Tuesday, April 12, 2022
lleavening Europe
Saint Germain has worked very hard to uncover and cut free those souls of light who have emerged to take their place as chelas of the sacred fire. Therefore because these individuals have arisen and have taken an extraordinary responsibility and have had a vision and an awareness of the need of Europe there is a response from Hierarchy. And this is one of the first of many dispensations of the Karmic Board that will be announced to you from time to time. Thus if there are souls who recognize the need to establish coordinates and forcefields, who though they may not be tied by descent or lineage to the nation of Italy but recognize the importance that that very soil has played in the interaction of lifewaves and migrations and war and Roman civilization itself and the Church of Rome that has within its roots also elements of that empire—those who recognize then the need are called in this hour and may apply to the Messenger to “go to Rome” in the words of the Lord “to be crucified again.” For, lo, the Savior goes there. And it is a sacred trust and trysting of the Master and his disciples.
The roots of European discontent can be found in Rome as in Paris, as in Berlin and other capitals. The roots of defiance of Holy Church, the roots of Antichrist—they might as well be tackled there in the very point of many origins of movements against the light of God as anywhere.
Rebellion yet flourishes from those tribes of souls who have embodied, souls who went astray in Venus and therefore came forth to embody in early centuries upon the European continent. Indeed many lifewaves converge there. And the curse of the seed of Lucifer as an inordinate Luciferian pride must be first on the list of invocations when you use the Lord’s Ritual of Exorcism. There is a well-established hierarchy of Nephilim in Europe in governments of nations, in banking-houses and especially in the economies. There is a binding of the people to a tradition that is outworn. And there are levels and layers of substance and records comprising an astral blanket that does indeed hold back the emergent light and resurrection flame from full manifestation in the hearts of the people.
Therefore it is the desire in the heart of the Goddess of Liberty and of Paul the Venetian to dip into the heart of the flame of liberty and the flame of freedom—and how it has been multiplied in America—to take it from the shrine of the Statue of Liberty and Washington Monument maintained in those respective locations by the Goddess of Liberty and Paul the Venetian, and to implant that momentum of light in the European continent—to take back the fruits of God-consciousness established in the New World from the very hearts of those pioneers who left Europe to establish a new flame and a new righteousness on the American continent. Now the children of the light and descendants of those early settlers must return to reinfuse, to reimplant that worn-out soil and that worn-out consciousness with the brilliance of the light of illumination’s flame.
Blessed hearts, there is a sure cure for discouragement and that is light of illumination, illumined action—light on the path, the joy of our holy angels! We are determined to infuse Europe with a new enlightenment, a new flame of peace from Jesus and Gautama, blessed Lords. We are determined that the very light of wisdom shall be upliftment and shall be for the very lifting of the pall of darkness over that land.
Many centuries of the misuse of power in witchcraft and black magic that have come forth in the stories of the Frankenstein monster and of Count Dracula have been a way of life in the inner circles of the black brotherhood. These have created a pall over the crown chakras of the people, thereby engendering an intellectualism and a materialism without the true Spirit of the living Christ….
Blessed hearts, that which is being done in America today against this people is frightening and horrendous indeed. Suffice it to say that continuing activities of the KGB and Soviet Union are an ever-present threat, not only to the freedom of America but to the physical health of her people and to their very sanity. Thus we trust that not by the outbreak of their intent in war itself but by education the people will rise up to challenge and call forth judgment of these fallen ones before their nefarious intent should actually be precipitated.
Thus you can see how hope, sweet hope, is spread abroad through wisdom’s flame. And mighty indeed are those who take up the sword and go forth with the Word and preach the Word of righteousness. For some will hear! some will respond! some will turn back and serve once again the living God!—and some will turn back momentums of fallen ones and prevent similar holocausts from occurring.
Beloved hearts of light, we are ever determined that this decade will be a turning of the tide in many areas of life. Our message then of great light descending—of Paul the Venetian, of the Great Karmic Board and Goddess of Liberty, of the expansion of this light—is to you our offering: dimensions of God- consciousness expanding as a narrow room that becomes a mansion of light.
Beloved, you who cherish the shrines, the cathedrals, the history, the culture of the Great Divine Director in Europe—open up your hearts! Give your life and your full support in abundant measure. For we would this very day open our retreat in Paris if souls of light would offer to be the innkeepers of this shrine of Saint Germain and the Master of Paris. But we begin in Rome—the eternal home of angels, lightbearers—and the citadel of Nephilim. -Archangel Jophiel and Christine: 1-1-1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:12
Realize, precious hearts, that I refer to the reentering into Mother Russia of Lenin himself, protected by international bankers and therefore allowed not merely to destroy individuals bearing the mantle of the house of Romanov but the entire representation of the divine right of kings—the representation of the living Christ within the hearts of those who inherit the mantle of God-government in the nations. -El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl 25:7
And I promise you who have given me your hearts of light that when you feel the physical beating of your heart in your breast, that I, Saint Germain, have added my heartbeat to your own. And you may know that my very breath and heart are pressed to your own in a oneness of worlds.
