Tuesday, May 17, 2022
He hides Himaelf from the clever
entangle 33 +enmesh28 + unwary 30 33+28=30=91. carnal mind calcination=
Neroli Duffy.
entice, entrap, clever, proud, light=29. repress, continuity, Neroli=37.
And yet lifewaves must go on, manifestations must occur, ages come and go; and whatsoever a lifewave may manifest, that is what it shall reap. For there is a certain group karma in each root race that manifests upon Earth. And there is a lowest common denominator of consciousness within a root race that holds back highest manifestation of the Christic light in that root race. And thus the golden mean of consciousness is found somewhere between the two; and that golden mean becomes a mediocrity that goes neither up nor down but walks the middle of the road and thinks that it is highly clever and that it cannot be touched.
-Divine Director, Pearl 17:5
it is ever so wise to “take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself”; for the meaning of living today and thinking today is the key to progress. The now that is the day of salvation recognizes the potential of each day for accomplishment and sees each day as though it were eternity. “This too shall pass” may well be spoken of all darkness and unwanted conditions, but the impetus for building rightly should begin in the present.
Each hour is its own open-ended compartment. It is its own because man has freewill, time being his unique opportunity for energy- qualification; it is open-ended because the effects of his deeds are far-reaching. Many people expect no accounting for deeds they do, for their understanding of life is not based on the law of cause and effect. But regardless of what people think, all theories that seek to explain phenomena without benefit of this law are vain. Wise therefore is the man or woman who sees the golden rule as a great personal safeguard.
The criteria for action today among the majority of the people are unfortunately their feelings. If they feel like doing something, they do it without taking into account responsibility they have for every deed they do as well as for the deeds they do not do. They take pleasure in contemplating no period of accounting, no return of energies they send out for good and for ill or of those they thoughtlessly waste.
Let them pause to think again; for all unwanted and negative conditions, with few exceptions, have their roots in the deeds that man has already done. ...
When people understand the need to build wisely by thought, by feeling and by deed they will guard against the tendency to overreact to situations and people. How many times has Cain slain his brother simply because of overreaction?
One of the wisest safeguards against human bondage is self-control. But whereas self-control may prevent bad deeds, the mesmerism of lingering thought can stimulate them; and whereas self-control may hold back the flow of emotional reactions stemming from wrong thought, for man to be neither hot nor cold but lukewarm—holding to a position of neutrality in all things—does not necessarily produce the good karma of right use of life’s opportunities.
And so, in addition to not thinking or doing evil man must think good and do goodthat he may use precious life opportunities God has given him to promote not only his own freedom but also the freedom of others. O yes! you have heard this before, for the voice of God has spoken often in divers ways to man. The question is: has He been obeyed? Have His admonishments been heeded?
I add the impetus of my power as the spokesman for the Karmic Board to a plea for all students of light to understand what it means to be a well-rounded, vital, functional part of the Great Brotherhood. Moving with the tide of Hierarchy’s recommendations requires constant contact with us in spirit as well as in the letter issuing forth from the Spirit which, when activated in heart, head and hand of man, becomes a rising pathway toward the sun of truth and freedom.
The snares that have destroyed great nations have first taken root in individuals. Either men have failed to be wayshowers or the way they have shown has not been the way of peace. It is easy for humanity to rationalize their conduct; and cleverness in words and manipulation of ideas becomes a game that long ago prompted Jesus to say “Woe unto you, ye lawyers!”
I plead then at a time of the year when people are concentrating on the gift of freedom that you strive to understand it, that you embrace its higher manifestation with an ecstasy of Spirit, loving God for the freedom that He is. His freedom is not license to do whatever you will. His freedom is the boundless bounty of adoration to a central principle whose core and exterior are both composed of the very essence of truth.
Because nations are made up of peoples and because thus far only the few have directed the many, I urge the many to pause and to reflect upon their own blessed potential. ,,,
You cannot just follow the crowd and allow the weed-seeding of the world’s thought to take root in your consciousness. You must preserve your God-given individuality and your right to be perfect as your heavenly Father is. ,,,
Accept no dictum of mediocrity. Accept no inflexible worldform. For it is the limitless attitudes of the Spirit which knit our Brotherhood together as each one bows to the God in the other and in himself, as each one humbly carries out his assigned tasks, and all join hands to lift the garment of the world. Beloved hearts of light, freedom is a drama, an exercise in the unfoldment of the exciting possibilities of reality that have always existed but that have unfortunately been opaqued by miasmas— mayic patterns—of life....
Let nothing daunt your courage for each hour we raise the curtain higher to behold the cyclic span of infinity. For the clarity of freedom’s light and ever-constant raising of liberty’s torch, Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 13:25
The busyness of the age and chaos it has generated have concealed the truth from the youth of the world by means of many clever methods. The dark powers of the land have given voice to violence and discord to arouse demons in human nature and then to cloak them with vestments of the Church.
You are a child of the light,
You were created in the image divine,
You are a child of Infinity,
You dwell in the veils of time,
You are a son of the Most High!
To ray your light and to serve
Is to do the will divine
By being the living Word.
No darkness can long endure
Before the radiant light.
The truth will make you secure
And ready your soul for flight—
The ascension is the goal.
As Jesus rose from the sod,
He inspired man to enfold
Himself in the mantle of God.
I AM is the name of the Father,
I AM is the name of the Son,
I AM is the Spirit Most Holy—
Ye all are clothed by the One.
He will guide and guard you forever,
He will carry you far in his arm,
He hides himself from the clever,
He enshrines the poor with His charm.
-Meru, Pearl 12:37
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