Tuesday, April 19, 2022
new wine in new bottles
USE OF WORD “wmpower” IN PEARLS; We Seek to Empower You on the Second Ray Pearl 38:30
the anointing of the prophets by God, chiefly through his Archangels, empowering them for their mission Pearl 37:33
The Lord Has Promised to Empower You Unto all who have kept the flame of the ark of the covenant ...
Pearl 34:32
Empowerment of Christhood Now I, Sanat Kumara, empower you in the name of Lady Master Venus Pearl 29:81
You Are Empowered Pearl 39:28
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his servant-sons, I empower you with the Holy Spirit with which he has empowered me. Pearl 25:31
Let the angels empower you. Do not attempt to empower yourselves, but self-empty and be filled Pearl 38:17 (Gabriel)
I recall the memories of his coming to me, empowering me with his Word. Yet first he humbled me on that road Pearl 20:16
Guru Ma on Office of Messenger
At San Diego in June 1997 or 1998 Guru Ma told the audience that I/we “have separated the Office of Messenger from the executive. The Office of Messenger deals with the ‘what’ and why’; the executive deals with the’how, when, where, who.’”
Since various prominent RTR people claimed that they have the mantles of Messenger—mantles meaning momentum—and use titles like “Spiritual Director”, the issue at stake is this: are they usurpers or did Hierarchy empower them in that way? If Hierarchy empowered them, when was it and exactly who? Now we know that there has been a contest over Mother’s robe for nearly 25 years. It would seem that this should be enough time/space for chelas and RTR staff to sort this issue out. -r, siskiyou county, calif.
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