a research center to study natural and man-made epidemics
- The South China Morning Post article continues with the beguiling assertion-- “Previously most scientists believed the new virus could not cause an epidemic as serious as that of SARS because its genes were quite different. But the new study found that, like SARS, the virus targeted a protein called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).”…
- "A previous study indicated that ACE2 from a horseshoe bat, the host of a highly related SARS-like coronavirus, could not function as a receptor for SARS-CoV. Here we demonstrate that a 3 aa change from SHE (aa 40–42) to FYQ was sufficient to convert the bat ACE2 into a fully functional receptor for SARS-CoV. We further demonstrate that an ACE2 molecule from a fruit bat, which contains the FYQ motif, was able to support SARS-CoV infection, indicating a potentially much wider host range for SARS-CoV-related viruses among different bat populations.”
- This old but remarkable study concludes that only a minor genome sequence change was required to convert a non-susceptible bat ACE2 protein into a functional receptor for SARS-CoV, something that could easily happen in nature: “Considering that there are more than 60 different horseshoe [bat] species around the world (Flanders et al., 2009; Rossiter et al., 2007), it is possible that one or some of them may serve as the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV and/or its progenitor virus(es).”
- ...(2) Whereas the SARS-like coronavirus spike protein was unable to use any of the three ACE2 molecules as its receptor, and the SARS-CoV spike protein failed to enter cells expressing the bat ACE2, the chimeric spike protein the study created did gain its ability to enter cells via human ACE2, and
- (3) A minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SARS-like coronavirus from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding….
- We know they knew these facts way back in 2008 because Prof. Zhengli published the findings of these facts in her report, Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin. Therein the scientists concluded: “Knowing the capability of different CoVs to recombine both in the laboratory and in nature, the possibility that SARS-like coronaviruses may gain the ability to infect human cells by acquiring spike protein sequences competent for binding to ACE2 or other surface proteins of human cells can be readily envisaged.” https://archive.fo/QIBmE
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- Life is not an opportunistic happenstance that took advantage of a set of arbitrary rules of physics to construct a self-reproducing hyper-cycle of chemical catalysts, primed to transform itself by the laws of chance and competition for resources into a diverse community…. -Josh Mitteldorf, 12-31-2019
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- Beijing has repeatedly stated in formal documents, official speeches and defense white papers that China has never developed biological weapons and does not currently engage in biological activities with offensive military applications….
- Washington expressed concerns over possible Chinese biological weapons-related transfers to countries such as Iran as early as 1997. In that year then U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright noted in written answers to questions from Senator Robert E. Bennett (R-Utah) that the State Department had "received reporting regarding transfers of dual-use items from Chinese entities to Iranian government entities which raise concern" and that the United States had "encouraged China to adopt comprehensive and rigorous export controls" to prevent assistance to Iran's biological weapons program….
- Until the late 1990s China condemned stringent export control regimes, vehemently opposing the Australia Group (AG). However since that period, China has increasingly accepted the need for export controls for nonproliferation purposes. In October 2002 China released the "Regulations on Export Control of Dual-Use Biological Agents and Related Equipment and Technologies" and the related control list. The export control list provided an extensive and well-defined list of pathogens and toxins covered by the new set of export control regulations, which fully mirror the Australia Group control lists. [15]…
- The Chinese Foreign Ministry's position on the BTWC, updated in April 2011, maintains China's previous attitude supporting the "complete prohibition and thorough destruction of all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, including biological weapons." [19]…In November 2010, China co-hosted a "Workshop on Strengthening International Efforts to Prevent the Proliferation of Biological Weapons: The Role of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in Beijing." [23]…
- In 2007 China announced a 20-year plan to set up a research center to study natural and man-made epidemics as well as to produce vaccines and protective equipment. [28] In 2007 it was also announced that China would open its first BSL-4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, part of the Chinese Academy of Science. [29] https://www.nti.org/learn/countries/china/biological/
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- 2-11-20 On Feb 2, 2020 Shi Zhengli wrote: This virus is a punishment imposed on mankind from nature, to condemn mankind’s uncivilized way of living. Those of you who believe rumors or so-called scientific analysis by unqualified researchers, I advise you to shut your damn mouths!” https://www.theepochtimes.com/involvement-of-wuhan-p4-lab-questioned_3230182.html
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