Wednesday, September 30, 2020

big fentanyl bust in Delaware

 9-21-20    Delaware fentanyl bust of 7.5 kg, enough to kill 3/4 million people, was made in Delaware.  The operation of the local

Luis Renteria ring extended to PA, FL, CA and the bust netted 20 weapons.


8-24-2019  Delaware drug ring bust out of grocery store.   

29 yr old Ashley Mathis and 44-year-old Jackie Boyd were the ring leaders, according to police.

You must find the resources to create a new life.

 49.  Love and striving work miracles in life.  We are awakening your energy for new thoughts,which are needed for transmutation and for the work of thought in life.  You must find the resources to create a new life.  We send you thoughts—sharpen them without violating karma.   -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1924


II, iv, 11.  Today is the beginning of feminine ray awakening.  A new wave has reached Earth today, and new hearths have become alight, for the substance of the rays penetrates deeply.   -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925


479.  When I speak about simplicity I have in mind direct persuasiveness. When there is talk about raising the people's level precisely simplicity is required in all its convincingness. This quality must not only be accepted with one's mind but loved with one's heart—from it emanate both cooperation and brotherhood.   

                                          -M:  Brotherhood 1937


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Putin goes full tilt Stalin-clone

9-28 Indonesia 4.64/55.8= 8.3% increase/day …........................................... India 87/855= 10.2% (minor decline but hopeful) ……………..........................................
………......................................... Iran 3.4/42.4= 8% increase/day …………….................................. France 15/371= 4% increase/day ……………………………………................................
Ruslan Kostylenkov (centre) attends a hearing last week at Moscow’s Lyublinsky district court with other defendants. Photograph: Anton Novoderezhkin/Tass 24 Jul 2020 A defendant in a controversial Russian extremism case has accused the police of beating and sexually assaulting him in order to obtain a confession, the latest accusation of police torture in a high-profile trial in the country. In a courtroom statement on Friday, Ruslan Kostylenkov accused five police officers of tying him to a chair, beating him in the kidneys, and then sodomising him with the handle of a kitchen mallet so that he would confess on camera to belonging to an anarchist organisation. After the incident, a police officer “sat with me during my interrogation and virtually dictated my testimony to the investigator”, Kostylenkov said in the statement, which was provided to the Guardian before Friday’s hearing. The alleged torture left him defecating and urinating blood for days, he said/ (same cases follows next:) ……........................................................................ 8-6-20 The group's supporters say the case was fabricated by the FSB security service and that agents infiltrated the group, financed operations and coerced its members into renting office space and creating a charter. … In 2018, authorities detained 10 people accusing them of belonging to an anarchist cell called the "New Greatness" that was plotting an uprising against the government. The group's supporters say the case was fabricated by the FSB security service and that agents infiltrated the group, financed operations and coerced its members into renting office space and creating a charter. …………………......................................................................... 9-4-2017 Petrozavodsk, capital of Russia’s Republic of Karelia, is the stage for the trial of Yury Dmitriyev, a local history specialist and human rights campaigner. Dmitriyev has devoted most of his life to restoring Russia’s historical memory. He is now being tried on trumped-up charges of child pornography and firearm possession. I spoke to Dmitriyev’s friends and family, as well as forensic experts, to try and find out the truth…. Anufriyev sees nothing suspicious in Dmitriyev’s photos — they seem to him to be very ordinary images — and believes the arrest is connected to his professional life. “By looking for execution sites, he was discrediting the previous regime, and he is, moreover, a rigid and uncompromising person.” According to one version of events that emerged after Dmitriyev’s arrest, one reason for the historian’s arrest could be his work on drawing up lists of NKVD executioners. “I don’t exclude the possibility that lists of executioners, which Dmitryev apparently wanted to publish, could have played a role,” says Anatoly Razumov, the director of the Returned Names Centre at the Russian National Library (and a friend of Dmitriyev for many years). “But Dmitriyev was involved in searching for burial sites of repression victims, and he published the lists of executioners 20 years ago!” …….................................................................................. 9-29-20 Gulag historian’s sentence increased suddenly to 13 yrs in max security When police searched his flat, they found images on his computer of his daughter, some of them naked. A charge of non-violent sexual abuse of a minor was added the following year, as well as illegal possession of firearm parts….
Dmitriyev said the photos were taken to document the child's growth in case of problems with social services as she had been emaciated when the couple fostered her. In 2018, he was cleared of all but the firearms charge, but the regional Supreme Court overturned the verdict two months later based on an investigator's interview with his daughter, then 12 years old, shortly after he was acquitted. The case was returned to court with an additional sexual abuse charge, relating to inappropriate touching. However, linguistic experts cited in court have suggested that investigators pressured the girl during questioning over an incident some years before. The allegation is believed to relate to a documented medical condition. In May more than 150 Russians, including artists, actors and writers wrote an open letter to the court in support of the historian, saying they were "sure the accusations are unfair and should be dismissed by the court". ………...................................................................................... The FSB security services detained a respected ex-journalist Ivan Safronov last month on treason charges, while another journalist, Svetlana Prokopyeva, was found guilty of justifying terrorism. ....................................... Both Puiinium and Trumpite practice divide and conquer of their own countrymen! Like Stalinie and the world's central bankers! -r

