Monday, July 9, 2018

Chintamani, wish-fulfilling jewel

67.  Prayer does not abase—it exalts.  If after prayer one feels depressed, it means that the quality of prayer was not lofty.  A man is not comparable to Infinity, but one spark of higher energy maintains in itself a significance even beyond conceivable boundaries.  A spark of higher energy has been given to each man and as its bearer he is invested with a lofty duty.  He is a bridge to higher worlds.    
                                        -Morya: Aum 1936   

       Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, Mother Mary and Raphael Archangel, Jesus and Magda, Saint Germain and Portia, beloved Fourteen AScended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, Divine Director, Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, blessed Virgo and Pelleur of the earth element, Prince Oromasis and Diana of the fire element:  form now of the fire of our hearts united as one heart a magnificent heart of light to pulsate through Thy mighty shrine and focalpoint of light even in the Sun of Even Pressure in the heart of the Earth.  Weave now this heart out of our devotions and entire momentum of our heart chakras, purified and aligned, hopeful to ever serve in selflessness the cause of universal brotherhood.
  Let this heart of light be a magnet for the Great Central Sun of the sacred heart of Serapis, his mentors and all devotees of the Mother-flame of the ages that Earth might have a greater physical polestar and rallying-point for souls in transformation and transcendence.  O blessed saints and sages East and West, we adore the light of God in thy hearts, we bow before the light within thy hearts--magnify the good in us by God’s Grace!
  We welcome teachers, supporters, servants of the One, adepts, children, angels, elemental life.  We welcome all who come to serve the One, O Lord; let it be for the flushing out and purging, the redeeming and renewing, the guiding and delivering, the reigniting of divine design and direction!, of rhythm, poise and peace  Let us be eternally the hands, head and heart of Kali, Durga, Parvati, Lord Shiva in action.  Mighty I AM Presence, press into our hands the sword of Kali:  let us be the demon-slayers, binding the demons of death, disease, imbalance, falsity, hypocrisy, pridefulness and that retinue of delusion.  Bless our offering and supplication this day, O Father-Mother God; help us be Thy instruments of salvation and overcoming, of integrity in the cosmic honor flame of Life.
  Let master masons and willing hearts coordinate in this oneness and hope, this devotion and alchemy, this goodwill and Christ-cheer, in firmness and renewed discipline under the divine aegis.  Send forth Thy victory even unto the Sun and back again, Mighty I AM That I AM, Aum Tat Sat, Nuk Pa Nuk!*  Let Thy divine alchemy appear, let this substance of our labor and Thy labor, O Elohim, be the golden whiteness of the Sun in our hands and Thy hands to deliver the Earth this day--in Thy mighty heart and our hearts the key--let us receive and hold fast Thy mighty way, truth and life, amen, in Jesus’ name adjusted in the Grace and Ongoingness, in the cycles of true destiny not dust!  True destiny not dust!  True destiny not dust!

       *Nuk Pa Nuk—Egyptian for As Above so below!  See
-Chintamani (Wish-Fulfilling Jewel) by N. Roerich
Queen of Light by Charles Sindelar

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