Sunday, April 24, 2022
Therefore I send these sendings of sacred fire as keys of light from my heart. Therefore I AM, I AM, I AM creating an action whereby crystal fire is intensifying. And there is a cleansing and a purging and establishment of the holy light of God in earth.
We come indeed to clear the way for the incoming golden age. That age appearing is descending. Therefore the brides of the Spirit must rise to meet the Bridegroom midair.
Therefore there is the rapture of souls. And this meeting of heaven and earth is that the New Jerusalem may appear as the golden age. And the rising and descending of the golden-ratio spirals is for the establishment of light and dispersal of all opposition to that light above and below—as the light of the mighty Spirit sphere above and matter below.
Therefore strive, strive for the nexus of thy Christhood!
Strive to be at that point where error is denounced, truth is proclaimed and a holy science and a holy religion are wed by cloven tongues of Holy Spirit.
I AM joyous. I AM the joyous archangel. I AM establishing the mighty keystone of the arch, for that is the nature of purity. And the rays to the left and to the right establish a Trinity in Spirit as blue and yellow and pink, and in matter as the action of green and purple and violet.
Therefore there cometh the Holy One of God. Therefore there cometh the Elect One. And therefore I AM in the temple upon this holy day of the Lord. I AM drawing you into my aura, even as I part the way.
O holy light of Israel, O holy light of the Gurus, O light of science and religion proclaimed of old by our holy bands, spoken by the mouthpiece of Manus and messengers as givers of the Law, as prophets proclaiming the way of righteousness and woe unto those who manifest unrighteous deeds!
O my beloved hearts, I rejoice that the fire of the Sun may flow through me that you might be dripping with the fires of Helios and Vesta and that the mighty wisdom and love and action of those twin flames of Father/Mother God might raise you up and establish you in the center of the white cube, surrounded now by descending white sphere of purity’s light.
Open then the white sphere! And let the flame of God burn brightly upon the altars of these temples this day.
Lo, there cometh one—priest of sacred fire, thine own Christ Self. Lo, there cometh one—there officiating at the altar of thy Christhood, there releasing sacred fire.
Lo, supplicants of the living Word, come now and let angels of light place upon each one of you the bridal garment that you might know what it is to wear the seamless garment, to understand that you are indeed in waiting for the hour of the reunion. And the robes and the garments of righteousness,
washed in the blood of the Lamb, truly have become the wedding garment of the soul.
Truly the divine Union is at hand. And we celebrate by reenactment of that marriage—which is to take place in the days to come—whereby your soul, united with the Lamb of your own beloved Christ Self, may be in earth the replica of the Lamb on Mount Zion.
This is the hour of the multiplication of the body of God, the multiplication of light, the multiplication of the bridal veil. And therefore it is the understanding that the virgins—those who gather in the light, those who raise up the light, those who receive the descending light and do not partake of the darkness of the world—are drawn together to sit at the feet of the Lamb who is the Cosmic Christ.
Blessed hearts, this celebration of sacred mystery of the Grail must be, must come ere the light of God prevail o’er the nations….Happy are ye if ye will heed my Word….
Lo, we are come! And we arc our light to you. And in your person we come! Therefore call for our Electronic Presence and see how you will strike those telling blows for the Lord wherever you are found on the line where light meets darkness and swallows it up, wherever you are found in the warfare of Armageddon. For wherever you are found there I AM!
-Archangel Gabriel and Hope. via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 24:9
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