Thursday, May 19, 2022
Sun into Gemini about 4 a.m. 5=20=2022 PDT
The Mother’s love for the Holy Spirit is so intense that in receiving that flame of the Holy Spirit she is almost in the frenzy of Kali, dispensing energies of action in work, work and work. And when you come into the aura of the Mother you find yourselves working day and night for the cause, and you wonder how you can keep on keeping on. You wonder “What is this pace and what is this intensity and what is this fury, and why is there such a responsibility to serve and to serve and to serve?” - Lanto, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1975 in San Francisco, Pearls if Wisdom 62:40
Beloved ones, the time to entertain fear and doubt and human questioning is long past. For when you come upon the energy of this darkness–projected as a frenzy, as chaos, as confusion, as insanity, as sudden illness you must be ready to leap in sacred fire, to roll it back! You must be absolutely certain of who you are, of who I AM and who is this Messenger who stands before you. For if you will enter into doubt and fear and human questioning, you will find that that will be the very inroad to unseat you from your horse. And as we have seen in the past these unseatings have for many been permanent; for they come in the hour of your greatest opportunity for victory, and the victory cycles are wide and they do not come often in ten thousand years.
- Jesus Christ, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on August 6, 1978, Pearl 21:33
We search then to reinsert individuals with a true and lasting Christ consciousness into positions of key responsibility—positions that are pivots in the turning of the nation and turning of the laws. And when the nation and laws turn, beloved hearts, in many areas there will not be an undoing or a turning back without a mighty effort. -El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:35
Thus the individual who has disobeyed the laws of the Holy Ghost, of the Third Person of the Trinity, which is the universal love of Almighty One, is in the dilemma of the fallen one who must seek the source of the threefold flame in order to have the opportunity renewed.
- Nada, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 7, 1983, Pearl 26:51
I come in a year that promises to be one of many challenges of the unreal—this unreality mounting in a frenzy of revenge, retaliation, resentment, envy, jealousy and ignorance coming through that Dark Cycle this spring, whose shadow already casts itself upon the pages of the new year.
-Lord Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1986 at Camelot, Pearl29:23
• What happened after Mother’s reirement in 2000s was that some at RTR decided they themselves were the lawgivers/patriarchs of this activity rather than patrons and patriots. In their frenzy to push their program the delicate threads of the Word have been distorted, the path is often lost and false hierarchy impostors get a foothold at RTR. -R, Siskiyou County, Calif.
• To Man Who Will Face the Door of Self-Source, Behold
the Towering Image That Secures the Fastness of the Soul
to God and Ends the Mechanistic Concept in the Conquest
by Spirit, in the Victory of Life, in the Triumph of Reality,
and in the Brilliance of the Light That Pushes Back
the Night:
“Out of Egypt have I called my son”—ancient emancipation from the house of human bondage. The exterior and the interior world merge in the human psyche, for man is the place where time and eternity meet. In man does the sublime touch the ridiculous. The highest culture, like a canopy, gleams above the bottomless pit of human desire.
As I conclude the mechanical dissertations, having, I hope revealed some of the monstrous effects they have in deterring man from achieving happiness, I would point out that there are a number of things upon which I have not touched. Precious ones, if the ascended masters were to take every possible condition which you might encounter and speak upon it, the volume of our words would be ponderous indeed. We have sought here to activate within your consciousness an inward self-reliance, a discernment that is automatic without being mechanistic.
Now the difference here is quite clear, for God has implanted in the soul of man a certain mental plasticity which facilitates the recording of passing events. The wondrous screen which men have termed “memory” comes from the ancient Tablets of Mem. I shall not dwell upon these tablets here, cleaving as much as possible to the known and to practical. Yet I would call to your attention that you have a built-in memory process whereby, with the stylus of Christed attainment, you may write the law of God upon your inner being. As you make God’s laws an integral part of your spiritual awareness you will be building a defense against perils to come and, in moments of crisis you will be able to deflect those blows which otherwise might paralyze the soul and throw you backward, at least temporarily, in that evolution we call progress.
Precious ones, your protection is so vital and right knowledge is such great protection. I trust that your hearts, in their gratitude for my release, shall make it possible for the Brotherhood to see sufficient benefit for the effort expended here so that future days will effect the release of even greater miracles of truth in printed form for the admonishment of the sincere seekers of truth. Our care has been very great and it has been centered on the progress of the valiant—those who love truth for its own sake and are willing to be told whatever is necessary in order that they shall escape the snare of the fowler and find greater comfort in the knowledge of God’s expansive kingdom.
