Thursday, September 3, 2020
I would wrap you in the swaddling clothes of my consciousness
So I would wrap you in the swaddling clothes of my consciousness, the folds of wisdom carefully placed around your bodies, folds of love and power, of faith and grace, unguents of healing. So I take the swaddling garment of my consciousness and I enfold you each one in the love of the Divine Mother whose office it is my opportunity to represent to embodied mankind….For the Divine Mother is the cosmos itself, and it has been my lot to
outpicture a fractioned part of it, and in that part was the Whole and is the Whole. And thus when devotees of the light pray “Mary” so they receive the effulgence of the Mother ray which is the inner meaning of Mary, released from my hands and heart, released from my being./////////////////////////
Faces upturned in adoration always have the ear of the angles….by acts of darkness and luciferianism a plot has been spawned upon a great many in the West as well as in the East. The Mother has been taken from them and their souls cry out as Mary (Magdalene) cried out “They have taken my Lord and I know not where they have laid him.” So the souls of men cry inside and they say “They have taken away the Mother and I know not where to find Her.” Precious hearts, until the soul finds the Mother again, the Motherhood of God personified in many heavenly beings and angels, that should cannot find reunion with the Father, for do you understand that the soul goes to the Father through the Mother. It is the Mother that teaches the child the wisdom of the Father, it is the Mother that draws children into the heart of nature. It is the Mother above all that seals the soul with the patterns of individuality, that draws out by the power of Her love the magnetization of the God-flame that is as a kernel of light locked in the heart until the warmth of the Mother’s love reaches it as the Sun touches flowers….pray for all humanity, pray that they might also know the Divine Mother. ////////////////////////////
How will they come to know that Mother? There is one very important way in which you can assist, and I have come to tell it to you this day. It is that you become the Divine Mother yourself!—that you receive into your arms those who need succor and comfort and compassion. You who are strong men and wise, you too must become the Mother, you must outpicture Her flame….///////////////////////////
Draw forth the consciousness of the Most High in purity and love and minister unto the needs of My children everywhere. Lo here and lo there they come. Some know not that their souls yearn for the light of the Divine Mother for they are surfeited in intellectual pride and arrogance. They have sought Her in many ways but they have been given the chaff instead of the wheat, they have not been given even a morsel of the true consciousness and true wisdom of the Mother….it is the flame of wisdom from the Divine Mother that draws all people to a desire for higher learning. For deeply embedded within the being of man is the soul that yearns to be free and that knows that his freedom will ultimately come through the knowledge of the sacred Word. And so it is: “Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.” It is ever thus that the call compels the answer….Do not forget that God gave man the opportunity to take dominion in the footstool kingdom and He gave him freewill that he might prove himself worthy to be a co-creator with the Infinite One. Therefore man must make the fiat “Thy will be done! Thy will be done! Thy will be done in us daily!” With this fiat man gives the authority back to God who then enters into his world, into his kingdom to work the works of the fire of the will of God. This call must be made hourly, momentarily, daily….This is the key to the cornucopia of heaven, to the abundance of blessings which shower upon you each time you give that immortal fiat (“Not my will, not my will but Thine be done!”) of the Son of man…. /////////////////////////////////
For heaven requires that a remnant of the people shall show forth their devotion….Do you know what it means to be wholly dedicated, wholly selfless, having surrendered the human personality, no longer engaging in strife and discord, giving yourself to the altar of God each morning when you arise, consecrating your energies, each erg, each erg of energy that is pulsated from the heart of God to the heart of man in manifest dominion each day? Dedication is something that must be sought, and when it is found it must be transcended…. ///////////////////////////
By the power of the Divine Mother I have spoken; and I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the age!
-Archeia Mary: at Accra, Ghana on 7-23-1972 via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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