Sunday, March 20, 2022
Why then will you not read it for yourselves?
Sun into Aries at 8:48 a.m. PDT 20 March 2022. Sun at 1/7th of circle to Mars, Sun at 1/9th of circle to Saturn, Sun at 150 degrees to Moon. This shows a strength of resolution and etheric designs that can be focused, utilized, crystalized, studied. (One may call: in the name I AM THAT I AM, Lord Jesus, great hosts of ascended masters, Helios and great Solar Lords, may the light energies from Pisces to Aries modulate for the greater good, amen.) -r.
Hail, legions of the Great Central Sun! I, Michael, summon you to this place and I say, let my voice be heard: Hail, legions of the Great Central Sun!
• Therefore come in the mighty blue-cross formation, for we have gathered for one purpose and it is for liberation of the Work and Word of this Messenger and for \ liberation of all souls who are wed to the will of God throughout this Community worldwide.
• Let all who love that will, who espouse it and who live in it know that from this moment forward the light of the first ray does descend to support every lifestream of noncompromise, for this day and date, January 1, 1989, does mark the beginning of a countdown for victory. It does mark therefore the moving into position of light and lightbearers and servants of God’s holy will.
• Let those who have not made their resolution with the will of God and the inner blueprint hear me. For I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, and I have been with you from the beginning. From the very beginning I AM Michael Archangel, Servant of the Most High God, and where I AM there is that I AM THAT I AM.
• Therefore let you who compromise, who equivocate, who convince yourselves that you do the will of God while denying our First Cause and our best servants understand this, that the vibration of true blue can never be counterfeited. It can never be mistaken, beloved. Either you have it or you do not. Blessed ones, some have become so accustomed to continually explain themselves and explain themselves and explain themselves that they do convince themselves that they are centered in devotion of the will of God and to that will when in fact the compromise of the Spirit of the living God can be read in the aura, the electromagnetic field of such individuals by the littlest angel or elemental. Why then\ will you not read it for yourselves?
Blessed hearts, we come then to snatch from you as it were your Messenger whom we must occupy now twenty-four hours a day in our service on your behalf. Therefore let those trained and counsellors and ministers tend to the individual needs of this Community worldwide, and may you rely on the advice and counsel and teaching already given in many repetitive cases bearing the same earmarks and problems.
For what have we raised up a Messenger? I tell you, it is not to tend the discarnates and demons that you keep in your spirit of compromise with the will of God. Thus this day and this hour there is a separating out, and there be some who have the sapphire aura of El Morya and there be some who have not. And therefore there shall be the gathering of those who form the nucleus of the will of God and throat chakra and outer band of the causal body of this Community, and there be others who may desire to enter in to the ranks of legions of the Lords of the first ray who may do so.
Comprehend, then, that the path of the bodhisattva ideal, the path of discipleship under the World Teachers and Cosmic Christ, this path, beloved, enables you to be tested and to test yourself concerning centrality of the diamond of the will of God in your life.
I come to you sent from God, sent from the I AM THAT I AM, sent from the great Throne Room. I am sent by Alpha and Omega and I have been in the place of Brahman in the beginning with the Word. So therefore, beloved, I AM come. And I AM come to tell you that the mantle that we secure this day with the Messenger is the mantle for safe passage of ye all. It is also the mantle of learning and illumination and self-knowledge. For there is no such thing as blind belief in our ranks nor blind faith, for we mount stellar highways by having passed through the diamond-shining Mind of God. Thus let there be written by the pen and hand of the Messenger those remaining statements that must be made that your safe passage may also rest upon Cosmic Christ illumination.
Therefore we are in defense of Christed ones. And I have already informed you that by cosmic law the absolute and complete protection may not be given except you first call forth that Electronic Presence of your Holy Christ Self around you, for when you are clothed upon with that Holy Christ Self consciousness, beloved, then you have absolute protection of the Godhead by hand of the Seven Archangels and our legions of light.
We come then on this date and the soul of every one of you does know the meaning of January 1, 1989. Beloved hearts, you have known that date long and you have also known that you would be at this point in time and space on that date. Thus come into congruency, into consonance with the inner Word of being and know that as I AM THAT I AM where I AM Archangel Michael, so you are the issue of God where you are. Let protection and the shaft of blue ray and blue flame be upon you, beloved, for it is needful that your momentum increase and your oneness with legions of whitefire and blue lightning be complete.
