Saturday, April 30, 2022
applying numerology to a certain case
numerology of nore words:
tyrant, schism, Duffy, ubvert, Icarus, hope, unity, mantram =26.
orthodoxy, negligence,
invincible, contortions,
invulnerable; Peter Duffy, destiny not dust = 54.
Neroli Duffy (37+26), covert takeover (29+34) =63.
high priestess =72; self-justification =72;
self-empowerment =72.
Gautama Buddha in his 1975 Qyiety Comes the Buddha Pearl set used numeroloy in one Pearl.
Numerology like palmistry, like I Ching is a science. Chohan, destiny, purge, soundness, unmoved, science—each comes to 31. Camelot, truth—each comes to 24. Take 24. This is 3x8 or it is 4x6. A master said 6 is an incomplete 8 (in terms of upper loop to the symbol). Take 36—which is 4x9 or 6x6. Reality comes to 36. Interesting, I think. Kuthumi comes to 31. a=1, b=2, j=1, k=2. Mantram is singular of mantra. -R, Siskiyou County, California, 4-30-2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
Soon men everywhere will turn
Soon men everywhere will turn more and more to the advent of love. They will awaken from their long sleep, and they will know that wolves in sheep’s clothing have trifled with the very foundations of their spiritual endeavor and that the manipulators have adulterated universal truth with their carnal reasoning that is incapable of grasping the things of the Spirit. Soon men everywhere will turn more and more to the advent of love….They will see that the crystallized concepts of orthodoxy are a testimony to the work of the evil ones rather than to the teachings of Christ. And in their repudiation of doctrinal error, which need not be violent, but simply a turning-aside to greater light, they will find at last the thundering energies of God speaking in their heart and conscience as from the heights of Sinai and Horeb of old advocating a return to the simple, childlike expression that is the fiat of the golden age: Except ye become as a little child ye cannot enter in.
For the little child that was to lead them proclaimed in later years, “Before Abraham was, I AM,” thus challenging the consciousness of each man and woman to rise a step higher on the stairway of cosmic justice–the justice of the Creator who has lovingly bestowed upon every son and daughter of God the opportunity to become the Christ. For the manchild that was to rule all nations with a rod of iron knew that at a higher level they would discover the abundant consciousness of the Holy City and reunion with the living God through daily awareness of the Christ and the eternal recognition of the Divine Image in all. -Archangel Gabriel: Pearls of Wisdom 15:6
Guideline h1
Guideline h1
1. Archeia Mary: “Surrender to what? To the immaculate heart, the diamond heart and the sacred heart.”
2. Gautama Buddha—the middle way of 8fold path
3. Sir Francis Bacon’ “principles of government— religion, counsel, treasury, justice.”
4. Motto of the Brotherhood—“To know, to dare, to do and to be silent.”
5.Confucius (at S.U.): :Remember mountain, tree, river, bird.”
6. Summit Lighthouse motto: “The way of overcoming is the path of initiation.”
7. Nqda: “Remember, perspective is the key to self-mastery.”
8. Archangel Gabriel (1991): “Do not empower yourselves.”
Thursday, April 28, 2022
to remind you of the inner calling
Enter ye then at the strait gate. For there is a broad and a narrow way: There is a broad way that leadeth to destruction, and there is the narrow way of the disciplines of the path of discipleship.
Come, then, unto me as unto the Lord Christ, for I speak to you as one who does succor the weary, heal those who mourn, quicken those who have been dead, and return joy to those who have been sorrowful too long. Beloved hearts, we see and we know and we understand the burden. And by Love, burdens can be healed.
Remember, then, that there is a partnership to be had with the archangels of God—that there is a cooperation and a working together shoulder to shoulder for the Victory. There are things which must be done, beloved, by you—which only you can do. But these things are not an hard saying. They are, in the purity of the Word, that which all can follow; for they come by the Holy Spirit.
And that sharper-than-the-two-edged-sword comes to you, beloved, by my hand. For I, too, stand to cut you free with the Divine Mother from those unseen forces, entities, and discarnates that invade the body with disease and the mind with all forms of insanity. Beloved ones, all things are not the mere product of chemistry or biochemistry within the body, but there do come to pass in the lives of individuals those effects of past causes set in motion.
Thus the Lord God spoke to Malachi. And it was I, the Archangel Gabriel, who came to him to deliver that word of the judgment and of the coming of the messenger John the Baptist who would go before the Lord Christ.
You are also messengers of your God Presence. And we have sent to you that Messenger to remind you of the inner calling of the priesthood of Melchizedek. Thus there is the dividing of the way of those who wait upon the Lord and those who do not. And in their failure and in their absence they are not content to leave well enough alone but they must persecute, they must gainsay, they must put down those who have become the devotees of love.
It has always been thus, beloved ones. For the ruby ray does go forth and those who are confounded by their own anger against the Light or their own dishonesty or wickedness—these, beloved hearts, receive returned unto themselves tenfold the judgment of their evil words and works.
This judgment of God, as the law of karma, is written [on] page after page of scripture in the Old and New Testament. But because the word karma is not used, thus they deny the universal law of reciprocity, the universal law of retribution, and the universal law of the resurrection of the sons and daughters of God.
But the Lord has pronounced it. And he has sent me on missions from the Great Central Sun to many homes of Light and systems of worlds where I have come to speak to evolutions concerning their going out of the way of the central light of the I AM THAT I AM.
It is with a cyclic regularity, by the progressions of the sun centers of these systems, that the archangels return to the scene of their [the evolutions’] incarnations. We descend from the Central Sun and we deliver, therefore, to lifewaves the mandate of the will of God, of purposeful living in the ways of righteousness.
And through prophets and messengers and avatars and saints, we have proclaimed a path of the resurrection by the ascension flame, by the spirit of the resurrection, and by the raising up of the Divine Mother. Thus to honor the feminine ray of God is to salute the Shekinah glory that is radiating even now from the flame of the ark of the covenant.
Hear then the Word of Yahweh unto the false priests and pastors and those who do not tryjustice in the marts and courts of the world. Let the flame of the sword of the angel—the angel with the flaming sword—be thrust now into the very ground of this planetary home! And the Lightbearers do rally for the Light. And let those who would turn the tide toward darkness be stopped in their way by this flaming sword ere civilizations and continents face the conditions of earthquake and darkness that have been predicted.
It is self-predicted by mankind’s karma, who have refused to accept accountability. Nevertheless, the ignorance of the Law is no help but rather the hindrance on the path to union with God.
Beloved ones, there are experts in all fields of human knowledge. But there are many across the board who consider themselves already “experts” in the path of that true religion that does restore man’s relationship to God through the Mediator of the Universal Christ. Therefore, inasmuch as there are so many experts in the fields of theology, philosophy, and psychology, let me come to clear then the jungle and the babble of voices to tell you that the most direct route and the only route to the very center of the heart of God is by the path of the ruby ray, by the path of love—the love that first embodies the cup of kindness, of compassion, and of charity and moves on to a love of discipleship and self-discipline that can hold the balance to be the friend of Christ on earth.
Beloved ones, many fail the test of being the friend of Christ. For to know him as friend is to know him in the intimate contact of the day-to-day manifestations of ordinary life. All who wear the human form must go through the human condition. This is no detraction from sainthood. Nor is it, therefore, the mark of the sinner. But all who pass through this octave must be reduced to the same common denominator of the body of flesh—[and] inherent in it, its desires and basic needs. Beloved ones, all begin at the beginning with this base and common factor. Yet some rise and some fall by the burdens that beset them.
Beloved ones, not because of but in spite of and beyond the lesser self is the transcendent life known. Yet so long as the soul has need of the body, so then all walk as “men” and “women” until the hour of the transfiguration. And when that transfiguration is come, then the Son of man contains an extraordinary light that is the power of the etheric body and of the I AM Presence.
And thus, the mortal is being put off and the soul is putting on the garments of immortality. And therefore, those who climb the highest mountain and mount the spiral staircase are found often betwixt and between their mortality and their immortality.
And this too is no crime. Nor is it a crime when mistakes are made or errors entered into and there is a stepping back a step down the rung of the ladder to retake those lessons and the testings of the soul that one might find strength and equilibrium and a new balance of the heart chakra to mount again what has been known as a most treacherous path to the heart of Himalaya.
Beloved ones, what matters is that the heart is pure. God does judge by the heart and not by the outer mechanizations of the form. So many engage in rote and rituals in life and seeming niceties. But within, either there is no character or no spirit or there is only the ticking of the inner time bomb to the moment when, turned inside out, that individual becomes enraged in the very presence of God manifest in the person of his prophets.
So look to the ancient prophets of Israel and see how they were scorned and spat upon and separated. And, remaining apart from the community, going into the desert, beloved ones, they were ostracized. And when they did not preach a popular word, they were condemned by church and state alike, who demanded that they make proclamations that were pleasing to the ear.
Thus, what have you come to hear from me and from the LORD God this day? You have come to hear of the healing power. Beloved ones, this healing power of an archangel can be with you, but you must play your part. Our emphasis in this seminar has been the science of the spoken Word, for by its use you gain swift strides on the path of Light.
Beloved ones, from out of the Great Central Sun the LORD God does send a ray of Light. It is a ray of purification passing through your auras now. And by the Holy Spirit there is a sacred fire that does burn and consume within you those forces and forcefields that are detrimental to the will of God, to the divine blueprint, to the purest expression of your soul. Therefore, feel the intensity of the Holy Spirit now that comes by the flaming presence of my beloved Hope, archeia and feminine light of the fourth ray of the archeiai of God.
O legions of the Central Sun, seraphim of the sacred fire, Justinius, now come with the legions of the fourth ray! And therefore, the mighty action of the demagnetization of darkness from the aura and the binding of the discarnate entities is accomplished by Astrea and Purity, by the seraphim of God who place themselves in answer to your call congruent now with your form.
