Monday, April 4, 2022
light descend to utterly devour and eliminate ongoing war
-Saint Germain, Serapis Bey, Shiva, Kristine
We have anchored our flame of Wesak through the Messenger in the City of New York, in the city of London—twin cities of the all-seeing Eye of God holding the vigil of the watch of Atlantis to rise again—rising again for the judgment, for transmutation and for rising of souls, themselves buried in the cataclysm, buried in debris of records of centuries of their personal and planetary karma.
One of the great tragedies in the sinking of that continent was the very burying of souls in records that in this age must be transmuted ere these souls that were a part of that civilization may rise. …Therefore this hour of turning and of the Dark Cycle does represent acceleration of Atlantean karma throughout the planetary body, placing especially a burden upon the nations in America, the British Isles and then in Europe; for these lifewaves living on the very shores of Atlantis are those most closely connected with her past.
Now then it is the culture of the Mother that predates Atlantis, going back to pre-Lemurian golden ages, that does descend, does provide the key through the Holy Kumaras for acceleration of transmutation and judgment.
My message to you concerning the returning of cycles of karma of Atlantis should also tell you that approaching the twelve-year cycle of the Dark Cycle there is a setting back and a going back farther and farther into the records of Earth of that darkness. And there has been a coming to the fore of all records more recent than those of Atlantis. Therefore one can anticipate what sort of records are coming upon the children of Earth—the civilizations of mechanization man and of fallen ones that were prevalent in those days as well as all manner of misuse of sacred fire. These things have been coming upon Earth now for a number of decades and in some areas even for centuries.
Now let my coming in this Wesak be remembered as the announcement that the point of uncovering of vast records of Atlantis is at hand and that much transmutation can and, I am certain, shall be done by dedicated Keepers of the Flame: that if you desire to stop ungodly manipulation of life in all of its manifest forms in Earth, you must tackle these ancient records and call for judgment of fallen Atlanteans—key individuals working under the Watchers who in their own hearts conspired for the murder of sons of light in so many ways of manipulation.
Understanding this you can observe, measure for measure, parallel conditions in the antediluvian society with those of today.…
Lo, I AM the Lord of the World sealing you now in that third eye, widening the place of the cosmic cross of whitefire, opening channels of the very depths of consciousness, opening the very deep—allowing then rising, tempered rising of sacred fire from the heart of Earth and sending my legions for binding those fallen ones in the pit, for binding those conditions of those forms, astral forms within that pit. -Gautama Buddha, via Messenger ECP on Wesak 1980, Pearl 23:43
I am talking about the fact that throughout the world many of you and your children have the capacity for far greater achievements in the fields of science, engineering, art, design, architecture and in the understanding of all that must go forward in a new civilization. That new civilization is being created again, as it were, in the sense that Atlantis is rising. -Three Wise Menm via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 9, 1998 at San Diego, Pearl 41:36
Let us then speak of the New Atlantis. Let us speak of the rising of continents. Let us speak of the rising of souls, the rising of magnificent temples and of the City Foursquare within you.
I say, let all that opposes this dictation and my flame on Earth be put to naught and go down. Roll back! Roll back! Roll back! and let the fire of freedom now blaze! -Saint Germain: 12-8-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP, Pearl 20:45
The New Atlantis rising is rising! And because it rises there is a requirement of alchemy, of transmutation, as well as tuning in to the original blueprint of golden-age civilization ordained for that continent, betrayed by black magicians and scientists who were the fallen ones, misusing sacred alchemy and even some of the steps they had learned that came forth from the retreat of Zadkiel….
Yes, Atlantis is rising with all of her karma. Thus we greet her with oceans and oceans of violet flame that she must pass through! Happy are ye to receive the Word of an archangel. Happy am I to be with you in this celebration of the Christ Mass and the ushering in of a new year. -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 30, 1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:7
Beloved ones, for dissolution of astral forms and vortices you have developed a momentum in giving your calls to Astrea. Now I will tell you that as a master of invocation on Atlantis I was shown by my great mentor how the invocation of light and release of fohat could dissolve not only astral impurities and thoughtforms and records in the subconscious of a planet but also lethal weapons already physical and their effects of mass destruction. Thus you have been told that concentrated energy of violet flame could dissolve incoming warheads.
We would rather see the fullness of light descend to utterly devour and eliminate ongoing war; but if we are to [call forth this dispensation], beloved, you must understand that you must become as initiates of Serapis Bey. And if you do not feel equal to that posture and calling, then you must know that [at the very least] your invocation must be constant to seraphim of God to place their presence over you, each one, and to [sustain it] twenty-four hours a day. For in place of your own rising to the occasion the overshadowing [of angelic hosts] and placing [over you] of the Electronic Presence of many beings of light become answer [to a pressing need of the hour]. -Lanello: on October 5, 1989 via Messenger ECP at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:49
You see, at this moment you are not all [entirely] tethered to the etheric body because of rents in the garments of lower vehicles. That etheric body is the deathless solar body. It is now become a part of thy Christ Self—that higher manifestation of it. And if you would avail yourself of its complete enfoldment and protection, you must anchor in light and raise that light and know the meaning of the burning of sacred fire in the spine and in chakras, burning debris and rising, rising, rising until literally the crown itself is on fire. …
Beloved ones, these things are not merely on the drawing board. These experiments are being conducted and they are a living fact of today. Realize then that one of the causes for the Flood and sinking of Atlantis was combining of these genes in such a horrendous manner as to create half-man/half-goat creatures, et cetera. And these things became proliferated to such an extent that the very wombs of women were used as experimental laboratories foe bringing forth of all kinds of grotesque creatures. And the hour is coming in Earth when, through absence of the standard of Christ mind, women shall be offering their bodies in all manner of foul experimentation.
