Thursday, September 30, 2021

studies/reports show great vaccine dangers

1)  The UK is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).  Out of the nation’s 68 million people, more than 45 million have received at least a single dose, and over 33 million have been fully vaccinated.  However a new report released by Public Health England (PHE) highlighted the fact that in the past few months, more fully vaccinated people have died from the Delta variant compared to unvaccinated people.
The report titled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, Technical briefing 16,” examined 60,624 Delta infections between February 1 and June 14, of which 35,521 cases were observed in unvaccinated individuals and 4,087 cases were seen in fully vaccinated individuals who got infected at least 14 days after their second dose.
The death rate for fully vaccinated individuals was 0.636 percent, which was 6.6 times higher than the unvaccinated death rate of 0.0957 percent.  26 deaths were reported among the fully vaccinated individuals, compared to 34 deaths in the unvaccinated.  The death rates among fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals were both below one percent.
Fully vaccinated individuals were also found to be more prone to hospitalization than their unvaccinated counterparts.  Out of the 4,087 fully vaccinated people, 2.05 percent (84 people) ended up in a hospital.  Among the 35,521 unvaccinated people, only 1.48 percent (527 people) were hospitalized.
2)   9-27-21   to be vaccinated is more dangerous than the virus, says data for boys from Ph.D at UC Davis

3)   8-17-21     A 5-14-21 published study by Texas Tech University published in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section of the FASEB journal, has found that spike proteins which Covid-19 uses to penetrate cells and is also supplied in abundance by vaccines to stimulate the body’s immune response, modify the body’s genes.
The study coordinators, Nicholas Evans et al. found that even after exposure, these proteins stimulate continued gene expression and inflammatory events that may be behind the long haul Covid and post vaccine syndromes.
…………………………………………………………………………4)   4)    8-20-21  A Health Impact News reader from Brazil has alerted us to official media reports stating that during a 5-month period, over 32,000 people in Brazil have died following a COVID-19 injection.  [GR Editor’s Note.  Yet to be confirmed]
Currently in Brazil, the following vaccines are authorized for use: AstraZeneca/Oxford, Pfizer/BioNTech, Coronavac (also called Sinovac), J&J/Janssen, and Butanvac.
The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb.  It is so big, that ICANN has given its own domain: .uol.
5)   9-30-21  The appalling Covid-19 vaccine agenda that humanity is now facing is not the only time that vaccines have been linked to mental disorders.  According to the February 2017 Yale Daily News, the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry had just reported that a joint Yale University-Penn State study found that:
Patients diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder and anorexia nervosa were more likely to have received vaccinations three months prior to their diagnoses.
That same month a Nexus Magazine article also weighed in on the eye-opening Yale study findings:
Those [children] who had been vaccinated were a shocking 80 percent more likely to be diagnosed with anorexia, and 25 percent more likely to be diagnosed with OCD than their non-vaccinated counterparts. Higher rates of anxiety disorders and chronic tics were also linked to vaccinations… The Yale-PSU study is not the first to find an association between brain-related disorders and vaccinations.  And it most likely will not be the last one….
A mere month before the launching of the death jab at warp speed, on November 10, 2020 the Rothschild owned world news agency Reuters ran the headline “One in Five Covid-19 Patients Develop Mental Illness within 90 Days – Study.” Closing in on a year of lockdown and mask wearing mandate madness, the stay-at-home isolation amidst all the echo-chamber hype and craze of a fake pandemic with a near 100% cure rate, leave it to the Oxford University shrinks to announce results of their large study that 20% of the population was going bonkers. Not to be outdone, another study published in the May 2021 in the respected Lancet found up to a third of nearly a quarter million Americans who had Covid-19 within six months were exhibiting long-term symptoms that included anxiety and psychosis….

