Thursday, May 12, 2022
the only doctrine that counts
1) The long procession of human history follows a line marked by swordplay, militarism and vicious maneuvering. Yet the honest of heart know that the time has not yet come, the juxtapositions of forces being what they are, that police forces and armies can be abolished, nor can national sovereignty be superseded by a world federation when all nations have not sworn to uphold freedom. We avow that there is a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip, that injustices creep among the children of men everywhere; but no nation has a premium on injustice nor can anyone keep the peace without paying an honorable price. In heaven’s name freedom is freedom only so long as men are vigilant; but bondage is inevitable when the powers that enslave the human mind and person go unchallenged. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 12:18
2) As I mentioned, when mistakes are made, when there is the slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip and the torch is dropped it is always in a moment, a moment when by pride or insecurity, harmony is forsaken. And with a sudden thrust of emotional energy that catches all off-guard with the opening of the door then of the solar plexus, in comes the riptide! And the riptide is a mass energy, and the fallen ones are waiting to project that mass consciousness through those who are near the Mother and the children of the Mother that, in the riptide and in the maelstrom and havoc that follows, there will be a teetering and a tottering of the soul and of the state. -Saint Germain, Freedom 1976 Conference at Washington, D.C. via Messenger ECP, Pearl 20:51
3) It is no wonder then that the Master Jesus uttered those poignant words in Gethsemane “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will but Thine be done.” Yet on the morrow he said “Weep not for me, ye daughters of Jerusalem, but weep for yourselves and for your children.” The cycles of humanity’s incarnations continue and dead error is born again and again, never to come to life until it comes to God’s truth….
One day this will be yours as you continue to pursue the path of holy wisdom. Exercise discrimination and discernment that you may know the Lord’s body (“For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother”) and win your victory step by step, fearing not to get up each time there is a setback. For the cycles roll on endlessly, and the little waves of human trembling are but a “slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip” which delay man’s partaking of the water of life. But these can never eternally prevent the fullness of the manifestation of God within you. -Kuthumi, Pearl 19:33
4) Here light intensifies. Here the torch is passed. Here the communion cup is extended, and we know the saying “There is many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip.” At that particular moment because of the greatest concentration of light and the transfer of the light there will be the greatest momentum of opposition to it. -Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 30, 1977 at Pasadena, California, Pearl 44:18
5) Beloved, I am in the heart of each one of you. A Guru is very close to his chelas always in the time of threatening woes. I can tell you with great peace and love that we have already set in motion that which is necessary for your victory. Therefore only your own folly could deprive you of that victory, and the slip that so often occurs twixt the cup and the lip. -El Morya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 23, 1985 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana, Pearl 28:30
6) Beloved ones, this is the hour of the turning around of darkness on planet Earth. What we face then as the equation, beloved hearts, is that the momentum of darkness in the individual lives of the people and their ignorance of this dispensation may cause them to experience that slip twixt the cup and the lip whereby, because they do not know of the turning around of darkness and turning of the light against that darkness, they may allow themselves to be once again beset by that darkness. -Sanat Kumara, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 26, 1986 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana.
Pearl 29:24
7) How you see the quivering and jeopardy and possibility of the slip twixt the cup and the lip in dealing with international gangsters and terrorists! I say to you, beloved, in dealing in the action of sealing of the place where evil dwells in this trial you must have all of your faculties, all of your awareness and the realization that I bring—that heaven awaits your passing of this test. -Archangel Michael: 4-13-1986 at Camelot, L.A., via Messenger ECP, Pearl 29:46
8) Let it be that those who are the poor in Spirit (and each and every one of you may claim that condition) recognize their poverty and be filled with illumination’s golden flame. Until ye are complete and wholly filled with light you see, beloved, in some area of consciousness there does remain a paucity of Spirit. And ye who are wise ones, observing the signs and cycles of the seasons in your own life, may surely see where a paucity of Spirit does therefore deny you the fullness of a victory long sought, well deserved—and yet in that moment of the slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip you have denied yourself the victory.
-God Meru, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 28, 1986 at the Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 29:79
9) Shall there be the slip twixt the cup and the lip? Or shall you with determination brook no interference, center yourself in your Mighty I AM Presence hourly and know that the Lord thy God is God in Israel this day, is in his people, is in the majesty of everlasting life and that the only doctrine that counts is the fulfillment of love by wisdom’s unerring direction? -Lord Lanto, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, winter conference, Dec. 1994 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:2
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