As you turn to the outer world you will behold both beauty and ugliness in manifestation. You must train yourself to skim off the beauty and drink it in that your souls, bathed in the elixir of that which is spiritually charged, will absorb from every facet of nature the rare and pure elements which nurture the soul’s freedom and expansion. For it is the soul that is in bondage to the senses, and it is the personality of the soul which has frequently sought to dominate the domain of self and to extend that control to other men, forgetting that they too have their own threefold flame of love, wisdom and power.
That liberty shall remain and that the Earth shall know true freedom is our prayer. To this end we serve and for this purpose we make plain the way. But, blessed hearts, as truth is so glorious yet sometimes disturbing to the settled worlds of men, let me extol its virtue; for without the bonds of truth to hold the soul constant to God, as a compass to the north, the bands of mortal men would smite the purest image with t mud and degradation of increasing strife.
With the old scheme that has been used upon Earth for so long, we have scarcely launched a project or revealed a word for freedom before someone has sought to counter it and negate its value. For example, there are certain inherently harmless words used upon Earth which have been so abused by mankind that their meaning no longer holds the pure and pristine connotation originally intended but they have now become a curse unto mankind….
Therefore may I say to all in a simple, universal, humble way: life is very beautiful and the charm of life is found in apprehending God. Those unfortunate souls who know Him not sufficiently to realize that His love is universal and thus for all do but deprive themselves of salutary happiness. And the pursuit of happiness ought to be the avowed occupation of men. For happiness is also God, but that which men have thought happiness has often been a thorn.
The beauty of grace and holiness is found in simple things—a rose, a tree bowing in the wind, the singing of a bird, the babbling of a brook, a child’s prattle, starlight’s beam twinkling the merriment of the spheres, the penetration of hope into the heart, the will to live. To be the victor then over smothering and retarding factors push them out of the consciousness. Replace them with a realization of God’s consciousness and all that it contains and thereby learn a lesson in the mighty power of freedom.
The outgoing of happiness from God to nature is a flow, exterior seeming. It comes to an end at the periphery of each realization and must then return inward to the center, to the Source from whence it came. I see a carnival of virtue, a mighty bazaar where rainbow colors pure and beautiful convey divine qualities to men for the asking. I see the children of men teaching and being taught divine grace until every wall is taken down and men can clearly perceive the face of their Creator Source and, in that towering image, replace insecurity by secure fastness of the soul to God.
Now I do not care if some men be bored with the necessary repetition in my words. For as the fingers of the mind pass over these words again and again they will magnetize happiness. For they are charged as cups of living light with God’s grace, and this grace is sufficient for every human need. The end then of the mechanistic concept is in the conquest of matter by Spirit, the victory of Life over death, the triumph of reality over the appearance of unreality mirrored in the reflecting pool of thought congealing.
Thus the brilliance of the light
Pushes back the night
And the shadow made by rising light
Is seen no more
When man faces the door of Self-Source.
And this is reality, right where I AM,
For it is grace that triumphs over race
And purity that does erase
The pall of sin, of human din,
And reveals God’s true face forevermore.
I stand, your friend in the great Forever, Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:26,
A Manifesto by the Great Divine Director
Part V
To Sons and Daughters of Vision Who Will Seize the Torch
of Illumined Action and Run with It, Recognizing That
If They Do Not, the People Who Have Neither the Vision
Nor the Torch Will Surely Perish; For the Little Children
Who Place Their Hands Trustingly in His Have a Right
to See God Face to Face in Trustworthy Servant-Sons:
“Where there is no vision the people perish.” Momentous words when understood, but seldom understood.
Think now, blessed ones. Shall men halt, content that they have known all works of God and that all truth is already revealed? What a shroud, a smothering of progress is this. Fear has done this thing, O mankind, and it is his bonds that we would break.
Those who as little children placed their hands trustingly in the hands of God know that his truth is their shield and buckler, the strong arm of righteousness. Surely the limited vision of man’s present theology should not be one with which men are content. Consider the many areas of destiny upon which religion is silent. Consider also the manifold mysteries which challenge man’s consciousness.
Are people to treat themselves as animals and test themselves within a maze of problems based on a theology recorded in mere creed or rote? To prescribe infinity with finite bans is far worse than attempting to catch Niagara Falls in a teacup. The mighty onrush of infinity would wash away the film of (human) reason from the mind of man; and therefore God in His infinite wisdom and mercy has gently tempered the wind to the shorn lamb.
Again and again the wisdom of God is revealed from beginning unto beginning. Even while His noblest purposes are revealed by the great masters of wisdom, men seek on wings of scorn swiftly to carry those who think not as they do to an impaling spike. I say, in mercy’s name, let strands of holy tolerance be woven through the planetary consciousness of all who seek God.
