Saturday, May 7, 2022
it is also in those moments of danger which are not realized by individuals when the psychic and vicious forces upon this planet as a maelstrom of hate are turned loose to saturate the consciousness of mankind in accordance with the plans and intents of the hordes of shadow. For if they could they would draw all into a vacuum of nothingness to defeat the plans of God. BUT, THEY SHALL NOT PASS! For the guardian angel presences of life shall assist all who will to attain their victory. -
Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 7:13
Man stands as in a quandary then and cries out “How shall I know?” I am certain that a word to the wise is sufficient, and I hope also that a word from the truly wise will be sufficient to those who require it. Not all who cry “Lord, Lord” do the will of God; but those who do, serving to the best of their ability, will be accorded by the Father of all that just recognition which the law always conveys to the righteous…
“I AM my brother’s keeper” is the fulfillment of the law but not in blind attachment or sympathy; for the latter phase of human error is a mechanical tie, a pull upon the passions of men who see in failures of others the possibilities of their own personal loss and by the bond of sympathy they are pulled in a downward spiral into the maelstrom of imperfection. -Master R: Pearls of Wisdom 8:24
The disciple who meditates upon God must learn the art of graciously identifying with God whose mounting concerns for the world are real and tangible today as they have always been. His concern shines with the Sun of His constancy; yet He feels no pang of distress or pull into the maelstrom of human discontent, the depravity of men’s depredations. -Kuthumi: Pearl 11:18
As you then have gazed upon the children, gaze also now upon the forces of darkness as they build dense pockets of substance in the world–of hatred and deceit which is intended to create a struggle between classes, between people, between capital and labor, between Negro and white races, between Jew and Gentile, between bond and free, between America and other nations of the world, between the power of Communism and the power of Capitalism, between all sorts and manners of varying manifestations. For the powers of darkness have determined in their own hearts to set brother against brother, nation against nation, and people against people. They are determined to create confusion and a maelstrom of darkness everywhere upon the planetary body. And I want you to be able to see it with me tonight; for this is not the creation of the Lord Christ, it is the creation of dark forces of the world and is sustained by human thought and human consciousness as individuals entering into a sense of struggle feel a constant need to reinforce themselves by actually arming themselves against their neighbors and against various individuals upon the planetary body with the idea that the power of God cannot deliver them. -Elohim Cyclopea,
via Messenger Mark L. Prophet at Colorado Springs on December 29, 1969,
Pearl 21:24
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