discouraged; and pray for the protection of those mighty angels who have taken embodiment and moved among the people and laid down their lives to save others again and again. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 38:21
Be willing to lay down your life for others as Jesus laid down his life for you. This initiation will come perhaps in the hour of passing, perhaps very soon, perhaps even in your youth. For you need not pass on to take the initiations Jesus demonstrated. You may take them earlier rather than later and live a full life as a Christed one. -Lanello, Pearl 40:51
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