Just as the figure-eight within your temple is the flow of light, so there is a flow of light between Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and this is necessary that the polarity of Alpha and Omega at the poles may be kept. And thus you see, beloved ones, it has naught to do with goodwill or with the signs of the times or the elimination of so-called imperialism; it has naught to do with karma or justice or injustice surrounding Panama, her history; but it has solely to do with the fact that the fallen ones desire to see those with less light, less attainment, less stable governments be in control and thereby the light itself at inner levels is betrayed and it is left unprotected.
America may have been invaded, her armed forces compromised, there may be a weakening of the morale of the people but I tell you still, of all the nations of the Earth, she holds the greatest promise for the incorporation of light within the planetary body. …
Yes, beloved ones, I am on the line of the Holy Spirit and I see clearly every demon and discarnate who has invaded temples of light. I see how there has been the contriving of manipulation of peoples. I see the manipulation in the Middle East as Arabs and Jews are pitted against one another in an age-old strife that began long ago beyond this planetary body. And as they have come to Earth they have imported with them that hatred one of the other–of their descendants and those who have come forth in the beginning from the same seed and from the same flame of the Mother.
Beloved ones, this strife augmented by so many divisions and so many individuals seeking power within the Middle East has been long considered the trump card of the fallen ones….Who are, then, the usurpers who would attempt to manipulate real estate, land, wealth, oil, and all of the resources? Those among both Arabs and Jews and those who are the impostors of both moving among them, for the fallen ones have also embodied among Arabs and Jews to take advantage of that karma that has existed between them. You see, beloved ones, there is nothing simple and there are no simple solutions. …
It is human greed and selfishness, it is the selfish misuse of the light of the Holy Spirit that has brought down upon the children of God and children of Israel century after century these wars manipulated by the fallen ones to the destruction of the children of light. This is my message as I stump across America and the nations of Earth with the Mother. For I AM Shiva, and I AM the original stumper, and I go forth with my dance upon the demons even as the Mother becomes the mouthpiece of my flame. We are determined to have our victory in this age. And I tell you, the legions of Shiva and of Kali and of Durga are the fierce ones, and none can stand our gaze except those who have the same unflinching zeal and devotion to truth. We are not concerned with those who love the path of compromise; they are neither hot nor cold, they are spewed out of the mouth of God and out of our presence….
Beloved ones, it will not take millions but thousands–a certain thousands of souls that I am calling forth, certain souls who are numbered. In fact my very flame rests just above their head so that when they hear the voice and call of the Mother, that flame will descend into their hearts and they will know her face and know that message and know that Word and begin to give those daily calls….but I will stand before you to give you that touch of Shiva–to extend to your chakras a certain frequency and a certain energy which will then immediately be transmitted to your twinflame. This I give to you. And I will come again on another occasion for the same dispensation, but it will not be given at any time except it be given in person through the dictation that I am bringing forth. This is necessary, beloved ones, because of the nature of the light and energy of the Holy Spirit. For the same reason, Lord Christ gave the command to teach in all nations and to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Ghost….
I salute you in love. I commend you for the tremendous effort of light. I commend the staff, the Keepers of the Flame and every lightbearer upon Earth who has upheld the staff–the rod of energy. And you who have failed to do so by your discord, I say, Shame upon you in this hour! How dare you stand in the service of God or our Messenger and release those discordant energies which are the betrayal of the very flame! And you yourselves who have not been a part of this activity yet who call yourselves devotees of the flame, you who have allowed discord and contempt and hatred and disdain into your lives by justification of spiritual pride, I say, Shame upon you! You have not escaped my eye, for the eye of Shiva is upon the elect of God.
And those who are of the elect then let them come up to standard! Let them be willing to be disciplined! Let them forsake those lesser activities and come now into our training, into our university, into our workshop of light! For the acceleration of light is on, and the hour is very late.
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