Friday, April 29, 2022
Soon men everywhere will turn
Soon men everywhere will turn more and more to the advent of love. They will awaken from their long sleep, and they will know that wolves in sheep’s clothing have trifled with the very foundations of their spiritual endeavor and that the manipulators have adulterated universal truth with their carnal reasoning that is incapable of grasping the things of the Spirit. Soon men everywhere will turn more and more to the advent of love….They will see that the crystallized concepts of orthodoxy are a testimony to the work of the evil ones rather than to the teachings of Christ. And in their repudiation of doctrinal error, which need not be violent, but simply a turning-aside to greater light, they will find at last the thundering energies of God speaking in their heart and conscience as from the heights of Sinai and Horeb of old advocating a return to the simple, childlike expression that is the fiat of the golden age: Except ye become as a little child ye cannot enter in.
For the little child that was to lead them proclaimed in later years, “Before Abraham was, I AM,” thus challenging the consciousness of each man and woman to rise a step higher on the stairway of cosmic justice–the justice of the Creator who has lovingly bestowed upon every son and daughter of God the opportunity to become the Christ. For the manchild that was to rule all nations with a rod of iron knew that at a higher level they would discover the abundant consciousness of the Holy City and reunion with the living God through daily awareness of the Christ and the eternal recognition of the Divine Image in all. -Archangel Gabriel: Pearls of Wisdom 15:6
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