Wednesday, March 30, 2022
two-edged in their discrimination
Let the decrees to Pallas Athena, great emissary of Truth, and to the Lords of Karma sound forth the note that legions of light on earth and in heaven stand with drawn swords, two-edged in their discrimination of righteousness, and that they have sworn upon the altar of God the hostility of the white light against every form of tyranny, church and state, that would encroach upon the freedom of the blessed children of every nation to know God and to see Him as He is–the flame of eternal life burning upon the altar of being. -Archangel Gabriel: Pearl 21:51 ……………………………….. The other came with his offering of the fruit of the ground, forged out of an efficiency and even a mechanical perfection born of a spiritual/material pride and the determination to exceed the humble offering of the son of God. And so the offering of Cain which lacked the living flame of love was rejected by the Lord because of the impure motive of his heart; for it was to the glory of the self, the lesser ego, instead of to the glory of the great Ego, the universal aum -Archangel Gabriel: Pearl 21:52 ………………………… Great were the forces of the mechanical ones. Their spaceships were extensions of mother ships, and their black magicians under Satan extended their material power through clones of themselves—chemical humanoids programmed with malintent to the destruction of the souls of the standardbearers of the Lord’s Christ. -Archangel Gabriel: Pearl 22:3 ………………………………. Thus it is that everyone who is a disciple on the path of Christhood under the Master Jesus Christ must meet and denounce enemies of righteousness both in the ecclesiastical Babylon, the citadel of confusion within the established church, as well as the political Babylon, which is the citadel of confusion erected by false prophets who have sought by entering governments and economies of the nations to penetrate the matrix of the spiritual Confederation of Israel and Judah.…And ye who have sinned against the Holy Ghost shall not abide in the day of his coming nor stand in the presence of his appearance. And he shall sit in the land as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. …His Word was a sacred fire, a sword of righteousness, dividing the way of the sheep and the goats. The same Word spoken unto the children of light was understood as endearment and was received as the precious gift of his body and his blood. But to the scribes who would yet inscribe their record of infamy against the Lamb, his words were a threat to their very ego-centered identities which they attempted to hide from their fellow disciples but which they could never hide from the messenger. -Archangel Gabriel: Pearl 22:7 ………………………
Blessed hearts, I perceive the greatest affliction of all on planet Earth as the relentless hatred of Christ that is harbored in the subconscious of those who have sworn enmity with God. Spilling over into the wells of the unwary, into the pockets not filled with good fruit, we see then that this force moves in a stealthy manner to trouble and vex the hearts of God’s dear children. Understand that the entry into the world of the individual of the forces of death and the last plagues and of war, pestilence and upheaval [i.e., the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] is through this force which comes by many names and means and in all sorts of Halloween masks and even at the New Year’s Eve ball. Precious hearts, the jesters themselves carry this force. For hatred becomes a mockery and then an envy and then a malice until, hardly able to contain itself, it erupts in acts of vengeance and violence. Dear ones, it even penetrates to little children through the misuse of sound, of art, of educational materials, of drama and entertainment pumped into the subconscious through media. -Lanello, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1984 at Camelot, Pearl 28:4 ………………………
Greetings from the heart of the Royal Teton Retreat. Greetings from the hosts of the Lord and the Brothers who serve with us. An emerald light is magnetized in this hour by illumination’s flame. And as you have sent forth the call of freedom, so freedom answers. I would bring to you a chapter from the Book of Life—your life. I would read to you a poem of the soul. I would share with you the deliberations from the minds of the chohans and those who gather in celebration of your gathering here. In this case it is man who proposes. And so God disposes Himself to be moved from His Throne and to regard once again possibilities in new dimensions. I come then on a ray of light that touches now every heart from out the crystal fire. Illumination’s flame is upon each one as you are extensions of the hand of God in form so envisioned by Amenhotep IV. And this ray of light does activate now the hidden man of the heart and voice of one who within you knows the hour of birth, the hour of immortality, the hour of the coming and going of your soul…. The sealing of the family and its love, the purity and honor, the grace of interchange and above all the wisdom of buddhic learning before its time was his bequeathing to a race—a yellow race so named, for they pursued the second ray. And all of these and many more are embodied in North America in this age, as another race has taken their place and not always carried the pure lamp of the Goddess of Liberty. Truly this land is the land where the eagles gather. Truly it is a place where the ascended masters have come, where Glastonbury and the place of the ancient Druids and sign of the seasons recorded at Stonehenge and the work and light of Francis Bacon and Thomas More may be sealed and protected in the fire of the rock, in the heart of the mountain. -Lanto: 8-26-1982 at RTR, MT, Pearl 25:58 ………………………………….. • By the whitefire core of being we, Purity and Astrea, come for the purging of the planet, of her evolutions. Therefore let whitefire descend! It is the fulcrum of the spectrum (of light rays). Let the whitefire of God be upon you in this moment, for in that whitefire is the alchemy of world transmutation. • In the joy of the Lord, in the joy of Elohim I AM THAT I AM we assemble and we call you to the heart of the Inner Retreat. We call you to this place set aside by Lord Jesus and Lord Maitreya. Blessed ones, insofar as you intensify whitefire of God in your heart chakra so shall you increase in stature and in fullness of the Godhead. Therefore welcome to our fiery hearts, and do be seated. The circle and sword of blue flame you know well. You have wielded that circle and sword of blue flame for over thirty years of diligence. And in those years we have seen lightbearers come, lightbearers enter and intensify, pass on and enter spirals of ascension's flame. These are your brethren, your sisters. These are they who have known you long ago and who are with us in this hour. Champion the whitefire of God, beloved. Know that purification supersedes all. For the power of whitefire to diminish all past records not of the light is an incalculable power. Know this. Run to the power of God. Run to the point of the heart where whitefire is lodged in Elohim, archangels, chohans of the rays and all saints in heaven—whitefire of God for purification. When you rely on purification and whitefire and your calls to Astrea, to Purity you have a formula that cannot be beat. For that formula, beloved, is the one that will carry you—carry you up into the heaven-world, carry you up into the third, the fifth, the tenth levels of that etheric octave. Know this, beloved, that when you receive Serapis Bey, Archangel Gabriel and Hope, when you receive us you have not only whitefire but also that circle and sword of blue flame. Know then, beloved, that when you allow the mind, the mind of God in you to be saturated with whitefire that is the moment when you begin to know transcendence: “I AM changing all my garments, old ones for the bright new day.” -Elohim Purity and Astrea, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 13, 1996 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 45:43 ……………………. 14 Stations of the Cross of Crucifixion of Mother and Her Seed, an initiatory pattern via Serapis, ran through its cycle of 196 months first from winter solstice 1978 to start of Taurus 1995. Next cycle went to start of Virgo 2011—14 months x 14 years for the whole cycle. Each month has a cycle of 14 days, one for Alpha, then one for Omega. The extra days of the month are dropped. So from start of Pisces 2022 we began the 9:30-3:30 secret ray line of 14 months, called Libra cucle of Serapis’ initiation.—now in the second month of this 14 month cycle. First month is a Capricorn initiation, second is an Aquarius, thirteenth month is for 12:30 secret ray, fourteenth month is for 6:30 secret ray. The 10:30-4:30 secret ray cycle spanning 14 months will commence at the start of Taurus 2023 and run till start of Cancer 2024. -R., Siskiyou County, CA ………
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