Jacob Blake case

8-25-20 Raysean White, one of Blake's neighbors, told CNN that he watched the situation unfold on Sunday before pulling out his phone to video police. White described the part before he recorded, saying: "One of them had him in a headlock and was punching him in his ribs, the other had him in a headlock on the other side of him and was pulling his arm." "After they punched him in his rib, the female officer tased him and Jacob kind of leaned on the car and they proceeded to wrestle him toward the back of the car and he went to the other side of the car." ………………………………………………….................................................…… Blake’s partner,
Laquisha Booker, told NBC’s Milwaukee affiliate, WTMJ-TV, that the couple’s three children were in the back seat of the SUV when police shot him. “That man just literally grabbed him by his shirt and looked the other way and was just shooting him. With the kids in the back screaming. Screaming,” Booker said. Neighbors and relatives described Blake as a father of six who worked as a security guard. They said he’s lived in the neighborhood for about a year. One witness, who did not want his name used but said he had an unobstructed view of the events leading to the shooting, said Blake pushed past police and that’s when they struck him with Tasers. “He didn’t even flinch,” the witness said. “He just kept walking.” Blake tried to climb into his car. That’s when a police officer grabbed him, the witness said….The witness said he never saw a knife….“I thought he was dead. Then he sat in an ambulance for 20 minutes right here,” the man said. “It was just like they were expecting him to die.”  Wisconsin Gov. Evers, a Democrat, said that he has seen no information to suggest Blake had a knife or other weapon, but that the case is still being investigated. Joe Biden called for “an immediate, full and transparent investigation” and said the officers “must be held accountable.” “This morning the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force,” he said. Kevin Brown of Evanston said he wasn’t surprised that witnesses say Jacob Blake was trying to be a “peacemaker” and resolve a dispute between two women in Kenosha prior to being shot by police. His heart for Black people and desire for peace runs in the Blake family, Brown said. Chicago Police Supt. David Brown said Monday the department is monitoring the situation in Kenosha. “It’s god-awful to watch,” Brown said of the cellphone video. “We don’t want to make any kind of assumptions based on a preliminary investigation that’s just started, but again, the video looks god-awful.” Mayor Lori Lightfoot tweeted Monday she was “deeply disturbed” by the video. “We pray that Mr. Blake survives. And we pray for his children and for peace and justice in Kenosha,” the mayor tweeted. -Parents of Jacob Blake; Jacob Blake with his sons …………………………………………..................................................... 8-26-20 Laquisha Booker and Blake have three children together. Benjamin Crump, a civil rights attorney who is representing the family of George Floyd, shared the video of Blake's shooting on Twitter and confirmed that his three children, all sons, were in the car. ………………………….…................................................ 8-24-20 “You shot him numerous times, for no reason. It didn’t take all that," Laquisha Booker said in an interview Sunday evening. "Disregard that my kids were in the car at all. And you knew they were in there, because I kept screaming that.” ……………………………………………............................................. 9-8-20 The police, it turned out, were responding to a call from Blake’s girlfriend Laquisha Booker, who dialed 911 to report that Blake was on her property in violation of a restraining order and that he had stolen her car keys. The restraining order had been issued following an incident on May 3rd, during which Blake had broken into Booker’s home at 6am (ostensibly to collect his belongings) and allegedly sexually assaulted her by penetrating her with his fingers. Before the officers arrived at the scene the dispatcher had notified them of Blake’s outstanding warrants for felony sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct. ……………………………………............................................... 9-1-20 After the initial attempt to arrest Blake, Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey deployed a Taser to attempt to stop Blake. When that attempt failed, DOJ officials said Kenosha Police Officer Vincent Arenas also deployed his Taser, however, that Taser was also not successful in stopping Blake. Wisconsin DOJ Conducted 88 witness interviews Collected 102 evidence items Downloaded 28 videos for review Issued 4 search warrants According to DOJ during the investigation following the initial incident Blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession. DCI agents recovered a knife from the driver’s side floorboard. Blake was armed with a knife, but officers did not initially see it, Brendan Matthews, attorney for the Kenosha Professional Police Association, said. “The officers first saw him holding the knife while they were on the passenger side of the vehicle,” he said. State investigators have said only that officers saw a knife on the floor of the car. They have not said whether Blake threatened anyone with it.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Tritto: “everything in China is dual-use technology” civilian/military

