Friday, April 22, 2022
Children of the light!
It is an hour for vigilance in God. My angels hover near, for I AM Gabriel of the dawn of your Christhood.
Nevertheless, beloved, if there be darkness of this world surrounding thee, it is thou who must in this hour pierce the gloom, pierce the night and by the cross of whitefire cast out the deviltry that would separate you from our ministrations.
This is my message of co-measurement to you: those who desire to save and to be saved must renew themselves in the equation of God. By the mathematics of light universes are being born, suns are dying and exploding in a new birth. Know then that this day and date is for you a place of opportunity to expand a sphere of light….
Uriel, my brother, has opened the door. I come then to hold it open and therefore to stand in the way of fallen ones who would enter your house and temple and prevent the Lord’s Day and the victory that is upon you.
In the name of the Holy of Holies, angels of Gabriel, descend into this room! I command thee, in our Lord. In the name of the Almighty One, seraphim, descend! Let there be a stripping then of false theology and false religion. And let each and every soul be comforted neath her great God Self.
Descend, O light! Pierce then that which is not aright. Make strong, O Uzziel, the fragile sheath of the soul. Strengthen, O God, those who know the truth and must step now not gingerly but with rhythm and light and determination of the armies of the Lord into the position of being truth.
Some mistake familiarity with our music, our name, our love-light and the color bands we serve with an internalization of the Word that in fact has not occurred….
Know this, call then for we respond when you speak in the name Jesus Christ and of the Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self.
Many of you are beset by tangled vines, jungled substance and require much work of the legions of light to disentangle you from the anti-Mother forces abroad in this world, beginning with war and manipulation of the abundant life and of technology. Thus the violations of the body of the Mother are rampant. These are only the beginning—outcroppings of a soul compromised yet affecting that soul from without.
I speak then of your responsibility to keep open the way of passage of my angels who hover near. If you do not open the channels and highways of your being, my angels, though standing a foot from you, may not disarm the demons or bind them.
Thus the call compels the answer.
Simple truths—but I speak to Keepers of the Flame and new students of the light. One and all have neglected the call to God. There was a long period of darkness in the Earth when no one called upon the Lord. But with the birth of the mighty Seth, then men began to call upon the name of the Lord. Blessed be him, Sanat Kumara, Ancient of Days, I AM THAT I AM.
The sacred name of Mary, of Astrea, of Elohim carries God to your heart. Only whisper it and you begin the process of building a coil of light for which my angels wait
thereby to establish the tie and enter and bind the adversary hour by hour.
The chief enemies of mankind that are physical today are those who come in spacecraft as fallen angels and robotic creations, looking much like flesh-and-blood humans or aliens. These have manipulated the race long before the race had identity in God, having lost it through neglect of the God- flame. Thus Earth has been subject to the prowlings of these beings who have raped her body and her mind.
Understand that enemies that are physical yet unseen are deadly. And they use all manner of technology in disobedience to God; their time is short but in their time they cause much destructivity. This is the root of planetary hypnosis—the blinding of the minds, the hypnotic spells that cause the people of Earth to be nonresponsive to the call of the Great White Brotherhood and the Ascended Masters or to the dangers at hand magnified by fallen angels at every level.
Thus, beloved, there is a Fraternity of Light. And the saints robed in white are called the Great White Brotherhood. It is why we tarry with Earth, why the Archangels are present and angelic hosts. For the lightbearers under the net of such magnetic fields created out of the misuse of God’s energy have no hope of life or endurance without our protection.
The calls made by Keepers of the Flame daily sustain our angels in the protection of every lightbearer, seed of Christ, every son of God on Earth. Without the protection of angels at the physical level protectin mind and heart, the Earth today should have already passed through a period of annihilation not seen in many tens of thousands of years.
Do not underestimate the call nor the dedication of those who have perceived the power of dynamic decree to open the physical octave as one would open a trapdoor of a giant cylinder whereby many angels can descend to defend your life and health at the cellular level.
Blessed ones, it is more than a miracle, it is cosmic science that does allow you to continue to walk the Earth in the joys of life that you yet experience. Therefore to Keepers of the Flame who rise daily with the Sun to make invocation on behalf of all children of God upon Earth, I say, God-gratitude from the Great Central Sun to your blessed hearts. Gratitude from souls who are not aware in the outer but know on inner planes that your love and constancy, faithfulness and knowledge of the science in which you are engaged is truly efficacious in saving many, many in the Earth.
Blessed ones, I bring to your attention, then, that even as you must keep open the highway of God into your aura and life, so there are some souls of light so caught in the grips of Death and Hell through the plagues upon the Earth—not only disease but drugs, rock music and the squandering of light—that I ask you to make renewed effort with intensity to give your calls for the rescue of true lightbearers who by one mode or another or karmic entanglement find themselves struggling in situations from which there is no escape without your intercession in prayer—in planetary exorcism.
There are those who are victims in psychiatric hospitals in the USSR. There are those in the schoolhouses of America who because they are labeled “hyperactive” are also drugged. There are those then who are conditioned to discarnates and demon possession; and in this possession, beloved, they are removed from the mainstream of life.