We shall carry you as far as the great Law will allow us to carry you. Therefore the Law does depend upon that co-measurement and your mirror diamond reflection of that will of God. May you then know the efficacy and fullness of the call for the will of God and protection that that will does afford. May you call for the inner blueprint to manifest. And may you be prepared to wrestle with false hierarchies and their hordes of night who come to amplify within you residual resistance to the will of God in your life.
None need tell you that will, for it is written as the Law of God in your inward parts, and your I AM Presence does pulsate that will to you with every descent of light over the crystal cord. The will of God is there but the psyche and subconscious have chosen to create barriers between inner knowing and the divine Will which is all about you as the canopy of blue above and surrounding the planetary home.
Blessed are ye who dwell in the diamond heart of Morya, who meditate upon that diamond of God’s will that he does preserve. Blessed are ye who embrace faith, knowing that faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Banish doubt! I say: It is the enemy of your certain victory. Banish fear! I say, for it displaces all love of God’s holy will.
And, beloved, see to it that [you challenge] all records of death and hell that challenge [your] eternal faith in God’s Law and will; see to it that you arrive each Friday night at our services until you have vanquished every record of death that has accrued to your lifestream and your electronic belt in the past two and a half million years. Blessed ones, let no record of death remain nor of hell itself!
May you be a clean blue arrow that [is able to] pass through all substance and astral plane and find its mark on the great portal that is the entrance to the Royal Teton Retreat. Set your mark in the skyey blue heavens and you will reach that mark. Set your mark to achieve victory over death and hell and you shall achieve it, I promise you. When you set your mark to be of the legions of first ray I tell you, beloved, then and only then will all other plans and projects and measures themselves be successful.
The fiery ones shall achieve the goal. The taggers-on and stragglers who have preferred every other will but His will shall not enter in unless they move with a fury and an intensity that contrasts the lethargy we have seen from some of you for a decade and more. No longer may you or we tarry then with sense indulgence. This is the victory. This is the victory to which we call you, beloved, and the victory is to the sure, to the swift, to the strong.
By my Presence therefore you may sense your lack. If therefore this day in profound remorse and grief you may face yourself and know that which you have withheld from your Christ Self, your I AM Presence, from your beloved Father in heaven or from this Community and your family, I say, for this cause write to this Messenger. For you will require that surgery that is performed by blue-lightning angels of my bands if you surely and truly desire to let go of your hold on the astral-plane and astral-desire, wish-fulfillment sequences. If you truly this day would enter the ranks of first ray warriors and legions of light, then let it be known. For your former condition has been sustained not alone by yourselves but by false hierarchies and entities you have indulged until they have grown to be a part of the root structure of your own subconscious.
• Therefore, beloved, to offer these calls for liberation of the soul to be the servant of the will of God, for such things should the Messenger’s time be given but not for indulgence of those who will not move, who will not prove that they truly once and for all shall put behind themselves those former things.
We move into the New Age today. Today, I say, is the first and most important step. Today is the step of resolution for the next two thousand years. Blessed hearts, this is the springboard to eternity and you will require every step to be the right step and direct step.
Therefore I come. I come to you, for I desire to stand on behalf of El Morya, to shape the troops, to return chelas of the diamond heart to him to gather others. And those who would be discarded, let them be discarded. For there is no longer a hiding of the coward or mediocre state or the lukewarm that does not have the ability to have an allegiance whether to light or darkness. Therefore the lukewarm have not the allegiance of either light or darkness.
Thus, beloved, from this day forward the die is cast and you can well guess it is a blue die. And you may know, beloved, that the legions of first ray, the Manus, Lawgivers, all beings of cosmos who hold the very warp and woof of a matter creation, those who brace the skeleton of all structure of life–we are those who are well-equipped to bring along all others of all other rays into discipline necessary to move with swift steps along the path of bodhisattva, along the path of individual Christhood, for that readiness must be containment of the balanced threefold flame.
