Sunday, October 31, 2021

children 5-11 years old are loved by Pfizer for a reason

The CEO of Pfizer (market cap: $240.5 billion) is Albert Bourla (2020 compensation package: $21 million). Bourla and his colleagues want your kids to start getting jabbed with his company’s COVID vaccine by Thanksgiving. Triumphant after the Biden administration last week approved Pfizer’s COVID booster shots (estimated global sales: $26 billion), the company is touting study results (preliminary and non-peer-reviewed) which purportedly show “robust” antibody response and “favorable” safety outcomes for children ages 5-11 who received a two-dose combo in clinical trials.
Now here are some facts all moms and dads must know about Pfizer before they allow their young daughters and sons to be guinea pigs of a profit-maximizing multinational corporation.
Twenty five years ago Pfizer sent a team to Kano, Nigeria during a meningococcal meningitis outbreak.  They conducted an “open label” (unblinded) clinical trial involving 200 children, half of whom were given Pfizer’s new antibiotic Trovan and half of whom received the gold standard treatment, ceftriaxone. Watchdogs noted that Pfizer used substantially lower doses of ceftriaxone to rig the trials in favor of Trovan.
At the time of the Kano trial Pfizer was pushing for FDA approval of their latest potential billion-dollar cash cow for pediatric use. Eleven Nigerian children died: five after receiving Pfizer’s product and six after receiving lower-than-normal doses of the older drug.
Pay close attention, parents. A Washington Post investigation reported that one 10-year-old girl suffering from meningitis was not taken off experimental Trovan and given standard, proven treatments by Pfizer’s clinical trial operators–when it was clear that her condition was deteriorating. One of her eyes froze.  She lost strength, then died.  A Nigerian doctor who supervised the studies for Pfizer admitted that his office had “backdated an approval letter” for the human trials, which “may have been written a year after the study had taken place.”  Informed consent was undermined by language and education barriers.
One outraged African newspaper demanded that the government “tell us whether our children were used as guinea pigs and, if so, who committed such criminality and who is liable.” After years of protracted litigation with the pharmaceutical behemoth, Nigerian families reached a $75 million out-of-court settlement sealed with a confidentiality clause.
A separate whistleblower lawsuit filed by Pfizer’s former associate medical director for central research and Yale pediatric infectious disease specialist, Juan Walterspiel, alleged that the company fired him in retaliation for warning before and after the deadly Kano fiasco that the study methods were “improper and unsafe.”  Walterspiel further claimed that Pfizer had bribed Nigerian officials to continue the study and cut safety corners because “stock options and bonuses were at stake.”
Pfizer tried to suppress Walterspiel’s allegations but was forced into a settlement after Wikileaks published diplomatic cables showing that Pfizer had attempted to dig up dirt on a Nigerian prosecutor to bully him into dropping lawsuits by state and federal authorities in Africa.
A secret internal Nigerian government report, leaked years after it had been written, concluded that Pfizer violated international law by conducting an “illegal trial of an unregistered drug” and failing to inform children’s parents that the meningitis treatment was experimental.  The government panel called the Trovan tragedy a “clear case of exploitation of the ignorant.”
If you think this corruption was all an anomaly, or misunderstood altriuism, or “misinformation” I encourage you to start doing your own homework before your child’s health and life become just another cost of doing Big Pharma Business.
Search the Internet and PubMed (while you still can) for “Pfizer,” “Celebrex,” “Bextra,” “Geodon,” “Zyvox,” “Lyrica,” and “Neurontin.”
Find out more about why Pfizer paid the largest fine for health care fraud in American history ($2.3 billion) in 2009 to resolve allegations that it illegally caused false claims to be submitted to the government and paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe their products.
Learn more about the nearly 3,000 people who developed suicidal thoughts and severe psychological disorders after taking Pfizer’s smoking cessation drug, Chantix.  Pfizer paid out nearly $300 million to settle those cases.
Or the nearly 10,000 women who won claims of nearly $1 billion after developing breast cancer linked to Pfizer’s Prempro hormone replacement therapy.
And just remember, parents, that the pandemic profiteers who stand to gain unprecedented, multi-billion-dollar windfalls from endless vaccine boosters administered cradle to grave around the world have the most terrifying man-made immunity ever created: immunity from liability for their corner-cutting, life-endangering business model.

Ivermectin usage in India, Indonesia and Japan; ethylene oxide on nasal swabs

nurse Cassandra Dunnm   7-3-21    video transcrip:

  Hi, this is Cassandra Dunn your favourite registered nurse coming to you live from an undisclosed location.
I just wanted to let everybody know that not only am I a registered nurse for several decades, almost three, I’m also a certified federal medical investigator.  I am bringing you today information about the swab, the swab that is used to test for the current claimed pandemic. Facebook took down my previous video, it just happened to disappear, so I’m bringing you another one.
I’m also going to transfer this video to   website, So the swabs that are used for testing, I have two of them here made by different manufacturers. The first one is made by: Ningbo HLS Medical Products and it’s made in China.  On it it says sterile / EO.  Keep that in mind cos I’m going to give additional information what the EO stands for.
  Here’s the other one.  This one is made by: Miraclean Technology, and this is also made in China.
It also says sterile / EO.  So these are two different swabs that are used deep into the nasal cavity, halfway up to your skull to test for the current pandemic.  EO stands for Ethylene Oxide.  So these test swabs are saturated / coated with EO
  The EPA classified Ethylene Oxide as a human carcinogen in December 2016.   the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the National Toxicology Programme classify Ethylene Oxide as a Carcinogen to humans.  Evidence in humans indicates that exposure to Ethylene Oxide by inhalation increases the risk of Lymphoma cancers, Myelomas, and Leukaemia’s.  And for females, Breast Cancer.  
It also states here that acute inhalation exposure of workers to high levels of Ethylene Oxide has resulted in nausea, vomiting, neurological disorders, Bronchitis, Pulmonary Edema, and Emphysema. Some evidence exists indicating that inhalation exposure to Ethylene Oxide can cause an increased rate of miscarriages in female workers.  Reproductive effects have been noted in inhalation.  Exposure studies include decreased testicular weight and sperm concentration and testicular degeneration.  Ethylene Oxide has been shown to cause Lymphoid Cancer and tumours of the brain, lung, connective tissue, uterus, breasts in animals exposed to Ethylene Oxide by inhalation.
  So that’s from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This is from the Department of Health and Human Services on Ethylene Oxide:  the DNA damaging activity of Ethylene Oxide explains its effectiveness as a sterilant, and this same property accounts for its carcinogenic risk to humans.
  This is from the Canadian version of OSHA--it’s called the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.  It states EO is very toxic, causes cancer, changes in your genetics and reproductive toxicity.
It says it’s very toxic, fatal if inhaled, may damage fertility and causes genetic defects.  Also states that it’s a carcinogen known to cause reduced fertility.,into%20your%20nasal%20cavity%2C%20close%20to%20your%20brain