And I will stand by those who stand by me and by our messengers and our activity until the hour when you are accepted by the Lords of Karma and Serapis Bey for your ascension in the light. As you do not fail me, have not failed me, will not fail me, I, Saint Germain, vow to your hearts of purple fire: I will not fail you, my beloved! [31-second applause]
It matters not to me where you have come from, where you have gone to school, what is your name and your pedigree. It matters not to me except that you love freedom and that you are a part of my eternal heart.
I extend to you the personal friendship of my hand and heart of the ages. And I do not extend that friendship lightly, and I never have. For to give friendship is to give one’s life. For I know the meaning of friend, as Christ has always taught: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
You have been my friends, for you have been my disciples indeed. You have been my friends, you who have kept the flame week upon week upon week. And thus freedom has been held and totalitarian movements have been checked.
Now let us multiply, let us increase by Holy Spirit the quality and manifestation of the sons of God—quality in the sense of multiplication of the very virtue already enshrined in your hearts, in many souls who love freedom and can learn to love her more as they understand the cosmic sense of the Word by your dear hearts. …
Now let all in Earth who love freedom recognize that God’s power is delivered unto true hearts of freedom in this hour. And those who cannot receive it will receive it by your calls to violet flame in their name.
Send prayers to God in the language of these ones, those of you who speak it. Then give your violet flame calls in their name in English. And call with all of the fervor of your love and that of the blessed ascended master Igor, beloved, that these souls will journey on the thread of your heart, the thread of Gautama’s threefold flame back to the source of your own decrees. Let them assemble on the etheric plane. And from that point let them direct also with your reinforcement violet flame into the four lower bodies where they live and reside in their home countries. Let them come and gather with you out of their bodies in sleep, by your call and Cosmic Christ-command in my name and in the name of Maitreya.
Let these souls begin the inner work with you at inner levels. For I have drawn them to the Grand Teton this night, and they sit in serious conclave with Gautama Buddha. And they have given pause to hear me speak and to watch the wondrous phenomenon of the communication from our octave with those in physical embodiment.
And they realize at the etheric level—to which some of these peoples of Eastern Europe and Mother Russia have been drawn for the very first time while out of their bodies— that they may make great advances at inner levels in the heart of America, which is truly still the heart of freedom to Earth. And therefore there is renewed hope! For by the cosmic mirror and the screen before them they see exactly what you are about in the physical octave. And therefore they seek to narrow the gap between the etheric octave and their own physical plight in their home nations, and they will do so.
And by the decree of your heart and the call which is a dispensation from the ascended masters you have the authority to make the call whereby unascended souls may join you in giving of dynamic decrees. And you will notice the presence of these with you by a certain heaviness at first, and you will feel the weight of Eastern Europe and their physical and mental consciousness. And therefore you will begin to increase violet flame, and you will know when you are giving enough of that flame to assist them in transmuting what has accumulated in their four lower bodies from the oppression that has been upon these nations since the very turn of the century and the Soviet Bolshevik Revolution.
Understand therefore that I, Saint Germain, have taken the liberty flame of this day and the liberty of your hearts’ devotion to me to seek this dispensation prior to asking you in the physical octave for your permission to allow me to do this in your presence. And therefore I ask you this night: Will you receive the blessed presence of the hearts of freedom fighters in their souls—in their finer bodies—with you in your Saint Germain services? [Audience responds: “Yes!” (28-second standing ovation)]
I knew I could count on you, beloved hearts. And therefore, this is the nature of friendship. It is a sacred trust.
And so, Mr. Andropov, Mr. Yuri, we will scale the Berlin Wall! We will ignore you! You will not keep us out or in. We will have free traffic around the world. And the souls of light will come to America and you will not detain them by any means. And the souls of America will also now walk the streets of the cities and towns of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, for these are specifically selected, the Warsaw Pact nations. And when this has been accomplished, beloved hearts, effectively as I have determined and deliberated with the Lords of Karma we will tackle other areas of Earth. But for the moment the armies of light, the compatriots, the karmic ties, the twin flames of Eastern Europeans and Russians are a part even of a karmic circle of ancient interaction of your souls. And these individuals will form the greatest and the best army of light.
And thus we shall infuse new hope by violet flame. And simultaneously when this new hope is felt and fire of freedom we must give these blessed souls a way out of the death consciousness of the Church of Rome and of the Communist state and of the various paths of Socialism that all lead to the same death. For death by any other name is still death. And every tentacle of World Socialism is yet a part of that which pulls mankind under and does not exalt him to the Shekhinah glory.
In the name of the freedom flame, please be seated. And what of Central and South America? Let us collapse the inner matrix while there is time. For you see, it only exists in time. And when time is no longer, many inner structures of maya will collapse. It is not done, for there are precious hearts yet locked into time and space by the cycles of their karma. How we long to shorten the days of transmutation for the elect. We would pluck the daisies in the field. We cannot, we are bound by karmic law. My son prayed: Preserve them from the Evil One. O Sanat Kumara, let the circle be drawn around each lightbearer. [13-second pause] Have you noticed, blessed hearts, that when keepers of the flame worldwide place their attention on certain conditions, the relentless tide of light forces the most recalcitrant or deadly poisonous or lethal conditions to simply give way as a giant mudslide, to slide into the sea of light?