Therefore I come to take my stand for El Morya before you, to give to him of my causal body what the great Law will allow to assist him and his true chelas upon Earth in balancing the karma of misuse of dispensations granted to him on behalf of the nations, their economic structures and the chelas themselves.
The legions of first ray therefore join the legions of the seventh as we are determined to be instruments of a planetary transmutation of violet flame and binding by the power of the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame of all conditions and abuses of this first ray of God’s will, seeing to it that according to the Faithful and True and the Son of God Universal, those who have abused the power, the perfection, the will of first ray may be brought to judgment and their hand be stayed against any and all further abuses of that which has come through the diamond heart of Morya.
I tarry with you, beloved, for I would speak while the blue ray does penetrate. Do not expect it to be comfortable in those areas where you have not espoused it, for the blue ray itself will cause a chemicalization. And during that process of chemicalization you will indeed cry out for violet flame to come forth and transmute conditions of body, soul and mind, environs and all whom you know. For the blue ray is disruptive and you can count on it being disruptive this day. Those who are happy in the blue ray are those who have made their peace, their resolution with the will of God. For they have seen that once the Lord God Himself has called and chosen you it is best to count that blessing, to be grateful and to move with that wind of Holy Spirit of the will of God.
Thus tthe hound of heaven has come after chelas in Earth, and I count myself as one such hound of heaven; but there are many [of my] legions, beloved, [who also count themselves as hounds of heaven] for we have known you, each one, in all prior golden ages. We have seen the great stature from which you have descended to your present low and we see the heights to which you can attain again. Therefore be grateful that we might speak to you through a Messenger who may warn you against [conditions of] pitfalls of pride, of fallen angels and of following after them [which] have come upon those [lifestreams] who have “lost it” through first ray abuses.
It is not always easy to recognize the not-Self or spirit of pride of intellect or human ego. But, beloved ones, on a path of chelaship such as that which is afforded here we count many victories of souls who have taken their ascension who have listened when they have been told that their service has been an excuse for full surrender to the will of God. And when that divine spark within has been allowed to override human consciousness and they have been willing to listen, blessed ones, such a correction needed has been the turning point where they have entered a path of the ascension and they have won.
But the ascension alone is not our goal. The ascension as a path that is filled with distribution of blessings of illumination of all great teachers and teachings of all time–this is our goal. Our goal is to make freedom’s star more than a violet planet. It is to make it a planet of illumination’s golden flame.
Thus let the teaching be published. Let it be written. Let it be heard. Let it be seen. For a base ignorance does cover the planet and that base ignorance comes out of the very misuse of the base-of-the-spine chakra, and therefore [we observe] such primitive behavior, primitive emotions and minds no longer capable of thought or of a thought process that in the divine reason leads to the Throne of God. This, beloved, this absence of the Logos as an active part of life upon Earth does cause even an archangel to tremble as to what will be the outcome. Unless every child and soul and being upon Earth does have even a nail’s worth of the Word pulsating in the very seat of the brain, how I say, how can that one be restored to eternal life and to the Mind of God?
O beloved, there is a rampant desecration of the Divine Mother and Her Christ Child upon Earth in this hour and denial to the seed of light of access to the consciousness of Almighty God. To this then we turn our attention. We turn our attention, beloved, to this which is the will of God for all: universal Christ illumination. Let it be seen, beloved, that when the foundation of your life is the joy of the will of God and you know that will as Morya has taught it for every phase and facet of activity and behavior and psychology, that you move on and you embrace the diamond-shining Mind of God.
I AM Michael Archangel. I come to protect mind, heart, purity, vision. I come to protect the service of all who do the will of God. I come to protect the freedom and religion and ritual that is necessary in the ascent, the homeward ascent to the point of origin.
Now then, beloved, I release to you intense action of legions of first ray forming the foundation of a pyramid we build this day. Thus I give to you in this moment my cohort of light the Archangel Jophiel who does come to address you on wisdom’s flame and the wise dominion thereof.
I salute you, beloved, in the victory of the God- flame. I salute you in the inner blueprint of life. I AM Michael. I respect those who respect the Law of God’s holy will and my legions serve those who so do that will.
via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1989, 5:40-6:10 p.m. MST, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 32:4
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