Tuesday, April 5, 2022
the stone of matter which signifies calcination; security in materiality
While mysteries of Christ have been contemplated by many, only the few have penetrated the depth of wonders of his certain knowledge, his inestimable outreach, his power of ineffable light calculated to part the veils of illusion and reveal the infinite capacity of God to externalize, not only in the natural order but also in the spiritual order, a kingdom without end.
The more men meditate upon Christ and upon spiritual things which buoy up the heart above restless tides of human thought, the more intense will become the light around them and the farther they will see into internal mysteries of being. To relate the life of Christ to the self is the Father’s intent, for thereby the mighty molding-board of the Spirit through His grace may sculpt the living soul into the fashion of the divine plan.
The life-force in man must be governed not just by reason and desire but by pure potential of be-ness, the mysterious comprehension of light by itself. If fingers of the Law of God discover anomalies in the life pattern of an individual and the result be a chastening, it is always for the purpose of greater spiritual fruit and a more abundant life to the one whom God has desired to try. To know God is to be known of Him, and the rule of order by law establishes in all dimensions a steadfast rise in the comprehension levels of spiritual grace….
Men must seek to raise themselves before they can come to the point of transfiguration. To raise the self is to bring it to a point where the power of light can penetrate the substance of their own world not only by their request but also by their invocation….
The purpose of our work in this day and age is to see to it that men do comprehend the light and that they walk upon the path of faith. The meaning of raising the self then is to bring the self to a place where it is capable of discerning the light. When the light is discerned it cannot help but reveal the shadows that exist in the lower self. Whereas some men have said to themselves before the light shone in the darkness of being, “We are very good;” after they have perceived by the power of the light the conditions they were in, they were ready to cry to the mountains “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne.” Yet punishment or estrangement is never the divine intent, for there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and His mercy endureth forever.
By the power of truth the exposure of the darkness of the self takes place and then mankind is able to bring the darkness to the light in order that the light can transmute and redeem that darkness. We deem this the process of resurrection. It is a resurging of uprightness that is now and always has been within man—within the Spirit of man.
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.”
The hour has come when devotees of the laws of God upon Earth can no longer afford those indulgences which in the past have been so lightly taken for granted. If the initiatic process is to be externalized in a lifetime, it must be recognized that each day is precious. Therefore the ritual of resurrection signifies the raising up out of darkness all shadowed substance that has been superimposed upon man, to bring it to the light and to transmute or change its nature into the nature of the light.
This is emergence of the “Corpus Christi,” the body of Christ, out of the tomb of materiality. It is the rolling away of the stone of matter which signifies calcination of the carnal mind with all of its densities. It is purification of the countenance, the refusal of the soul to be enslaved by legions and tribunals of Caesar or the power of the Sanhedrin.
This denotes that the soul must be freed from all banal influences of either church or state, for both church and state have come under the influence of nefarious powers from time to time which have made them instruments of a diabolical sort, even as they have been instruments of great good; hence the soul can no longer afford to brook the tyranny of family, friends or outer conditions of temporal power in any of its forms.
This does not mean that men should not be subject to the laws of the land or that they should fail to recognize legally constituted authority. However it does mean that they should recognize the superiority of heavenly intelligences and not permit tyranny of mortality to put a yoke around their necks, denying their God-freedom.
By releasing their light into manifestation through the presence of God which dwells in man as holy Christ-flame within the heart they “rise from the dead” of corporeal substance, of the paper world of illusion that has far too long held man in bondage. The tangible reality of the radiant living Christ blazes through them because they have willingly and lovingly invoked it through their consciousness and through their flesh forms. They are able then to summon by the power of the spoken Word the mighty angels who assist each emerging son to “roll away the stone” and to “come forth from the tomb victorious.” In addition to th they stand at the portal of transfiguration and are ready for the second initiation into the reality of be-ness. That which is within man—that which is active divine Principle, the Spirit, Animus, divine Ruach—all in complete harmony will prevail and man will ultimately reestablish his relationships with God and humanity from the viewpoint of the initiatic level.
