Tuesday, September 22, 2020
"China absolutely building out massive surveillance state domestically/internationally"
Zhenhua Data's chief executive Wang Xuefeng boasted of using data to wage "hybrid warfare".
"China is absolutely building out a massive surveillance state domestically/internationally" Professor Balding told the ABC….
"This mass collection of data is taking place in China's private sector, in the same way Beijing outsources its cyber attack capability to private subcontractors," Mr Potter told the ABC….
Zhenhua boasts it has about 20 "collection nodes" scattered around the world to vacuum enormous amounts of data and send back to China. Two of the nodes have been identified as being in Kansas in the United States and the South Korean capital Seoul. The Australian node has not been detected….
The discovery of Zhenhua's core business, known as the Overseas Key Information Database, or OKIDB, will fuel concern about China's aggressive intelligence gathering operations. Zhenhua Data, established in 2018, is believed to be owned by China Zhenhua Electronics Group which in turn is owned by state-owned China Electronic Information Industry Group (CETC), a military research company which had an association with the University of Technology Sydney until 2019. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-14/chinese-data-leak-linked-to-military-names-australians/12656668
8-21-20 It’s scary to not be able to breathe. That was the first thing I felt, both times the poisoning symptoms began to set in. Both times were in Moscow — the first, on May 26, 2015; the second, on Feb. 2, 2017. My chest was expanding, all the normal physical motions were there — but it felt as if I were suffocating. The other symptoms — racing heartbeat, excessive perspiration, violent vomiting, loss of consciousness — came later.
The official diagnosis from the hospital was “toxic action by un undefined substance” — meaning, in plain language, poisoning by an unknown source. Multiple organ failure, brain swelling and a prolonged coma followed. Both times, doctors told my wife I had about a 5 percent chance to live. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/08/21/world-must-pay-attention-suspected-poisoning-alexei-navalny-my-own-case-shows-why/
When Vladimir Lenin and his saviors of Russia took over Russia in Nov. 1917 they took everything in the country, not particularly diffrent from Putin's 21 year stint, plus whatever else they could grab with cunning, terror and hypocrisy. Worldwide this is almost “acceptable behavior” but not quite. -r
6-17-2014 https://indiancountrytoday.com/archive/kill-the-land-kill-the-people-there-are-532-superfund-sites-in-indian-country-LpCDfEqzlkGEnzyFxHYnJA
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