  Because of this, the FDA is encouraging device manufacturers to move to electronic materials where feasible and safe for device users.  We are committed to working with industry to make this change.
  On November 25, 2019 the FDA announced its Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Master File Pilot Program (EtO Pilot Program).  This voluntary program is intended to allow companies (sterilization providers) that sterilize single-use medical devices using fixed chamber ethylene oxide (EtO) to submit a Master File when making certain changes between sterilization sites or when making certain changes to sterilization processes that utilize reduced EtO  concentrations.
  Under this voluntary program manufacturers (PMA holders) of Class III devices subject to premarket approval that are affected by such changes may reference the Master File submitted by their sterilization provider in a postapproval report in lieu of submission of a PMA supplement.
  This pilot program seeks to ensure patient access to safe medical devices while encouraging new, innovative ways to sterilize medical devices that reduce the potential impact of EtO on the environment and on the public health.
  The EtO Master File Pilot Program began November 25, 2019.

October 27, 2021
  By September deaths from the
COVID-19 Vaccine jabs were being
investigated.  At roughly that time,
the vials were under scrutiny and
metal “magnetic” material was
found in them.  Very shortly
thereafter the Japanese minister of
health announced doctors could
prescribe Ivermectin.
  A month later the Western press is
shocked that COVID has all but
disappeared from the island.  Get it?  Understand? 

   If your government really wanted to end COVID, if that was its true goal, it would do what Japan did.
September 2, 2021  

   This morning Tokyo Medical Association announced publicly that it is recommending that all doctors begin treating COVID with Ivermectin after witnessing the results from other countries. Japan has a very conservative culture and the same extends to the country’s practice of medicine.…
  To clarify, Ivermectin has won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2015  Prescribed to over 3.5 billion people, Ivermectin has one of the best and longest safety profiles in the history of medicine.

those who have the inner calling

  Children of God Who Expose the Antichrist
by the Mother-Flame,
…Now his time had come and his herald was before him, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah as the voice of one crying in the wilderness:  “Prepare ye the way of the Lord!  Make straight the paths of the descent of the Son Jesus Christ who has come into his temple to judge the twelve tribes of Israel and to initiate the loving, the obedient, the humble servant-sons in the Personhood of their own Christ Self!”…
  Before all the multitude gathered at Jordan he told them who they were:  a “generation of vipers,” the offspring of the Serpent.  He exposed them as the fallen angels who fell from grace and from serving as ministers of fire on the right hand of God with His Christ.  Cast out of heaven, they would soon be cast out of Earth by the blazing light of the Son of God.
  Now they sought not to amend their ways not to reconsider and to confess that living Christ.  No indeed, they sought to steal the light of the prophet by posing as children of God.  He knew that they were trembling before the oncoming light and that “the wrath to come” would be the light of Alpha and Omega dwelling bodily in the incarnate Word as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  John the Baptist wore the mantle of the Lamb, the same mantle he had worn as Elijah, denoting the office in Hierarchy that carries the authority of the Word and  judgment of God.  He had been His messenger then unto all of Israel, and he was His messenger reincarnated.
  He demanded of the Pharisees and Sadducees “fruits meet for repentance,” good works on the ledger of life, a record of good karma that would compensate for bad karma and therefore be the necessary and acceptable offering unto the Guru, a token expression of allegiance unto the Law whereby the Law might then increase the light of the supplicant.  But they had not the good works meet for repentance, for their works were done in evil….
  The evil work is the misqualification (mist-qualification, hence il­lusion) of the light of the Trinity and the Mother manifesting as the substance of sin, causing the soul to be out of alignment with the inner blueprint of the Logos—the image and likeness of God—the I AM THAT I AM out of which the soul was created and in which it will now be re-created first by water of John, then by fire of Jesus. …
  “If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.  But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God; this did not Abraham.”…
  My beloved, heed, O heed the warning of John and Jesus:  He who loves not the Christ in the Father’s incarnate servant-sons, in those whom He has anointed with the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost cannot be of the seed of Christ; therefore he is the seed of the Devil—the offspring of the Evil One, that Lucifer who first deified Evil and then became the personification, or personhood, of that deified energy-veil….
  The child is neither good nor evil because of his parents but because the Lord God has endowed him with a threefold flame that burns on the altar of the heart and with the gift of freewill which the child has used justly, wisely and well in previous lifetimes.  The ax that is laid unto the root of the trees is the ax of the Law wielded by the Person of the Lamb incarnate.  The tree is the symbol of Indivi­duality, male and female.  In the son, the daughter of God the Tree of Life does manifest the fruit of good works within its branches, ring upon ring of the causal body. And the tree trunk is the Christ Self through whom the soul is rooted in the bedrock of reality, nourished from below by the currents of Mother Earth as from above by the Spirit currents of the Father.
  But the seed of the Wicked One have been cut off from the I AM THAT I AM.  They are without causal body, without rings of fire, without the Christ Self or the root of knowledge in the Law of the Word.  When the all-seeing Eye of God scans their auric field in Spirit and in matter, in Alpha and Omega and reveals not the good fruit of works in the Holy Ghost therefore through the Person of the Son of God the ax of the Law is laid unto the cause and core of error, and truth herself in the Person of the sacred fire hews down and casts that fruitless tree into the vortex of all-consuming Love….
  Who are the Pharisees and Sadducees then and now?  By now you should have guessed, my beloved.  They are the left and the right, the plus and minus of human good and evil. Assuming their positions, pretending to be in opposition to each other they merely polarize the misqualified substance of the energy veil to suit their purposes which are always to deny the validity of God-good in the One whom He hath sent and in the ones chosen by God to believe on the One Sent and to anchor the light of His Spirit in the planes of matter….
  Thus the chela’s affirmation or denial of the messenger of the Gurus determines his relationship to the Gurus; likewise he who denies the Christ in the chela also denies the Gurus and their messenger.  And the chain of being, Alpha to Omega throughout rings upon rings of the Gurus and their chelas is one universal order of Life.  He who breaks a single link in the chain breaks the whole chain even as he who offends in one point of the Law is guilty of all. ….
  It is the intimacy, the unspeakable love of this Guru-chela relationship of which the Sadducees and Pharisees were envious—the estate of the Son sitting on the right hand of the Father which they had lost through pride and ambition.  But they would not relent, they would not repent, they would not confess the light which they both saw and feared in the Lord’s anointed….
  Always disputing, always denying, the Sadducees remain the spoilers midst every generation of lightbearers.  Their doctrine is a doctrine of denial.  They are the religious rationalists of then and now.  Do you think, little children, that they really disbelieve in the angels and spirits of God who are the ascended masters?  Do you think they really disbelieve in the miracles of the Anointed One?  Do you think they really dispute the Law and the Spirit of the resurrection?
  Now learn of an archangel, for the children of God must become “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”  They are the “wise” serpents, they once formed a ring of fire around the Central Sun.  They knew God face to face and they rebelled against the Law of the One, the Law of Love.  They knew and know the angels, for they themselves are fallen angels.  They tremble before the ascended masters and their messengers, and they know that only the miracles of God are able to thwart their conspiracy of Absolute Evil pitted against Absolute Good appearing as relative good and evil.
  They have seen the resurrection—o yes, they have!  They have seen the spiraling of sons and daughters of God back to the Great Central Sun, back to the heart of Helios and Vesta.  But all this they deny….Operating midst certain councils of the elders, of the Sanhedrin and priesthood, the Sadducees are one with them in vibration—one and the same, and their beginnings and their endings are the same—the same death spiral that began when they denounced the Lord God Almighty and His hosts as the legitimate Hierarchy of the Spirit/matter cosmos.
  Their priesthood is the anti-priesthood, the counterfeit of the Order of Melchizedek.   Knowing as they know the inner Law of the great Three-in-One they know that the knowledge of the Law will be the liberation of souls throughout the matter sphere and that with that liberation will come their own ultimate end, the second death of the fallen ones in the final judgment before the Court of   Sacred Fire on Sirius.
  They are not the Jews of today as you know them, but they have invaded the synagogues of the Jews even as they have invaded the Catholic church, the Jesuit Order, the Protestant churches and the mosques of Islam; and their seed has penetrated all of the races of Earth….They carry neither the affirmation of the Word nor the adoration of the Woman clothed with the Sun.  From their lips pass not the Our Father nor the Hail Mary.  The Mother of Christ is anathema to them, for she is Creator in matter even as God the Father is Creator in Spirit.  They are the protesters; with the descendants of the Pharisees, the offspring of the Sadducees go about protesting this and that in church and state, inciting the people in mass demonstrations and ignorant denunciations of the living Word. …
  The fanaticism displayed by these modernized cults of the scribes and Pharisees is always present when the Law is denuded of both the Person and \Principle of the Holy Ghost.  Little children, observe!  Where there is violence there in the midst of the people are the seed of the Wicked One, the violent ones inciting them to denounce their faith and their hope in the Person of Charity who is always present in the true shepherds of the people.
  Ponder my wisdom, for it is the wisdom of the universal Father and the universal Mother.  Then know yourself as the offspring of that Wisdom and be the harmless doves of their twin flames of the Spirit.