8-16-20 Tritto meticulously documents the process whereby an effort to develop a SARS vaccine, using the technique of reverse genetics, took a dark turn.  Reverse genetics is used to create viral strains that have reduced pathogenicity but to which the immune system responds by creating antibodies against the virus.  Only, reverse genetics can also be used to create viral strains that have increased pathogenicity.  And that is exactly what was encouraged once the Chinese military got involved.  As a bonus, genomes from HIV were added to the new virus to make it even more nasty. As reviewer Steven Mosher puts it:  "[Tritto] connects the dots linking the Wuhan lab to France and the United States, showing how both countries provided financial and scientific help to the Chinese as they began to conduct ever more dangerous bioengineering experiments.   Although neither American nor French virologists are responsible for the end result-a highly infectious coronavirus and a global pandemic-their early involvement may explain why so many insist that the chimera must have come from nature.  The last thing they want to admit is that they might have had a hand in it." And if all this weren't bad enough, Tritto also contends:  "Given the many mutations of SARS-CoV-2, it is extremely unlikely that a single vaccine that blocks the virus will be found.  At the moment 11 different strains have been identified: the A2a genetic line which developed in Europe and the B1 genetic line which took root in North America are more contagious than the 0 strain originating in Wuhan.  I therefore believe that, at the most, a multivalent vaccine can be found effective on 4-5 strains and thus able to cover 70-75% of the world's population." Mosher concludes:  "In other words, by withholding from the world the original genetic code of the China Virus that it created, the Chinese Communist Party is ensuring that no completely effective vaccine will ever be developed by the West."  -Dr. Michel Shaw ……………………………………........................................… 4-8-20
Prof. Giuseppe Tritto, 68, has a respectable curriculum. He is a doctor in urology, andrology, infertility microsurgery, and a professor in microtechnology and nanotechnology in the United Kingdom and India. He is a visiting professor and director of nano-medicine at Amity University in New Delhi (India). For this very reason he could closely vet the research done in Wuhan. In his view, the latter began as a way to fight disease, but gradually turned into bioengineering studies to build lethal biological weapons. It is no coincidence that in the past five years, the Wuhan lab received the largest portion of China’s funding for virologic research, turning it into an advanced research centre under the direct control of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese government. According to Prof Tritto, Prof Shi Zheng-Li “probably had no interest in doing work for the military or other purposes, unless she was forced to do so. Nobody doubts her good faith.” However, the fact remains that after the laboratory came into the spotlight because of the pandemic, People’s Liberation Army Major General Chen Wei, an expert in biochemical weapons and bioterrorism, was appointed head of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, working with a team that includes Zhong Nanshan, a famous pulmonologist with long experience in infectious lung diseases. …………..........................................…. 8-10-20 Our articles were censored as “fake news,” often by American virologists who knew perfectly well what the truth was, but preferred to protect China, and themselves, from scrutiny lest they themselves be implicated….reverse genetics can also be used to create viral strains that have increased pathogenicity.  That is what Dr. Shi, encouraged by PLA bioweapons experts, began increasingly to focus her research on, according to Prof. Tritto. Dr. Shi first solicited help from the French government, which built the P4 lab, and from the country’s Pasteur institute, which showed her how to manipulate HIV genomes. The gene insertion method used is called “reverse genetics system 2.”  Using this method, she inserted an HIV segment into a coronavirus discovered in horseshoe bats to make it more infectious and lethal.   The U.S. was involved as well, particularly Prof Ralph S. Baric, of the University of North Carolina, who was on the receiving end of major grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.  This is, of course, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s shop.  Fauci was a big proponent of “gain of function” research, and when this was prohibited at Baric’s lab because it was considered to be too dangerous, the research was shifted to China…. as soon as Dr. Shi’s research showed any potential military uses the PLA would have begun exercising control of the research…. In 2010 Dr. Shi came into contact with American researchers led by Prof. Ralph Baric, who in turn works on recombinant viruses based on coronaviruses. Thanks to the matrix viruses provided by Shi, Baric created in 2015 a mouse Sars-virus chimera, which has a pathogenic effect on human cells analyzed in vitro.  At that point the China-US collaboration becomes competition. Shi wants to work on a more powerful virus to make a more powerful vaccine: it combines a bat virus with a pangolin virus in vitro and in 2017 publishes the results of this research in some scientific articles.  Her research attracts the interest of the Chinese military and medical-biological sector which deals with biological weapons used as a deterrent for defensive and offensive purposes. Thus Shi is joined by doctors and biologists who belong to the political-military sphere, such as Guo Deyin, a scholar of anti-AIDS and anti-viral hepatitis vaccines and expert in genetic recombination techniques. The introduction of the new engineered inserts into the virus genome is the result of the collaboration between the Shi team and that of Guo Deyin. -S. Mosher, following Tritto's line ………..............................................… 9-4-20 Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and a virologist, and Allison Wilson, Ph.D., a molecular biologist. I interviewed Latham about some of their theories in July 2020. His interview is featured in “Cover-Up of SARS-CoV-2 Origin?” Latham and Wilson argue that while the virus likely originated in a bat at some point, the mechanism by which it jumped from bat to human was not natural. Dr. Michael Antoniou is a London-based molecular geneticist who has noted that enhanced-infectivity viruses can be engineered in the lab without using a previously used virus backbone. Using a method called “directed iterative evolutionary selection process” you can generate “a large number of randomly mutated versions of the SARS-CoV spike protein receptor,” and then to select those protein receptors most effective at infecting human cells. The inventors of this technique received the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2018. If lab technicians in the Wuhan lab did use the directed iterative evolutionary selection process to engineer a “gain of function” (weaponized) bat coronavirus, and the virus subsequently leaked, infected one or more lab technicians, then spread to people outside the lab, including people from the Wuhan Seafood Market, there would be no trace of the virus having been genetically engineered or manipulated.12 Dr. Richard Ebright is an infectious disease expert at Rutgers University who has pointed out that both U.S. and Chinese researchers have genetically engineered bat coronaviruses using methods that “leave no sign or signature of human manipulation.”13 Stuart Newman, professor of cell biology and anatomy at New York Medical College in Valhalla, New York, and editor-in-chief of the journal Biological Theory, has also pointed out that “Virologists have been experimentally recombining and genetically modifying coronaviruses for more than a decade to study their mechanisms of pathogenicity.”14 Indeed, such experiments go back two decades.15,16 Francis Boyle, whose background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a juris doctor (lawyer) degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science, drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 and has been involved in antibiological warfare work for several decades. According to Boyle, the scientific literature establishes that this virus is an engineered synthetic virus that was not transmitted from animals to humans without human intervention. Dr. Meryl Nass, who in 1992 published a paper17 in which she identified the 1978-1980 Zimbabwe anthrax outbreak as a case of biological warfare, also isn’t buying the all-natural argument. In an April 2, 2020, blog post, she wrote:18 “Why are some of the U.S.’ top scientists making a specious argument about the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2? … Prior to genetic engineering techniques being developed (1973) and widely used (since late 1970s), more ‘primitive’ means of causing mutations, with the intention of developing biological weapons, were employed … They resulted in biological weapons that were tested, well-described, and in some cases, used … These methods can result in biowarfare agents that lack the identifiable signature of a microbial agent constructed in a lab from known RNA or DNA sequences. In fact, it would be desirable to produce such agents, since it would be difficult to prove they were deliberately constructed in a lab. Here are just a few possibilities for how one might create new, virulent mutants: 1.Exposing microorganisms to chemical or radiological agents that cause high mutation rates and selecting for desired characteristics 2.Passaging virus through a number of lab animals or tissue cultures 3.Mixing viruses together and seeking recombinants with a new mix of virulence factors” Chris Martenson,19 who has a Ph.D. in pathology, in the video below details the science behind his assertion that SARS-CoV-2 must have undergone laboratory manipulation. I also did a write-up on this in “The Smoking Gun Proving SARS-CoV-2 Is an Engineered Virus. AndrĂ© Leu, international director of Regeneration International, wrote an article reviewing the evidence for a manmade origin, in which he notes that several researchers have stated SARS-CoV-2 is a result of the genetic recombination of part of the spike protein of the Malayan Pangolin coronavirus into RaTG13. Norwegian and British researchers Birger Sorensen, Andre Susrud and Angus Dalgleish claim SARS-CoV-2 has unique fingerprints that could not have evolved through natural means and are indicative of purposive manipulation. According to the authors:20 “Henceforth, those who would maintain that the Covid-19 pandemic arose from zoonotic transfer need to explain precisely why this more parsimonious account is wrong before asserting that their evidence is persuasive, most especially when, as we also show, there are puzzling errors in their use of evidence.” Canadian researchers Shing Hei Zhan, Benjamin E. Deverman and Yuji Alina Chan, from the Department of Zoology and Biodiversity Research Center at the University of British Columbia, published a study in May 2020, in which they note:21 “In a side-by-side comparison of evolutionary dynamics between the 2019/2020 SARS- CoV-2 and the 2003 SARS-CoV, we were surprised to find that SARS-CoV-2 resembles SARS- CoV in the late phase of the 2003 epidemic after SARS-CoV had developed several advantageous adaptations for human transmission. Our observations suggest that by the time SARS-CoV-2 was first detected in late 2019, it was already pre-adapted to human transmission to an extent similar to late epidemic SARS-CoV. However, no precursors or branches of evolution stemming from a less human-adapted SARS-CoV-2-like virus have been detected. The sudden appearance of a highly infectious SARS-CoV-2 presents a major cause for concern that should motivate stronger international efforts to identify the source and prevent near future re- emergence. Any existing pools of SARS-CoV-2 progenitors would be particularly dangerous if similarly well adapted for human transmission … Even the possibility that a non-genetically-engineered precursor could have adapted to humans while being studied in a laboratory should be considered, regardless of how likely or unlikely.” ………………..................................… Gajalakshmi Paramasivam: “Once we are true to ourselves, truth does the rest”.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Moon Township, PA rally