Fort Rucker, Alabama Army flight surgeon Lt. Col. Theresa Long, MD, has just submitted a legal affidavit to her superiors, recommending that all vaccinated pilots under her medical care be grounded after three personnel suffered pulmonary embolisms within 48 hours of receiving their Pfizer death jabs, subsequently placing them at severe risk of cardiac arrest while in flight. Another pilot died shortly after his shot.Dr. Long’s research also determined that Pfizer vaccines contain the known toxic antifreeze ingredient ALC 0315, known to cause myocarditis, particularly observed in young healthy males. Given the reality that forced vaccination of both US military soldiers as well as a high percentage of commercial airline pilots have already been poisoned with Covid-19 vaccination, this fact seriously endangers thousands of daily passengers traveling worldwide in airliners flown by vaccinated pilots. Additionally with a weakened, compromised American military fighting force, defense of the United States from enemies both foreign and domestic becomes impossible, made far more dangerous by imposter Biden’s wide open border policy allowing millions of unvaxxed, unvetted illegals into the US. This senile puppet’s treasonously fulfilling his globalist role to destroy America in warp speed.
Another scientific study published in the journal Microbiology and Infectious Diseases earlier this year revealed that the Pfizer coronavirus mRNA vaccine carries potential detrimental health effects that include “ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Alzheimer’s and other neurological degenerative diseases.”
This analysis examined “the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.”  With prion-based neurogenerative diseases, this research study confirmed that the mandated Pfizer kill shots under contract with US Department of Defense, is harming every American soldier along with millions more victims across the planet causing severe brain damage. If the concocted by design breakdown of other vital organs doesn’t cause death first, the Pfizer vaccinated are or will be suffering from severe cases of dementia as well. The other mRNA vaccine manufactured by Moderna, also producing embedded spike proteins that irreversibly modify human DNA, is inflicting this same highly disturbing endgame result.
MRNA vaccines manufactured by the Big Pharma giants Pfizer and Moderna have been proven to cause ALS, Alzheimer’s and other neurological degenerative diseases, along with front temporal lobar degeneration in their hapless vaccine recipients.
As yet more concurring evidence continues linking Covid-19 vaccines to degenerative brain disorders, a July 21, 2021 Children’s Health Defense article states:
Immunologist and former NIH [National Institute of Health] scientist J. Bart Classen analyzed data on COVID vaccine adverse events reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system and found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are ‘clear signals’ of neurodegenerative disorders.
From the National Institute of Health’s own VAERS tracking system tasked with compiling the grim data of all adverse effects and deaths caused by Covid-19 vaccines in the US, as of September 17, 2021, 1,128 cases of jab victims have been diagnosed with the highly disabling neurodegenerative disorder Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS).  In little more than just two months since July 9 when 449 was the tallied count, the total of Guillain-Barre victims has more than doubled.  Though on the US National Institute of Health’s own website covering National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), it defines GBS as:
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system—the network of nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord…
Clearly per VAERS’ own records, with the rate more than doubling the number of GBS victims every couple months, resulting directly from harmful, deadly non-vaccines that don’t even work, currently being forced on every American citizen by top US public health authorities and illegit imposter president, this grave neurological disease can no longer be considered “rare.”  Nor can democide, the government willfully killing its own citizens, even attempt to be denied at this point. The ruling elite has ordered puppet leaders around the globe to slaughter the human race as the cold hard facts that continue emerging speak for themselves….
Courageous whistleblowing doctors and nurses from the frontline attempting to speak truth to all the rampant lies perpetrated by government and media alike, at considerable risk daring to expose the murderous horror in our midst, have endured over-the-top censorship, harassment, threats of career retribution and smear campaigns to silence the truth and prevent saving lives. With so much criminal evidence growing by the day, it’s only a matter of time before those responsible for the evil must be held accountable in a criminal court of law. We the People who choose to remain human as sovereign citizens asserting our constitutional God-given rights, shall never consent to allowing insane, power hungry psychopaths to harm us or our children, and are fighting back to achieve justice in our resolve to resist, oppose and stop the brutality and madness.  -Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder

The Trump-Kissinger Clash on China and how Milley fits in

 Miley claimed the call was coordinated by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia-Pacific Policy.


10-21-2020  “The present composition of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board does not appear to meet that standard,” Triplett said.  “For example, certainly Dr. Kissinger is entitled to his opinions on China, but they are the antithesis of the Trump administration, and former Secretary of State [Madeleine] Albright is an active Democratic partisan.”

The board was briefed recently on China by David Helvey, principal deputy assistant defense secretary for Indo-Pacific security affairs. Mr. Helvey is viewed by critics as favoring past polices of engagement with China, especially military-to-military exchanges that were curbed by Congress over concerns that Beijing was gaining valuable war-fighting data from the exchanges.


Biden Loses Top Pentagon Asia Hand - Foreign Policy › 2021/07/22 › top-pentagon-as...