So they bear a chalice of immortal light and sacred fire. And so they encourage you to put off the old man and the old woman and to put on the new—the new manifestation that is born in Christ, and out of Christ a new creature, <8> a creature rising toward the sun of the I AM Presence.
All this you are and all this you can be, beloved ones. Therefore, there is a piercing sword that I now use for the exorcism of those conditions that prevent you in this hour and in this life from fulfilling the fullness of your divine plan.
Beloved ones, I am Gabriel and I announce to you the very present possibility of your ascension in the Light. And this is the goal of life. And on pain of the same ostracization, there is going forth from this Messenger that word that does give the word of Saint Germain of the promise that those who use the violet flame and remain faithful to their God wherever they may be, in whatever faith or church or organization, may rise to the new heights of the sun [Son] and greet Archangel Uriel—truly the archangel of the resurrection and of the judgment who does come in the name of the Lord Christ.
And therefore there is the very present possibility for you to intensify your stand and to settle into the very work of the ages—that mighty work of which we have spoken—to balance your karma in this life and to move on with the solar winds and the Central Sun.
Beloved ones, no matter what you have been taught otherwise, it must concern you that you are lifestreams who have been sojourning on this planet and reincarnating for want of the key, the very key that unlocks the door to that path of Christhood. And by the dispensation of Saint Germain and Portia, beloved ones, this Teaching, the knowledge of this path, is set before you.
Those who love the search and the quest for the sake of the quest but are confounded in finding the truth will not be happy to hear that the message of the violet flame, the message of Saint Germain, does provide you with all that is necessary for the balancing of your karma, for the healing of your diseases. It is a knowledge that is no longer withheld. It is a knowledge that is set forth and is yours for the asking, beloved ones.
In the course of this Path you will surely be tried and tested. And that testing has naught to do with this Messenger but is between you and your God and your own Christ Self and the archangels who intercede in the name of the Lord.
Therefore, go after the prize of this high calling. For it is an opening of ages and a turning of ages when many souls may be caught up in the resurrected Son of God and in his Second Coming, which is occurring daily to souls who have the eye to see him, the ear to know his voice, the commitment to run with him to the farthest reaches of impelling stars of light.
O seraphim of God, in answer to the call of those here and now who desire healing for themselves and for their loved ones, let the power of seraphim be known. I, Gabriel, summon you in the name of Justinius! Place your electronic forcefield over these sons and daughters of God. Let their auras be saturated in the sacred fire of seraphim, that they may see and know that the Lord God of Israel is with his people and that the Lord Christ is both Savior and Healer and Friend of Light.
Blessed ones, I send light now into the cause and core of war upon earth and all inequity and all injustice. We release that which is sent by God, measured and sent in the very cups of angels—ministering angels of the ascension flame. They are cupbearers, beloved ones. And they bring those portions of sacred fire from the Central Sun that may come to earth without disruption of the ordinary course of the turning of worlds and the signs of the seasons.
Thus God does pour into the earth by the instrumentation of his angelic host that quotient of sacred fire that the earth can contain, that may be for the judgment of the seed of the wicked and the liberation of these little ones and yet not turn the tables toward destruction by planetary karma or personal karma.
Beloved ones, understand the great balance of forces in a planet where returning karma does accelerate, where Lightbearers make the choice, when awakened, to serve God—and where fallen ones, when awakened to the light, do make their freewill choice to turn their back on the proffered gift of the Messenger of the Lord.
So it is and so it has always been. The light has gone forth. The sword is thrust into the earth. And all may choose what is their perspective, what is their relationship, what is their positioning to this flaming sword that no eye hath ever seen, save in the etheric octave. But now every eye shall see it and know that the archangel of the Lord has thrust his sword into the ground as a challenge to all forces of Death and Hell in the earth.
Let them respond, beloved ones! Within a fortnight you will see the judgment of the Lord God Almighty. You will see the right hand of the Buddha Gautama. And you will see the driving back of those who have sought to take the light where the light has been ensconced, of those who have sought to tear down that true religion where it has been planted, of those who have sought to seize governments of nations unlawfully.
Look then to the fortnight and understand the coming of the sign of Archangel Gabriel. For I AM here, and I AM the Archangel of the Fourth Ray. And I do not intend to leave this place until the Lord God has accomplished that holy thing to which he has sent me.
Therefore know that I stand and I still stand. And my right hand is raised, even as the hand of Moses was raised and even as that hand was held up. For I stood and overshadowed, therefore, the prophet and the messenger of God. And therefore were the fallen ones turned back.
Thus, beloved ones, understand the meaning of the sacred fire. Understand your oneness and integration with archangels of light. And so see how the Lord God will intercede to deliver every Christed one and every little one of his heart.
There is no turning back of the light in the earth. Therefore maintain your vigil as watchmen of the night, for the night is all they have left. And when the night is far spent and has divested itself of all of its schemes and strategies of darkness, the dawn shall appear.
And the angel of the dawn, Archangel Uriel, will then take his post, as I will pass therefore the rod to him. And he shall stand in that dawning day, Archangel Uriel, with the proclamation of the sons and daughters of God that shall never, never, never again be turned back.
Beloved ones, as I stand here, I stand in the very presence of the cathedrals, mosques, synagogues, churches, and places of worship throughout the entire planet. And my Electronic Presence is placed there. Therefore let those who speak the lie find justification. They will not find justification in God. And thus the lie will be turned against them. And their defilement of the altar shall be no more. And the hosts of Light shall withdraw from those temples where the Lord God Almighty and his archangels are not welcomed.
Beloved ones, see to it that in your heart is the burning, all-consuming love of the flame of the ark of the covenant, for to this all must have recourse. All must know that the resource of the flaming presence of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray and of the sacred fire thereof is the alternative to that which is unreal, that which is false and untrue, that which is dishonorable and disrespectful before the living presence of his Word.
I AM Gabriel in the heart of the Sun. I AM in the heart of Hope. And Hope is in the heart of me. Therefore we are one. And therefore our flaming presence, as Alpha unto Omega, does form the mighty spheres of light. And therefore, we send forth now the angelic tongues for the cleansing and for the purging and for the changing of the water into wine.
[angelic tongues chanted 15 seconds]]
Therefore there does come forth from the heart of the universal Word the sounding of the eternal tone. [tone chanted 6 seconds] And the Divine Mother has sent forth and Sarasvati has sent forth and Lakshmi has sent forth and Durga has sent forth and the eternal Word of Kali has sent forth!
And therefore the keying of the light by the sound of the Ma-ray, by the sound of the eternal Word, by the AUM, is the intoning now of matter spheres, is the clearing of that darkness, and is the binding of the hordes that assail the Divine Mother as the demons and discarnates on the astral plane.
Therefore [angelic tongues chanted 20 seconds] there is now come, beloved, sent from the Sun, the messenger of Sanat Kumara. And that messenger from the Sun does stand and does hold, therefore, this proclamation of the sons and daughters of God. And it is held, therefore, as the focus and the power and prayer of the pledge of the sons and daughters of God in the earth which shall be made known to you in that hour so designated.
And in the flaming presence of God, I, Archangel Gabriel, do declare before you: So it is the flame of the Divine Mother! So it is the flame of the living Word! So it is now, by the power of the angels and seraphic bands. It is done in the name of the living Word. It is done in the name of the Lord Christ.
Helios and Vesta, Helios and Vesta, Helios and Vesta, let thy presence descend! Let thy judgments descend in the flaming light of the ruby ray! So the Divine Mother Mary does attend, so Raphael does attend for the coming on the morrow of the archangel, the archeia of the fifth ray.
Beloved ones of the Light, I salute you by the power of the flaming light of Hope. And I seal you in the heart of hearts of the immaculate concept of your own conception in the heart of God. By the light of Alpha, by the light of Omega, it is done. -Archangel Gabriel, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 15, 1986 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 29:31
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
It is not the sky that is the limit
No pie in the sky is the Ascended Masters' teaching -Saint Germqin: PEARL 14:7
Hallowed be Thy name, I AM THAT I AM. …
Therefore we say it to you, beloved. It is not the sky that is the limit, it is the stars who are the limit! Only you put the limits on God. And you are stars and your fire is unfurled with my pronouncing of your inner name in the halls of Luxor this day….It is the only permanent part of being–that which you have made permanent by fire.
-Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 3, 1991 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 34:15
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
The two-tier system--one tier is the official version & the other is the covert arrangements that suit whatever "Establishment" one is speaking of. Solzhenitsyn wrote at length how the Soviet Union used a two-tier system--the official Communist system & then the veiled actuality of the privileged few.
The two-tier system is what the Bush administration--& nearly every American administration since Abe Lincoln--has been using too. While Bush advocates democracy for Iraq & the MidEast, in reality the tremendous oil resources of Iraq make power politics the order of the day, & where is Bush's even hand of justice in the special arrangement he has cemented with the Israeli government, to the utter amazement of the Arab world? It is a two-tier system--Israel has privileged status in the US via Bush & the "Establishment".
The two-tier system again is illustrated with the current RTR leadership. Although decree 9.71A, "the will of God in Iraq", specifies "Iraqi people...accept in their hearts the light & true path of discipleship in their own terms", although the 2002 Council of Elders' "Four Principles of Governance" (see document below) listed the empowerment of study groups to exert local initiative as much as possible--well, that has been the official position. but, in the nitty-gritty concerning Russia what happened to Moscow lightbearers determing their own destiny on the key matters of whether or not they would choose to be ruled in the final analysis by the Russian government (via being listed as an "official religious activity from abroad") & be ruled in the final analysis by the RTR leadership on various matters clearly within the sphere of Russian affairs. What did happen to Russian lightbearers determining their own destiny, that is, the principle at stake? Anyone like to comment??
The general body of lightbearers is very fortunate indeed for the initiative taken by the Moscow Board to tape-record the 8-29-03 Moscow meeting with the RTR leadership team. O they had to literally fight against that team in order to record this important event; a certain group did NOT want there to be an objective record of the event, but what could they really do in the face of determination? What specific team has not allowed "true discipleship in their own terms" nor study groups taking their own initiative on key matters? What team has the two-tier system apparently firmly in place enough to actually drive several Elders who stood up in disagreement from the Council of Elders? These dissenting Elders exposed both the ideas & methods employed by a certain team in question here.
