Vaccine and Sars2 both dual use— Fauci, Daszak. Shi Zhengli, DARPA, Dr. Qiu who resided for years at the Winnepg P-4 lab, they are all dual-use double agents, and many politicians and corporate elite are the same. The vax RNA is dual-use just like the virus: subtle, not outright deadly mostly, probable longterm weakening of the populace (like nearly all big pharma products), certainly very covert; certainly key is the year 2013 when Shi Zhenglii brought many viruses up from Yunnan and Mojiang Mine after 3 miners died of a mysterious disease that Shi and other insiders hid from the world public. But the Chinese specialists all knew it was a variety of SARS. Zhengli took many varieties up to Wuhan, meanwhile, 2013!, DARPA seeded into Moderna and Pfizer $33 million for RNA vax and meanwhile Daszak funneled money and tech to Zhengli, and the dual use bioweapon game was rolling!.
In USA there are alot of outspoken types, therefore CDC has had to hide the real stats of vax injury more cleverly than in other parts of the world. So when is an injury considered to be from vax? Nearly never because big pharma does not want it known that the vax is just as dual use, double-minded, hypocritic as the virus which is also very likely to be lab-designed along these very lines. As subtle dual use bioweapon that is fit for civilians mostly, but SARS2 would be modified to be more devastating in outbreak of war.
“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” ~Henry David Thoreau, (1847) Journals (1838-1859)
“The true terrorists of our world do not meet at the docks at midnight or scream “Allahu Akbar” before some violent action. The true terrorists of our world wear 5000 dollar suits and work in the highest positions of finance, government and business.”
~ Peter Joseph, “Zeitgeist: Addendum”. Documentary, History, War, 2008.
Mass injection at nursing homes is causing high percentages of deaths in a very short amount of time. The injection itself seems to be causing fatal sicknesses in these patients, causing stark changes in their health immediately, all leading to death.
These mRNA shots are not vaccines but delivery systems meant to harm, control and kill. No one knows the longterm and gene-altering effects of these poisons, so beginning with the elderly for this experiment was planned all along and for obvious reasons. When the old and infirmed die, little attention is paid by this now indifferent and frightened population. Months or years from now when the longterm effects begin to cause death in the younger and healthier crowd it will all be blamed on some new or mutated virus strain when in fact it is likely that the fatal effects will have been due to vaccination of this bioweapon…. After testing positive, the deadly “vaccine” is given, and when the inevitable death occurs, it will be blamed on Covid. The narrative (propaganda) will then be that they had Covid so could not have died from the injection. How convenient for the state. They kill these poor people, and then use the deaths to further their agendas of fear in order to control all. These are evil psychopaths without any conscience or soul.
The highest percentage of deaths to date have been in nursing homes, but these deaths due to the state and its criminal partners in the pharmaceutical industry are being caused in most part by this toxic mRNA concoction that is more akin to a bioweapon than a vaccine. -Gary D. Barnett
……………………………………. Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., has gained access to Pfizer’s biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. The research, previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines
The assumption that vaccine developers have been working with is that the mRNA in the vaccines would primarily remain in and around the vaccination site. Pfizer’s data, however, show the mRNA and subsequent spike protein are widely distributed in the body within hours
This is a serious problem, as the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. It also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries
Once in your blood circulation the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. When that happens it can cause platelets to clump together, resulting in blood clots and/or cause abnormal bleeding
Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency also show the company failed to follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies and that key studies did not meet good laboratory practice standards
The more we learn about the COVID-19 vaccines the worse they look. In a recent interview with Alex Pierson (above), Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., dropped a shocking truth bomb that immediately went viral, despite being censored by Google.
It also was featured in a “fact” check by the Poynter Institute’s Politifact,2 which pronounced Bridle’s findings as “false” after interviewing Dr. Drew Weissman,3 a UPenn scientist who is credited with helping to create the technology that enables the COVID mRNA vaccines to work. But as you can see below, unlike Bridle, Politifact neglected to go beyond interviewing someone with such a huge stake in the vaccine’s success.
Dr. Fleming’s presentation begins at the 1:29:38 mark on this video: .
Dr. Fleming begins with an explanation of the Covid virus and how it invades the body and with an explanation of the “vaccine” and how it invades the body. He uses the official data to demonstrate that there is no difference in Covid illness and Covid deaths between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The “vaccine” provides zero protection, but the “vaccine” does have adverse reactions that are serious and deadly.
Dr. Fleming shows how authorities manipulated the official data to produce the false claim that being doubly vaccinated provided 95% protection.
February 14, 2021
\by SOTN
Anyone who’s even considering the COVID-19 vaccine MUST watch the following video presentation.
“COVID-19 jab is not a vaccine;
it’s a cellular modification technology that causes a
self-creating auto-immune disease similar to AIDS” (Video)
After viewing that preceding Covid vaccine “real deal” production, every reader is encouraged to listen to the following two highly credentialed medical doctors who are experts in the fields of coronavirus and vaccines, particularly the COVID-19 vaccine.
Biowarfare & Weaponization of the COVID-19 Vaccine (Video)
Dr Simone Gold: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine (Video)
As for one last intro piece about “The Most Dangerous and Deadly Big Pharma Experiment in World History”, the video posted below is certainly not for the fainthearted. Nevertheless every parent needs to watch it before they vax their kids.

Dr. Carrie Madej: An Urgent Wake-Up Call About New COVID-19 Vaccine
Documented Severe Reactions to the Covid mRNA Vaccines
The list of severe and fatal reactions to the mRNA vaccine is growing exponentially by the week.
Each day brings new searing testimonies and hard scientific evidence that reflect an extremely toxic and experimental Covid vaccine has been administered to highly vulnerable individuals who should have never been vaccinated—PERIOD!
The following “National Vaccine Information Center” link documented 329 deaths and 9516 vaccine injuries (as of 1/22/2021) that occurred soon after each patient received their COVID-19 vaccination. See: These are the first 329 cases where COVID-19 vaccines were administered and the patients died as a result.
KEY POINT: The preceding COVID-19 vaccine death statistic of 329 has since been updated to 501 at this link:
A much more detailed explanation of this outcome was provided by the Children’s Health Defense Team as follows. This particular analysis ought to be well understood by every person whose elderly parents are under the care of an institution, especially if they have multiple comorbidities.
COVID VACCINE ALERT! 329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries
The CDC also had a “Vaccine Injury Reporting System” page that listed all the deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccine at this link:
As anyone can see, that CDC data page is now suspiciously inactivated and has been down since the growing number of deaths and injuries has rapidly increased. That vaccine outcome page had been frequently updated until it was inexplicably removed from the CDC website.
Why has the CDC’s “Vaccine Injury” data page been disabled
ever since the explosion of Covid jab deaths?!
The various COVID-19 vaccines represent only one component of a much more advanced and sophisticated bioweapon system. The various pieces of this fully operational “bioweapon system” have been methodically activated in stages, as well as increasingly coordinated with each other, since the turn of the millennium. See: OPERATION COVID-19: Pandemic Blueprint Exposed, Stealth Weapon System Launched in Stages
There are actually several components of this “Ultimate Bioweapon” that have been assaulting humanity for decades. Each of them plays an integral part in both the propagation and dissemination of Covid Syndrome worldwide. See: QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion
It’s imperative that each and every resident on planet Earth has a thorough understanding of the true nature of and secret purpose behind the COVID-19 bioweapon. Because, once any individual is vaccinated with the Covid jab they will inevitably become much more vulnerable to the other well-concealed weapons of the bioweapon system.
key words: vaccine bioweapon
on yahoo search
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