Jul 22, 2021 — Then-Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs David Helvey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington

The U.S. Defense Department’s onetime acting top Asia official has left the building’s policy shop, a blow for the Pentagon as the Biden administration battles Congress to bring more nominees on board. 

David Helvey, who was serving as acting assistant secretary for Indo-Pacific security affairs, left the Pentagon earlier this month to become a senior advisor at the U.S. Mission to NATO in Brussels, according to a source familiar with the move and Helvey’s LinkedIn page.  Kenneth Handelman, a Pentagon civil servant with two decades of experience, had been serving in the role after Helvey’s departure.  Helvey, who had served under the Obama and Trump administrations, had been held over under Biden.  Helvey was temporarily elevated to the Pentagon’s top Asia job as the White House’s pick for the fully confirmed role, Ely Ratner, awaited Senate confirmation.  


 From 2015 to 2016, Mr. Helvey served as Visiting Distinguished Research Fellow in the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the National Defense University's Institute for National Strategic Studies.


  Also relevant as a Milley and Def. Sec. Ash Carter link is:  Kelly E. Magsamen has been appointed as the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for policy (Asian and Pacific security affairs), Pentagon, Washington, D.C.


  Ms. Kelly Magsamen serves as the Chief of Staff to Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin, III.  She is responsible for leading the Secretary of Defense’s executive staff and providing counsel and advice to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department….Ms. Magsamen received her bachelor’s degree in international relations from American University and her master’s degree in strategic studies from Johns Hopkins University’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.

The Kissinger Center is at John Hopkins U. also.  -r


April 9, 2018

Kelly EMagsamen: Who is This CNN Analyst with SES History?

Deep State / Clinton Foundation / Podesta Swamp Water Carrier:

Pretends to be an objective CNN analyst while (a) on the SES Deep State benefits payroll and (b) employed by John Podesta’s Center for American Progress   No wonder the mainstream media is silent about SES treachery. They be them.  CNN analyst and SES Deep State shadow government beneficiary   -Plum Book 2016, PDF p. 39


And when men are admitted to the sacred precincts

   Life is one.  And when men are admitted to the sacred precincts of the Great White Brotherhood, when they come into that sacrosanct area, the holy ground upon which we tread, they will be each one a different person. For the vibratory quality of the sacred law of the sacred fire which is within your heart now ablaze will lead you and guide you across the desert sands--the emptiness of life, the failures in life, and the weaknesses of life--to the time of your greatest strength, the time of a new beginning, the time of the dawn, the time when the sun of the eternal Presence comes up with the thunder of God to make you aware of the newness of life in a new and living way.

  Why is it, beloved ones, that men and women created in His image, endowed with His power and His ability, are so prone to allow themselves to become pitiful creatures of happenstance and circumstance, learning from one another what is not the will of God or the wisdom of God but what is in reality the corruption of the divine image?  Do you think, beloved ones, that when you are admitted to our presence in the holy mountain and you stand before the great Lords of Karma you will be able to hide those activities which you have performed that were not actually in unity with God?  I do not think so.  So, dear hearts, recognize the need to be able to raise yourself and to rid yourself of those unwanted qualities of darkness and deceit which are the hypocrisy of the present time.  For contemporary man has often carried out in secret that which he would never do openly, and this has occurred throughout the entire historical stream.

  We come then to make you aware of the great panacea of universal Christ-I-AM-ity, the great power of universal forgiveness--the power that reaches out to the very point in your heart that is the altar-stone of your heart to place there that living flame which will impart to each one, in the name of the living God, the quality of infinite mercy and the forgiveness of sins.    

                          -Maitreya:  3-31-1972 at Santa Barbara via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 27:4


Understand that only you have the key to the code

1)  Persistency is recognized as a quality which eventuates in the manifestation of some aspect of perfection.  The courage which men externalize by holding fast to a specific momentum in the face of every attempt to prevent its manifestation is a thing of beauty, a joy to every heart and most wondrous to behold.  

                        -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 7:6


2)  In a vital sense man can be compared to a flame–a moving flame that dances with progress.  The energies of man that proceed from the flame are electrical.  And the electricity of which I speak is a vital manifestation, both governing thought and being governed by thought.  Those who would exercise greater self-control and greater control over their sense of the beautiful must first exercise dominion over the flame and all that comes forth from it. Then they will automatically have that faith in the beauties of both man and nature which is essential to the attainment of God-control over oneself and one’s environment….