(On this Elders' Governance & Spiritual Offices Committee, as of Oct 4, 2002, were: Healy, de los Santos, Worobec, associate Schmidt of Minneapolis T.C.; Lambert, Lutidze, Lund, MacPherson & associate Moorcroft. The first four named also were on said committee in May 2001. -rp, as given by net info)
Four Principles of Governance Agreed Upon by the Council of Elders
(Work of the Governance Principles Sub-Committee of the Organizational Structure Committee, July 2002)
The four principles of governance agreed upon by the Council of Elders are:
1. We are in the lineage of the Great White Brotherhood through their anointed Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and we are committed to maintaining the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters and to fulfilling the Masters’ mission for the organization.
2. In order to empower individuals and groups doing the work at each level of the organization, authority should be delegated as much as possible to those responsible for carrying out the work. Governance should facilitate members’ giving their gifts in an atmosphere of support and loving guidance.
3. We strive to have a system of checks and balances with defined, distinctive roles and responsibilities.
4. Tithing is a major tenet of the church. Appropriate tithe-sharing agreements between headquarters and the field are key to our future growth and prosperity.
Following are teachings of the Masters and Messengers on each of these principles. (This part not given here. This comes from the New Hampshire Teaching Center website. -RP)
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The monks say the Danilov Monastery in Russia is incomplete without its original bells
-BBC, 1-31-04
There is a meaning to the power that lies behind the words: "And the Word was God." I say to you now, elemental life will respond to you. This is not a foolish statement, this is not a human statement, it is based on ascended master law, it is based on ascended master light, it is based on ascended master truth.
I wonder, blessed ones, & I address particularly now the ladies, if you ever stop to envision the beauty of the elemental world. -Eriel: 7-4-61 via MLP
7) Speedy Adjustment of Civil Inequities through Ombudsman
The courts of every nation are, in the main, backlogged with hearings and investigations, making the attainment of swift justice nearly impossible in many cases and therefore discouraging judicial redress. The Ombudsman system used in the Scandinavian countries fulfills the purpose of alleviating much of this distress and other bureaucratic ills. The Ombudsman is a special parliamentary commissioner appointed for a specific term of office. He receives complaints of citizens aggrieved by official or judicial action and is fully empowered to investigate and, when necessary, seek direct legal or legislative assistance.
Such a clearinghouse for complaints not only reconciles citizens to government, but also prevents dedicated civil servants from unwarranted public attacks and arbitrary action by their own departmental superiors. It is an implement of freedom and ought to be examined by all nations and instituted within the framework of their governmental systems as a safety valve and means of direct action to prevent tyranny and tragedy from holding sway while the mills of justice slowly and painfully continue to grind away with the passing of years.
8) Universal Equality Before the Law through the Public Defender System
Tales of innocent men executed for crimes they did not commit have haunted the conscience of every honest judge and juror and have been the theme of many a fair tale. The expansion of population and increased crowding of cities and land with a teeming multitude has not lessened the possibility of justice miscarrying through human channels, no matter how carefully the ashes of truth are sifted.
Poverty and uncertainly continue to plague many who are honest but poor, and the use of the public-defender system should be widely introduced and universally proclaimed. The providing of public counsel dedicated to the honest defense of the accused and the securing for him of every right to which he is entitled under law ought to be the province of good government everywhere. This function of government is a vital touchstone to securing the rights of liberty, life and happiness to all.
-El Morya: 4-9-63: "Encyclical on World Good Will", Summit Lighthouse, Inc. see: http://www.alpheus. org/html/ source_materials /ascended_ masters/Encyclic al.htm
Love is the master key by which the world will recognize the potential within themselves not to destruct the world but to create in the world those agencies of cosmic service & love which are able to mitigate every human condition, to act as a panacea to humanity, to free humanity from the dregs of darkness & destructivity which for so long have held
sway upon this planetary orb." -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 14:4, excerpt from Royal Teton message of new year 1971.
Never in the history of the universe upon any planet or system of worlds has darkness triumphed. Where darkness has been temporarily sustained thru the misuse of freewill
it has ultimately destroyed itself & those who have given it life. Their place is no more, for only in light is self-conscious being sustained. How senselessly then do individuals allow the tramps of darkness to trample upon the tender virtues of the Christ building within. There can be no lasting peace without honor; therefore let the cosmic honor flame be invoked for
its saving grace & protection from all harm. -Archangel Chamuel: Pearl 14:48
And therefore what amounts almost to a doctrine of pacifism, what amounts to a denial of the active force of the Woman in this world to defend the Manchild, must be judged by the right hand of the Mother that I AM and of the Son of God and of the Christ within you. For these individuals may influence untold millions to move against the full power of Alpha and Omega in the true active and true passive roles.
I might say that these individuals who have partaken in this document and the signing thereof (on 5-3-83 at Chicago the American Roman Catholic bishops voted 238-9 to endorse a "no nuclear first-strike" policy even in defense of Western Europe against a sudden Soviet invasion) have not the least idea of who is The Faithful and True and The Word who leads the armies of heaven against the fallen ones. And if they had the slightest perception of prophecy itself and of the binding of the tares who are the seed of the Evil One, they would recognize that God has already necessitated war itself as an act of the vengeance of our God against the original perpetrators of murder, death and the lie, who are the fallen angels. And until they be bound and judged, this war must continue.
-Mother Mary: 5-15-83 at Camelot
As you know there are two Babylons: the ecclesiastical and the political Babylon, one the false hierarchy of anti-Christ in church, the other the false hierarchy of the International Capitalist/Communis t Conspiracy. Both of these false hierarchies comprise the world cult of idolatry and the abuse of power to which consciousness Susan was prey, and of which she made herself heir. Thus with the judgment of the ruby ray upon the tower of Babel and Ninevah and the modern Babylon, those who have become drunk with power--the power of the blood of the saints, the essence of their light--are also judged....
The Darjeeling Council saluteth you (staff), for again you have endured through the temptations and trials of our Messenger, confessing her love before men. Therefore she does confess your love before the Holy of Holies in the Presence of seraphim. May their chant ever be your own: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD GOD of Hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory."
If you will give this mantra into the day and into the night direct from the heart of Justinius, captain of seraphic bands, you will be caught up in the aura and the wings and the electronic fire rings of seraphim, and by the turning of the wheels deflect all infamy against our Light and lightbearers. ...
May your decrees resound from the halls of the Holy Grail & the halls of Luxor on behalf of those who have been sent away from the Great White Brotherhood over the centuries by those who have set themselves up as the False Mother--delicious but cunning--without sincerity or the true desire to enter the flame of God & be consumed thereby.
Thus, if the Messenger be missing from your midst know that she has entered the Holy of Holies to be consumed thereby, that she might come forth to you a new creature demanding of you excellence beyond yourselves. Thus in her absence prefer to mourn than to accept the substitute image of the Beast in thyself or another, & fill the vacuum with thine own Christhood, however imperfectly chiselled out of the White Stone of the Great Alchemist. Know the LORD in thyself & thou shalt know the LORD in the Messenger. We are impelling you higher. No progress can be made unless the leader precede you up the mountain. Accept no substitutes for thy Christ Self, & then you will also know that there is only one messenger, one God, one goal....
-El Morya: "The Hour of World Transmutation" (Susan Krister Case), ~9-8-1985
from the section “Infractions and Due Process” in Building a New Culture which Mother advocated: "Notice of an alleged infraction; An opportunity to be heard; A distinction between major and minor infractions; Counseling and support (for all parties);A fact finding process whereby relevant information related to all sides of the issue will be gathered and evaluated Confidentiality; A prompt and impartial review by a panel of appointed Church representatives unconnected to the people or issues involved." -~1998
The current structure was the creation of Mother, Edward and Gilbert Cleirbaut. It calls for a Council of 24 Elders, a Board of Directors (not less than 7 no more than 13) and a President who is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors (this makes them one of the directors and gives them a vote on the Board). The reason why our current structure is dysfunctional is because it is missing its key component, Mother. When this structure was created it functionality depended upon Mother as the Messenger, Vicar of Christ and Spiritual Head. As the holder of these offices and Mantles Mother was to guide the Organization. She was the check and balance factor. It was her job to nominate the Council of Elder candidates. Remember, only Elders can become Board of Directors. Likewise, as we would see over time, our President will typically be found from one of these two bodies as well. Therefore, Elders will have a monumental effect on the governance of our Organization. That is why Mother retained this authority.
Likewise, Mother also retained the authority to veto any decision made by the Board of Directors. Mother obviously retained this authority in order to ensure that the Organization acts in accordance with the Ascended Masters plan. Likewise she realized, as we all do, that the Board of Directors are capable of making mistakes and therefore, she wished to be able to step in and correct those mistakes. We cannot forget or play down the importance of Mother's input. Through Mother the Ascended Masters ran this Organization. We cannot quietly remove Mother and the Ascended Masters and go on as if everything is fine. -James Tarpey: "A Current Perspective" , ~2001
Our Spiritual Community has suffered because too few have stood up to challenge abuses of power, while scenario after scenario of abuses have played out.
Our Spiritual Community has suffered because there appears little will or desire within the closed circle of Church leadership to do anything other than offer polished legal self-justifications --in the place of open, genuine, and honest communication that comes from the heart.
Our Spiritual Community has suffered because there are circles of idolaters within the community who go to great lengths to manage and justify HQ's reaction to every situation that comes up. They argue peace when there is no peace. They fear that a divisive Truth will splinter or divide the Community.
Our Spiritual Community has suffered because there is cowardice within this community. Individuals sidestep the initiations right [in] front of them, in silence.