The mysteries of God are not gained in an instant. How shall they fathom the depths of his matchless wisdom who would keep it for themselves? Those who seek this holy privilege ought to give it graciously unto others. Much of that which is labeled as acceptable truth by mankind today was once regarded as heresy. The acceptable sacrifice of Abel was not honored by Cain. The dreams of Joseph were not honorably recognized by his brethren. The old prophets were stoned in Israel and beaten and even sawn asunder. The tortures from which the mind would quail were practiced upon them at the instigation of the wicked.
Every age has known its martyrs—some were sons of God and men of holy truth whereas others were also exploiters of mankind.
Yet the infinite purposes must not be scorned. I cite here examples of the passions of men who in past ages rejected truth which was revealed unto them through the holy men of God. Ancient superstition even to the present hour holds men in bondage, and thus they attribute to evil the release of pure truth and accept as from the hand of God that which bears the taint of the shadowed ones. These who masquerade as angels of light still practice to deceive and men still vilify the true sons of God.
Man stands as in a quandary then and cries out “How shall I know?” I am certain that a word to the wise is sufficient, and I hope also that a word from the truly wise will be sufficient to those who require it. Not all who cry “Lord, Lord,” do the will of God; but those who do, serving to the best of their ability, will be accorded by the Father of all that just recognition which the law always conveys to the righteous.
“I AM my brother’s keeper” is the fulfillment of the law but not in blind attachment or sympathy; for the latter phase of human error is a mechanical tie, a pull upon the passions of men who see in the failures of others the possibilities of their own personal loss and by the bond of sympathy they are pulled in a downward spiral into the maelstrom of imperfection.
Compassion is otherwise—
it would extend assistance to those who
desire it and seek to rise
And mercy to the fallen but not at any price—
For there ought to be some longing or desire in all,
Some spark of hope or faith
That answers call
From God on high.
For men were born, not to die
But to live—and live again on higher plane
Until the soul no longer vain
Might pierce the veil of human pain
And see the clearer counterpane—
The window to a heaven above
Where reigns the Father of all love
Whose holy breath does ever flow
To all mankind here below
And sees within their heart of flame
A Christly banner never vain
Whose every act will men redeem
And lift them to a fairer scene.
O gracious ones, the hour has come when a sense of cosmic vigor must enter into the affairs of mankind to arouse them from their vain mechanical attitudes and to teach them the efficacy of divine grace as God in action here below. If it were possible, heaven itself would have almost exhausted its toleration of men’s errors on this planet. Time after time civilizations have arisen and fallen. Wonderful cultures have existed of which but a vestige remains. Men have builded anew again and again upon the rubble of olden worlds and only the few have been able to see and retain the vision.
Now then I would transmit to those who are ready to receive it by a spiritual capsulation a treasury of heavenly wisdom. But I am fully aware that there are many who will not be able to accept this idea. I do not chastise those who cannot accept it, but I have made here an offer. If you will call to your Divine Presence on those occasions when you seem to have nothing else to do and ask me, in your own style, “O Great Divine Director, let me have this treasure of knowledge about life,” I will do my part to release to you this capsule of holy wisdom.
Thus I will be able to impart to you a vision not recorded on printed page, and I do not wish you to think that I refer here to a mere dream or a picture appearing before you. I am referring here to an inward sense or vision of the cosmos which is spiritually oriented and cannot be classified in accordance with ordinary human knowledge. This spiritual power of vision is a gift which I extend to those able to receive it for one reason alone: in order for them to understand in a higher way many of the laws of the cosmos which I have imparted in this series.
Some of you may recall that the Christ prior to his passing from the screen of life in the ritual of his ascension did say unto his apostles, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.” That which I seek to do then is to transmit unto you the power of divine vision that will enable you to derive even greater satisfaction than you have ever had before from the instruction of the ascended masters.
Heaven would enhance for mankind every opportunity of a spiritual nature. The raging of the battle at outer levels is very great, precious ones. The lack of vision in the world is so glaringly apparent—it is garish with muddied colors, it is dissonant with the drumbeats of the jungle, it is crass with inanity and absurdity, it is shattering with discord and hopelessness, it is putrid with human filth and degradation, it is vile with the stench of unreasoning minds, fidgeting in darkness.
The time has come for the children of God to shine as the sun in the midst of all this human wretchedness. And then I think a greater power of example in purity, a greater example of power in brotherliness, a greater example of power in spirituality will enable men to heal, to cast out demons, to cleanse the lepers, even to raise the dead and to fulfill the Christ mission now in a greatly expanded vision of divine grace which exceeds all the expectations of material science and the intricacies of human thought and reason.
Truly the rod of the Christ, the power of God unto salvation as Aaron’s rod of old will swallow up the magician’s rod, cast down in imitation of the victory of the pure, winged caduceus.
-Master Rakppczu, Pearl 8:24
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