9-23-20 Appearing at a rally in Moon Township, Pennsylvania on Tuesday the president praised police officers for roughing up journalists covering riots and protests. 'Remember that beautiful sight? The street was a mess,' Trump said. 'That idiot reporter from CNN got hit with a canister of tear gas. And he went down. 'I've been hit. I've been hit.' 'He's been hit.'The president incorrectly noted that Velshi worked for CNN. His comments on Tuesday drew roars of applause and laughter from his supporters. Trump also praised police for manhandling journalists during protests.'Sometimes they grab. They grab one guy,' the president said, before mockingly saying: 'I'm a reporter. I'm a reporter.''Get out of here,' Trump said. 'They threw him aside like he was a little bag of popcorn. 'Honestly, when you watch the crap that we have all had to take so long. 'When you see it, it is actually a beautiful sight.' Last week, Trump said it a 'beautiful thing' when Velshi was struck by a rubber bullet during a protest in Minnesota.  During Trump's Friday night rally, he brought up Velshi's injury while speaking to a crowd in Minnesota. 'I remember this guy Velshi. He got hit on the knee with a canister of tear gas and he went down. He was down. 'My knee, my knee,' Trump mistakenly recalled.  Velshi was actually struck by a rubber bullet Trump continued: 'These guys didn't care. They moved him aside and they just walked right through. It was like the most beautiful thing. It's called law and order,' Trump said to the cheering crowd. ……………………………………………………………………………… 9-1-20 “I am your president of law and order,” Donald Trump declared in June, as federal agents violently cleared peaceful protesters from a park near the White House. Lately, Trump has simply tweeted “law and order” in all caps. As deployed in US politics for decades, the strategy seeks to play on racist fears, using code language – “crime”, “inner cities”, “quiet neighborhoods” – in an attempt to connect especially with white voters. The strategy was most famously used by two candidates in the 1968 presidential race, Republican Richard Nixon and George Wallace, a segregationist governor of Alabama who mounted a third-party run. In that race, Nixon invoked “cities enveloped in smoke and flame” and “Americans dying”. This year, Trump is talking about “rioting, looting, arson and violence we have seen in Democrat-run cities” Trump, whose close political adviser Roger Stone idolizes Nixon, used exactly the same appeal in 2016, arguing in his convention address that Barack Obama had “made America a more dangerous environment for everyone” and declaring himself “the law and order candidate”. …………………………… Throughout the Republican National Convention speakers tried to paint President Trump as the "law and order" president.But Trump has routinely shown a disregard for the law, sown chaos across the country and promoted disorder in our society. - Michael Gordon, Opinion Columnist, Aug 30, 2020 …………………. 9-14-20 While Joe Biden served as vice president, his son Hunter received offers from foreign governments and oligarchs in areas where he had little or no expertise. That his foreign partners included a rival state, Communist China, makes these arrangements particularly brazen, even by Washington’s swampy standards. Newly released Secret Service travel records for Hunter paint a clearer picture of how extensive these efforts were. The documents, reviewed by Judicial Watch, show that between 2009 and 2014, Hunter made 411 trips across 29 countries. While some of those trips were perhaps leisure and others related to his volunteer work for the World Food Program, many of them appear to be connected to deals that he or his associates either secured or sought…. Hunter visited China five times between 2009 and 2014. Most notoriously, he traveled with his father aboard Air Force Two in December 2013 as part of an official visit with Chinese officials. Ten days after their return to Washington, Hunter and his associates partnered with the state-owned Bank of China to formally establish BHR, a new, first-of-its-kind fund aimed at making investments outside China through the newly established Shanghai Free Trade Zone. When this deal was first revealed in Peter Schweizer’s book “Secret Empires,” Team Biden attempted to paint Hunter as a passive participant involved in the formation of BHR, arguing that “other business partners” had laid the groundwork for it in a June 2013 meeting. But the new travel records reveal that Hunter was, in fact, in Beijing in June 2013. Hunter’s trips to China are also of interest in light of what happened with another company he co-founded and served as a board adviser, Rosemont Realty. In 2015, that firm sold a majority stake to Gemini, a Chinese state-owned company. ………………. ……………………………………….…............................ Ali Velshi is a Canadian television journalist, a senior economic and business correspondent for NBC News since October 2016 and co-anchor with Stephanie Ruhle of Velshi & Ruhle on MSNBC. Velshi is based in New York City. Born: October 29, 1969 (age 50 years), Nairobi, Kenya ……………….................… Ali Velshi is a Canadian television journalist, a senior economic and business correspondent for NBC News since October 2016 and co-anchor with Stephanie Ruhle of Velshi & Ruhle on MSNBC. Velshi is based in New York City. Born: October 29, 1969 (age 50 years), Nairobi, Kenya ……………….................…
............. The report says that several transactions involving Biden-controlled firms were flagged for “potential criminal financial activity,” including wire transfers that Biden sent to his uncle, James Biden, and payments that he received from a mysterious Chinese businessman believed to have ties to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The report focuses on millions of dollars in wire payments that Hunter Biden’s firms received from Ye Jianming, the founder of CEFC China Energy Co., and Gongwen Dong, a U.S.-based associate of Ye’s. According to Republicans, Ye has “extensive” connections to the Chinese government. He reportedly served as deputy secretary for the China Association for International Friendly Contacts (CAIFC), a front group for the PLA. A report from the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission in 2011 said that CAIFC has “dual roles of intelligence collection and conducting People’s Republic of China propaganda.” The Senate report says that on Aug. 4, 2017, a subsidiary of Ye’s company called CEFC Infrastructure Investment (US) LLC, wired $100,000 to Owasco, the Biden law firm. A month later, on Sept. 8, 2017, Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong applied for a $100,000 line of credit under a shell company they formed called Hudson West III LLC, according to the Senate report. Biden, his uncle James, and James’s wife, Sara Biden, accessed the account through credit cards, and spent $101,291 on what Republicans call “extravagant items,” including plane tickets, hotels, restaurants and items at Apple stores. The wires were “identified for potential financial criminal activity,” the report says. According to the report, CEFC Infrastructure Investment wired $5 million to the bank account for Hudson West III on Aug. 8, 2017. Of that, nearly $4.8 million was wired to Biden’s law firm over the next year. The committees relied on confidential Treasury Department records for details about the transactions…. The report also flags wire transfers that Biden received from Elena Baturina, a Russian billionaire who was married to Yuri Luzhkov. Luzhkov served as Moscow’s mayor until his death in 2010. The report states that Baturina wired $3.5 million on Feb. 14, 2014, to a bank account for Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC, which Hunter Biden co-founded with Archer, his business partner, the year before….Joe Biden’s presidential campaign did not respond to an email seeking comment. ………………..

Friday, September 25, 2020

Xinjiang update

9-25-20 China is running hundreds of detention centers in the Xinjiang region across a network that is much bigger than previously thought, research presented yesterday by an Australian think tank showed. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) said that it identified more than 380 “suspected detention facilities” in the region, where China is believed to have held more than 1 million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim Turkic-speaking residents. The number of facilities is about 40 percent greater than previous estimates, the research said, and has been growing despite China’s claims that many Uighurs have been released. Using satellite imagery, eyewitness accounts, media reports and official construction tender documents, the institute said that “at least 61 detention sites have seen new construction and expansion work between July 2019 and July 2020.”

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

"China absolutely building out massive surveillance state domestically/internationally"

Zhenhua Data's chief executive
Wang Xuefeng boasted of using data to wage "hybrid warfare". "China is absolutely building out a massive surveillance state domestically/internationally" Professor Balding told the ABC…. "This mass collection of data is taking place in China's private sector, in the same way Beijing outsources its cyber attack capability to private subcontractors," Mr Potter told the ABC…. Zhenhua boasts it has about 20 "collection nodes" scattered around the world to vacuum enormous amounts of data and send back to China. Two of the nodes have been identified as being in Kansas in the United States and the South Korean capital Seoul. The Australian node has not been detected…. The discovery of Zhenhua's core business, known as the Overseas Key Information Database, or OKIDB, will fuel concern about China's aggressive intelligence gathering operations. Zhenhua Data, established in 2018, is believed to be owned by China Zhenhua Electronics Group which in turn is owned by state-owned China Electronic Information Industry Group (CETC), a military research company which had an association with the University of Technology Sydney until 2019. ……………………………………………………………………………............................. 8-21-20 It’s scary to not be able to breathe. That was the first thing I felt, both times the poisoning symptoms began to set in. Both times were in Moscow — the first, on May 26, 2015; the second, on Feb. 2, 2017. My chest was expanding, all the normal physical motions were there — but it felt as if I were suffocating. The other symptoms — racing heartbeat, excessive perspiration, violent vomiting, loss of consciousness — came later. The official diagnosis from the hospital was “toxic action by un undefined substance” — meaning, in plain language, poisoning by an unknown source. Multiple organ failure, brain swelling and a prolonged coma followed. Both times, doctors told my wife I had about a 5 percent chance to live. When Vladimir Lenin and his saviors of Russia took over Russia in Nov. 1917 they took everything in the country, not particularly diffrent from Putin's 21 year stint, plus whatever else they could grab with cunning, terror and hypocrisy. Worldwide this is almost “acceptable behavior” but not quite. -r ………………………………..........................……… 6-17-2014