There is a difference between natural man and spiritual man. This was clearly demonstrated in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. His outpicturing of his transcendental ministry was ordained by grace of the Eternal Father through my hand, and I stand ready to assist all who would experience the beauty of Resurrection Spirit in their lives this year. Each individual can come to a point of conscious knowing of the wonder of the light and none will ever regret it as they have often regretted mortal passions.
Now then let us go and see the place where the Lord lay. Within yourself envision the threefold flame of life and God-intelligence sealing you in His grace daily. I AM your mentor in Christ, Maitreya, Pearl 10:10
Within your blessed beating hearts the threefold flame of life is resident. Pay homage then to this token in its great magnificent outreach that is within the forcefield of your heart.
I AM Cyclopea of the all-seeing Eye of God, and I hold you now in the whiteness and purity of your God-design from the heart of the Great Central Sun. I will accept no lesser image. I will accept no lesser design. I will accept no other concept save the divine one. And the fires of perfection that are descending now with angelic hosts to the planet Earth bring to the world the advent of a new era of new hope of a cosmic adventure that from the beginning has been the paternal and maternal grace which the Divine One would enfold all with. The swaddling garments of divine love then are very real. And the forcefield of your individual heart is a fiery world entering in to the heart of the Great Central Sun….
As you then have gazed upon the children, gaze also now upon the forces of darkness as they build dense pockets of substance in the world–of hatred and deceit which is intended to create a struggle between classes, between people, between capital and labor, between Negro and white races, between Jew and Gentile, between bond and free, between America and other nations of the world, between the power of Communism and power of Capitalism, between all sorts and manners of varying manifestations. For the powers of darkness have determined in their own hearts to set brother against brother, nation against nation, and people against people. They are determined to create confusion and a maelstrom of darkness everywhere upon the planetary body. And I want you to be able to see it with me tonight; for this is not the creation of the Lord Christ, it is the creation of dark forces of the world and is sustained by human thought and human consciousness as individuals entering into a sense of struggle feel a constant need to reinforce themselves by actually arming themselves against their neighbors and against various individuals upon the planetary body with the idea that the power of God cannot deliver them.
-Elohim Cyclopea, via Messenger Mark L. Prophet at Colorado Springs on December 29, 1969, Pearls of Wisdom 21:24
The concept of oneness is ever an outreach through the doorway of selfhood to the magnificence of divine intent, fashioned from the beginning through orderliness of the consciousness of God. The fact that individuals do not feel His Presence or make conscious contact with the Supreme Radiance is no cause to deny it. For the Sun of righteousness, who ariseth with healing in His wings, also carrieth with Him the greatest peace and greatest purpose that can most certainly be cognized by any manifestation of His Spirit. Nevertheless the abuses of carnal mind are legion as it surfeits in the knowledge of this world that, through variegation of motif, denies the simplicity to be found in the doorway to eternal consciousness.
Simplicity is the keynote of spiritual discernment. With the mind and heart as of a child, man may approach through the humble doorway of selfhood the Divine earlverywhere. -Enoch: Pearl 14:34
Man’s search for security in materiality is his greatest insecurity. The Holy Spirit in its magnificent outreach of comfort to mankind is the greatest security any man or woman can have.
Out of the holy strands of measured attunement the soul by its own inner desire for devotion and service draws forth divine magnetism of Holy Spirit who responds by giving to each individual so fortunate as to be possessed of higher perspective the greatest opportunity of his or her life. The fact that individuals fail to recognize the greatness of this opportunity does not destroy its value to the soul who kows.
I write of soul-knowing, of inner attunement, of inner fortitude as though they were tangible; for in reality they are. The greatest tangibility is to be found through contact with that Great Regenerator the Holy Spirit, the essence personified of God’s own love and heartflame.
Why should any man feel that the presence of that flame is far from him when it is actually a fervent mission sent forth to inhabit the whole universe and yet to kindle God-consciousness at the point of individualization? Thus at that focus of mind and being where the monad invokes its measured attunement with the Christ Self–the divine Mediator–God is made manifest as man. Thus that fashion of the flame made eternal in the heavens strengthens the image of the Almighty in the midst of the human enigma, affording each soul opportunity to realize his own deliverance from evil unto the goodness and mercy of the Law.
