Thursday, December 31, 2020

microbiologist Reiman on virus origin

12-31   India 22/237= 9.3% increase/day


Russia  5.3% increase/day


Turkey 15.7/79.3= 19.8% increase/day


South Africa 17.8/126= 14.1% increase/day


USA 235/7508= 3.1% increase/day


Brazil 56/662= 8.5% increase/day


12-3-20   In his op-ed Stanford microbiologist

Relman mentions the possibility that the virus spread from bats to humans through natural mechanisms and then lists scenarios in which SARS-CoV-2 or a recent ancestor was placed in a lab where it was "knowingly or unknowingly, propagated" and genetically modified, before being accidentally leaked.  In the first scenario two or more undisclosed close ancestors of the virus had been discovered and were being researched in a lab.  As is technically possible, the scientists could have used one of the viruses to construct the SARS-CoV-2 backbone and spike protein receptor-binding domain and another to make the SARS-CoV-2 polybasic furin cleavage site.  He said the next logical step would be a desire to test the properties of the chimera by replicating it.


the gift of freedom that lies so easily before thee now will be no more!

  For the first demand of the fires of initiation concerns a sense of proper perspective--to recognize that the light and life within is of old.  It was not created for it always was.  It did not begin to be, therefore it could not cease to be.  The light of this reality, the light of God that never fails is a spiritual light of spiritual victory that overcomes the world.            Humanity suppose in their vanity and deceit, their allowance of bad conscience that the world-thought is correct and that by outer reports and knowledge they can subdue life and obtain satisfaction.  We know that all such matters are transitory, that all human concepts vanish away and become as darkness.  Only the light sustains and can sustain.  Only the light endures and will create the fabric that endures, that becomes the mantle of the God-realized individual.                                                             The world wallows in deceit and misery.  They remain beneath the canopy of darkness of their own creation.  They do not pay proper heed to the voice that speaks from on high--the voice of conscience within their soul.  They ignore divine precepts and they permit their tie to higher octaves to be sundered so easily.  We then today, mindful of past ages, past failures of men to appropriate their God-given gift--the divine prerogative to exercise their heavenly options--say to humanity:  beware, for the day of judgment is at hand when the gift of freedom that lies so easily before thee now will be no more!   Men and women have not sacrificed for freedom, they have accepted it as a right handed down to them from posterity to posterity.   Let us now then say that the perils of this age created by the laggard civilization--the perils of this age fashioned out of darkness exalted upon wings of darkness--cannot ever sustain the light of freedom.  The light of freedom is not so much stifled as it is removed.  If men and women continue on their present downhill course, they will wind up beneath the wheels of a cruel juggernaut of their own creation….                                                                                                   Aid will have flown with the light.  For help lies only in the Lord and in his light.  Help does not come from man but from God.  Those who turn their back upon him and who forget him will surely face one day their own destiny with a certain knowledge that they and they alone contributed to it.                                                                                                          In the hope that men will adjust their minds and hearts to the holy vibration of hope that becomes pure charity, in hope that becomes faith inviolate I remain affectionately the Brother upon the mountains with the helping hand; thank you.  

                    -Maitreya:  6-28-1970 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 27:20

regardless of perpetrations of deluded ones the world has advanced

   True though it may be that the power of destruction and the unleashment of that destruction is in the hands of a few, there are safeguards that can be utilized by the many in effecting the preservation of world peace.

  One of the greatest problems in the world today is that of inertia and division amongst the good people and the tendency on the part of progressive elements of society to underestimate the destructive intent of darkened factions ruled by malcontents.  Because their own motives are kindly and benign, they find it difficult to understand that there is a strong undercurrent of unrest in the world which is marshaling the forces of darkness that have bred a new face of violence, rearing its ugly head through various potholes in the world community.

  To meet force with force, anger with anger, intolerance with intolerance and reaction with reaction is not an effective deterrent to disunity.  You may understand what specific quality of unrest is behind a given situation, you may agree with it or you may disagree with it, but you cannot heal it in the world of rebellious ones by any process whatsoever, for the bulk of those who are behind the current uprisings have sworn to defeat every segment of society that represents law and order.