Starting with self-improvement you proceed

121. Starting with self-improvement you proceed toward Infinity.  -M: Community 1926 …………………………………………………………………..… 319. By the fire of the spirit is their level of ascent recognized. Laws inscribed by people cannot extinguish this fire. Therefore let us be careful about judging the approaching ones. Like fragments of heavenly bodies, diamond-bearing, those approaching from afar may carry within themselves signs incomprehensible to others. -M: Agni Yoga 1929 ……………………………………………………………………………….. 28. Only the will can give discipline to the spirit, but when thought roams about in obvious egoism then, verily, there is no channel for a correct and vital action. 30. But humanity must learn to act independently and to embody all thoughts affirmed by the Teacher. Thus cosmic mind achieves evolution. -M: Hierarchy 1931 …………………………………………………………………………………………
At 6:55 a.m. PDT 9-22-2020 Sun into Libra. Sun at 1/5th of circle to Moon. (One may affirm: In the name I AM THAT I AM, Lanto, Lords of Wisdom, Mighty Victory, Lords of Individuality, may the solar energies from Virgo to Libra modulate for the greater good, amen.)

Monday, September 21, 2020

"Where is China, Mother?"

Argentina 10.5/119.5 = average last 4 days ~8.8% increase/day new cases/active cases https:// Brazil average last 4 days 30/526.6= ~5.7% increase/day India 90/915= 9.8% increase/day average last 2 days Indonesia 4.1/53.7= 7.6% increase/day average last 2 days France 12.5/317.4= 3.8% increase/day ave. last 3 days Italy 1.7/42.3= 4% increase/day ave. last 3 days Iran 3/35= 8.6% increase/day ...............................
-The China Fantasy by James Mann, 2007; You Will Be Assimilated by Ward, 2020 …………………………………………………....................................... 9-8-20 During one phone call a Uyghur cadre from Kashgar city’s Doletbagh village said that the “Yanbulaq School”—one of the largest internment camps in the city—remains active and that he had recently traveled there and met with detainees from his jurisdiction via a video screen inside of the facility. “Yes, I’ve been to meet with them—they’re in Yanbulaq,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “The building [we went to] was three stories. We entered through a gate … There were a lot of buildings, 10 or 20.” The cadre said he was not allowed into the detention area, so he was unable to watch what detainees do there, although he said that residents from his village “were wearing uniforms” and are made to learn Mandarin Chinese. He estimated that the camp held thousands of “students,” although he was unable to provide specific figures. The cadre also confirmed that a camp located near the Kashgar airport, referred to colloquially as the “Airport Camp,” also remains in operation. He said that while he hasn’t been to the airport facility, it is smaller than the Yanbulaq School, adding that one resident of Doletbagh had been taken there after spending around five months at Yanbulaq. Earlier investigations by RFA have found that the Kashgar airport camp grounds include a factory and workshops where internees are forced to work in addition to studying in a compulsory Mandarin program. RFA also spoke with a Uyghur cadre from a village in neighboring Makit county’s Tumental township who said that her township’s camp is also still in operation, housing “as many as 2,000” detainees “receiving education” in “up to 20” buildings of between “five and six stories” each. “It’s still there … We call it the Tumental Center,” she said. “It’s in the same place as the township government … they share a wall.” The cadre, who also declined to be named, citing fear of reprisal, said there are no workshops or factories at the site, which was originally constructed in 2015 and later expanded. She said at least one person from her township that she had investigated had been held at the Tumental Center, but “people from outside Tumental have been brought there.” “I also stayed there [for work] for around two months at one point,” the cadre added. When asked whether the continued operation of the Tumental Center indicates that internment camps are still being used by authorities in the XUAR, the cadre said “Yes.” ……………………………… 9-16-20 ”The scale of the private economy has continued to expand, and risks and challenges have increased significantly," the CCP general office said in an "opinion" published on official websites. The directive called on the party's United Front machinery -- which conducts outreach and influence operations outside party ranks both domestically and internationally -- to take on the private sector, and bring it more closely under party control and influence. The political thought of general secretary Xi Jinping should be the guiding light for the private sector in the "new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics," the directive said. "United Front work in the private sector ... will lead to the growing enhancement of the CCP's leadership over the private sector," the directive said, adding that private entrepreneurs should "unite more closely around the party.”… Historian Feng Zhi said the directive paves the way for a return to a planned economy controlled by the CCP. "[They also want to] stop private entrepreneurs from turning into dissidents and acting as a focus for anti-CCP forces," he said.