-Raymond Ziemkowski, Los Angeles, December 19, 2003 email
Recent events involving the removal of five Moscow study group trustees are symptomatic of a deeper problem in the activity. One of the biggest problems I see is that people have forgotten to follow their hearts. I'm really not sure that the leadership knew the long-term effect of what they did. They were thinking like a bunch of Americans. -Dannion Brinkley: "Dear KOF", Jan. 2004 email
Then there is the stance that the Church should well protect itself IN ALL CASES, PERIOD. This is not the purple-&-gold flame of justice, in action & thought. This is total buffer-zoning a church & its supposed "sacred" staff, which attitude certainly has many many limits & problems in caring (sic.--should read "carrying") that attitude forth, as we are seeing today.
Now I do not say the Church staff is secular & tainted, I merely say plainly that one can not axiomatically make Church staff "ever hallowed", for that is idolatry & foolishness- -in the scales of justice we all are weighed in a very equal & profound way, of course. -rp, 2-5-04 email
Dissecting the mistakes and shortcomings of one's spouse, in public, ongoingly, on the door of the Wittenberg cathedral (Luther), on the internet, on whatever public forum, does not result in happy matrimony. Mother has said that headquarters and the
field are in an Alpha/Omega relationship. -Alethea, 2-10-04 email to rp
(Now I think that a happy matrimony is not as important as a real/honest one. -rp, 5-1-07)
Now let's discuss The Ring of the Nibelungs by Wagner. A curse on love & his need for power, that was Alberich's way. Now conceive of a number of Alberich-clones, all willing to curse love & prefer the ring of power. There, now one conceives of the power of black magicians that could so subvert nearly a whole house. What house? O cut that. We must look very tidy to the public, you know. Cut that stuff on what house. -rp, 3-30-04 email
The original perpetrators of the lie are also those who have worked so hard to get the decision-making mechanisms at the RTR under their control, to denounce those standing for due process, to delete due process via a "legal vote" after they removed the opposition of five Elders who plainly stood in their way and who might have achieved the blocking vote at the 24 member Council of Elders via a minimum 7 members voting against deleting due process from the Articles of Incorporation. True, by fiat of the flame I reinstated due process; but the judgment of the perpetrators is up to the electrode of Heros and Amora.
"I call to the mandala of Lightbearers to be magnetized by the magnet of Love that is now placed by Heros and Amora in this Community as a forcefield of Divine Love. This magnet of Love is so great, beloved, that those who allow themselves to become out of alignment with it will not long remain here, for they will not be able to bear to be in the presence of that magnet while they entertain the perversions of the ruby cross in their beings." -Rose of Light: 6-29-90 at RTR
-rp, 5-1-07
el morya ascended master first rayMorya by Hermann Schmiechen, ~1880s
(On this Elders' Governance & Spiritual Offices Committee, as of Oct 4, 2002, were: Healy, de los Santos, Worobec, associate Schmidt of Minneapolis T.C.; Lambert, Lutidze, Lund, MacPherson & associate Moorcroft. The first four named also were on said committee in May 2001. -rp, as given by net info)
Four Principles of Governance Agreed Upon by the Council of Elders
(Work of the Governance Principles Sub-Committee of the Organizational Structure Committee, July 2002)
The four principles of governance agreed upon by the Council of Elders are:
1. We are in the lineage of the Great White Brotherhood through their anointed Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and we are committed to maintaining the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters and to fulfilling the Masters’ mission for the organization.
2. In order to empower individuals and groups doing the work at each level of the organization, authority should be delegated as much as possible to those responsible for carrying out the work. Governance should facilitate members’ giving their gifts in an atmosphere of support and loving guidance.
3. We strive to have a system of checks and balances with defined, distinctive roles and responsibilities.
4. Tithing is a major tenet of the church. Appropriate tithe-sharing agreements between headquarters and the field are key to our future growth and prosperity.
Following are teachings of the Masters and Messengers on each of these principles.
1. We are in the lineage of the Great White Brotherhood through their anointed Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and we are committed to maintaining the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters and to fulfilling the Masters’ mission for the organization.
Lineage of the Great White Brotherhood
1.1 Coil by coil the light of the Godhead is transferred to you by emissaries of the Most High eminently qualified to occupy the spirals of the vast chain of hierarchical light, accelerating and decelerating to accommodate the varying needs of the evolutions of cosmos. Just as you, my beloved, represent me and my office and the entire lineage of the Ruby Ray to those who do not know of us--our name, our Word, our vibration--just as those who receive you, receive me--for I AM in you and you are in me--so it is a key initiation for all who would approach the throne of grace to receive the one sent by the Master--his messenger, his prophet, his witness.
PoW, Vol. 22 No. 41, Sanat Kumara, October 14, 1979
1.2 You must understand that your tie to the Great White Brotherhood through the lineage that sponsors this Messenger, through Padma Sambhava, you have the greatest opportunity in the entire Matter universe to take your ascension. The hierarchies of Light who are a part of this earth are hierarchies of Light who are a part of this entire universe. This is not something merely of this earth.
EL MORYA, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 16, 1995
1.3 Understand, my friends, that authentic spiritual lineages that oversee the evolutions of earth are few and far between. For inasmuch as the weight of mankind's karma is so great--and mankind show little or no intention of balancing that karma--the lineage of Sanat Kumara is the only lineage that the Great White Brotherhood is sponsoring in this 2,150-year dispensation of the Aquarian age.
Beloved Archangel Zadkiel, PoW, Vol. 39 No. 9, March 3, 1996
1.4 With the transfer of the mantle from Master to disciple comes the transfer of responsibility. The disciple pledges to carry on the mission of his Master. In order for the work of the Great White Brotherhood to continue on earth, someone in embodiment must wear the mantle of Guru. Today there are very few true Gurus in embodiment who are sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood.
The lineage of Gurus who sponsor me, and whose teaching I am pledged to teach and uphold, is a special lineage of the Great White Brotherhood. The chain of hierarchy in this lineage is from Sanat Kumara (the Ancient of Days), to Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ and Padma Sambhava.
BACKGROUND ON PADMA SAMBHAVA, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 30, 1996
1.5 The saving graces are that we have the sponsorship of the Great White Brotherhood in our community, there is no question about that, and that our sponsorship comes to us from the Great White Brotherhood through the lineage of Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Padma Sambhava and, lastly, myself.
SERVICE BEFORE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, A Service with Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
August 10, 1997
1.6 The conference (bestowal) of the seed of the Christ and of the heart of Morya in all of his soul's incarnations is the gift of God to those who walk in his footsteps not by flesh and blood, but by the spiritual lineage of the Great White Brotherhood. These initiations are available to you directly, as long as the Great White Brotherhood has such an ordained messenger in physical embodiment.
The Office of the Friend of God by The Great Divine Director, KoF Lesson 30
1.7 Yet I tell you, beloved, it is the hour when the permanent atom of being can be forged and won by you in a manner that has not been possible to you because of past nonsponsorship by the Ascended Masters. Today the sponsorship is there. And yet the student must pay the price, for we do not give loans to nonpermanent beings, beloved, for obvious reasons.
THE MAHA CHOHAN, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 30, 1994
1.8 In an age of great darkness, it requires the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters with their chelas to seal a lifestream in so great a light, so great a salvation, and to keep that one protected and in balance spiritually and physically midst the pressures of planetary darkness and of the fallen ones in their spacecraft who would hold this entire planetary body hostage to the darkness of Death and Hell.
Beloved Saint Germain, PoW, Vol. 28, No. 34, August 25, 1985
1.9 We represent a people who because of our sponsorship by the Ascended Masters and our self-knowledge in God have forged this Community, this organization and this power base.
Fourth of July Address by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. July 4, 1988
1.10 This is why it's important to be a Keeper of the Flame so you get direct sponsorship, direct sponsorship of the Ascended Masters and Messengers.
IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE, A Lecture Series by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 2, 1993
1.11 We are not just any group of chelas with any guru. We acknowledge Sanat Kumara as our Guru. We are a part of the Great White Brotherhood. The Ascended Masters have an extraordinary commitment to their chelas. And therefore, our journeying, by the simple obedience to the giving of the AUM, is because of our sponsorship and overshadowing by Ascended Masters and angelic beings.
So there is a chain of Hierarchy.
The Class of the Archangels, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 30, 1980
1.12 I do not say you cannot become members of this and that, but realize that, in the ultimate sense of the word, a member of the Great White Brotherhood (which you are or may aspire to be by becoming true disciples of the Law of Love) gives allegiance first and foremost to that Brotherhood. The tests will inevitably come of allegiance and of defending the right of the ascended masters and their chelas to be on planet Earth.
PoW, Vol. 27 No. 49 Beloved Saint Germain, October 7, 1984
2. In order to empower individuals and groups doing the work at each level of the organization, authority should be delegated as much as possible to those responsible for carrying out the work. Governance should facilitate members’ giving their gifts in an atmosphere of support and loving guidance.
Delegation of authority to those responsible for work
2.1 First come the patriarchs of the law. They carry the flame of the law, the blueprint of any organization. They have leadership capabilities. They are always able to see the whole and the relationship of the parts to the whole; therefore they are organizers. They can delegate authority. They write the laws; they execute the laws; they administer the laws. And more than this, they are organizers in any phase of a project. If a project does not have a patriarch of the law, it will not succeed.
The Great White Brotherhood in the History and Culture of America. Ch. 9, “Citizens of a Cosmos--Patriarchs of the Law, Patrons of Life, and Patriots of Liberty,” p. 108
2.2 Some people think that I know everything that happens everywhere in our headquarters, and I do not, because I delegate authority to many department heads, to many responsible individuals. And with that authority comes the necessity of their making decisions.
I do not know all the decisions that all of my representatives make. And I am sure you realize that if I try to do so I would not be competent in a leadership role. The successful leader knows how to delegate and how to train those who then will represent him and will always realize that those who do represent him may make mistakes. You're never going to have a perfect representative who's going to do everything perfectly….
So, everyone who is a member of this Community can give very constructive support to all of us all over the world whether here in the heart center or in Teaching Centers. You can give to us the best of your expertise in the fields where life has provided you with training and you can light a candle in the dark where we may not have the proficiency that you have and always know what is the wisest decision to make in an area….