-Jesus and Magda, via Messengers M & E Prophet on December 7, 1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 27:62
Therefore let those who see the seriousness of the hour appeal to the great God-star, to Surya and Cuzco to strip America of selfishness, to strip the West Coast and East Coast of records of fallen ones and the fall of Mu and Atlantis, which also fell by selfishness that became wickedness and perversion of God through Satanism. Let all of that be stripped from Earth by the action of the Mighty Blue Eagle!
Let those who come to the altar for the teaching realize that unless they keep the momentum of their adorations and invocations there will be such a setback to Hierarchy on Terra that it will be impossible to regain that ground of light which has been lost by their failure, by their selfishness. We must have chelas who are ongoing, forward moving, upward rising, rising higher and higher! For to cleanse and purify this planet there must be acceleration, intensification; and therefore [pounds podium] we count on every chela we have trained from the very first, laying the foundation for all who come after.
Let all realize that every heart who is one with the heart of ascended masters is a part of this mighty, invincible, indomitable spiral of light that is rising from the physical plane of Mater to greet the light of God that is descending. It is by this spiral, this intensity of light and action and truth and living for God that there is connection of heaven and earth. And it takes a greater and greater intensity because of greater and greater levels of selfishness that come out of the subconscious of people to lull them to sleep with that animal magnetism of the senses. And therefore the more that is transmuted the greater the spiral must be to keep back that wall of water that threatens to inundate even the physical plane as it comes from the astral–and it is the water of darkness and of night! -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet atColorado Springs on March 7, 1976, Pearls of Wisdom 20:49
Out of the original etheric blueprint of Adam Kadmon you were made—made in the image and likeness of God. There may be other evolutions and other creations, beloved, but it is the sons and daughters of God who have the Mighty I AM Presence, who have the Christ with them always and who have sacred fire rising—rising from the base of the spine to the crown chakra out of whitefire, Malkhut/Shekhinah.
Yes, beloved, the rising sacred fire is for life and for healing! Therefore I come to bind those entities who have lodged themselves within your cells and within your four lower bodies almost as co-dependents with you. This day I say, shake them loose! Cast them out with me now as I say: in the name of my Father Maitreya I demand liberation of these souls and bodies and minds and hearts!…
Yes, Christhood is the call. I come to call you to your Christhood, for you were Christs long ago when you were with me on Atlantis. You had balanced 51 percent of your karma and more, and yet dark ages ensued in which there was not a flicker of light or hope but only darkness, beloved. -Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 25, 1994 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 37:48
Thus, beloved, the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given freely are a specific transfer, a quickening and a knowledge unto those who had them 35,000 years ago in the golden age of Atlantis and in many centuries prior to that; for those souls had been with Jesus long before the fullness of their time came in that golden age….
Others who are newer souls, coming more recently to Earth, know Jesus only in the more modern sense of the word and they are frightened by ancient mysteries and power of the I AM THAT I AM. They know not intonation of the Word and are not familiar with the sounds that were heard in the temples of Atlantis. Thus decreeing to them is anathema. They see it as devil worship and they fear even the sight of Lord Shiva [whom they perceive] as some ancient god that rivals “their Jesus.”…
Thus [you see] the movements of Chaldeans and black priests of Atlantis come again to snuff out the true path of Saint Germain and Jesus Christ. They come to turn the people against that path, and the people unwittingly follow them and know not that in following them they are again rejecting the mighty one of old, the living Jesus Christ, the great emperor of the golden age of Atlantis.…
That is not to say however that the individual who does choose to continue to squander that light in lasciviousness and all manner of lust is free of the karma of so doing, for light belongs to God: it is descending light of Alpha and rising light of Omega.
-Ascended Master Ernon, Rai of Suern (ancient India), via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 13, 1991 at New Orleans, Pearl 34:61
Beloved, lay down your life for God, for flame in the heart and God in manifestation—not for the human consciousness. You were not sent to be a doormat for the lower order of darkness and its denizens. Yea, indeed, I have sent you forth bearers of wisdom’s flame in the name of Mother Liberty who does hold the torch of illumination as the sign and figure of the path of initiation under the Divine Mother for all who enter this territory of North America—beloved ones, it is an ancient gate of Atlantis, this harbor where the statue has been placed.
Remember well that the Temple of the Sun, containing the focuses of the twelve hierarchies thereof, is also dedicated to the restoration of illumination’s flame, even as is the Royal Teton Retreat.
Truly it is the age of Woman, which means that in ye all the Mother- flame is rising. Beloved, when this flame does rise it is as though continents were rising and others were sinking. There is no force so great to be encountered or dealt with as the force of the Mother’s appearing. This is a power of resurrection flame rising through the body of individual lightbearers and from the Sun of Even Pressure in the heart of Earth.
The choice is made plain. Discover the wave of light from the Central Sun. Find the rising pillar of resurrection’s flame from the heart of the Mother and ride it to the crown of Life, else be cast adrift upon the shore because thou hast lost the movement of the wave and timing of cycles….
The Solar Logoi have decreed this Earth shall not go down into lower levels of squandering of light of God again. There is an impelling to move forward. And you have seen in past ages (though you would suppress the memory, it is there) that consequences of ignoring the Solar Logoi and the fiats of God can only bring imminent, imminent cataclysm, I say, as when Lemuria sank and Atlantis—and remember Pompeii.…
There is a portion of Earth, and much of it is in Western civilization, that is careening down and down to its self-destruction. Many of the degradations that come out of most enlightened nations of Earth are worse than that which took place in the very last days of Atlantis before the flood of Noah. -Archangel Jophiel, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 24, 1986 in Vancouver, B.C., Pearl 29:53
-Diana of the fire element
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