the Navalny team

'I offer my profound apologies to Navalny for the fact that I took part in this criminal business, developing this substance that he was poisoned with,' said
Vil Mirzayanov in an interview with Russia's TV Rain on Saturday. …Mirzayanov, who now lives in the United States, wrote the first articles on Novichok's development in the early 1990s.   'Navalny will just have to be patient but in the end he should be healthy,' Mirzayanov said, predicting recovery would take 'almost a year.’….  
Maria Pevchikh, 33, was with Navalny on a trip to Siberia when he was taken ill….Russian media has quoted the father of an employee of Navalny's anti-corruption foundation claiming he invented 'special needles that allow a substance to be injected into the body without going through the bloodstream'. ………………............................…. Pevchikh is portrayed in Moscow as being close to the British authorities.But Navalny ally Vladimir Ashurkov said she had merely been an intern to a Westminster politician as a student about 10 years ago. ……….......................................… 4-1-2015 Russian prosecutors accuse
Mr Ashurkov (granted political asylum in UK) of stealing contributions to Navalny's campaign for the 2013 Moscow mayoral elections. Navalny failed in his bid. He is under house arrest in Moscow. ………………..   the OPCW is requested hereby to confirm the source of its authority in the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention to act in Berlin in this matter and in this way.” Choubey is refusing to answer. When telephoned at her office an OPCW telephonist named Sabina Schwartz put through the call but claimed she did not know Choubey has blocked all incoming calls with a recorded message. This says that because of Covid-19, callers must leave recorded messages or file internet enquiries through the OPCW website.  Choubey will not reply to them. For more details on Choubey’s background as a US warfighter against Russia, starting during the Skripal affair, read this. Deepti Choubey, head of the OPCW’s press branch; right, Kai Chen, who supervises the OPCW’s  press branch and also the political affairs and protocol branch. Choubey’s boss, Kai Chen, a Chinese national who is chief of the OPCW’s external relations division, picks up his telephone at OPCW headquarters. He is responsible, according to an OPCW manual, for “liais[on] with governments, international organisations, the media, and non-governmental organisations”. On Monday he said he knew nothing about OPCW’s involvement in Germany at the moment, and doesn’t answer questions directed to his press branch. He claimed that a duty officer works around the clock in Choubey’s office where “we process all inquiries”. Why then was Chen’s division refusing to answer questions about the OPCW’s involvement in the Navalny case? He refused to say….By the time the OPCW technicians arrived at Navalny’s bedside to take their samples, three weeks had elapsed and no trace of the “substance” is likely to have been found. ……………………….................................   Pevchikh’s record in the UK reveals her working association with anti-Russian regime-change organisations of Yevgeny Chichvarkin, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation; Navalny’s staff claim Pevchikh has been employed as head of investigations for their group. ………………………..........................................…. The first piece of news was the fact that Yevgeny Chichvarkin closed the “Fund for Fighting Corruption and Supporting Libertarianism” three months after its establishment. The organization, created in London in November 2019, was supposed to streamline the financing of Navalny, carried out personally through Chichvarkin. The liquidation of the fund took place on February 25, 2020, according to the information on the website of the UK Companies House. The reason could be the conflict between Navalny, Chichvarkin and Khodorkovsky over calls not to protest against the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the “Smart Vote” launched by FBK in 2019. This likely relates to personal reasons: Khodorkovsky is a very close person to him and the godfather of his daughter. In addition, Navalny and Khodorkovsky have common sources of funding and backers who did not appreciate the opposition’s excessive independence. As an NGO-foreign agent, FBK cannot legally use the smart vote technology and influence electoral processes, thereby endangering the existence of the organization and the funds invested in its work. Against the background of all the accumulated issues, problems with a debt of 88 million to “Putin’s Chef” Yevgeny Prigozhin and the prospect of bankruptcy, a long-lasting and unresolved conflict began between Navalny, Ashurkov and other London oppositionists a few months ago. A debt of 88 million rubles to “Putin’s Chef”, pushed Navalny to announce the liquidation of FBK on July 20. According to Russian media sources close to FBK and Navalny, the decision was made without discussion with Ashurkov and Volkov. “Naturally, Ashurkov did not like amateur performances. Too much has been invested in Navalny and FBK in 10 years to allow him to single-handedly close the office, transfer money to another legal entity and work through a new fund. There was also a question of the reputation of both Ashurkov himself, and people who support him,” the source said. On July 22, Ashurkov called Navalny and demanded an explanation, offering two options for the development of events, according to the source. “At first Ashurkov tried to explain that closing FBK, especially without consulting anyone, was impossible. Navalny was given an ultimatum, and the consequences of its liquidation – ‘If you switch to another legal entity, you return all the funds invested in you and the fund: you transfer all monetary and material assets, return the last 33 million invested in you from FBK accounts and your personal from foreign accounts.’ FBK is the one who can pay off the debts and will not allow the appointment of an arbitration manager who will have access to the entire financial history of the fund. In addition, Navalny must remove all films and investigations himself so that no one gets to them. This prospect made everyone very nervous. And Navalny also had to return all the shares that Ashurkov gave him to join the boards of directors of all major companies. in Russia for access to internal documentation and meetings. So Navalny collected the first materials for his investigations,” the source said. Reportedly, Navalny reacted strongly and caused quite a conflict. And he had quite a bit of assets in FBK.  As of 2012, his portfolio contained securities of 37 OJSCs, including Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, VTB Bank and others. After Ashurkov’s call, Navalny did not back down from his idea and continued to develop the topic of liquidating FBK, counting donations and helping people to re-register regular donations to new accounts. At the same time, active exploitation of the topic continued to promote existing projects of the fund and increase the popularity of Navalny himself as a “victim of the regime.” Observing the situation, Ashurkov on July 27 made a new attempt to discuss with Navalny further steps on the FBK. But this conversation also ended in a scandal through the fault of the oppositionist. Navalny’s words about the absence of shares are indirectly confirmed by the presence of income from his wife. Probably, two or three years ago, the oppositionist actually gave her securities. And having a debt of 29 million to Prigozhin, he also withdrew his personal funds from the accounts, simultaneously closing accounts in Alfa-Bank in July. Now Navalny has 43,079 rubles at Tinkoff and 164,153 rubles at Raiffeisen. But these accounts were arrested in the framework of the case of money laundering in FBK. A massive sum of money in treasures and various assets had disappeared. In late July, however, Ashurkov called Navalny and told him that the conflict was behind them and everything was fine. In 2008 Maria Pevchikh graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in Sociology. According to Russian sources, during the studying in the Moscow State University, she already had strong pro-British views, and was publicly declaring a goal to get a British citizenship.  Later she graduated from the elite London School of Economics and Political Science. She has been living in Great Britain for a long time, and at the age of 22 she served as an assistant to one of the members of the British Parliament. At the moment, she is in business, owning a chain of bookstores in the UK and Australia. Her exact level of income is unknown, but there was enough money for an apartment overlooking the Tower of London in the elite complex The Circle on Queen Elizabeth Street. Her father, Konstantin Pevchikh, owns a research company and a biological laboratory. LLC “Fotisse” was registered at the end of July this year. There is no information on the scope of the organization. NIOBIS LLC has been developing projects for growing viruses and biological cells for ten years. Maria Pevchikh has extensive business and political ties, including with Chichvarkin and Khodorkovsky. These both persons are widely known for their active anti-Russian position, involvement and funding of various anti-government campaigns in Russia and apparent ties with Western, mostly British, special services. Navalny and Pevchikh have known each other for at least the last 10 years. Since 2010, at the request of Ashurkov, she has been providing information support to the oppositionist, providing information about the assets of high-ranking Russians in the UK for investigations. Such data cannot be found in the public domain, and therefore there is reason to believe that Maria is cooperating with the European intelligence services and MI6. The woman visits Russia two or three times a year, and secretly contacts Navalny. She herself does not take joint photos and videos, and hides her presence on the Internet through a VPN. During her visit to Russia, she practically does not leave Navalny, maintaining contact. She also has a long-term relationship with Ashurkov: in 2013, she organized negotiations in Moscow between ex-Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt and adviser to the President of Lithuania on foreign policy issues Renaldas Vaisbrodas with Navalny and Ashurkov.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