… it is the real beauty of the Universal Christ in all of us working together that enables us to accomplish.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 5, 1988
2.3 In my heart I have desired to see Climb the Highest Mountain translated into many languages. We have thought in terms of Japanese, because the Japanese are just waiting, waiting and crying for this truth. I have thought in terms of having it translated into Russian, and someone said to me, "Well, how are you going to get it into Russia?" I said, "We'll get it into Russia, don't worry. When that book is in Russian, it's going to go right through the Iron Curtain and it's going to land right in the laps of the people who are dedicated to God."
I have no concern as to how it's going to be done. I turn that over to the "Do It" Committee. That's Archangel Michael and his angels. I say "Here it is. You do it." And that's one thing about precipitation. You can't feel that you're the doer. You have to stand here and hold the flame, but you've got to be able to delegate authority. And the whole Hierarchy of Light is waiting there to have your delegation, because we are the authority in this octave. This is our earth and we can do with it what we will.
And so we have to speak to the Masters. We have to say, "Morya, in the name of Almighty God, I command that you manifest the will of God to this situation, in our educational systems, in our mo, motion picture industry; and I demand that it take place now."
INSTRUCTION ON PRECIPITATION, New Year's Light of the World Conference, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 1, 1973
3. We strive to have a system of checks and balances with defined, distinctive roles and responsibilities.
Checks and Balances
3.1 Hierarchy is safe. It has its checks and balances, and it does work. And it does work to make you see how you are attached to your little ego and your little ways of doing things. It forces you to give them up because you love the cause, you love humanity, you love the total work that's going to happen because you were able to give up a little bit of yourself.
"Chelaship, as the Way to Leadership," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 20, 1977
3.2 …there's checks and balances-- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The son of God can say to the Father, Hey, Dad, don't you think there's a better day, better way we can do this job? And the son may point out to his Father a better way and the Father may say, Yes, you're right, let's do it that way. That a true Father/son relationship. That's a true Guru/chela relationship. It's important. The chela is also God and we've been taught that chela is, is with the lowercase c and Guru is with the upperpa, case G so that you understand that Guru is in a higher position of attainment and along the path. But if, if you've got God in you, then that God is able. And that point of God that is your own, even if it's the level of chela, may have something extraordinary to offer the God with a capital G, the Guru.
February 18, 1981, Elizabeth Clare Prophet
3.3 Hesed and Gevurah act as a complementary pair. They represent the extremes of Love/Mercy (Hesed) on the one hand and Justice/Judgment (Gevurah) on the other. We can look at this pair as Kabbalah's system of checks and balances for the universe. Hesed and Gevurah/Din, says Matt, are "two sides of [the] divine personality: free-flowing love and strict judgment, grace and limitation.. ..Ideally a balance is achieved, symbolized by the central sefirah,Tiferet....However, if Judgment is not softened by Love, Din lashes out and threatens to destroy life."
Hesed tends to emanate and expand Ein Sof's essence without limit. Gevurah tends to do the opposite, to limit God's goodness by limiting Hesed's expansion. Poncé summarizes the Kabbalists' system of checks and balances:
Gevurah, the Power of God, is the sefirah of Justice and Control, capable of also meting out punishment. Its nature is feminine, and it limits the abundance of Mercy. By the same token, the severities of Power are tempered by Mercy, so the two exist in a state of harmony.
[Gevurah] is representative of the contraction of the divine will. Because Mercy is a life-giving power, ever-productive in its activity, it would have been unwise to have let it express itself without setting some limit. It was for the reason that Gevurah, Judgment and Power, or Justice, holds things in check that it had to be created. Yet without the compassion and creativity of Mercy, Justice in its role of stern judge would cause things to contract to the point of nonexistence. [Judgment tempers mercy, and mercy tempers judgment.]
Kabbalah, Chapter Three “The Tree of Life: The Sefirot Unveiled” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 39-40
3.4 This path that is embraced by the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, whereby we are sponsored by Ascended Masters who are our teachers, has the checks and balances which in themselves keep the way of the Tree of Life and guard that Tree of Life from abuses. And this is the very thing we are looking at here. This threefold flame will not increase--it doesn't matter what we think of people or how great we may think they are in a position on the Path--the threefold flame will not budge unless it is expanded by the Christ qualities of that Christ flame.
So if you think you are short on power, wisdom or love, you work what you are short on and you make it your determination each and every day to exercise your heart, your life, your service, what you do in the development of one or two or three of those faculties.
Freedom 1988, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 30, 1988
4. Tithing is a major tenet of the church. Appropriate tithe-sharing agreements between headquarters and the field are key to our future growth and prosperity.
Tithe and Tithing
4.1 …we pledge to uphold the law of the tithe, which states that we will give one-tenth of our income to Church Universal and Triumphant.
We follow the example of our Father Abraham. When returning from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the other kings, Abraham met Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of the Most High God. Melchizedek served Abraham bread and wine, and Abraham gave tithes of all the spoils of the battle to Melchizedek. (Gen. 14:18-20)
We have faith in the promise of the Lord: "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (Mal. 3:10)
We therefore give fearlessly, lovingly and generously of our supply, knowing that God will return it to us multiplied many times over. For it is written, "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." (Eccles. 11:1)
XI Law of the Tithe, Tenets, Church Universal and Triumphant, 1996
4.2 Tithing is a tenet of the church and of the community, but without all of this, it is the lawful gift in the interchange of that Guru/chela relationship. God then takes it, multiplies it, and turns it back to the community for its expansion and its service. I have also noted that the requirement of that sustaining principle of offering to the Guru goes all the way back to the coming of Sanat Kumara to the planet.
The truth is that we as individuals cannot survive intact in the Guru/chela relationship without tithing, and the body upon earth collectively will not survive unless it exercise the law of the tithe. And churches and religious movements upon earth who have not compromised the living Christ and who do observe the tithe are thriving. And those who have compromised that Christ and do not observe the law of the tithe are not thriving. And wherever there is the complete fulfillment of the law, of the Lord, the Mighty I AM Presence and his high priest in the Person of the Son, and the souls ever striving, there you have another statement, another focus of the white cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant.
Sunday Service, Sermon on the Priesthood and the Law of the Tithe by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 31, 1982
4.3 …since Melchizedek demanded one tenth of the spoils from Abraham, we've been tithing and there never has been a representative of God including Moses that did not make people show their dedication to God at the gut level, the desire body, which is the economic level. If people are unwilling to part with their substance, you know that they are holding back a part of the price of the dedication of their souls.
TEACHINGS OF LANELLO #6, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, February 16, 1981
4.4 I would like to come again and again because I know that many of you are struggling and I know of you, that many of you would join this church if you felt that you could tithe. The reality is that none of us can afford not to tithe.
Teachings of the Divine Mother, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, August 3, 1991
4.5 And then remember that Fortuna has told us that if we give ten per cent, if we tithe to the Masters' activity, we open the door to unlimited supply in our worlds. The law of tithing in the Old Testament was for this purpose, because it requires ten per cent momentum generated by you to generate a hundred per cent momentum from God.
Staff Meeting, Instruction on Supply by Elizabeth C. Prophet, April 15, 1968
4.6 And that's why the law of tithing was brought into manifestation of old, because tithing proclaimed that one-tenth of all that man had belonged unto God. And it allowed him to keep 90 percent as a lodestone and for his perpetual use in the business cycles. But the 10 percent that he gave away enabled him to fulfill the law that would attract to him. The very fulfillment of "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
And thus he had to receive, but how could he receive unless he first gave? And how could he give unless he first received? So we see that the thing is always the law come full circle.
Sunday Evening Service by Mark L. Prophet, May 18, 1969
4.7 Tithing, then, is giving one tenth of oneself back to God, which already belongs to God so that God can multiply that portion and return it to us again. It's a great principle of expanding the light.
Stump #2, Chakra Initiations with the Lords of the Seven Rays, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 2, 1987
4.8 Mark Prophet in his lecture "Secrets of Prosperity" said that one of the secrets of prosperity is to give ten percent of yourself to God. He said in that lecture: "There is no law that says you can't give more than 10 percent, but I think to give less is to deplete the seed."
He said: "Today I received a revelation concerning the word tithe. I didn't hear it as tithe. I heard it as tie thee. The ten percent is the portion of the divine talent that becomes a seed to tie you to your God Presence, to God, the Great Source....
"'Tie thee' means a tie, a link, a union with your Source, the source of your supply. And by giving that tenth, you're planting the seed that makes your supply grow into the next cycle. If you deny it to God, you actually don't gain at all. By holding it back, you lose, because you don't have any seed to make it grow in the next cycle." End of quote by Mark Prophet.
I have personally witnessed that when I tithe I receive back manyfold, manyfold from God. Over the years, many, many people have told me about the miracle of tithing in their lives--and how tithing has increased their abundance. Now, you do not have to be a member of this church or any church in order to tithe. By tithing, you are fulfilling a spiritual obligation to God. Tithing is an expression of gratitude.
As I teach in my new book Creative Abundance, gratitude is a key to prosperity. When you think about it, and I was thinking about it lately, how little is a dime in our hands. It's one-tenth of a dollar. The one-tenth is very, very important. "Continually thank God for what you are and what you have, and you will see how your abundance will increase."
By tithing, we are giving our gratitude to God for the many, many blessings he has bestowed upon us--most of all, the wonderful teaching that he continues to give us.
LECTURE ON TITHING, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 3, 1998
4.9 The law of tithing is something that is taken up by members of the Church, as they understand the law of the ten that has been set forth in the Old and New Testament in giving a tenth of one's supply to the support of the activities of Hierarchy on earth. The law of the tithe is the foundation of individual spiritual growth. It is the science whereby when we take one-tenth of what God has give in to us and give it back to him in his order on earth, in his Church on earth, he then takes that tenth, multiplies or squares it, and gives back to us 100 percent again.