Blessed ones, these cry out. And their souls will indeed be lost by a combination two-pronged of chemicals as well as the forces of Death and Hell. When the mind can no longer think to defend itself, so beset by bombardments of the media or nicotine or drugs, blessed ones, the choice not to be that comes about is still a choice. And because that choice involves a letting go of God and angels and light, thus a soul may be lost.
There are many in the world today who are considered beyond help in the medical profession and by all professionals. There are some who consider themselves or their situation beyond help. You may wonder how a lightbearer could commit suicide. You may wonder how it could come to pass that a lightbearer could be aborted in the womb. Yet decisions are made. And when there is no connection and no opening to the angelic hosts we are forbidden to act or to enter.
Only by the call made from the physical octave may we enter to rescue life, for the law of free will remains the keynote of the path of initiation and the soul’s ascent to God. Moreover, souls demanded and were given free will; therefore our Father has kept His covenant.
We are desirous of seeing that at this Eastertide (with the approach of the Dark Cycle coming on the twelve/six axis of Capricorn and Cancer on the cosmic clock) you will look at the perspective of some who are without hope and yet who began with such bright hope in the heart of the Divine Mother. May you ask the Father and call to legions of light to rescue these hopeless. For their hands reach out and they pray but they have no one’s hand to clutch but your own.
Blessed ones, I come with encouragement. For as so many have been saved, the Archangels who have met in conference deliberating our messages to you during this class have agreed one and all that we ought to encourage you further to rescue those for whom Mother Mary cares, those who would be otherwise lost in this era.
If you are new to the path, you have discovered in this hour, beloved, just how much God needs you and God in the heart of an angel needs your certain command, your word. For we are the armies of [assigned to] the sons and daughters of God and we go to do His will in answer to your call.
When your commands are in keeping with that will and consecrated to it there is unerring assistance. When the battle is thick and intense and the hordes of hell rise up against the light then is when the continuity of decrees with intensity, the giving of prayer vigils by the hour gives us fresh reinforcement and light from your causal body.
It is from your bank of light that we must receive dispensations. Not all may come from God or the Central Sun, beloved. For you realize that as men have sinned and taught others to sin the responsibility for rectifying that wrong rests with those who are in embodiment.
Let it be then, beloved, that those who come away from this class of Christ’s Resurrection in You shall remember always and follow the motto “I AM my brother’s keeper.” The opportunity to be an elder brother and sister to millions is at hand. In an hour of death and dying nihilism and desecration of the body of the Mother in all of Her children, I say to you, each and every one, it has never been more urgent for you to keep the flame of Life until those for whom it is kept may themselves respond and confirm Life with all of the determination and power of God that is theirs to call forth.
Owe come to intercede! We would buy time and space that souls might be saved. This is our prayer as we kneel before the Lord God Almighty in your behalf in this hour. May you also kneel in this moment, beloved. [congregation kneels] I ask you to implore the Father, for your prayer does count much in the Earth.
And therefore, blessed Mary, thou Mediatrix of God, do now bring these prayers for opportunity for time and space to save the nations—bring them to the Father intensified and magnified by your heart.
O beloved Father, these Thy sons and daughters kneel in fervent imploring to sparethenhis nation and the Earth, at least until the lightbearers can be rescued and found. Hear them now, O our beloved Father. [congregation unites in silent prayer]
Now, beloved, the courts of heaven are opened. And your perpetual prayer throughout this class shall be heard and weighed at the Court of Sacred Fire.
As I raise my arms to give you the blessing of an Archangel, know then that this place is filled with angels of light. Angels of the white light flutter and fill the space. They come to drench you with the light of heaven’s altars that in you the world might know that there is hope.
I seal your auras, beloved, that not one erg of light may be misqualified or taken from you. Receive it then.
O thou Christ of each one, seal this light. O legions, protect them always.
I AM Gabriel, thy fellow servant. Rise in the flame of your God.
I direct light to the heart of each one to clear the chamber, to lift from you burdens of the heart, to expand the capacity to love! O expand, heart chakras! Those who love light, Keepers of the Flame, expand now!
I AM Gabriel! And I am as determined as thou art and as thou wilt allow it in this year to expand this capacity of the heart to love and to love and to love God in all whom you meet—to so love God that you will understand that in your heart is a flame and the flame is the presence of Christ. And for him and through him in this world you must know the meaning of being a world savior.
Be then the Christ! By love and only love cast out sin and all deviltry and witchcraft and all Death. O speak to my youth and children and bring them to the fount of self-knowledge. Rescue them, I implore you! My angels will come in numberless numbers to assist you.
They are the future of this land, yet how weary they are, how weary. How can the youth of an age be so bowed down and yet so surfeited in pleasure?
I AM an Archangel! I hurl now my mighty flame from my flaming sword! And I hurl now that sword Excalibur! O thou mighty one, go forth! Cut free my own.
It is my call made physical through this vessel that allows me to count also for the call of Earth that compels the answer. Be thou now the willing vessel of a determined love that shall rescue my children.
O beloved, my love shall never, never leave thee. Do not leave thy God. We are one. -Archangel Gabriel, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Holy Thursday, April 16, 1987 at Dallas, Pearls of Wisdom 30:12
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