The challenges of life are many. But they do not always reveal themselves in advance. Neither do embodied individuals always act from an honest motive. Merely to be upon the spiritual path or to engage one’s attention in divine search is no guarantee of fulfillment unto self or unto God. Where honesty of heart and noble effort go hand in hand however the results are certain. Nevertheless the time is not always so; for karmic patterns of individuals vary from time to time and person to person.
The golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” has not always been observed. Individuals seem to feel that flaunting the great Law is a mark of attainment, mistaking rash acts for spiritual boldness. The statement “Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth” is indicative of the urgent need for decisive action on the part of mankind. But when there is present in their worlds that fear— which is reminiscent of the unprofitable servant who hid his talent in the earth—it does not allow the flow of strength required for right effort which is to be found in the Holy Spirit. The bracing power of the comfort flame can become one’s strongest ally in the service of freedom and in building giant goals useful forever as the devotee lays up treasures in heaven through those acts that are consciously willed from day to day.
Carelessness in spiritual endeavor is a great fault leading men and women into byways of darkness. He whose Eye is upon the righteous and whose ear is open unto their cry is the best defense any man or woman can have. Therefore let not your hearts be troubled, gentle ladies and men whose goals are spiritual; ye believe in God, believe also in me. Practice the action of harmlessness toward all parts of life. Be not eager to engage in retributive acts; for all recompense that the Law may require of any man is delivered from the hand of God through the Karmic Board whose members, seven in number, are qualified by their own attainment of right vision and right action to share the judgment seat with the Christ Selves of all mankind.
Divine appointments are themselves magnificent to behold, inspiring all with that measure of comfort which kindles fires of the soul and bids welcome to the Spirit of grace which ought not to be despised. Let men esteem the indwelling Presence of the Holy of Holies within their being. Let them not deny the munificent grace implanted there from the foundation of their own individualized consciousness. Let them affirm instead the wondrous Presence of God right within themselves. Let them hear the voice of the Son of God. Let them feel the thread of life that is their own contact with the living and eternal Father.
By allowing consciousness to feed upon nutrients of faith, intelligence, purity and compassion each one will at last sit under his own vine and fig tree; his delight shall be in the Law of the Lord and in His Law shall he meditate day and night.
Do harm to none. Do good to all. But be not brought under the power of evil in any. Uphold only good in self and others, and by humility of ordered service let untrammeled aspects of Him who rules both land and sea, of Him who is found in the unfailing light of your own I AM Presence be ever your guide to lead you into all truth.
In the name of the Omnipresence of God I AM the Maha Chohan, Pearls of Wisdom 15:14
The fashion of the times changes, but the kingdom of God changes not. Think! This which is within you, this beautiful focus you call soul, made in the image of God, is intended to endow your consciousness with its fragrances, its passion for delight, its outreach into reality.
What shall I say then of the synthetic overlay fed by constant drippings of human dreariness? Long ago Paul said “Let us not be weary in well doing.” There is a human tendency which scientists understand as inherent within metal for the very atoms of substance to rebel against constant outpicturing of sameness. Hence as a result of their rebellion there sets in what is known as metal fatigue, the weariness of particles of substance of their continual manifestation within the matrix of a specific object or activity.
When men understand life better they will see that unless the joyous, dancing electrons of which substance is composed were able to express spontaneously the beautiful and perfect ongoingness of God, they could not possibly bear the burden through the millenniums of those undesirable forms and endowments of human consciousness which are such an abomination to the progress of life.
O hearts of light, the shadows of the world are not of God! The fact that they are permitted at all is a manifestation of Law and forward movement. It is ever God’s hope that men will do better, that men will accept the great legacy of life which He has so generously given to all, and that they will restrain themselves from dipping into those cauldrons of seething human emotion which regurgitate upon the screen of life those awful manifestations of pain and hardship which are no part of the reality of God…
Like the pale and pastel morning,
The dawn of life appears to all
Expressing warming;
The shadow of the years In its essence bright and shining/ Contains the strands eternally
That are the substance
Of the morning
Grasping all eternity
Devoted to the fire-mist of creative essence within your heart, I AM Mary Pearl 15:38
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