               -Archangel Gabriel: Pearl 22:8
  Understand that the fallen angels know well what is the covenant betwixt a people and their God.  And their intrusion into society in the West today is to create that vulnerability midst the people whereby through their disobedience they—the fallen ones incarnate--may have a means of entering in and overturning the children of the light.  Thus the careful enticement of the lightbearers of the world who embody the Spirit of America is that which has become and has ever been the strategy of these fallen ones.  It is a part of the strategy of this International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy to wear down the people of East and West through drugs and rock music and abortion, debilitating their bodies and weakening them through all manner of toxic substances--and then the disinformation and then the programming and deprogramming of them from a way of life that is free to the seeming carefreeness of a totalitarian rule.
  Beloved, understand the steps and stages of the revolution of the fallen ones meted against the people of light upon Earth.  Awake, I say!  You have been through this many times over!  Some who be here this night were among those who were of the bands of Zedekiah put to death, for they [you] were leaders in Judah.  And some of you were among the humble who were not considered dangerous who were left in Judah. And to them [you] was given a land and they made a rich harvest.
  And so the prophet took up his place and continued to deliver the Word--not only of the I AM THAT I AM but of the I AM THAT I AM as Elohim indivi­dualized therefore through us….
  Thus ultimately there is that sense on the part of these fallen ones of not to move where there is the presence of God, whereas on the other hand the same fallen ones through others (of their ilk) have lost their lives, even as many of the true prophets of Israel were murdered by the fallen ones.
  Therefore let neither prophet nor representative of the people nor ministers or pastors or rabbis nor those who lead a nation in any way consider that these Chaldeans, now reincarnate as the Soviets and the conspirators from the West who support them, will change their tune or their designs.  Remember that they have been around this planet for aeons, and they have been warring against others of other bands of fallen angels in their rivalry to attain supremacy.  And in these wars of the gods take heed, beloved, that you are not caught in the crossfire….
  We speak of the seriousness of the hour. But our message, beloved, is never to frighten but only to sober you to God-centeredness where you realize just how high the stakes are this day and just how much import the fallen ones place in overturning that leadership who move against their strategies….
  You must place supreme value upon your emergent Christhood.  Treat it as a diamond that must be cut and polished and treasured, beloved.  Through these shepherds we may yet hold the balance….
  Therefore I say, in the I AM Presence let your light and let your soul be raised up.  Come then into the mountain of the I AM THAT I AM which you can achieve here and now. And in that mountain of God, that Holy of Holies of your I AM Presence see and know the right course of physical action.  Take accountability for your personal economy and your survival and your livelihood.  And do not seek to depend upon church or state for that livelihood.  You therefore must forge and win that victory in your right place….
  Thus qualify yourselves in the order of the builders and master-builders who have come as a unique mandala of light.  Understand the qualification of the heart and spirit of non-condemnation and the Spirit of God-harmony.
  And therefore I say to all, hear my word!  For the land itself will not accept those who are there for ulterior motive and alternate reasons.  You must understand that the path of sainthood and purification of heart is the way of safety.  And you [who are out of alignment] will not be safe in or under your own bed or neath the trees of the hills.  You will not be safe, beloved, either within or without.  And when you consider the freak accidents and causes of death you must remember that there is vulnerability anywhere in the matter cosmos.  No one therefore who retains anxiety or fear of fallen angels will pass the tests necessary to be in the holy mountain of God….
  Beloved, we see what is set before you.  And surely, surely I have said you require the presence near of Elohim who have the power to precipitate the need of the hour.  You yourselves may call upon the mantle of Hercules and Amazonia as a corresponding focus for your chelaship empowered by God.  Therefore according to your diligence in the decree to Hercules [10.05] you will begin to feel that Presence around you.  This will surely come in answer to your call and to your devotion to the will of God and to your hearkening unto the inner voice.  Therefore it will come to those who earn it, who pursue it, and who claim it by the right of the Holy Christ Self. [16-sec. applause]…
  Now I offer my Presence and that of beloved Virginia, the virgin all-seeing Eye of God in the heart of the immaculate concept of Omega.  Now we offer this our Presence to you and we focus through you the all-seeing Eye of God not only for the exposure of the truth concerning the conspiracies of the reincarnated Chaldeans and Assyrians in the Earth, but also, beloved, for the binding of the seed of the wicked who oppose that vision and that truth and who espouse and embody that error.  Through your calls to the all-seeing Eye of God this will be accomplished and multiplied unto you as that opening of the inner vision for which you have longed….
  We have not placed the priority upon this but upon the building and securing of the Inner Retreat because we must devote ourselves to our chelas first and not in any way jeopardize their divine destiny.  Realize then, beloved, that when those who should be awakened and should espouse this cause do so, if they do so before it is too late, this communication will go to the heart of the lightbearers, and it will also go to the heart of the seed of the wicked—and as they tremble in this hour for the coming of the Lord’s day, so they will tremble in that hour for the coming of His Word and the sharper than the two-edged sword!  [16-sec. applause]
  Therefore, shepherds of the people, those who have the inner calling, those who have never lost contact with heart of Elohim whose hearts may be troubled, whose souls may be burdened, to you I speak and I say, teach—teach these children of the light who are already convinced of this path the way of giving the call to Cyclopea, the way of the call to Archangel Michael.  And know that a cosmic assistance has come upon you, that the Seven Archangels are standing now one-pointed and are at that very point of the delivery of a tremendous assistance that can turn the tide….
  All things are possible with Elohim!  O beloved, let the mountains ring—and the molecules and waters under the earth and the very Sun of Even Pressure in the heart of the Earth also reverberate with the sound of the call of the Word.  It is the sustaining power of physical systems and planetary homes….
  Beloved ones, the sound of the light reverberating through your microcosm is the power of the holy Word of God to restore you to that magnificent God-free being you were when you first descended into the matter spheres!  And in the aura and presence of that God-being which, I tell you, shall be unleashed from the whitefire core of every cell and atom of your being you will be effective in the Earth, you will stand as conquering heroes, so humble in the presence of Elohim, beloved, and yet so empowered as to tremble the very web of cosmos and of the deceit of the fallen ones.
  Understand then just how much God can become God in you when you know the one-pointed calling and when you remember the rise and fall of civiliza­tions--the wars, destructions and cataclysms to which you have been witness and by which you have been victimized again and again and again.  Remember the example of the one Russian saint, Igor.  Remember him, beloved, as the example of how one heart of light, however ignorant or humble, in devotion to the divine Mother Mary may hold the balance against hordes of darkness who have embodied out of death and hell.  And they are like that group entity whose name was Legion who rushed down the mountain in the herd of swine.
  Beloved ones, these demons rush through the troops of the Chaldeans and Assyrians and fallen ones of the Earth.  The demons rush through them--and ere they plunge headlong to their own destruction they destroy many children of God in their wake.  And this is the result of the rupturing of the astral plane into the physical octave by misuse of sound and rhythm in the Earth in this hour.  Let it be known then that the sound of symphony is in your heart, that the sound of divine music is in your being, beloved.  And when you sound the aum you activate it….And that initiation of Christhood, beloved, demands obedience to the Law of sound, rhythm and cosmic music of the spheres.  For should you who would be entrusted with God’s power in this age go out of the way of harmony and disobey the voice of the Messenger when the command is given “Peace, be still!” or when you cease your peace and remain in discord, when you refuse to stop and arrest the spirals of death and decay and rebellion—in that moment, beloved, you must not have the power of God at your disposal to misuse.  For so grave a karma should come upon you to sin against Elohim….
  Let the peace-commanding Presence of Elohim Peace and Aloha sustain you in the hour when you must pass those tests to rise in the God-centeredness of Elohim that you might indeed embody the original power of your lifestreams from the Great Central Sun.
The Law is sealed as a grid upon you.  Those who abuse the Law of harmony may not advance in increasing God consciousness. This is a protection to every disciple—not a punishment but a guardian action of the Great Silent Watchers.  Understand it and believe, beloved….
  Therefore, beloved, hear the cry!  We have spoken before.  We tell you again.  Submit your heart upon the altar of God.  Seek our counsel and live.  For it is the hour to choose to be a God and to ascend--as we have chosen to be God, as we are created as God, as we are God.  So, beloved, choose to be that Presence or not.  For it is the wye (Y), and the Y has come to all in this age. …
  Beloved ones, the Law does act.  And I also weep in this hour when I see those who have not been careful in these things around the world (not necessarily in this activity) who have lost precious souls entrusted to their care because they did not heed the warning of the prophets and Elohim and Brotherhood of the signs of these perilous times.  Centered in the Cosmic Christ of your victory I AM Cyclopea, Virginia, Elohim of the Fifth Ray.  Now let the sweeping up of this mantle of ourselves in this presence be the focus of that gigantic leap into the heart of the mountain.
  So be it!  It is done!  I have decreed it  Let those who see and know run and still run and not be weary, for the Lord is with you, upon you and in you to fulfill His good pleasure. Amen!  [43-sec. standing ovation] 
        -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 29:66



