Sunday, April 24, 2022
You remember, beloved ones, the myth of old, about an individual [called Icarus] who passed into the air with wings that were attached to him, and when these wings melted he dropped to earth and was destroyed. Well, beloved ones, symbolically Icarus represents human aspirations without the Spirit of Victory, without Christed accomplishment--those who sought to take heaven by storm but had not readied themselves or prepared themselves through the necessary solar initiations to bear the pressure of the solar heat of the divine radiance.
Beloved ones, you have heard it said that there is more than one heaven; you have heard it said that there are gradations of consciousness. This is true beloved ones. If you were exalted into higher states of consciousness, it would be enough to melt and dissolve your physical form as if you were dropped into a bucket of molten steel..
I shall end my address now. But I speak a very solemn warning: Beloved ones, these conclaves are for the purpose of the perfection of men. All who come here ought to remember that God is, and that God is their victory.
All who come here ought to realize that that victory is the very substance through which they move. All who come here ought to be grateful for our words. None should strain to be about their human business. None should desire to have our words end, for our words are vitality from the heart of God. They are charged words, charged with radiance of God.
-Mighty Victory, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on December 31, 1962 at Washington, D.C., Pearl 42:47
it is the word of love, the tenderness of the Good Shepherd, and the realization of this perfect love that casts out the entire sphere of human creation—the whole ball of wax, as you might say.
Think then of the wax melting in the Sun. Realize that those who have attempted to fly using wax to attach their wings truly will not fly, for the wax—symbolical of the maya of the ego—will always prove insufficient to the task. You cannot fly to the Sun on human pride, the wax of ambition.
Beloved hearts, it is not even lawful for you to claim “my right” but to realize that the motto of the kings “God and my right” has to do with the right of the Christ Self within you to reign. -Maitreya, via
Mesenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on December 4, 1980 at Summit University, Pearls of Wisdom 23:51
We shall raise you up and show you the cosmic heights and let you fall and see in a free-fall how far you may fall then, beloved, without the wings of Helios and Vesta to carry you. [Yet, we will catch you.]
Yes, and these wings, beloved, they are not fastened with wax and they will not melt in the Sun. These are wings of the mind. They are wings of God Mercury. They are wings of Venus. They are wings of your native homes, wherever you have hailed from, of the starry systems….
I say, let the fire of the Sun increase your strength and your ability to draw the nutrients from that Sun Presence! May you feel the tingling in your crown chakra and know that the day is nigh when the full force of that Kundalini shall rise for the quickening and the opening.
- Helios, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1991 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 44:40
Thus as you become a ruler in life, so become a servant in life. Let the pride be melted like the waxen ones who tried to fly and could not. -Omega, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 13, 1997, at Norfolk, Virginia, Pearl44:44
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