  The spirit of competition although considered by mankind to be the necessary stimulus of excellence also poses certain problems. Men feel confined within the ranges of their thoughts.  In seeking freedom from these confines, they enter into competition with each other; and in their attempts to outdo one another they shut off by the damper of selfishness the interplay of the sacred flames of God that show forth the intricate beauties of His diamond shining mind.  

                         -Paul the Venetian:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:8


3)   Understand that only you have the key to the code--the genetic code if you wish to so call it--of that creation.  Only you can undo it by withdrawing the point of the I of decision, the point of will that said “I will indulge myself in this discord.”  And then the spiral went forth and consciousness was clothed with form and that form was grotesque and distorted like its vibration.

  This energy must be withdrawn and the form bound along with your propensity to re-create after the image and likeness of your human creation.  For that human creation has become a god of sorts, and you re-create after the patterns of those things you have set in motion.  Thus much in your embodiment is repetitive and a repeat performance over and over again until those human creations are like iron or lead statues, so reinforced with that carnal will have they become.   

         -Morya:  7-19-1985 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 28:43


4)  In the ancient days of Lemuria I too served as a priestess at the altar of the Divine Mother.  I was in the central temple of Mu and there we celebrated according to the hours, hour upon hour, the piercing ray of the ruby light sheathed in whitefire.

  It was a mighty pillar of flame, beloved.  It was a permanent flame of the Divine Mother whereby the entire continent in its golden ages was nourished and the temples in the outer extremities of Mu also dedicated to the Mother-flame, were peopled with many adepts and devotees of that fire.  By the Mother-flame was all mastery of the physical octave gained.  By it many took their ascensions from succeeding golden ages where they did not depart from the purity and perfection of God.  

              -Clara Louise:  5-4-1991 at Seattle, Pearls of Wisdom 34:30


5)  Let me hasten to tell you that self-discipline is never rigid nor is it unlawfully proud.  It is not accomplished at all by the carnal mind.  It is the discipline of the disciple who has first loved, who has placed his head on the breast of Jesus, who has known the heartbeat of the Lord and that tenderness which the human heart can scarcely contain.    

                       -Clara Louise:  10-11-1991 at New Orleans via Messenger of the Brotherhood E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 34:55


6)  Some time ago you were asked to pick a single quality by which you would define yourself.  Think of that quality that you chose and whether you have developed it; and if not, do so.  It shall be your Rock of Gibraltar.  It shall be the pillar by which you conquer all that is without and all that is within.

  So let the flame of your heart have a certain characteristic and virtue by which you know yourself, in which virtue you take your stand and by which virtue you are able to help many.  For one quality that is a quality of God that you develop can surely lead you to the fulfillment of all qualities of God and ultimately to the fulfillment of your Godhood.    -Buddha of the Ruby Ray:  1-1-1994 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 37:7     …………………………………………………………............................ 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Ratcliffe on Milley's calls to PRC military chief and Milley's testimony

“All military intelligence that Milley gets comes through the Director of National Intelligence.”  -DNI under Trump John Ratcliffe said Milley’s testimony on his 2 calls to PRC military chairman was “disingenuous and disappointing”.  (Obviously Milley cut out intentionally Trump, Ratcliffe and Pompeo among others.  That’s some kind of high treason.  And Pelosi was in with Milley.   -r)


9-29-21  Sars2      India 22/267=  8.6% increase/day


Russia 22/602= 3.7% increase/day


USA  113/9727= 1.2% increase/day


Brazil 15.3/388= 3.9% increase/day


Indonesia 2/36.5= 5.5% increase/day


South Africa 1.6/48= 3.3% increase/day


Turkey 29/452= 6.4% increase/day



How modern biology’s mad mad synthetic biology, synthetic DNA, synthetic viruses/vaccines arrived via Stanford University as humanized mice

   In 1987 as a postdoctoral fellow in immunology at Stanford,

Mike McCune also worked at SF General Hospital….But in a classic 1953 paper Medawar announced the discovery of a secret passage through this immunological fortress.  If an embryonic mouse were given cells from another mouse strain, its developing immune system could somehow learn to recognize as "self" both its own tissue and the foreign cells.

"Medawar's paper suggested that if I wanted to put human immune cells into a mouse," says McCune, "I should use fetal tissue.  Because fetal immune cells can be taught to see foreign tissue-in this case the mouse-as self."