 1)  Our hope is for an era when the cooperation of the ascended hosts and the unascended can become more and more a tangible reality.  We seek to wipe away even the evidences of past mistakes until through mercy’s love on a still brighter day the full play of cosmic evolution shall make of all life here one--one family of nations indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!    -Morya:  Pearl 2:49
2)  There is no need to fear the death of the outer man but that the soul may be swallowed up by the vicissitudes of natural experience to the place where the divine flame that pulsates and rises within is extinguished through neglect.   When a bushel of outer things surrounds mankind’s consciousness and leads him astray from oneness and a sense of the nearness of his own God Presence he finds that he can lose his way.
  I AM the way, and true being is the way.  There is no division in true existence, therefore there cannot be two ways.  There is only one way; and that way is the indivisibility of the Spirit that has of itself created many droplets of manifestation but all of the same Spirit.  Those of you who, with me, would inherit the kingdom of God must understand, even in your outer minds, that no outer condition has any power to alter the immortal God-flame blazing on the altar of your heart.
  Consciousness is also possessed of a heart.  The question as to whether that heart is seated in the physical heart or elsewhere in your four lower bodies, in your Holy Christ Self or in the heart of your Divine Presence is not nearly as important as the fact that you are able to tune in with God-consciousness that is in every cell of your body and the Great Central Sun Presence of yourself, your own beloved mighty I AM Presence.  