2 drunk on power

,9-20-20 Porsche Bennet, mother of 3, on 8-12-20 saw police taking a Black man to the ground. Out of instinct, Bennett said, she pulled out her phone. The video she streamed to Facebook that night shows a Kenosha officer punching the handcuffed man twice in the ribs. Ordered to disperse while filming from about 15 feet away, Bennett yells: “We’re not moving until we know he’s safe!” An officer replies: “Do you want to get shot?” Instead Bennett was arrested by her home in Kenosha, Wisconsin by the white officers. ………………………………….......................... “Over the last 16 years over 30 Russian dissidents, defectors & political opponents of Putin have wound up poisoned, falling out of windows or victims of bombings,” the Florida Republican tweeted Friday. “So let [there] be no doubt who poisoned Navalny,” Acting Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) added. “As always the price for standing up for freedom comes at a heavy cost,“ Sen. Graham (R-SC) said. ………………………………….....................… 9-9-20 “I would guess it would make the Russian people pretty upset when they find out how many billions not only Putin but his close associates in his inner circle, how much those folks are worth,” Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson (R), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the subcommittee for Europe, told the Washington Examiner. “I think that would be effective. We need to make sure that our sanctions are targeted and, hopefully very precisely, on Putin and the people that prop him up — make those people feel a lot of pain,” Johnson said. He also suggested that Putin has "stashed" his wealth in foreign accounts. "I'm not saying it's an easy investigation. I think we probably know more than what we reveal.…I think primarily it’s (the poisoning) directed to anybody else who just might step out of line and try and replace or support people like Navalny,” Johnson said. Navalny, the country’s foremost anti-corruption activist, was pursuing prior to his poisoning last month. Prior to the attack he was working on a documentary about corruption in Siberia — focused on politicians from Putin’s United Russia party, with the explicit goal of undermining the Kremlin chief’s power base in regional elections this month. “The United Russia deputies who sit in these [regional] parliaments are the actual backbone of the entire Putin’s (sic) regime,” the documentary says. “They are not cogs, but the foundation on which the ruling party, which has prevented us from living normally for 20 years, is built.” …………....................................... 9-8-20 “If the Russian government is once again determined to have used a chemical weapon against one of its own nationals, additional sanctions should be imposed,” Representatives Eliot Engel, the Democratic committee chairman, and Michael McCaul, the panel’s top Republican, said in a letter to Trump. ……………………………................................. As they sat for photographs at the start of their first formal meeting in nearly a year, the US president lightheartedly sought common ground with Putin at the expense of the journalists around them in Osaka. “Get rid of them. Fake news is a great term, isn’t it? You don’t have this problem in Russia but we do,” Trump said…. It is a year to the day since five Capital Gazette employees were killed in their newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. The shooting led to the organisation Reporters Without Borders adding the US to its list of the five deadliest countries for journalism. ………………………………………….….............................
Jarrod Ramos, 38, killed 5 on 6-28-18. In 2012, Ramos filed a defamation lawsuit against the paper and a columnist over a July 2011 article that covered a criminal harassment charge against him.…Marquardt said he wasn’t surprised to hear Ramos identified as the alleged gunman, saying he started harassing the paper and its staff shortly after the 2011 article. The harassment escalated for years with online threats, Marquardt said. “I was seriously concerned he would threaten us with physical violence,” Marquardt said from his retirement home in Florida. “I even told my wife, ‘We have to be concerned. This guy could really hurt us.’ ” Marquardt said he called the Anne Arundel County police about Ramos in 2013, but nothing came of it. He consulted the paper's lawyers about filing a restraining order but decided against it. “I remember telling our attorneys 'This is a guy who is going to come in and shoot us,” he said. Ramos’ aunt Vielka Ramos, 59, said she couldn’t believe he was the suspected gunman. She said her nephew had a good childhood, growing up in Severn and attended Arundel High School. “He was very intelligent. He would try to communicate with people but he was a loner,” she said. …………….................................... “You’ve crippled my life for a year, and now I’m going to cripple your company forever,” now-convicted murderer Jarrod Ramos wrote in an October 2012 letter to former Capital Gazette editor and publisher Thomas Marquardt….a July 2011 column published by The Capital, headlined “Jarrod wants to be your friend,” that detailed circumstances behind a guilty plea in a harassment suit levied against him by a former Arundel High School classmate. The piece describes messages he sent to his harassment victim, whom Capital News Service is not naming, in a months-long cyber-barrage that the column reported “caused her to live in fear for her safety.” (A doctor has declared Ramos sane and fit to stand trial.)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

FBI accused of withholding test results that may shed light on attempts to kill critic of Putin

8-30-20 FBI accused of withholding test results that may shed light on attempts to kill at least one critic of Putin After
Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian opposition activist, was poisoned in Moscow for the second time in two years, his wife, Evgenia, got on a plane to America bearing a vial of his blood. Speed was vital: she was told that the more time elapsed, the harder it would be to identify the mysterious toxin. FBI agents met her at Dulles airport near Washington and took the sample for testing. An early result was promised. Three-and-a-half years later the FBI is still silent and stands accused of withholding information that could help to hold the Kremlin to account--not just for trying to kill Kara-Murza but for poisoning Alexei Navalny, President Vladimir Putin’s chief political opponent. ................................................................................... Denis Voronenkov shot dead in Kiev in broad daylight--he increasingly criticized Putin…. In Feb. 2015, just hours after urging the public to join a march against Russia's military involvement in Ukraine, 
Nemtsov was shot four times in the back by an unknown assailant within view of the Kremlin. Putin took "personal control" of the investigation into Nemtsov’s murder, but the killer remains at large….
Boris Berezovsky, 2013—his falling out with Putin led to his self-exile in the United Kingdom, where he vowed to bring down the president. He also accused the Kremlin of orchestrating the killing of Alexander Litvinenko, a former intelligence officer and whistleblower poisoned to death in 2009. Berezovsky was found dead inside a locked bathroom at his home in the United Kingdom, a noose around his neck, in what was at first deemed a suicide. However the coroner’s office could not determine the cause of death…. Markelov, 2009—a human rights lawyer known for representing Chechen civilians in human rights cases again the Russian military. He also represented journalists who found themselves in legal trouble after writing articles critical of Putin, including Novaya Gazeta reporter Anna Politkovskaya, who was slain in 2006. Markelov was shot by a masked gunman near the Kremlin.  Baburova, also a journalist from Novaya Gazeta, was fatally shot as she tried to help him; 2 Neo-Nazis were convicted of the deaths…. Lawyer Sergei Magnitsky died in police custody in November 2009 after allegedly being brutally beaten, then denied medical care. He had been working for British-American businessman William Browder to investigate a massive tax fraud case…. Natalya Estemirova was a journalist who investigated abductions and murders that had become commonplace in Chechnya. Estemirova was kidnapped in 2009 outside her home, shot several times — including a point-blank shot in the head--and dumped in the nearby woods. Nobody has been convicted of her murder…. In 2003
Sergei Yushenkov had just registered his Liberal Russia movement as a political party when he was gunned down outside his home in Moscow.  Yushenkov was gathering evidence he believed proved that the Putin government was behind one of the apartment bombings in 1999…. As a journalist and author who wrote about crime and corruption in the former Soviet Union when it was still very difficult to do so, Yuri Shchekochikhin
was investigating the 1999 apartment bombings for Novaya Gazeta when he contracted a mysterious illness in July 2003. He died suddenly, a few days before he was supposed to depart for the United States. His medical documents were deemed classified by Russian authorities. …………………….......................... 9-17-20 Polish prosecutors in 2017 accused the air traffic controllers of “deliberately provoking” the 4-10-10 crash where 96 Polish officials including Kaczynski died at Russia’s Smolensk airport. 9-17-2Prosecutor’s office spokeswoman Ewa Bialik told reporters that Poland had applied for a “temporary detainment order” of the three Russian flight controllers, according to the broadcaster Poland In, which cited the Polish Press Agency. “This is the first step to issuing an international arrest warrant,” the outlet said. …………………………………………………………….....................… 9-14-20 Berlin — Laboratories in France and Sweden have confirmed the findings of a German military lab that said there was no doubt Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned with a Soviet-era nerve agent. …………………………………………………..