  As embryonic human immune cells develop, they mature into all the different cells of the immune system, including the white blood cells known as T cells. T cells are the ones that discern self from nonself and thus cause transplant rejection.  They are the quarterbacks of the human immune system-and the prime target of the AIDS virus.

  These immune cells are called T cells because they mature in the thymus, the gland beneath the breastbone.  In 1978, 25 years after Medawar's original finding, another classic paper showed that the fetal thymus is actually the "school" in which T cells learn to recognize cells tagged with foreign labels.  "This second paper," says McCune, "suggested that I would also need to implant a human fetal thymus into the mouse if I wanted to get mature human T cells that could recognize the mouse's body as self.  And I had to have T cells because to make the mouse a valid AIDS model, I had to infect its T cells with the virus."


5-29-21   The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a medical ethics watchdog, has reported that horrific experiments were being conducted at the University of Pittsburg involving the body parts of aborted fetuses.

According to CMP, such experiments are funded by grants from Antony Fauci-led NIAID at the National Institute of Health (NIH). In one such experiment, the scalp of an aborted 5-month old fetus was stitched on to the back of a lab rat.


Dr. Nelson-Rees on cell line contamination, 1994 memoir

  Oral History Interview: 

Dr. Walter Nelson-Rees, formerly associated with the Naval Biological Laboratories in Oakland, California, and the development of a cell bank which was initially contracted with Dr. Stewart Madin which evolved into a facility for both animal and human normal and cancer cell lines.

Oakland, California, December 4, 1994    Interviewer:  Dr. Robert Stevenson, formerly of the National Cancer Institute.

 Nelson-Rees:  And they grow anywhere.  And so there may have not been any need to do anything other than grow them.  And I frankly think that the people who are at fault, more than any others, in the early development stages of cells utilized for research, who led to the problem of contamination, were virologists who simply didn't give a damn what kinds of cells they were growing just so their viruses were being grown.  And the cells they were using, they didn't care what they were.  They were growing their viruses and, from there on they didn't particularly care to characterize cells.

Stevenson:  Just a bag of enzymes.

Nelson-Rees:  Yes.  Just a bag of enzymes, exactly. 

Stevenson:   Well, this is often the case where one discipline utilizes the fruits of another almost contemptuously without regard for all the lore and all of the problems and associated specifications that are extant in the contributing field.  I was straddling these two fields during that period of time and I was acutely aware of this not only ignorance of the problems of cell culture on the part of the virologists but almost the contempt of, you know, why worry about all these things?  Wilton Earle's silicone stoppers and all the elaborate glassware cleaning procedures; what difference does it make?  You know?  Why should we be bothered with this sort of stuff?  The stuff grows our viruses.  Leave it alone.  Don't bother me with all of this stuff.  And it caused a lot of mischief.

March-April 2020 agreement: there would be censorship of reports counter to Covid-19 narrative

   at 9:30 of Dr. R. Malone video interview:  at White House meeting with Amazon and other IT in March-April 2020 that there would be censorship of reports counter to Covid-19 narrative from the rulers.  Put in effect April 2020.  Documented, he says, by his wife, also a medical researcher.


7-27-20  Facebook has removed a video posted by Breitbart News earlier today, which was the top-performing Facebook post in the world Monday afternoon, of a press conference in D.C. held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots.  The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic. YouTube (which is owned by Google) and Twitter subsequently removed footage of the press conference as well.

The video accumulated over 17 million views during the eight hours it was hosted on Facebook, with over 185,000 concurrent viewers.


6-22-20  Amazon has removed the first part of Killing Free Speech, a documentary….Amazon, whose founder and CEO is far-left Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos, has stepped up censorship in recent years.

………....................................… › 2021/09/09 › adam-schiff

Adam Schiff Calls for More Censorship on Amazon, Facebook to ban vaccine “misinformation” content


9-28-21  Government leaders in the state of New South Wales announced during a Monday press briefing that unvaccinated folks "will lose their freedoms" in October, Sky News reported.