                       -Jesus Christ:  Pearls of Wisdom 11:13
3)  I say then the strings must be cut, and the self-sufficiency of the mandala of the white circle of the path of initiation of Guru and chela in America must be clear.  This circle of light must be one individed, indivisible union.  And so long as there is dependency and an absence of commitment of this government to defend those areas of the Earth and those resources upon which the nation depends, so long will the lightbearers and the perpetuation of the ascended masters’ teachings remain in grave danger.   
           -El Morya, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 27, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 54:19
4)  I would impart to those who are the devotees of freedom upon this continent a new opportunity—as it is a final opportunity—to form a ring of light, a union indivisible, indispensable to our cause.  I come then in the darkest hour of world history when the light of the noonday Sun, as the light of your own Mighty I AM Presence, burns most brightly as opportunity for victory.  Therefore I compel you to a greater vigilance, a greater self-discipline and a sense of realism in dealing with that which is the real Self, the great God-Self of all as the great advocate of freedom, and in dealing with the enemy in thy midst.   
            -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 31, 1981 at Ellecom, Holland, Pearl 24:38
5)  In the silence of the interim of my feeding of the birds of your hearts  I have given you the message for your soul.  I have loved you, I have embraced you, I have held you!  I have gazed into the eyes of your soul!  And I impress upon you my own love of Life, as God is indivisible in both of us.
I AM the ever-present Padma Sambhava.
Take me to your heart.
Remove me not into a corner.
I AM with thee and with thy God.
          -Padma Sambhava, delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 28, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:20
6)   I, Zadkiel, call upon the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood for the guarding of the Earth and the lightbearers and the nations and their governments and their economies in this hour of transmutation.  And I call unto Keepers of the Flame to continue to be the watchmen of the night for the fullness of this release of light which we now contemplate.
  I therefore seal you in the mighty light rays of the indivisible Son of God.  I AM the action of sacred fire.  I call forth then the victory of freedom in the hearts of all.  I send light from the eternal priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek!  I send forth the call and the radial lines of force from my retreat of light that there might be a pathway for those souls who truly will submit and bend the knee to the disciplines of our holy order.  For unto these and unto them alone will I bestow the secrets of Life and those that are to be uncovered.  For these things must be governed by Saint Germain.  
           -Archangel Zadkiel, delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 12, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:66
7)  Therefore let not those who have not declared their chelaship come nigh.  For your very presence is the acceptance of the condition [of chelaship] for the hearing of the Word and receiving of the light!  And you may not divide the light, for the light is indivisible!  Therefore you cannot take one part of it and leave the rest.  And the light will not serve those who are the compromisers of the Word!  I declare this!  For, beloved ones, the power of love is all-consuming, and that portion of the self [which] you have invested in unreality will likewise pass through the flame.  And as you have been told by beloved Gautama and the hosts of the Lord, [unless you prepare to meet your God] you will not stand in the day of your returning karma or in this day of the descent of light.  
      -Elohim Heros and Amora, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 20, 1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 32:11
8)  By leave of the Holy Spirit I AM Charity, complement of Archangel of Love, blest Chamuel.  I have descended into your midst as a pillar of pink fire that you might perceive the indivisible oneness of the whitefire core of Alpha and Omega in the very center of every part of life.  From the very heart of your causal body, from the heart of the Great Central Sun, from the heart of your threefold radiance of Christhood the white light is the power of emanation to disperse God’s love to a universe.  
      -Archeia Charity, delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 29, 1983, at Camelot, Pearl 26:47
9)  There are other battles to win, and they will be won as you establish yourselves as the indivisible, undivided One--an expression of that Law of Love.
  Let all problems and disagreements be brought to the Round Table, not the “square table” that ends in conflicts at four points. Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord:  though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them white as wool.  Therefore whatever the burden of misunderstanding or karma or sin or accusation or disagreement, can we not all enter the whiteness by transmutation, to sit at the Round Table and offer calls to the violet flame, then to place the problem on the table to discuss it?  Then let it be heard by our representative.
                        -Lanello via
Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 26, 1984 at Camelot.Pearl 27:35
      I AM in the heart of the saint and the child and the supplicant—the votive.  I AM the indivisible Word, the Shakti, the force of the creative power.  I release it to devour all! of your works, all! of your planetary schemes.  Their matrix is collapsed in this instant.  
            Archeia Mary, delivered through Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  August 26, 1984 at Camelot, Pearl 27:54
11)  Beloved ones, I address you thus because you are the manifestation of the Law of the One.  Therefore you are beloved ones.  I see you as one indivisible manifestation of Almighty God—cells in the body of Christ, the universal Corpus Christi, the universal light itself.
  Now from my heart of hearts I pass through this circle of light the mighty extension of my presence of the Law of the One that you might feel yourself a part of me, even as I am a part of thee.  And in this hour and moment know the oneness of hearts and feel the strength of the saints above and below.   
         -God of Gold, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on September 3, 1984 at Washington, D.C., Pearl 52:8
12)  The Emerald Matrix, the etheric blueprint, is in place.  This however is a question of the fifth-ray application of the divine science of East and West.  It demands your pursuit of God-mastery within the temple.  Thus you have placed mighty stones in the base of this pyramid and yourselves as lively stones in the building.  As that which is below comes to fruition you will see the descent until the bowl and the flame in the center will be indivisible, and Alpha and Omega and Spirit and matter will be the converging of worlds through the all-seeing Eye of Elohim, through the ray of precipitation through thy heart.      


     -Sanat Kumara, delivered through Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1984 at Camelot, Pearl 27:55
13)   You have seen, beloved, the determination of Jophiel.  Understand that there are literally millions of hosts of the Lord of the World who contain this same fiery determination.
  Whence cometh the light?   The light cometh from far-off worlds, from the Throne of Glory, from the invisible, indivisible One and the soundless sound.   
         -Gautama Buddha, delivered through Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1984 at Camelot, Pearl 28:6  
14)  I am come for the awakening of the ancient memory.  I come for illumination and the consuming of that which burdens the mind and soul.  And what is that burden, beloved? It is the burden of ignorance of the Law and the ignoring of the path of love.  Thus I call all of those who are of the light from one end of the Earth to the other into the very heart of allegiance to the Law of the One.
  O one eternal, indivisible light of liberty, I am in the very center of the Temple of the Sun over this city directing now seven flames of light through these seven chakras of our Messenger, delivering then the frequencies of the Lords of Karma to each and every one so gathered and all who are seeking and crying out to Lord Christ, to Lord Buddha, to Lord Krishna—whatever the name of that light.   
          -Goddess of Liberty, delivered on November 17, 1985 at New York City via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 29:5
15)  O thou who art the beloved of God, I am welcome in this city by your presence, by your devotion and by your meditation upon the Law of the One, the indivisible whole of thy life.  Therefore as one mystical body in this hour you form the chalice, even the electrode for the anchoring of my love unto the millions not alone in this city but throughout planet Earth.
  I come, O beloved, in a dark hour of Earth’s history that does precede the dawn of the birth of the divine manchild within you.  Contemplate this mystery of the savior born in your heart this night.  Celebrate with me the Christ mass, for in each twenty-four-hour cycle I do celebrate the birth not only of my Son but also of your own true divine sonship, which has been denied you by the label of sinner that has been pronounced too long and long enough!   
              -Archeia Mary, delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 26, 1990 at New York City, Pearl 33:41
16)  This is the day when we are authorized to extend the violet flame to many servants of God serving on other planets and systems of worlds.  From the Great Central Sun we descend.  We fill all matter-space.
  You may readily comprehend the Godhead by understanding the Father-Mother principle in Elohim:  One God indivisible yet divisible as the yang and yin of creation, One God as Elohim indivisible yet visibly manifesting a multiplicity of aspects of the Godhead.
  Thus, precious ones of light, our coming is to intensify an action of violet flame.  And when the violet flame touches the darkness of death and hell itself there is a warfare between matter particles and Spirit particles. So you see, the violet flame consciousness of Elohim and all who serve that flame—including the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood—must intensify, fill all space and ultimately utterly consume all that is unreal.  
          -Elohim Arcturus, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 15, 1995 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 38:22
17)  You can understand in this age of computers what a joy I would have had to be working with computers to stamp out the message of the Coming Revolution [in Higher Consciousness] to the world.  Now with my better half in embodiment this may come to pass.  It may come to pass for you also.  But understand that the computer of the mind of God allows us to be one indivisible Cosmic Christ, each one of us a cell in that great body of Lord Maitreya, Gautama Buddha and Sanat Kumara.  
            -Lanello via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 24, 1995 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 46:33