Inner Mongolia drama

Following decades of Han migration and intermarriage into Inner Mongolia, ethnic Mongolians have since become a minority in their own land, accounting for only about one sixth of Inner Mongolia's population of 24 million, according to the last available census data. "The Mongolian way of life (has already been) wiped out by so many policies," said Enghebatu Togochog, director of the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center, a New York-based advocacy group. "This new policy is the final blow to the Mongolian identity," he said of the curriculum change. Both regions have implemented "bilingual education" for years, but in practice, the system skews heavily toward Mandarin teaching, according to rights groups. Across Xinjiang, Mandarin had become the instruction language in all primary and middle schools by September 2018. Tibetan is also being replaced by Mandarin as the primary medium of instruction in Tibet. In reality however few Hans in ethnic minority regions know the local languages, which they are not required to learn at school, residents say. "As in Xinjiang and Tibet, the Chinese authorities appear to be putting political imperatives ahead of educational ones," said Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch. …………………………………….........................................… 9-15-20 Using pseudo-ecological policies called “Ecological Migration” and “Total Ban Over Livestock Grazing,” the CCP declares that it aims to “recover the grassland ecosystem.” In reality, though, the end goal seems to be a complete eradication of the Mongolian nomadic way of life. Mongolian herders believe that the nomadic method of grazing is beneficial to the environment and does not increase ecosystems’ degradation.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Chinese espionage

9-17-20 WASHINGTON (AP) The Justice Department has charged five Chinese citizens with hacks targeting more than 100 companies and institutions in the United States and abroad…one of the five defendants told a colleague that he was very close to the Chinese Ministry of State Security and would be protected “unless something very big happens” and also agreed not to go after domestic targets in China, said Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. Rosen said. “Unfortunately the record of recent years tells us that the Chinese Communist Party has a demonstrated history of choosing a different path, that of making China safe for their own cyber criminals, so long as they help with its goals of stealing intellectual property and stifling freedom.” ……………….............................… 9-3-20 Tang had been a visiting researcher at the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of California, Davis, since January. DoJ officials claim Tang denied serving in the military on her visa application--but that she is a “uniformed officer” in the PLA Air Force, a claim based in part on photographs of her in a military uniform that they submitted alongside the charges. The agency also claimed that the other researchers whose arrests were announced in July--Xin Wang, a postdoctoral researcher studying obesity and metabolism at the University of California San Francisco; Chen Song, a neurobiologist visiting Stanford University; and Kaikai Zhao, a graduate student researching machine learning and artificial intelligence at Indiana University Bloomington — had past or current appointments in the Chinese military that they misrepresented on their visa applications…. Nature found more than 12,000 publications from 2015–19 co-authored by scientists in the United States and at one of the Seven Sons. Among those, 499 authors had a dual affiliation with a US institution and a Seven Sons university and were listed on papers declaring grant funding from the NIH or the US National Science Foundation (NSF)…. The Trump administration announcement in May barring scientists and students affiliated with military-linked Chinese institutions from coming to the United States was criticized as too broad. The order is expected to affect up to 5,000 potential new students from China, according to Farnsworth. One-third of foreign students studying in the United States — about 370,000 students as of 2019--are from China. ………..................................... 9-18-20 Prosecutors have video and audio proving
Yuk Ma provided classified information including CIA sources and methods, communication systems and secret writing, Sorenson said. Prosecutors say he remained in touch with the Chinese intelligence officers after he joined the FBI as a contract linguist in 2004, at which point he used his work computer to copy images of documents related to missiles and weapon system technology research. Two weeks ago Ma again confirmed to an undercover agent during a video recorded meeting that he gave U.S. information to China’s Ministry of State Security and he again accepted cash from someone he thought was representing the ministry, prosecutors said. Authorities searching his Honolulu home found marked classified documents, Sorenson said. Prosecutors say he remained in touch with the Chinese intelligence officers after he joined the FBI as a contract linguist in 2004, at which point he used his work computer to copy images of documents related to missiles and weapon system technology research. Two weeks ago Ma again confirmed to an undercover agent during a video recorded meeting that he gave U.S. information to China’s Ministry of State Security and he again accepted cash from someone he thought was representing the ministry, prosecutors said. …………......................................…… October 20, 2014 Sherry Chen, a hydrologist for the National Weather Service, is arrested for allegedly stealing secrets about US dams and hiding contacts with Chinese government officials. Five months later all charges are dropped against Chen, who was born in China but became an American citizen. Chen had met with a Chinese government official to help a friend in China with his business, and had sent a few emails to the same official answering a question about how dams were funded in the US.
Xi Xiaoxing and Sherry Chen at a press conference in Washington, DC, on September 16, 2015. XINHUA/ALAMY May 21 2015 FBI agents raid the house of Xi Xiaoxing, chair of Temple University’s physics department, for allegedly sending to China schematics of a pocket heater, a key piece of technology used in superconductor research. By September, the Justice Department drops all charges after it is revealed that the schematics were of an entirely different device that Xi had invented. Xi is now suing the lead FBI agent. June 4, 2015 The Office of Personnel Management announces a massive security breach that eventually is shown to affect over 20 million people who had undergone background checks for federal jobs since 2000. These records included sensitive information like psychiatric history, as well as over 5 million sets of fingerprints. Chinese military unit 61938 is suspected of conducting the hack. The records are highly valuable to the Chinese as a database of government employees to target as informants, aided by the sensitive information on those employees. June 2017 Ex-CIA officer Kevin Mallory is arrested for passing classified materials to Chinese intelligence agents using a cell phone given to him during a trip to Shanghai. Mallory, who volunteered some information to FBI and CIA agents before being arrested, had claimed to be a double agent helping the US government, but after the FBI cracked his phone, he was shown to have hidden information. Behind on his mortgage and in debt, he had received $25,000 from the Chinese. In June 2018 a jury finds him guilty of espionage, and he is later sentenced to 20 years in prison. January 2018 Ex-CIA agent Jerry Chun Shing Lee is arrested at JFK Airport and charged with giving Chinese agents classified information from his days at the CIA, including the real names and locations of assets in China. In May 2019 Lee pleads guilty to receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for information and is sentenced to 19 years in prison. According to prosecutors, Lee’s information helped dismantle the CIA’s China network in 2010. June 2018 Ron Rockwell Hansen, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer, is arrested at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport carrying classified information about military readiness plans. In March 2019 Hansen pleads guilty and admits to agreeing to pass military secrets to Chinese agents in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars. He is later sentenced to a reduced 10 years in prison because he cooperated with the FBI after his arrest. October 10, 2018 Yanjun Xu, an intelligence officer for the Chinese Ministry of State Security, is arrested in Belgium and extradited to the United States for attempting to steal jet fan blade designs from GE. The FBI had lured him to Belgium to pick up the information. February 14, 2019 You Xiaorong, a naturalized US citizen, is charged with stealing research on BPA-free coatings for bottles from her employer, Coca-Cola. The Justice Department alleges You was intending to set up a competing firm in China to replicate the materials. The case is ongoing. April 2019 MD Anderson Cancer Center fires three senior researchers after the National Institutes of Health flags them for failing to disclose foreign ties. All the researchers flagged are Asian, again raising concerns the FBI is targeting Asian-Americans. January 28, 2020 Charles Lieber, head of Harvard University's chemistry department, is charged with lying about accepting money from the Chinese government while receiving $15 million in grants from US agencies. A pioneer in nanotechnology, Lieber is the highest-profile academic to be arrested in connection with Chinese-American technological rivalry . July 24, 2020 The Trump administration orders the closure of China's consulate in Houston, “in order to protect American intellectual property and American's (sic) private information,” alleging that the consulate is being used to coordinate industrial espionage against the US. China closes the American consulate in Chengdu in retaliation. .......................................