Sha Zukang, China’s former ambassador to the United Nations (UN), is adamant that China must make the first nuclear strike against the U.S. if President Joe Biden continues to defend Taiwan.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Having first appeared at the end of the '70s in New York, AIDS

 9-7-1985     Having first appeared at the end of the '70s in New York, AIDS has become by 1985 one of the most dangerous diseases in the world.  In the USA alone, more than 12400 cases have been registered, of which around one half have died.  According to the estimates of American physicians, the number of AIDS cases doubles every half year.  Currently, around three million persons in the USA are carriers of the AIDS virus.  Since the disease has a very long incubation period (one to five years), identifying it at an early stage, when there is still hope of curing the patient, is extremely difficult.  Despite the fact that American and French scientists were able to isolate the AIDS virus in 1983, it was not possible to create effective drugs and treatment methods for this disease.  By 1985 AIDS has spread far beyond the United States:  numerous cases of AIDS have been reported in almost all countries that import donated blood from the United States.  The World Health Organization has declared AIDS to be one of the most dangerous diseases on earth….

An indirect indicator of the Pentagon’s involvement in the work with the AIDS virus is that it has been namely the military that has achieved the most significant results in the fight against the disease.  Military medical centers in the USA, including the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland have developed in the strictest secrecy quite effective methods for the early detection of the disease, its treatment at this stage and appropriate medications.  This allows it to limit the spread of AIDS in the U.S. Army and dramatically reduce the number of fatalities, which naturally affects the combat capability of soldiers.  At the same time, the Pentagon is not in a hurry to share its achievements in this area with civilian medical institutions, given that it is namely the AIDS patients in civilian hospitals upon whom the Pentagon’s experts are studying the effects of people being infected with the AIDS virus.



(a) General rule

Except as provided in subsections (b), (c), and (e)…

(b) Unavoidable adverse side effects; warnings

(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.


 You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects.  The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either.   Under the PREP Act, 2005, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.  A little-known government program provides benefits to people who can prove they suffered serious injury from a vaccine.  That program rarely pays, covering just 29 claims over the last decade….You also can’t sue the Food and Drug Administration for authorizing a vaccine for emergency use, nor can you hold your employer accountable if they mandate inoculation as a condition of employment.  ………………………………

5-5-2018  In the 57-page opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court explained that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA or Act) preempts all design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury or death caused by a vaccine’s side effects.  The Court’s 6-2 decision reasoned that “a vaccine side effect could alwayhave been avoidable by use of a different vaccine not containing the harmful element."  According to an article from Reuters, the vaccine court has awarded more than $1.8 billion for vaccine injury claims in nearly 2,500 cases since 1989.

After the ruling, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) president O. Marion Burton applauded the Supreme Court’s decision in a statement.  He noted that the “decision protects children by strengthening our national immunization system”



Sandy Grimes, a former CIA Operative in the Agency's Clandestine Service, and hear how she and her fellow operative Jeanne Vertefeuille used their determination, hard work, and cunning to enable the capture and conviction of their former colleague and infamous CIA officer-turned traitor:  Aldrich Ames.  Their story is Circle of Treason.

Having first appeared at the end of the '70s in New York, AIDS


 one particular episode ~1982-1983 at a diplomatic reception at the American Embassy in Mexico City, where he had had too much to drink and became involved in a loud and boisterous argument with a Cuban official. On another occasion Ames was involved in a traffic accident in Mexico City and was so drunk he could not answer police questions or recognize the U.S. Embassy officer sent to help him….Late 1983, when Ames returned to headquarters in September 1983, he was made counterintelligence branch chief for Soviet operations, responsible for analyzing selected CIA operations involving Soviet "assets."  In this counterintelligence function, Ames was in a position to gain access to all CIA operations involving Soviet intelligence officers worldwide.  Judging from his performance appraisals, Ames performed well in his new assignment in the SE Division.  His ratings were noticeably improved over those in Mexico City.  He was judged "above average" and described as "something of a Soviet scholar...(with) considerable experience in working sensitive cases."  He was also cited as a good manager.   On April 17, 1984 Ames notified the CIA of his intention to marry Rosario.  In accordance with CIA policy, this triggered a background investigation of Rosario.  On August 27, 1984 Rosario was given a polygraph exam, which is standard procedure for a foreign national marrying a CIA officer.  She passed the exam with no indication of deception.  The Office of Security completed a background investigation of Rosario on November 5, 1984 which included interviews with five of her friends and associates, some of whom commented that "she came from a prominent, wealthy family in Colombia."  However CIA did not conduct any specific financial checks in Colombia to verify these statements….Ames later told Senator DeConcini that these financial difficulties led him to first contemplate espionage between December 1984 and February 1985.