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Humanity must build its strongholds as a wondrous indivisible circle.

358.  Humanity must build its strongholds as a wondrous indivisible circle.  Each creative inception must be built upon integrity and indivisibility, affirming itself in an orbit around the center.  Only thus by a radius can one reach all points and establish the right scope.  It should be understood that each stronghold must be nurtured from the center.  The more superficial the receptivity the more perilous it is in all directions.  Therefore one should harken to inner manifestation of the center.  The indivisibility of the stronghold is its might. Integrity is its beauty.  The center is the hierarchy of bliss.  Thus the highest step is built.  Each spirit must realize that all lives through the light of integrity. Each ashram is nurtured by integrity and lives by the Light of Hierarchy.  Each atom lives by integrity.  In this is beauty; thus is the world constructed.

359.  Our constructiveness lies in vitality.  The pledge of happiness for humanity lies in beauty.  Hence we assert art to be the highest stimulus for regeneration of spirit.  We consider art to be immortal and boundless.  We make a demarcation between knowledge and science because knowledge is art, science is method.  Therefore the element of Fire intensifies art and spirit-creativeness.  Therefore wondrous pearls of art can actually uplift and transmute the spirit instantaneously.  Everything is attainable through the growth of the spirit, for only the inner fires can give the needed strength of receptivity. Thus an agni yogi can sense all cosmic beauty without narrow scientific methodology.  Verily the pearls of art bring exaltation to humanity, and the fires of spirit-creativeness can give a new understanding of beauty to humanity.  Thus we value integrity around the center and appreciate service to Hierarchy through the heart.      

                           -Morya: Hierarchy 1931

On a scale of -=50 how rotten is the US government and its dark overlords? See this:

 By Art Moore   October 28, 2021
As the federal government considers approving Pfizer's COVID-19 shot for children ages 5 to 11, a Harvard University epidemiologist is urging parents not to vaccinate their children.
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, said in an interview with EpochTV that the risks outweigh any benefit.
"I don't think children should be vaccinated for COVID," he said.  "I'm a huge fan of vaccinating children for measles, for mumps, for polio, for rotavirus and many other diseases, that’s critical.  But COVID is not a huge threat to children,” he said on the channel's "American Thought Leaders" program.

Dr. Martin Kulldorf of Harvard University School of Medicine  "They can be infected just like they can get the common cold, but they’re not a big threat. They don’t die from this, except in very rare circumstances.  So if you want to talk about protecting children or keeping children safe, I think we can talk about traffic accidents, for example, which they are really at some risk."
Kulldorf, who serves on scientific advisory committees to the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said "there are other things that we should make sure [of] to keep children safe.  But COVID is not a big risk factor for children."
Kulldorf pointed to CDC data showing that only 195 children under the age of 4, and 442 between 5 and 18, have died from COVID-19 in the United States as of Oct. 20.  Further, CDC data show children generally do not spread COVID-19 and have little risk of any adverse effects.  The seasonal flu is more deadly among children than COVID-19, and the swine flu one decade ago was six times more deadly.
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the messenger RNA technology in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, concurs with Kulldorf.  "There is absolutely no scientific or medical justification for vaccinating children, in my opinion," he said recently on Twitter.  Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Medicine, is advising parents to remove their children from any public school that forces students to get the shots.
"Honestly, I would organize with other parents to take them out of the school and create homeschooling environments," Risch said.
"There's no choice.  Your child's life is on the line."
He acknowledged that vaccination "is not a high risk that's going to kill every child.nnHowever, it's enough of a risk that on the average the benefit is higher for homeschooling than it is for vaccination and being in school."
Kulldorf, along with epidemiologists Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, is a co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, arguing for public policies that protect the vulnerable while allowing those with little risk to go about their business.
See the interview:
"Hospitals should hire nurses & other staff with natural immunity…They are the ones who are least likely to infect the residents.  [Yet] we're doing the opposite.  They’re being fired."
Deep-dive w/ Harvard epidemiologist @MartinKulldorff
— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) October 26, 2021
Kulldorf pointed out that in his native Sweden, day care and schools have been kept open during the pandemic for children ages 1 to 15.
In the Nordic nation there were 1.8 million such children "who got through the first wave without vaccines, of course, without masks, without any sort of distancing in schools.  If a child was sick, they were told to stay home.  But that was basically it.  And you know how many of those 1.8 million children died from COVID?  Zero.  Only a few hospitalizations.  So this is not a risky disease for children."
Kulldorf expressed concern about the risk of vaccine side effects, including heart inflammation, which has occurred post-vaccination at much highe rates than expected.
Last summer, the FDA added a warning label to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines about the risk of two types of heart inflammation, myocarditis and pericarditis….”if you have already have immunity from having had COVID, then the benefits of the vaccines are much, much smaller," he said.
Others, pointing to CDC estimates, have argued that even for older people the survival rate from a novel coronavirus infection is extremely high for those who do not have underlying conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.  For those under 70 it's estimated to be as high as 99.5%.  For people 70 and older it's up to 95% but much higher for those without comorbidities.
For children, Kulldorf added, "even if you haven’t had COVID, the risk of serious disease or death is minuscule."
The interview with Kulldorf took place before an FDA advisory panel on Wednesday voted 17-0, with one absention, to recommended emergency use authorization of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for children 5-11, despite acknowledging the lack of safety data and a high survival rate from infection (Calcluated by the CDC to be as high as 99.998% for those 19 and younger).
Committee member Dr. Eric Rubin, editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, expressed the concern of many members about "a side effect that we can't measure yet," referring to myocarditis.  But he concluded there was no other way forward, expressing the frustraion of many that the committee was given a "binary choice."
"We're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it," he said.  "That's just the way it goes."
Panel members also acknowledged the vaccine does not prevent transmission and wanes in efficacy after only months. And some pointed to data indicating at least 40% of children in the United States have recovered from COVID-19 and have natural immunity.
The committee's approval sent the matter to CDC vaccine advisers, who will meet Nov. 2-3 to decide whether or not to recommend the EUA to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky who has the final say.  If she gives the go-ahead, vaccinations of young children could begin as early as next week.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Berenson may know something scientifically; US gov. heavily compromised on vax!!