  They have an ally of great strength in the karmic situation that has denied to the masses in many parts of the world the very necessities of daily living.  They have an ally in the fact that the dollars of the world are in the main in the hands of a few who are often unwilling to relinquish their control of the destiny and economics of the world, failing to foresee that their very clutching, grasping, and hoarding of the supply of mankind will ultimately produce their own downfall.       

              -Gautama: Pearls of Wisdom 10:43 (10-22-1967)


  Meanwhile the Brotherhood of Light, fully aware of massive psychic attacks that are being leveled against the stability of the Earth and its peoples, continues to pour the tenderness of watchful care and salvation to humanity from the hands of the Cosmic Christ.  Because of the conditions of mankind’s karma we are not always able to prevent destruction from taking place.  It should also be understood that all destruction is not physical; one must consider the destruction of ideals and religious and moral covenants to be even more dangerous to civilization than wars and rumors of wars.  Those who seek to destroy the codes and systems of the world that have evolved out of the dark ages of human history, from the old Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments and the golden rule, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States and other instruments of liberty--these would offer the world, in return for its imperfect state, one of nihilism and chaos; they are not the bearers of beauty and happiness to mankind or to themselves, but they are the harbingers of havoc whose name is legion….we emphasize the fact that spiritual destruction through personal involvement in negative aspects of the psyche whereby the individual ignores the mandates of his divine Presence and the fulfillment of the will of God for him--thereby placing in jeopardy the very existence of his soul--is far worse than the destruction of the outer world.

  The scriptures have said “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul:  but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”   God’s law as justice is operative at every level of consciousness, for He is both law and love….

   Yet regardless of perpetrations of deluded ones the world has advanced through the years and continues to move forward toward greater enlightenment.  The order of science has reached forward in giant strides while religion has fallen backward, lagging still in medieval superstitions, in old encrusted hatreds and in diabolical involvements of horror, fear and greed.  To condemn the world does not prepare it for salvation of any kind….Let men learn then to do well and let them not accept the stimulus of a wounded ego as the motive or excuse for creating chaos and destruction….If they would look within themselves first and thence upward to their Presence—to the Presence of God that uniquely belongs to them, the spark of their own happiness, they would find that the means of salvation lie within the domain of life that beats their own hearts.           

-Casimir Poseidon:  Pearls of Wisdom 12:21


we have appointed our messengers, prophets of the Law

  El Morya addresses mankind:  Down through the centuries we have appointed our messengers, prophets of the Law, teachers of the way of the Christ consciousness and of the Buddhic light.  Others whom we would call unappointed, or self-appointed, messengers have come forth to blatantly usurp their ministry and their office in Hierarchy.  And so there is abroad in the land an enticing spirit, beguiling as the serpent, that is not the true Spirit of prophecy.  Nor is it come as the gift of the Holy Spirit; it is the voice of rebellion and of witchcraft, of vain talkers and deceivers.  These are the crystal-ball gazers, psychic readers and self-proclaimed messiahs--bewitched and bewitching, coming in the name of the Church yet denying the true Church, coming in the name of the Logos yet their lives a betrayal of true reason and the Law.  They are the archdeceivers of mankind.  They would take over the person and the personality of the ascended masters and the real Gurus.  Setting themselves up as gurus they sit in the lotus posture smoking the peace pipe with the false hierarchy, dispensing drugs along with demons and even training their disciples in the manipulation of sexual energies for heightened sensual gratification.  In their all-consuming lust for power they teach the way to God through sexual perversion, abuses of the body and desecration of the Mother.  And the light they steal from those they ensnare is used to satisfy their mad cravings and to control vast segments of the population through witchcraft, variance and mortal cursings.

  Others are in the business of training ‘channels’ and psychic healers.  They know not the difference between spiritual and psychic energies—the pure and the impure stream.  Thus they make the gullible to be channels for energies of the pit, for diabolical murmurings of familiar spirits and of wizards that peep and that mutter.  The false hierarchies and fallen ones come in many guises seeking to impress an infant humanity with their sleight of hand, trance and telepathy, their flying saucers and other trappings.

  I say, woe to those who are adept in the mental manipulations of matter and astral energies yet have not the Christ--snake charmers and charlatans who display a phenomenal control of bodily functions yet have not one iota of soul mastery!  As if they had a thing to offer mankind that mankind cannot get directly from their own Christ-self, their own I AM Presence and the living flame that God has anchored within the heart!  