Those who practice the law of the tithe--and there are many in the organization who do--find a tremendous flow of cosmic abundance, freedom, and blessings coming into their lives. When founding the Church, Jesus said that the sign of one's devotion is one's ability to trust the law of the tithe and to give that portion for the growth of the Church.
The Great White Brotherhood, Chapter 23, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, p. 300
4.10 I wanted to give you a few bits of additional information about tithing. Because something that was very important to me in this experience of studying, from the Bible, Melchizedek and Abraham was that Abraham did not tithe to an organization. He tithed to the Guru, to the representative of God whom he recognized through the blessing or the initiation that Melchizedek gave to him. He acknowledged Melchizedek as the representative of the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth, through the transfer of light. And he understood that to him he owed the tenth that was due Almighty God. What was Melchizedek to do with that tithe? Being who he was, I am certain he would use it to the good of God's people, for I'm sure that Melchizedek himself had no need of those tithes. But Abraham had the need to give them. Abraham himself needed someone to receive his offering and thereby, in the giving of his offering, pass his initiation.
So God sent Melchizedek to him for two reasons: To initiate him and then to receive his tithe. Thereby the door would be open to Abram to be the instrument of the seed of Sanat Kumara and his wife Sarah to bear Isaac. We understand, then, that Melchizedek, if he were living today, would probably create an organization for the using of those tithes to the blessing of many, many thousands of people who would follow in the footsteps of Abraham, even Abraham's own seed. When they would become so numerous as the sands of the seashore, what then would Abraham do? How could he personally receive all their tithes? So logically he would create an organization as God has given to us to create. This organization, then, would exist as a means for the doing of the good works, the redistribution of the multiplication of those tithes back to the blessing of God incarnate in the eagles--in the initiates. Realizing, then, that the organization is one thing and the white fire core of the organization as the mantle of the Guru is another, I began to ponder--since I spoke to you last on the subject--as to what is the very best means and place for you to give your tithes.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Community Meeting, February 2, 1982
4.11 Tithing as cosmic law strengthens the tie to Hierarchy, to the natural flow of cosmic abundance. The masters have told us that without tithing we could not build a Church. The Summit Lighthouse exists yet today by reason of the dues of Keepers of the Flame and the generous contributions and those within the Keepers of the Flame who have taken up tithing because they saw it as the instrument of God's multiplication of his Church and of his supply on earth.
A Report to Keepers of the Flame, SHASTA 1975 - KOF Day, July 2, 1975, Elizabeth Clare Prophet
4.12 Thus the Lord God Sanat Kumara demands fruit and the tithe of ten percent from earth's evolutions, that the investment of the Cosmic Light might be worthy. Therefore understand this offering of the self: ten percent of the portion of the life of all evolutions upon earth in the service of God—in the service of the Lord of the vineyard.
PoW, Vol. 28 No. 39, Beloved Chamuel and Charity, September 29, 1985
4.13 Those who would have the mantle and the sponsorship of the Messenger with them as they go out from this service to do their work and to attempt to provide the necessary aid may have that blessing and that mantle if they will commit to me that all moneys henceforth that they receive into their hands they shall first tithe to the Church and then use the rest for the paying of their bills, et cetera. By that commitment, beloved, you make the same commitment to the living Guru that I made in my own time to the great Guru Melchizedek.
And therefore, I tell you, I did never want for abundance and had tremendous assets under my dominion, for I did always tithe to the living representative of the Almighty. And this is the measure of that portion, beloved, for it does belong to God. And therefore be grateful that you have one in embodiment who has the mantle.
EL MORYA, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, August 7, 1990
4.14 Therefore consider, for the repentance and the baptism there does come, therefore, the joining of that Church, that community of the called-out ones, that sangha of the Buddha, and to understand that the strength of the Body of God in the earth is in that oneness and in that commitment of the law of the tithe itself, which is outwardly expressed as the giving of one-tenth of supply that does come into one's hands. And yet the true meaning of it is that you are giving daily a tenth of your Light and your life-force and your body to the thriving of that Community.
MAHA CHOHAN, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 19, 1991
4.15 Yes, beloved, the law of the Church is the law of the tithe. Yet it is part of the price that you pay for the pearl of great price. When you give back to God what is already his as that tenth of your portion, beloved, know truly that you are giving to him the substance of self which he immediately will turn around and give to me that I might use it for the gathering of the soul. Truly this is the crying need of the hour and a need that not so many are aware of, not so many know that they have. [28-second pause]
MOTHER MARY, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 22, 1991
4.16 Come into communion. Become a communicant. Be part of my Body as the living manifestation of this Church and recognize the law of the tithe and practice it. This is needful, beloved. For I tell you the great teaching. There is no acceleration or advancement on any path, worldly or spiritual, without sacrifice. If the sacrifice is not forthcoming, then the alchemy does not work. Therefore all of you who are successful in every level of life know what is the hardship and the sacrifice of giving birth to your dream, to your visualization, to that thing which you recognize as your calling.
JESUS CHRIST, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 10, 1993
4.17 For the act of tithing does give you the tie to the Mighty God Presence. When one-tenth of thy substance is consecrated to the fulfillment of God's kingdom upon earth, you yourself are a part of that kingdom and the balance of gold, ten percent of your lifestream is held in that balance of the entire universal City Foursquare.
And so the ancient ritual of giving unto God one-tenth of thy portion is simply giving unto him one-tenth of thy being and that being placed in his hands gives you the added momentum of precipitating greater and greater substance. And so some among you have observed the great rewards you have received in tithing in the past.
Remember that the laws were given by Moses for the fulfilling of the divine covenant. The covenant is the promise, the contract between the Father and the Son in which the Father says, "I will give thee all that I have if thou in return will give unto me a portion of thyself and thy consecrated will to fulfill, to the fulfilling of my plan."
God always keeps his part of the contract, beloved ones, but mankind do bargain for more than they are entitled to and thereby they lose all for they seek not first the kingdom of God that is within in order to obtain all these things, but they seek first the things and thereby they do not gain the things or the kingdom.
FORTUNA, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 16, 1966
4.18 Those who are chelas of the Great Divine Director are chelas of advanced alchemy. They must understand the law that each day God gives a quotient of energy to each one according to his karma and the total is considered 100 percent of the daily allotment. Each 10 percent is automatically due upon the altar of God as the return, as the portion that is then once again squared and returned to the chela. Thus, you see the multiplication of abundance does not come except the individual observes strictly the law of the tithe. This is why this is one of the tenets of the inner Church.
It is not that God needs money. It is that you need to give a portion of the self that may be multiplied for your ongoing service. For without that multiplication of light and abundance, you cannot fulfill your divine plan. And in not fulfilling your divine plan, you therefore lose your tie to the Great Divine Director. We make this clear, then, as a requirement of chelaship that you will understand that it is necessary to learn to live within the framework of tithing.
THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 15, 1979
1. We are in the lineage of the Great White Brotherhood through their anointed Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and we are committed to maintaining the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters and to fulfilling the Masters’ mission for the organization.
Lineage of the Great White Brotherhood
1.1 Coil by coil the light of the Godhead is transferred to you by emissaries of the Most High eminently qualified to occupy the spirals of the vast chain of hierarchical light, accelerating and decelerating to accommodate the varying needs of the evolutions of cosmos. Just as you, my beloved, represent me and my office and the entire lineage of the Ruby Ray to those who do not know of us--our name, our Word, our vibration--just as those who receive you, receive me--for I AM in you and you are in me--so it is a key initiation for all who would approach the throne of grace to receive the one sent by the Master--his messenger, his prophet, his witness.
PoW, Vol. 22 No. 41, Sanat Kumara, October 14, 1979
1.2 You must understand that your tie to the Great White Brotherhood through the lineage that sponsors this Messenger, through Padma Sambhava, you have the greatest opportunity in the entire Matter universe to take your ascension. The hierarchies of Light who are a part of this earth are hierarchies of Light who are a part of this entire universe. This is not something merely of this earth.
EL MORYA, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 16, 1995
1.3 Understand, my friends, that authentic spiritual lineages that oversee the evolutions of earth are few and far between. For inasmuch as the weight of mankind's karma is so great--and mankind show little or no intention of balancing that karma--the lineage of Sanat Kumara is the only lineage that the Great White Brotherhood is sponsoring in this 2,150-year dispensation of the Aquarian age.
Beloved Archangel Zadkiel, PoW, Vol. 39 No. 9, March 3, 1996
1.4 With the transfer of the mantle from Master to disciple comes the transfer of responsibility. The disciple pledges to carry on the mission of his Master. In order for the work of the Great White Brotherhood to continue on earth, someone in embodiment must wear the mantle of Guru. Today there are very few true Gurus in embodiment who are sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood.
The lineage of Gurus who sponsor me, and whose teaching I am pledged to teach and uphold, is a special lineage of the Great White Brotherhood. The chain of hierarchy in this lineage is from Sanat Kumara (the Ancient of Days), to Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ and Padma Sambhava.
BACKGROUND ON PADMA SAMBHAVA, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 30, 1996
1.5 The saving graces are that we have the sponsorship of the Great White Brotherhood in our community, there is no question about that, and that our sponsorship comes to us from the Great White Brotherhood through the lineage of Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Padma Sambhava and, lastly, myself.
SERVICE BEFORE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, A Service with Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
August 10, 1997
1.6 The conference (bestowal) of the seed of the Christ and of the heart of Morya in all of his soul's incarnations is the gift of God to those who walk in his footsteps not by flesh and blood, but by the spiritual lineage of the Great White Brotherhood. These initiations are available to you directly, as long as the Great White Brotherhood has such an ordained messenger in physical embodiment.
The Office of the Friend of God by The Great Divine Director, KoF Lesson 30
1.7 Yet I tell you, beloved, it is the hour when the permanent atom of being can be forged and won by you in a manner that has not been possible to you because of past nonsponsorship by the Ascended Masters. Today the sponsorship is there. And yet the student must pay the price, for we do not give loans to nonpermanent beings, beloved, for obvious reasons.