 bombshell news!!  Many thousands in US gov. are exempt from vax and many get ivermectin treatment!!!

October 25, 2021     In its Week 42 “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report” the U.K. Health Security Agency admitted on page 23 that “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.”   It goes on to explain that this antibody drop is basically permanent.
  “What’s this mean?  Several things, all bad,” writes Alex Berenson.  “We know the vaccines do not stop infection or transmission of the virus (in fact the report shows elsewhere that vaccinated adults are now being infected at much HIGHER rates than the unvaccinated).  What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus.  Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.”
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine-induced Immunity:  Reinfections Versus Breakthrough Infections
  In the longterm people who take an “Operation Warp Speed” jab will be far more vulnerable to any mutations in the spike protein that might come along, even if they have already been infected and recovered once, or more than once.
  The unvaccinated meanwhile will procure lasting if not permanent, immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being infected with it naturally even just once.
  “It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect,”  Berenson further warns. “And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust longterm immunity post-infection.”  

Berenson (b. 1973) was a journalist with NY Times and is a writer.


 October 7,  2021   The upward trend in mortality and morbidity resulting from the Covid-19 vaccination program is overwhelming.
The health risks of the mRNA vaccine are fully documented:  Thrombosis, Blood Clots, Myocarditis, Heart Attacks, Cancer,
The mRNA “experimental” vaccine was launched in mid to late December 2020.  In many countries there was a significant and immediate shift in mortality following the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccine.
  Despite all the lies and distortions, the official figures of covid vaccine deaths for the EU, US and UK cannot be refuted.  (see below).
TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 40,666 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 6,626,502 injuries reported on 15 September 2021.
  Student at the LycĂ©e Valabre de Luynes-Gardannem, Aix-en-Provence, France, Sofia Benharira, 16 years old passed away on September 21, 7 days after having received the deadly Pfizer vaccine.  Heart attacks and Thrombosis.
This is happening all over the world.



Thursday, October 28, 2021

wake up before they jab you to death

a look into the blue yonder

 On 2–3-2025 the Summit Lighthouse will be 66.5 years old.
Solar progression moves forward at 1 degree/year, therefore progressed Sun reaches 21 degrees Libra on 2–3-2025.  Moon progresses at 13.18 degrees/year, so Moon progresses forward 66.5x 13.18=  876.5 degrees.  Subtract out 2 cycles of 360 degrees and so one has 156.5 degrees; from its natal point, thus moving to 21 degrees Libra.  Thus the progressed Sun and progressed Moon conjoin by Feb. 2025, potentially then marking a new cycle of some sort.  An Aquarian cycle!  In fact the chart for that day shows:

 Here the Sun is trine Jupiter, 1-8th of circle to Venus, 1/11th of circle to Saturn.  -r.

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA—In an attempt to calm angry parents, 3rd-grade teacher

 October 28th, 2021 - 

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA—In an attempt to calm angry parents, 3rd-grade teacher Patricia Merfle of Loudoun County Schools assured everyone that nothing bad is happening to their kids, but no one is allowed to come in and check.
"Yeah you can't come in right now," said Merfle, pointing to a "Do Not Enter" sign on the door. "We're busy learning important stuff about gender but not bad stuff you would disagree with! Anyway we need privacy, maybe you can come another time!"
Several angry parents wielding torches and pitchforks began to grow angry and demanded to see their kids.
"You have nothing to worry about!" said Merfle.  "We're not teaching them that gender is on a spectrum or that promiscuity is really fun or that America was built by white supremacists specifically to oppress black people and the only way to achieve justice is to dismantle the whole system or anything! But don't come in and look!  It's a bad time right now."
The school superintendent also assured parents everything was fine. "Yeah, we're teaching them things like reading, history... um, what was the other one? Oh yeah—math.  All that stuff.  Definitely no extreme Leftist indoctrination here, no siree!"
When asked by parents if they could come in and check, he ran inside and called the FBI.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

another video on vax??


Dr. McCullough and Llana Daniel videos on vax

June 6th, 2021   

               Dr. McCullough of Texas A&M video on vax:


Ilana Rachel Daniel , Jan 13 , 2021   In Israel, Pfizer has found a home for its experimental pilot program of expansive human trials.  According to Barak, Pfizer has chosen our country for its decades of meticulously recorded medical and vaccination records, which allow it to explain adverse reactions to its product by pointing to previously existing conditions within the patient.
In effect Bibi has signed up his people, all seven million citizens aged 12 years and over [3], without our informed consent to become the first country in its entirety to do human testing on a technology which has been, for many decades, attempted and failed in the laboratory. …
 What they are being asked to inject is not a vaccine as defined by the CDC as “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” [5] Rather, it is an experimental and novel technology.  By definition of the FDA [6] as a component used as treatment to affect a body’s function it is in fact a medical device, a physical device that comes in a molecular-sized package. Erroneously referring to this intervention as a vaccine exploits the public's ingrained trust of the vaccination program to solicit knee-jerk response and action.