May 13, 1984  CIA Director William J. Casey is disputing an Internal Revenue Service claim that he owes at least $100,000 in back taxes, plus interest, for deductions he took on two 1970s partnership ventures.


  The public relations staff has consistently portrayed the CIA as the most open intelligence agency in the world, heroically protecting national security while accepting the necessity of Congressional oversight.  But despite these public statements, Agency officials worked to revitalize the "culture of secrecy."  They have dramatically restricted the ability of former employees to write critically about CIA activities; they have successfully lobbied Congress for exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); and they have repeatedly broken promises to de-classify historical records.  Agency officials have been obsessed with protecting their image, and this obsession has frequently undermined historical research.    -D. McCarthy, 2008

"Science is being corrupted by the influence of corporate money"

  “Science is being corrupted by the influence of corporate money….a battle being fought by a few brave scientists against an enemy with almost limitless resources.”  -pp. 4, 5 of Heckenlively and Mikovits:  Plague of Corruption, 2020, see  



     World corn prices are currently at an all-time high due to burgeoning interest in ethanol production as a petroleum substitute.  Although Mexico is a major oil producer, the price of corn has been pushed upward by the cost of diesel and petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides.  Crop failures due to drought, flooding, and even ice storms have contributed to the price surge. Whatever the immediate causes, the dismantling of government agricultural programs and the brutal impacts of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have deepened the crisis in Mexican corn production.

    Competition with highly subsidized U.S. farmers is driving their Mexican counterparts into bankruptcy. Whereas south of the border, guaranteed prices for farmers’ crops are a thing of the past, corporate corn growers north of the Rio Bravo can receive up to $21,000 an acre in subsidies from the U.S. government, enabling them to dump their corn over the border at 80 percent of cost. The impact of this inundation has been to force six million farmers and their families here to abandon their plots and leap into the migration stream, according to a 2004 Carnegie Endowment study.  This assault on poor farmers will be exacerbated at the end of 2007 when all tariffs on U.S. corn are abolished. Meanwhile President Calderón seeks to tamp down tortilla prices by importing up to two million duty-free tons to augment what Mexican farmers can or cannot produce.  Such a solution is guaranteed to drive more farmers off the land.  Even worse is that much of the new influx of NAFTA corn will be transgenic.


  A great deal of the 36 million tons of corn Mexico has imported from the United States in the past six years is genetically modified-40 to 60 percent-estimates the environmental group Greenpeace.  For U.S. producers, barred from selling GM corn in Europe and Japan, Mexico is a dumping ground for the grain.


Dr. Mikovits audio interview

  Japan Health Ministry said it has signed a deal with Japan’s Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., which will handle manufacturing and distribution of the Novavax vaccine in Japan….The government is also holding discussions with U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. to receive an additional 120 million doses of its vaccine.  (Japan not happy with Moderna vax, -r)



Dr. Judith Mikovits interview on her career in biochemistry/microbiology:


9-2-21   Dr. Judy Mikovits:  “We knew the spike protein alone, the envelope protein alone is the disease, so they can all backtrack, because they just injected everyone in the world with a synthetic deadly virus.  They injected the poison.  The word ‘virus’ means ‘poison’ and they injected it into everybody in the world so they can back off now, because they’ve accomplished their endgame.  You will have customers for life and you will succeed at mass-murder.

“You’re going to kill everyone with HIV, you’re going to kill the 6% of America that had XMRV, when we were supposedly debunked.  Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus is the mouse’s syncytin gene.  So we knew the mouse virus was in everybody from the vaccines.  We knew the flu vaccine put people at risk of dying of COVID…what I think what everybody has to wake up to is NEVER, EVER, EVER get another shot and we will never, ever, ever see another pandemic.


“We’ve been creating these in our labs my entire career.  This was my job.  (Their motivation is) “to kill people and cover up these crimes.  Remember, they’re cremating people, so you can’t realize it was the vaccine strain, so you can’t realize that we were right in 2011, in 1984…

“When our paper that was ultimately published in Science in October of 2009…and the entire upper echelons of the government realized that these things were coming out of our laboratories and they re-wrote history then.  They called it…an ‘unintended spread of a Biosafety Level 2 contaminant.’

“It’s not ‘Biosafety Level 2’ when it’s contagious cancer, contagious prostate cancer, contagious ovarian cancer, lung cancer!