The question before the Chief and the Commander in Chief is where best to direct and channel the energies of lightbearers. And even to you sometimes it has become confusing. ….
A tyrant is a tyrant is a tyrant, beloved hearts. If one lives in your breast unchallenged, it might as well be in the macrocosmic sense the world tyrants. The inroads to your lifestream from deadly forces of outer space and even beneath the earth have been discussed, but these are not retained because they are too unreal and remote—except of course when you are burdened and no other call will give answer except for binding of spacecraft of the Nephilim gods that still seek to overturn the human race and to control all movements of peoples and of their minds toward freedom.
Thus I desire to see in the year that we chart from summer solstice to summer solstice truly a new birth of freedom in your hearts from the worst enemy—your own subconscious. Finding oneself free of these shackles I assure you in the name of Christ Jesus that you will know a freedom and a power and a new dimension of the Holy Ghost that you have not seen or wielded before.
All of you have so much more light going for you that I must say, if it were not for the very nature of the illusion of the dweller—its longevity, habit patterns and endowment with importance by yourself—it could be bound and cast out in divine order swiftly and with dispatch.
I would take you then to a place I call Freedom’s Star. It is the point of the etheric matrix and actual etheric manifestation of the perfection that planet Earth ought to become and must one day be.
Freedom’s Star is a home of light that already exists. A few of you have journeyed there with me at inner levels. But this night in my love, in our friendship and in consequence of those things which we have determined to do, I take one and all in the basket of the giant balloon of my causal body to that place that is a place of respite and retreat for me and the legions of freedom—Freedom’s Star that Earth shall become. And this etheric place, when Earth has risen to its vibration, will become congruent with the planet. Much as when your soul rises to the level of your own Christ Self, the two will become one.
Here we shall continue our seminar on freedom and the understanding of the strategies of war and peace. And we shall examine with K-17 and Lanello those conditions that bear and deserve our attention on Earth.
I have promised to seal you each one physically. And I do so by a new and simple method. Having thus charged these daisy faces (called mums perhaps for the Queen Mother) with violet flame throughout this session and by your own power of decrees, I ask simply that the fire of my being be transmitted to your own forehead as our Communion servers pluck a single petal or leaf from these plants until all may receive that one focus and hold it to the third eye. And through it I promise you the alchemy of my physical touch.
Now with eyes closed receive a sending which I pass through the Messenger directly to your heart. [14-second intonation]
Following your partaking of the flame flower of my heart, our servers will offer those who did not receive the wafer of Sanat Kumara, the blest wafer from this day through the hand of Libertyfrom his heart, and the wine. Please take this initiation but once in a lifetime. [13-second pause] I pause in the great inbreath of Alpha as He receives unto His heart in this moment one who has ascended this day from planet Earth.,,,We count every ascension from this Earth to be a part of the reward of every keeper of the flame who has kept that flame of freedom and violet fire for those moving onward.
At a certain point in their evolution, beloved hearts, those working for the ascension at inner levels while yet in physical embodiment must come in their etheric body to our embodied Messengers, to our halls of learning, to our Summit University, our sanctuary and our decree sessions to participate and to make necessary advancement to prepare to ascend from inner levels. This is done by the direction of Alpha that they may know how much I have loved thee, that lightbearers of Earth in every plane may understand that the dispensation of Aquarius is that this teaching, physically manifest in the outer court, freely given to all, is available to souls evolving in every octave. No tyrant, no enemy, no betrayer of the light can stop this forward movement and onward evolution!
Let those who seek to destroy, as did the servant Saul of Tarsus, now be converted in the fullness of the Christ-flame and walk in the footsteps of the apostle Paul. I call you to the tutoring of heart of ministering servant. And I trust that those for whom it is appropriate, those who feel the fire of soul and heart, will respond ere they leave the Inner Retreat to enter into that formal training to be so blessed and so sealed.
In the name of the World Teachers. I salute you and I touch you forever with the flame of God-justice. Great Cosmic Light, come forth and blaze here! Angelic hosts, come forth and blaze thy mighty light rays through these thy people!
Angels of Saint Germain and El Morya, come forth and blaze the will of God and power of transmutation, in the holy name of freedom, through this place and out into the world of form until everyone upon Earth feels a great release of the pressure of that substance known as sin and human discord from their worlds!
Erase and erase and erase the memory—cause, effect and power—of these conditions from their beings, and let them enter the new world with a clean slate, wiped clean this night by the power of violet flame!
O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame! In the name of God, in the name of God, in the name of God! O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame! O Violet Flame!
Flood the world! and flood the world! and flood the world!
In the I AM name, in the I AM name, in the I AM name! Peace and Peace and Peace be spread throughout Earth! May the Orient express Peace, May the Occident express Peace, May Peace come from the East and go to the West,
come from the North and go to the South and circle the world around!
May the swaddling garments of Earth be in place to magnify the Lord in this day and hour and this night. May the world abide in an aura of God-peace!
-Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1983 at RTR, MT, Pearl 48:43
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