Llana R. Daniel on video of 3-2021


William Gruber, Pfizer’s senior vice president for vaccine clinical research and development

 COVID vaccines to be required for military under new US plan
August 9, 2021
Tracking the FDA advisory panel meeting on Covid-19 vaccines for kids      Oct. 26, 2021
  The moment some parents have been anxiously awaiting for months is almost here:  The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 will likely be authorized for use in the next week, after completion of a four-step process that begins today….
  William Gruber, Pfizer’s senior vice president for vaccine clinical research and development, appeared to acknowledge the dosing schedule may need work. But he said when the vaccine was being developed and tested the pandemic was raging and the goal was to protect people as quickly as possible.  “Obviously as we think farther ahead to a post-pandemic period, and particularly as we get into very younger populations it may be advisable … particularly in that first year of life to look at longer intervals as part of a routine immunization series,” Gruber said. “But we don’t have that data now.”
  Dr. Gruber is Senior Vice President of Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Research and Development, and is responsible for global clinical development of vaccines.  He joined in 1999 as Vice President of Clinical Vaccine Research for Wyeth, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer. Prior to his position at Wyeth Dr. Gruber was an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.  He also served as the Director of the Diagnostic Virology Laboratory at Vanderbilt University Hospital.
 Dr. Gruber has served as a consultant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health, NIAID,

                         -Dr. William Gruber and Bill Gates
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and PATH. 
Dr. Gruber received his bachelor degree in Mathematical Sciences from Rice University, Houston, Texas, and his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.  He received his pediatric and infectious disease training at Baylor College of Medicine where he also served as Chief Resident in Pediatrics.
During his industry career Dr. Gruber’s clinical research group has been responsible for global clinical development of pneumococcal conjugate, meningococcal conjugate, rLP2086 meningococcal B, Staph aureus, C. difficile, HIV, influenza, RSV, parainfluenza, and HSV vaccines.  Dr Gruber is responsible for guiding clinical research direction for Pfizer’s Group B streptococcus, CMV and RSV maternal and adolescent vaccine programs.
At 5:20 of video:  Now you might not realize that the rich elite buying up the land (like Bill Gates buying up alot of American farmland), and specifically the farmland, falls right into the World Economic Forum’s Agenda for 2030.  Now it’s kind of ironic that while billionaires are acquiring the land they appear to be telling us that in the future private property is virtually going to cease to exist.  World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab made it clear in his 2 books 4th Revolution and Covid-19, the Great Reset :will lead to the abolition of private property.”…Instead (in 2030) you wil be dependent on a small number of elitists who own everything.  
-Mark Moss
             -Bill Gates and Kissinger


Mar 9, 2021

                          - Gates and Schwab

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Vincent James on Peters show on vax

 Published October 26, 2021  Vincent James on Peters show on vax

Pfizer Wuhan calling you


-Pfizer building at Wuhan
   Pfizer leads the way for pharma companies at Biolake
By Wang Huazhong and Zhou Lihua | China Daily USA | Updated: 2016-06-29
In 2010 Pfizer was the first Fortune 500 company to settle in the newly established National Bio-industry Base in Wuhan, also known as Biolake.
Following in Pfizer's steps, eight of 13 pharmaceutical companies from the Fortune 500 list now have a presence at Biolake as the bio-industry base leads a State program to rely on innovation to upgrade the economic structure of Wuhan, which was once dominated by heavy industries and a renowned steel producer in central China.
“Every one of Pfizer's new drugs has indispensable contributions from the Wuhan team."  According to Lan
"No other but our Wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer's medicines.  By 2015 Pfizer was moving its “medicine safety business” from India to the Wuhan Biolake facility.
  According to a data leak, Pfizer has employed 69 known members of the Chinese Communist Party; around 500 people work (2016) at their Wuhan site.   See: “Huge Data Leak of 2 Million CCP Members Reveals ‘Golden Age’ of Chinese Espionage” By Daniel Y. Teng, December 14, 2020

As of December 2020 Pfizer’s SEC filing still listed the following subsidiaries in Communist China:  Pfizer (China) Research and Development Co. Ltd, Pfizer (Wuhan) Research and Development Co. Ltd., and Pfizer Biologics (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd., as well as Pfizer International Trading (Shanghai) Limited, Pfizer Investment Co. Ltd., Pfizer Pharmaceutical (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Pfizer Finance Share Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
 Funny thing that the Wuhan R&D isn’t listed as one of their R&D locations on the Pfizer web site.  Even prior to the Covid-19 outbreak it wasn’t listed!!:
 If you do a search for Wuhan on their web site, you don’t find it, as of this writing.  If you type China in the search you find some relevant things.
On a separate Pfizer (China) site (last updated in 2011) one can find regarding Pfizer’s China Research and Development Center (Shanghai and Wuhan): “CRDC supports Pfizer’s global biological and chemical pharmaceutical R&D programs across our clinical development pipeline, and serves as an important hub of Pfizer global and Asia-Pacific R&D activities. As such, CRDC is an integral part of Pfizer’s global R&D site network, providing support across many R&D disciplines, including clinical drug development, medical, regulatory and safety.” See this and more here:
Pfizer founded an R&D facility in Wuhan (October 8, 2010) at China’s National Bio-industry Base in Wuhan (Biolake).
Lan Zhanghua, site head of Pfizer (Wuhan) Research & Development Co Ltd. stated: “Every one of Pfizer’s new drugs has indispensable contributions from the Wuhan team.“
Whereas Pfizer’s Wuhan team started “performing only one function, (now they do) 12 functions in the R&D system.  Two functions run exclusively at Wuhan and nowhere else in the world:  ‘No other but our Wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer’s medicines.  These are of utmost importance – making any mistake or losing documents could mean the medicine would never go to market,’ Lan said.”
At least eight of thirteen Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies were located there, as of 2016.       “Pfizer leads the way for pharma companies at Biolake” By Wang Huazhong and Zhou Lihua , China Daily USA, 2016-06-29
 “Medicine safety business of Pfizer transferred to Wuhan” Source: hubei. gov. cn 04/30/2015
US Pfizer, Germany’s Bayer, Fresenius Kabi, Thermo Fisher, Honeywell and DuPont Pioneer were all located at Biolake, Wuhan, as of 2013: “8 world top 500 biopharmaceutical companies located in Wuhan”
Source: hubei. gov. cn 11/18/2013 10:11:09 See:
In 2009 “Pfizer noted that its Wuhan operation will liaise with local research institutes and universities “utilising the rich resources of local talent and existing industry capabilities to develop research collaborations”. See: “Pfizer to build R&D facility in Wuhan, China” 25th November 2009 by Kevin Grogan Pharma Times:
located in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone”:    “Pfizer building in the Biolake” photo
BioProcess International Spotlight by BPI Staff Wednesday, December 16, 2015  featured JHL Biotech’s Wuhan facility. Excerpts:  “The world’s largest bio-manufacturing plant based on single-use technology has been constructed for JHL Biotech at the Biolake science park in Wuhan, China….The Biolake site is designed to accommodate increasing local demand for biosimilars and innovative biopharmaceuticals.
December 16, 2015 BPI article was “US Biodefense Study Emboldens Biotech”:  “In late October the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense in the United States released its final report ( recommending new approaches to developing medical countermeasures more quickly for emerging infectious disease threats…. The report calls out the crucial role of drug and vaccine medical countermeasures and the need for significant government funding…”
In 2009 “Pfizer noted that its Wuhan operation will liaise with local research institutes and universities “utilising the rich resources of local talent and existing industry capabilities to develop research collaborations”.