  Some of these, deceived and deceiving others, go so far as to say that everyone should be a psychic channel, everyone should develop his psychic powers.  Like magicians in Pharaoh’s court they hold up to our messengers their psychic phenomena and they say, ‘See, we do the same thing!’  Not so!  Like the fallen ones who, in their attempt to level Hierarchy, would make themselves equal with the sons and daughters of God, these psychic channels would cause our messengers and their work with the living Word to become muddied by the flood of psychic material being released by the false hierarchy.     Let it be so!  They have freewill.  As the grass of the field they have their day; for the wind passeth over them and they are gone, to be remembered no more.  But the day of the true messengers of Hierarchy shall be as giant redwood marking the cycles of  spiritual-material evolution of the race and as the snow-covered Himalayas outlining the pinnacles of soul attainment. Thus the prophets have come in every age, and their day is the day of the salvation (Self-elevation) of the race of mankind.  And the coming of the messenger is always the preparing of the way for the coming of a new level of Christ consciousness.  ‘Behold, I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee.’

  In every century messengers have proclaimed the living truth that should free mankind from age-worn doctrine and dogma.  In this age they have come to prepare the world to receive their own Christ-identity and the I AM Presence ‘coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.’  Their coming marks the hour when all who have realized the oneness of the I AM Presence through the ritual of the ascension should appear to mankind through the exalted vision of the Christ consciousness.  Not only Jesus but Mary, Saint Germain, Gautama Buddha, Confucius and all who have attained oneness with the eternal flame of Life through the ritual of the ascension—these shall appear to mankind in the Second Coming once mankind themselves have accepted the Law of the I AM Presence and their own identity as Christed ones.

  The true messengers of God receive only the word of the Great White Brotherhood and of the ascended masters.  Their communion is not with the dead, nor do they practice necromancy or spiritism or hypnotism or mesmerism of the mass consciousness.  They are forbidden by cosmic law to allow their chakras to be instruments for the fallen ones, to channel the energies of disembodied souls abiding in the astral realm or to be the mouthpiece of discarnates or any of the rebellious spirits that comprise the false hierarchy.


Lord Maitreya admonishes:  The fallen ones who move among the children of God upon earth have taken their training at inner levels from the archdeceivers of mankind.  In the same way as your souls journey to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, those who are committed to the path of ambition and pride journey to other retreats on the astral plane.  Meeting individuals there who pose as the most advanced adepts on the path they truly are convinced at inner levels that they are working with the elite of Earth’s evolutions who are descended even from Almighty God Himself.  The false hierarchy has an entire evolution--all the way back to the one who sits on the throne of the Impostor of the Almighty One, the counterfeit throne of God.

  So the souls who are duped are souls who have not a sincere and pure desire for reunion with God.  Nevertheless they seem sincere in their activities; and those who train them give them to understand by a very distorted means what are the goals of life upon earth and how they [the trainers] are concerned for the greatest good, the greatest happiness and the greatest expansion of Earth’s people.

  When you consider this you must be aware of the fact that among spiritual groups and religious teachings there is a danger for individuals who have not left off or transmuted the desire for ambition (the desire for success through pride) to come into a circle of devotees and by imitation present a counterfeit path, a counterfeit initiation, a counterfeit manifestation of how the soul leaves the body temple and enters into the etheric octave.

  Movements have in actuality promised soul travel to their devotees.  They have invented names of masters and contacts on earth.   Many books and organizations in North and South America, in Europe and even in Africa have purported to represent the Brotherhood of Light.  Beloved ones, you can see that the false hierarchy behind them is complete and by their misuse of the energy of the chakras they too may create a simulation of vibration and all that which appears to be real and is not.  Now when children of the light do not have a direct experience with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord Christ, with their own I AM Presence because they have placed other gods before these, they have not therefore reached a level of discrimination.  Let them come and sit at the feet of the ascended masters.  Let them set aside all goals of self-aggrandizement—the very subtle desires whereby those on the psychic path or the so-called ‘spiritual path’ see themselves as being above others and therefore able by their so-called powers to command respect.  These powers range all the way from phenomena to actual healings to that which even appears to be the raising of the dead.  This has been done by the fallen ones by mechanical means and even by misuse of the energies of the chakras.


