1) A petition from advocacy groups is calling for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to stop claiming it does not have relationships with or accept financial support from drug manufacturers and other companies that might benefit from agency research.
. During fiscal years 2014 through 2018 the CDC Foundation received $79.6 million from companies like Pfizer, Biogen and Merck. Since it was created by Congress in 1995 the nonprofit organization has accepted $161 million from corporations.
Public Citizen, Knowledge Ecology International, Liberty Coalition, Project on Government Oversight and U.S. Right to Know filed the petition. The groups are concerned about the pharmaceutical industry’s possible undue influence on medical research and practice. https://www.ashclinicalnews.org/online-exclusives/cdc-pressed-acknowledge-industry-funding/...........................................................………..
2) [We could get ~6,000/year excess US myocarditis cases post-vaccination if the Pfizer vaccine is approved, especially in young people/children. -r]
Dr. Anthony Hinton of UK with 30 years experience at National Health Service stated that myocarditis in children has 50 percent fatality rate in five years. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-11-08-vaccine-induced-myocarditis-children-50percent-fatality-rate.html
3) 11-8-21 Deleted webpages reveal Bill Gates praising a controversial Chinese Communist Party-backed influence group – the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries – for its efforts to build “friendship.” Gates, who has a long history of collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party in his personal and professional capacities, visited the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) in June 2014 to deliver a speech on philanthropy.
The CPAFFC has been dubbed the “public face” of the United Front Work Department – a billion-dollar effort executed by the Chinese Communist Party seeking “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign individuals and the policies of foreign states to serve Beijing’s interests,” according to the federal U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission.
Also referred to as “avowedly an arm of the party-state,” CPAFFC has been flagged by the U.S. State Department for its campaigns to “directly and malignly influence” American officials and business leaders.
 archived webpages from a subsidiary of the CPAFFC, the China Friendship Foundation For Peace And Development, reveal Gates speaking at the association’s headquarters. Gates’s speech was titled “Invent For The Poor” https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/gates-headlined-cpaffc-event/
4) 11-8-21 Dr.Ruby at Stew’s: https://rumble.com/vox18r-emergency-over-all-euas-illegal-one-million-5-11-year-olds-jabbed-in-2-days.html
5) gargantuan bureaucratic Chem-Lord agency created by Donald John Trump exec. order in Sept. 2019. But this big pharma/big government usurpation FORTUNATELY includes a big pharma self-cancelling phrase under Section 2. Policy: “to advance the development of new, broadly protective vaccine candidates that provide more effective and longer lasting immunities”, which phrase makes the current mRNA garbage outlawed because this big pharma vax/garbage is certainly Not broadly protective nor does it carry long-lasting immunity. But federal legislature, executive and courts incl. Supreme Court have already sided with big pharma very heavily since at least 1986. Call it the Industry Standard, call it Monopoly, call it the Money Beast. Call it dictatorship and greed, frenzy to control this planet, all its life, all its potential. Call it madness. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/DCPD-201900631/pdf/DCPD-201900631.pdf
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