THE MAHA CHOHAN, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 30, 1994
1.8 In an age of great darkness, it requires the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters with their chelas to seal a lifestream in so great a light, so great a salvation, and to keep that one protected and in balance spiritually and physically midst the pressures of planetary darkness and of the fallen ones in their spacecraft who would hold this entire planetary body hostage to the darkness of Death and Hell.
Beloved Saint Germain, PoW, Vol. 28, No. 34, August 25, 1985
1.9 We represent a people who because of our sponsorship by the Ascended Masters and our self-knowledge in God have forged this Community, this organization and this power base.
Fourth of July Address by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. July 4, 1988
1.10 This is why it's important to be a Keeper of the Flame so you get direct sponsorship, direct sponsorship of the Ascended Masters and Messengers.
IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE, A Lecture Series by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 2, 1993
1.11 We are not just any group of chelas with any guru. We acknowledge Sanat Kumara as our Guru. We are a part of the Great White Brotherhood. The Ascended Masters have an extraordinary commitment to their chelas. And therefore, our journeying, by the simple obedience to the giving of the AUM, is because of our sponsorship and overshadowing by Ascended Masters and angelic beings.
So there is a chain of Hierarchy.
The Class of the Archangels, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 30, 1980
1.12 I do not say you cannot become members of this and that, but realize that, in the ultimate sense of the word, a member of the Great White Brotherhood (which you are or may aspire to be by becoming true disciples of the Law of Love) gives allegiance first and foremost to that Brotherhood. The tests will inevitably come of allegiance and of defending the right of the ascended masters and their chelas to be on planet Earth.
PoW, Vol. 27 No. 49 Beloved Saint Germain, October 7, 1984
2. In order to empower individuals and groups doing the work at each level of the organization, authority should be delegated as much as possible to those responsible for carrying out the work. Governance should facilitate members’ giving their gifts in an atmosphere of support and loving guidance.
Delegation of authority to those responsible for work
2.1 First come the patriarchs of the law. They carry the flame of the law, the blueprint of any organization. They have leadership capabilities. They are always able to see the whole and the relationship of the parts to the whole; therefore they are organizers. They can delegate authority. They write the laws; they execute the laws; they administer the laws. And more than this, they are organizers in any phase of a project. If a project does not have a patriarch of the law, it will not succeed.
The Great White Brotherhood in the History and Culture of America. Ch. 9, “Citizens of a Cosmos--Patriarchs of the Law, Patrons of Life, and Patriots of Liberty,” p. 108
2.2 Some people think that I know everything that happens everywhere in our headquarters, and I do not, because I delegate authority to many department heads, to many responsible individuals. And with that authority comes the necessity of their making decisions.
I do not know all the decisions that all of my representatives make. And I am sure you realize that if I try to do so I would not be competent in a leadership role. The successful leader knows how to delegate and how to train those who then will represent him and will always realize that those who do represent him may make mistakes. You're never going to have a perfect representative who's going to do everything perfectly….
So, everyone who is a member of this Community can give very constructive support to all of us all over the world whether here in the heart center or in Teaching Centers. You can give to us the best of your expertise in the fields where life has provided you with training and you can light a candle in the dark where we may not have the proficiency that you have and always know what is the wisest decision to make in an area….
… it is the real beauty of the Universal Christ in all of us working together that enables us to accomplish.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 5, 1988
2.3 In my heart I have desired to see Climb the Highest Mountain translated into many languages. We have thought in terms of Japanese, because the Japanese are just waiting, waiting and crying for this truth. I have thought in terms of having it translated into Russian, and someone said to me, "Well, how are you going to get it into Russia?" I said, "We'll get it into Russia, don't worry. When that book is in Russian, it's going to go right through the Iron Curtain and it's going to land right in the laps of the people who are dedicated to God."
I have no concern as to how it's going to be done. I turn that over to the "Do It" Committee. That's Archangel Michael and his angels. I say "Here it is. You do it." And that's one thing about precipitation. You can't feel that you're the doer. You have to stand here and hold the flame, but you've got to be able to delegate authority. And the whole Hierarchy of Light is waiting there to have your delegation, because we are the authority in this octave. This is our earth and we can do with it what we will.
And so we have to speak to the Masters. We have to say, "Morya, in the name of Almighty God, I command that you manifest the will of God to this situation, in our educational systems, in our mo, motion picture industry; and I demand that it take place now."
INSTRUCTION ON PRECIPITATION, New Year's Light of the World Conference, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 1, 1973
3. We strive to have a system of checks and balances with defined, distinctive roles and responsibilities.
Checks and Balances
3.1 Hierarchy is safe. It has its checks and balances, and it does work. And it does work to make you see how you are attached to your little ego and your little ways of doing things. It forces you to give them up because you love the cause, you love humanity, you love the total work that's going to happen because you were able to give up a little bit of yourself.
"Chelaship, as the Way to Leadership," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 20, 1977
3.2 …there's checks and balances-- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The son of God can say to the Father, Hey, Dad, don't you think there's a better day, better way we can do this job? And the son may point out to his Father a better way and the Father may say, Yes, you're right, let's do it that way. That a true Father/son relationship. That's a true Guru/chela relationship. It's important. The chela is also God and we've been taught that chela is, is with the lowercase c and Guru is with the upperpa, case G so that you understand that Guru is in a higher position of attainment and along the path. But if, if you've got God in you, then that God is able. And that point of God that is your own, even if it's the level of chela, may have something extraordinary to offer the God with a capital G, the Guru.
February 18, 1981, Elizabeth Clare Prophet
3.3 Hesed and Gevurah act as a complementary pair. They represent the extremes of Love/Mercy (Hesed) on the one hand and Justice/Judgment (Gevurah) on the other. We can look at this pair as Kabbalah's system of checks and balances for the universe. Hesed and Gevurah/Din, says Matt, are "two sides of [the] divine personality: free-flowing love and strict judgment, grace and limitation....Ideally a balance is achieved, symbolized by the central sefirah,Tiferet....However, if Judgment is not softened by Love, Din lashes out and threatens to destroy life."
Hesed tends to emanate and expand Ein Sof's essence without limit. Gevurah tends to do the opposite, to limit God's goodness by limiting Hesed's expansion. Poncé summarizes the Kabbalists' system of checks and balances:
Gevurah, the Power of God, is the sefirah of Justice and Control, capable of also meting out punishment. Its nature is feminine, and it limits the abundance of Mercy. By the same token, the severities of Power are tempered by Mercy, so the two exist in a state of harmony.
[Gevurah] is representative of the contraction of the divine will. Because Mercy is a life-giving power, ever-productive in its activity, it would have been unwise to have let it express itself without setting some limit. It was for the reason that Gevurah, Judgment and Power, or Justice, holds things in check that it had to be created. Yet without the compassion and creativity of Mercy, Justice in its role of stern judge would cause things to contract to the point of nonexistence. [Judgment tempers mercy, and mercy tempers judgment.]
Kabbalah, Chapter Three “The Tree of Life: The Sefirot Unveiled” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 39-40
3.4 This path that is embraced by the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, whereby we are sponsored by Ascended Masters who are our teachers, has the checks and balances which in themselves keep the way of the Tree of Life and guard that Tree of Life from abuses. And this is the very thing we are looking at here. This threefold flame will not increase--it doesn't matter what we think of people or how great we may think they are in a position on the Path--the threefold flame will not budge unless it is expanded by the Christ qualities of that Christ flame.
So if you think you are short on power, wisdom or love, you work what you are short on and you make it your determination each and every day to exercise your heart, your life, your service, what you do in the development of one or two or three of those faculties.
Freedom 1988, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 30, 1988
4. Tithing is a major tenet of the church. Appropriate tithe-sharing agreements between headquarters and the field are key to our future growth and prosperity.
Tithe and Tithing
4.1 …we pledge to uphold the law of the tithe, which states that we will give one-tenth of our income to Church Universal and Triumphant.
We follow the example of our Father Abraham. When returning from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the other kings, Abraham met Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of the Most High God. Melchizedek served Abraham bread and wine, and Abraham gave tithes of all the spoils of the battle to Melchizedek. (Gen. 14:18-20)
We have faith in the promise of the Lord: "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (Mal. 3:10)
We therefore give fearlessly, lovingly and generously of our supply, knowing that God will return it to us multiplied many times over. For it is written, "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." (Eccles. 11:1)
XI Law of the Tithe, Tenets, Church Universal and Triumphant, 1996
4.2 Tithing is a tenet of the church and of the community, but without all of this, it is the lawful gift in the interchange of that Guru/chela relationship. God then takes it, multiplies it, and turns it back to the community for its expansion and its service. I have also noted that the requirement of that sustaining principle of offering to the Guru goes all the way back to the coming of Sanat Kumara to the planet.
The truth is that we as individuals cannot survive intact in the Guru/chela relationship without tithing, and the body upon earth collectively will not survive unless it exercise the law of the tithe. And churches and religious movements upon earth who have not compromised the living Christ and who do observe the tithe are thriving. And those who have compromised that Christ and do not observe the law of the tithe are not thriving. And wherever there is the complete fulfillment of the law, of the Lord, the Mighty I AM Presence and his high priest in the Person of the Son, and the souls ever striving, there you have another statement, another focus of the white cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant.
Sunday Service, Sermon on the Priesthood and the Law of the Tithe by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 31, 1982
4.3 …since Melchizedek demanded one tenth of the spoils from Abraham, we've been tithing and there never has been a representative of God including Moses that did not make people show their dedication to God at the gut level, the desire body, which is the economic level. If people are unwilling to part with their substance, you know that they are holding back a part of the price of the dedication of their souls.
TEACHINGS OF LANELLO #6, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, February 16, 1981
4.4 I would like to come again and again because I know that many of you are struggling and I know of you, that many of you would join this church if you felt that you could tithe. The reality is that none of us can afford not to tithe.
