Wednesday, March 30, 2022
these gods were dishonorably motivated
However some of the ‘gods’ have wrested the secrets of creation to alter the inner nature of man (both his soul and his genes) to conform to an inverted pattern. Through his inharmonious habits of thought and feeling man became vulnerable to this treacherous violation of the nucleus of self. Therefore because these gods were dishonorably motivated in their genetic enslavement of lesser endowed evolutions to a mechanistic control, when I was embodied as Jesus of Nazareth I spoke unto these manipulators of life, saying, “You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father will ye carry out.” (This lust was for the light of the Christ sealed in the blood of the children of Elohim and equally for light of Christic attainment radiating from the chakras of the sons of the Great I AM.) -Jesus Christ: Pearl 4:11
But, blessed ones, America is destined to be an ascended-master nation, a nation flooded with the beauty of God. If this destiny which America was intended to outpicture is to manifest here, it will be because individual lifestreams have put their shoulders to the wheel—not the wheel of selfishness and the wheel of selfish endeavor, not the mechanistic wheel that merely turns in the marts of commerce but the wheel of divine consciousness that in its turning brings forth a more beautiful civilization, that determines to outpicture in each succeeding generation a more noble visage than the past. -Lord Maitreya, via Messenger Mark L. Prophet on July 1, 1961 in Washington, D.C. Pearl 27:7
Thus amplified and standardized through the human media, the mass mind has built up a set of values all its own. Though often mechanistic, these send forceful influences through the radiating power of the human aura which impinge upon that God-directed guidance ever-present within each one’s true conscience, whether readily apparent or beneath the threshold of awareness. -Kuthumi: Pearl 4:49
• ]Now this discussion poses to mankind the problem of the mechanics of nature and the mechanics of cosmic law. We do not attempt to deny but rather do we affirm the action of cosmic law not as mechanistic but as the Law of Exact Manifestation, possessing the quintessence of the five acts of essential divine grace: mercy, justice, compassion, consolation and wholeness or completion. -Master Rakoczy: Pearl 8:6
Contemporary man, then, surrounded with a multitude of religious delusions and the mechanistic, materialistic, existentialistic, false senses of the world order accepted by the multitudes in part, are face-to-face with the great need to recognize the golden veins of truth buried in the heart of the earth awaiting discovery by mankind who, as miners, lay claim to that which they can esteem as precious unto themselves. In stressing the great gift of God to man, I point out that recognition plays so great a role here. For the most precious gems, if considered trinkets or baubles, would scarcely bring a fair price in the marketplace.
-Master R: Pearls of Wisdom 8:23
The power of faith constructs from the dead ashes of the phoenix, not a trace, a mere atom of human imagination but a tangible, manifest, living reality that has the potential to frame its own world. You are not dust and ashes. You are not mortal substance, mechanistic social beings, but in the great cheerful heart of reality, you are becoming like unto God. -Archangel Michael: Pearl 9:10
Until men recognize the darkness they do not reach for the light. Thus the grossness of materialism and of a mechanistic civilization continues unchallenged. To challenge, men must have a sword; and the sword is the sacred Word of truth to this age.-Morya: Pearl 18:1
We come with a fire—a fire as steel, as white and azure-blue light. We come to separate the delicate layers of consciousness that are bound then to a mechanistic consciousness, a mechanistic civilization. And it is ours to send the thin line of fire—almost as though you were given the task to separate the delicate pastries, the delicate layers.
- Angel of Listening Grace, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 12, 1975 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 19:47
………………..…………. Hierarchy is no respecter of persons, of politics, or of polemics. Hierarchy’s call knows no barrier. It cannot be stayed by the iron curtain or by the iron wall that a mechanistic civilization has erected around the children of God. The beam of our eye is a laser beam; it is the action of the ruby ray. It goes straight to the heart of the devotee; and no hand and no force and no ideology can stay the will of the Master who sends forth that ray to call the souls of God home. -Morya: Pearl 18:16
Blessed hearts, realize, then, that the fervent heart when hitched to the wrong star may be unhitched and redirected and therefore scale the heights of mastery, leaving behind those who seek to perfect themselves by the Law without the Spirit, who engage in rituals without love, and who are mechanistic in their judgments, very eager to point the gnarled and bony finger against any light-bearer for a single sin which they do think does soil the garment. -Jesus Christ, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 3, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:35 …………………………..
Now the fallen ones who desire to perpetuate a materialistic and mechanistic civilization also see this sign of the coming of the light and the irresistible force of Sanat Kumara. For it is the presence of the angels and the Masters pressing close and not, in fact, the work of any one individual that is making this possible.
-Archangel Zadkiel, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1984 at RTR, MT, Pearl 27:46a
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