- by Maj-Gen (Dr) G.D. Bakshi
[Combat veteran, PhD in Strategic Studies. Author of 40 books, Editor Indian Military Review]
Published : June 5, 2021 Back in 1999 I was serving in the Military Operations Directorate with NBC (Nuclear Chemical and Biological Warfare) as part of my charter. We were jolted to see a Book on Unrestricted Warfare by two Chinese Senior Colonels-Quiao Liang and Wang Xiangsi (they later rose to be generals). It was on how China could take on and defeat a super power like the USA by waging a no-holds-barred conflict that involved a multitude of means, including military and non-military. Non-military means included terrorism, biological warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, economic warfare and a host of others. The aim was to bring the enemy to his knees, without a shot being fired, by non- contact warfare. This was followed up by a book “War for Power” by Guo-Jeiwi, a military researcher, in 2010. This openly talked of a new concept of war with biological characteristics. Further books followed, including one by Lt Gen Zhang Zibu, who openly talked of weaponising the virus.Official Military Doctrine: All these books by individual military officers could be taken as mere kite flying or veiled threats. However in 2017 China updated its official military doctrine enshrined in the science of Military Strategy. This updated edition added a new chapter on biological warfare, titled ‘Biology as a Domain for Military Strategy”. China is a signatory to the biological warfare convention banning such weapons. How then could China include biowarfare in its official doctrine? The world should have protested loudly, but it did not. The Smoking Gun document, however, had been written even earlier. In 2015 Xu Dezhong, a senior Chinese Air Force virologist, had led a team of 18 scientists and authored an exhaustive study on biological warfare. Their findings were presented to the CMC and the highest leadership in China over 24 sessions—in itself a clear indication of the overwhelming significance allocated to this subject. This document actually explains what precisely has happened since then. Some of the crucial findings/ recommendations of this study merit highlighting in detail:This report clearly stated that the SARS virus was a genetically engineered virus specifically designed to target China. This was startling and indicates a siege mentality–a deep seated Chinese perception that it is the victim of biological war. Ergo sum, China is fully justified in retaliating in kind. Such a Chinese mindset in itself is dangerous and has possibly precipitated the indiscriminate Wuhan virus release. This study spoke of how the new found technique of freeze drying micro-organisms has enabled storage of bio-war agents. These can subsequently be aerosolized whenever a biological warfare attack has to be mounted. Such an attack is so easy to mount and cannot really be traced back to source. There is complete deniability in such attacks. The study spoke of how the entire health care system in a society can be collapsed and crippled with such a biological attack. Not only will this cause mass casualties and widespread morbidity but induce tremendous psychological stress in victim countries. It can have long term disruptive impact and bring about economic collapse. Hence such bio agents are ideal to bring a country to its knees without a shot being fired. - This actualizes Sun Tzu’s axiom of subduing the enemy without fighting. At the very least it would set up the target country for a follow up military strike to exploit the severe disarray and disruption.The unfortunate fact is China did not stop at theorizing and writing about bio-warfare. It took active and concerted steps to create this capability in a useable form. Consider the following: There are two virological labs in Wuhan itself. The WIV lab was set up with French assistance as a level Four facility. It is headed by PLA general rank officers– Shi Zhengli (famed as China’s bat woman and world’s leading expert on bat corona viruses) and Maj-Gen Cao Wei (who had served in Africa and dealt with MERS and Ebola epedemics). The very fact that China’s virological labs are headed by military officers, indicates the military dimension of their programs.The trail goes back to 2012 when six (actually 3 or 4 of the 6) Chinese miners in a disused copper mine died of Pneumonia with lung patches similar to Covid. Shi ZhengLi rushed teams there and collected and studied samples from 276 bats in 2013. They published findings in2016 and identified the bat coronavirus strain as RaBTCov/ 4991. (This was later found to be the same as the infamous strain Ra TG 13 which has 96.2% match with the genome sequence of Covid-19 virus.)In 2015 Shi Zhengli had written four papers on how the SARS hook virus could be spliced on to the bat corona backbone to make it a highly lethal and communicable virus as part of gain of function.She was mentored by Prof Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina in USA. Not only did he help her with this gain of function research, he also taught her to do it via serial passage through cell cultures to mask it and make it look like a natural virus. Nicholas Wade has disclosed this. By Nov 2015 this souped up virus was ready in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/news/really-happened-wuhan
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