Teachings of the Divine Mother, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, August 3, 1991
4.5 And then remember that Fortuna has told us that if we give ten per cent, if we tithe to the Masters' activity, we open the door to unlimited supply in our worlds. The law of tithing in the Old Testament was for this purpose, because it requires ten per cent momentum generated by you to generate a hundred per cent momentum from God.
Staff Meeting, Instruction on Supply by Elizabeth C. Prophet, April 15, 1968
4.6 And that's why the law of tithing was brought into manifestation of old, because tithing proclaimed that one-tenth of all that man had belonged unto God. And it allowed him to keep 90 percent as a lodestone and for his perpetual use in the business cycles. But the 10 percent that he gave away enabled him to fulfill the law that would attract to him. The very fulfillment of "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
And thus he had to receive, but how could he receive unless he first gave? And how could he give unless he first received? So we see that the thing is always the law come full circle.
Sunday Evening Service by Mark L. Prophet, May 18, 1969
4.7 Tithing, then, is giving one tenth of oneself back to God, which already belongs to God so that God can multiply that portion and return it to us again. It's a great principle of expanding the light.
Stump #2, Chakra Initiations with the Lords of the Seven Rays, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 2, 1987
4.8 Mark Prophet in his lecture "Secrets of Prosperity" said that one of the secrets of prosperity is to give ten percent of yourself to God. He said in that lecture: "There is no law that says you can't give more than 10 percent, but I think to give less is to deplete the seed."
He said: "Today I received a revelation concerning the word tithe. I didn't hear it as tithe. I heard it as tie thee. The ten percent is the portion of the divine talent that becomes a seed to tie you to your God Presence, to God, the Great Source....
"'Tie thee' means a tie, a link, a union with your Source, the source of your supply. And by giving that tenth, you're planting the seed that makes your supply grow into the next cycle. If you deny it to God, you actually don't gain at all. By holding it back, you lose, because you don't have any seed to make it grow in the next cycle." End of quote by Mark Prophet.
I have personally witnessed that when I tithe I receive back manyfold, manyfold from God. Over the years, many, many people have told me about the miracle of tithing in their lives--and how tithing has increased their abundance. Now, you do not have to be a member of this church or any church in order to tithe. By tithing, you are fulfilling a spiritual obligation to God. Tithing is an expression of gratitude.
As I teach in my new book Creative Abundance, gratitude is a key to prosperity. When you think about it, and I was thinking about it lately, how little is a dime in our hands. It's one-tenth of a dollar. The one-tenth is very, very important. "Continually thank God for what you are and what you have, and you will see how your abundance will increase."
By tithing, we are giving our gratitude to God for the many, many blessings he has bestowed upon us--most of all, the wonderful teaching that he continues to give us.
LECTURE ON TITHING, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 3, 1998
4.9 The law of tithing is something that is taken up by members of the Church, as they understand the law of the ten that has been set forth in the Old and New Testament in giving a tenth of one's supply to the support of the activities of Hierarchy on earth. The law of the tithe is the foundation of individual spiritual growth. It is the science whereby when we take one-tenth of what God has give in to us and give it back to him in his order on earth, in his Church on earth, he then takes that tenth, multiplies or squares it, and gives back to us 100 percent again.
Those who practice the law of the tithe--and there are many in the organization who do--find a tremendous flow of cosmic abundance, freedom, and blessings coming into their lives. When founding the Church, Jesus said that the sign of one's devotion is one's ability to trust the law of the tithe and to give that portion for the growth of the Church.
The Great White Brotherhood, Chapter 23, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, p. 300
4.10 I wanted to give you a few bits of additional information about tithing. Because something that was very important to me in this experience of studying, from the Bible, Melchizedek and Abraham was that Abraham did not tithe to an organization. He tithed to the Guru, to the representative of God whom he recognized through the blessing or the initiation that Melchizedek gave to him. He acknowledged Melchizedek as the representative of the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth, through the transfer of light. And he understood that to him he owed the tenth that was due Almighty God. What was Melchizedek to do with that tithe? Being who he was, I am certain he would use it to the good of God's people, for I'm sure that Melchizedek himself had no need of those tithes. But Abraham had the need to give them. Abraham himself needed someone to receive his offering and thereby, in the giving of his offering, pass his initiation.
So God sent Melchizedek to him for two reasons: To initiate him and then to receive his tithe. Thereby the door would be open to Abram to be the instrument of the seed of Sanat Kumara and his wife Sarah to bear Isaac. We understand, then, that Melchizedek, if he were living today, would probably create an organization for the using of those tithes to the blessing of many, many thousands of people who would follow in the footsteps of Abraham, even Abraham's own seed. When they would become so numerous as the sands of the seashore, what then would Abraham do? How could he personally receive all their tithes? So logically he would create an organization as God has given to us to create. This organization, then, would exist as a means for the doing of the good works, the redistribution of the multiplication of those tithes back to the blessing of God incarnate in the eagles--in the initiates. Realizing, then, that the organization is one thing and the white fire core of the organization as the mantle of the Guru is another, I began to ponder--since I spoke to you last on the subject--as to what is the very best means and place for you to give your tithes.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Community Meeting, February 2, 1982
4.11 Tithing as cosmic law strengthens the tie to Hierarchy, to the natural flow of cosmic abundance. The masters have told us that without tithing we could not build a Church. The Summit Lighthouse exists yet today by reason of the dues of Keepers of the Flame and the generous contributions and those within the Keepers of the Flame who have taken up tithing because they saw it as the instrument of God's multiplication of his Church and of his supply on earth.
A Report to Keepers of the Flame, SHASTA 1975 - KOF Day, July 2, 1975, Elizabeth Clare Prophet
4.12 Thus the Lord God Sanat Kumara demands fruit and the tithe of ten percent from earth's evolutions, that the investment of the Cosmic Light might be worthy. Therefore understand this offering of the self: ten percent of the portion of the life of all evolutions upon earth in the service of God—in the service of the Lord of the vineyard.
PoW, Vol. 28 No. 39, Beloved Chamuel and Charity, September 29, 1985
4.13 Those who would have the mantle and the sponsorship of the Messenger with them as they go out from this service to do their work and to attempt to provide the necessary aid may have that blessing and that mantle if they will commit to me that all moneys henceforth that they receive into their hands they shall first tithe to the Church and then use the rest for the paying of their bills, et cetera. By that commitment, beloved, you make the same commitment to the living Guru that I made in my own time to the great Guru Melchizedek.
And therefore, I tell you, I did never want for abundance and had tremendous assets under my dominion, for I did always tithe to the living representative of the Almighty. And this is the measure of that portion, beloved, for it does belong to God. And therefore be grateful that you have one in embodiment who has the mantle.
EL MORYA, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, August 7, 1990
4.14 Therefore consider, for the repentance and the baptism there does come, therefore, the joining of that Church, that community of the called-out ones, that sangha of the Buddha, and to understand that the strength of the Body of God in the earth is in that oneness and in that commitment of the law of the tithe itself, which is outwardly expressed as the giving of one-tenth of supply that does come into one's hands. And yet the true meaning of it is that you are giving daily a tenth of your Light and your life-force and your body to the thriving of that Community.
MAHA CHOHAN, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 19, 1991
4.15 Yes, beloved, the law of the Church is the law of the tithe. Yet it is part of the price that you pay for the pearl of great price. When you give back to God what is already his as that tenth of your portion, beloved, know truly that you are giving to him the substance of self which he immediately will turn around and give to me that I might use it for the gathering of the soul. Truly this is the crying need of the hour and a need that not so many are aware of, not so many know that they have. [28-second pause]
MOTHER MARY, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 22, 1991
4.16 Come into communion. Become a communicant. Be part of my Body as the living manifestation of this Church and recognize the law of the tithe and practice it. This is needful, beloved. For I tell you the great teaching. There is no acceleration or advancement on any path, worldly or spiritual, without sacrifice. If the sacrifice is not forthcoming, then the alchemy does not work. Therefore all of you who are successful in every level of life know what is the hardship and the sacrifice of giving birth to your dream, to your visualization, to that thing which you recognize as your calling.
JESUS CHRIST, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 10, 1993
4.17 For the act of tithing does give you the tie to the Mighty God Presence. When one-tenth of thy substance is consecrated to the fulfillment of God's kingdom upon earth, you yourself are a part of that kingdom and the balance of gold, ten percent of your lifestream is held in that balance of the entire universal City Foursquare.
And so the ancient ritual of giving unto God one-tenth of thy portion is simply giving unto him one-tenth of thy being and that being placed in his hands gives you the added momentum of precipitating greater and greater substance. And so some among you have observed the great rewards you have received in tithing in the past.
Remember that the laws were given by Moses for the fulfilling of the divine covenant. The covenant is the promise, the contract between the Father and the Son in which the Father says, "I will give thee all that I have if thou in return will give unto me a portion of thyself and thy consecrated will to fulfill, to the fulfilling of my plan."
God always keeps his part of the contract, beloved ones, but mankind do bargain for more than they are entitled to and thereby they lose all for they seek not first the kingdom of God that is within in order to obtain all these things, but they seek first the things and thereby they do not gain the things or the kingdom.
FORTUNA, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 16, 1966
4.18 Those who are chelas of the Great Divine Director are chelas of advanced alchemy. They must understand the law that each day God gives a quotient of energy to each one according to his karma and the total is considered 100 percent of the daily allotment. Each 10 percent is automatically due upon the altar of God as the return, as the portion that is then once again squared and returned to the chela. Thus, you see the multiplication of abundance does not come except the individual observes strictly the law of the tithe. This is why this is one of the tenets of the inner Church.
It is not that God needs money. It is that you need to give a portion of the self that may be multiplied for your ongoing service. For without that multiplication of light and abundance, you cannot fulfill your divine plan. And in not fulfilling your divine plan, you therefore lose your tie to the Great Divine Director. We make this clear, then, as a requirement of chelaship that you will understand that it is necessary to learn to live within the framework of tithing.
THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR, A Dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 15, 1979