Monday, May 9, 2022
on empowerment
The Seven Archangels who serve on the seven rays, the Five Dhyani Buddhas who serve on the five secret rays and the Masters of the Far East come to this conference to empower those who are ready to be empowered. And we of the three kingdoms—Elohim, Archangels, and Sons and Daughters of God—come today seeking to empower you on the second ray. Blessed ones, you must pursue this empowerment if you would have it!…
All legions of the second ray join me in thanking you for your standing ovation. We shall empower you as you empower yourselves. We shall go forth—Jophiel, Christine, Apollo and Lumina, Lord Lanto, Mighty Victory and Justina and all legions of the second ray who serve with buddhas and bodhisattvas—to open the crown chakras of lightbearers of the world.
-Archangel Jophiel with Christine, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on June 25, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:30
There are so many wondrous lifestreams on the planetary body, beloved. Even from our realm it is difficult to conceive of the millions and millions of souls who have right hearts, including yourselves. Having a right heart, beloved, means having a heart that is loving, a heart that is pure, a heart that is indeed right….
And that promise is that every lightbearer upon Earth who shall remember to call to violet flame daily shall know such a manifestation of world transmutation that, as you look back and think about it, you will say to yourselves: “What a wondrous gift God has given us! Let us multiply it many times over and give it back to Him so that all the children of the world, all who grieve, all who are dying may know that there truly is life everlasting.” And that life everlasting belongs to each and every one of you, including those of you here and everywhere on Earth. Think of this, beloved. For We, Helios and Vesta, have tended the flame for you for aeons.
-Helios and Vesta, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on July 9, 1998 at San Diego, Pearl 38:30
You can empower yourself by mirroring God within your soul. Entering into the path of bhakti yoga, the path of personal devotion to the Guru is one way to do this. As you give your devotions bow to your Gurus as they appear before you in your mind’s eye and spare not your undying gratitude to Helios and Vesta and to God and Goddess Meru for sponsoring your lifestream on the path of the Sun. Pearl 41:37 When you recite your decrees in the fervor of your heart’s love for God, mirroring in your heart the rays of Helios and Vesta, you send back to them, multiplied countless times over, the power of your decrees. Try this with the mantras you have been taught to give to the Father-Mother of this solar system, such as the following....
You can empower yourself by mirroring God within your soul. Entering into the path of bhakti yoga, the path of personal devotion to the Guru, is one way to do this. As you give your devotions bow to your Gurus as they appear before you in your mind’s eye and spare not your undying gratitude to Helios and Vesta and to the God and Goddess Meru for sponsoring your lifestream on the path of the Sun. -Padma Sambhava, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on October 6, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:36
Blessed ones, I speak again on this subject but I cannot assure you that the Lords of Karma will do so. As you look at yourselves and you assess your state of consciousness individually, one by one, you can see that the light of violet flame that you have invoked has changed your life, has healed your diseases, has raised you up, has delivered you of many karmic circumstances that you no longer need to face. By your love of violet flame this has transpired—by your love of God that is greater than your love of all things of this world…
As the years turn, cycles turn and intensification of karma is felt by all evolutions—from amoeba to adept. Know then, beloved, that it is valuable to assess yourselves, the levels of your spirituality and the knowledge you can apply to the solving of Earth’s dilemma as you respond to our call to save this planet….
Cycles of time are turning. Heed them. It is an urgent hour. I ask you not to allow yourselves to be lulled to sleep by the momentums of greater and greater crime affecting society, of greater and greater difficulty with children who have not been loved and who do not love—who have not known a disciplined love that guides them to bring forth their greatest talents and keeps them in line with the laws of God, allowing them to receive God unto themselves as themselves.
Blessed hearts, what with the diets children eat and parents who are intimidated by the dweller-on-the-threshold of their own children and will not make them toe the line because they refuse to recognize that their children are at fault, it is no wonder that households are upside down! You who have lived twenty-five years and more and look back say to yourselves, “It was a different world in those days, and now see what has come upon the nation.”
The violet flame itself is indeed an empowerment. And you empower yourselves with seventh ray and by seventh-ray Masters each and every day that you invoke violet flame. This is an urgent matter. Therefore I ask you to set aside almost all else in favor of your decrees and your preaching the Word of God and your becoming that Word yourselves,
…I AM Omri-Tas.
And I ask you to set your houses in order, put first things first and know that in giving yourselves to God you shall be empowered with power of conversion to bring many souls into the captivity of light, and those souls that might have been lost shall be saved.
…Thus, returning to you from the Violet Planet, matching the level of your calls shall be a momentum of seventh ray so great, beloved, that you will no longer think you are too small a body to accomplish the task at hand; for this task shall be possible unto you in God and through reinforcements of the Violet Planet. This is something that we can promise and no one on Earth can deny you it except you yourselves by descending into a state of forgetfulness and not giving calls to violet flame every spare moment you have.
-Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, via Messenger ECP on 10-7-1994 at RTR, MT
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