  El Morya again cautions:  Psychic energy is like quicksand.  Souls can be sucked into it and actually defend their right to be doing what they are doing because they are so enmeshed in the psychic plane and its psychic inhabitants that they can no longer tell the difference between the spiritual path and psychic path.  This is a tragedy of the age!  There are millions of souls on earth who are following psychic teachers, and as a result they are falling by the wayside.  Because they are tied to these teachers they are unaware that their auric sheath (the light that is closest to the body) is being bled from them.  Unknowingly they are losing their soul essence.  It is being taken from them not necessarily by spiritualists or crystal-ball gazers but by everyday people who live in the psychic plane. Therefore know that when you keep company with such people you make yourself vulnerable to all levels of the astral plane.  When you place yourself opposite them as a student you are even more vulnerable.

  Elohim Astrea says:  God will show you every integrated manifestation of yourself when the time is ripe.  He will reveal who you were and what you are when you can safely bear it, but it will be for the fruit of the soul and not for exaltation of the ego.    -Pearls of Wisdom 48:17 via Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet  

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

a binary code about which some speculate to absurdity after absurdity   From 3:10 of this video the Messenger goes off on a great tangent of speculation by following people like Wells-Gallup.  Her research team apparently wrote the script that the Messenger reads from, herself not at all conversant with Wells Gallup at all.  Not at all.  Wells Gallup wrote probably a dozen books on her obsessed theme of herself discovering a great code embedded, she thought, in Shakespearean plays and elsewhere, a “bilateral/biliteral” or binary code.  

  Only at pp. 100 and 106 of Wells Gallup’s 1910 volume does she attempt to prove by evidence her thesis.  Unfortunately on p. 106 she purports that the material is from 1623 first folio, at the top of her page, but this material—the actual roman and italic typefaced letters—ARE NOT FROM THERE.  One can now find online first folio Shakespeare 1623 facsimiles (photocopies).  So one can easily prove this.  Where is p.106 of her 1910 volume from?  From Wells Gallup’s imagination, a deception in fact.  

  But Wells Gallup was pretty far gone by 1910.  She was caught by her own obsessed momentum.  Some others since, including Barsi-Greene in 1973, also got caught in Wells Gallup’s hypothetic discovery of a secret code supposedly placed by Lord Bacon in the first folio, 1623, while Bacon was alive.  The Bacon=Shakespeare thesis did not originate with either Dr. Oroville Owen or Wells Gallup but, rather, long before their time of 1890s-1920s.  Various people in England knew the secret of Bacon’s life, and some since have added real evidence; but evidence was not at all the forte of Dr. Owen or Wells Gallup.  They speculated, both of them, at great length, a vast passion which perhaps should have been dealt with more objectively by themselves and certainly also by the Messenger.    Why tie in to those two people so much?  It was an era, Victorian, of much complexity.  The evolutionary progress of Britain during that time, post-Romantic era, was opposed by the degradation of central banking and by the vast opium trade that Britain covertly pushed through Asia.  History is not so easy to fathom. 

  Having for 1.5 minutes totally garbled up pure reason into a mash of speculative silliness, the Messenger at 4:44 suddenly shifts toward sanity and Pallas Athena.  

  The Messenger’s staff has had a terrible time of self-correcting, self-monitoring; and one can communicate in their direction and get pretty much nowhere.  The Messenger in a number of her books which have followed this video of hers at Pasadena circa 1977 persisted in this very Wells Gallup vein, with some self-correction but not half enough correction.  Why are people so entranced?  It serves, obviously, a psychologic need in those who wed themselves to their obsession(s).

r, mt. shasta

It is not so easy to find that which is lost

1)  Only those who sustain a momentum of service and keep the flame of their hour will remain a part of this chain of oneness.  Those who fail in their commitment will find that by cosmic law the angelic hosts will withdraw and for their lack of constancy the grid will dissolve.      -Morya:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:10


2)  For you see, beloved ones, 144,000 souls of leadership capacity are in the evolutions of Earth this day and you can scarcely find one shining one committed unto the Lord God in the government of the United States or of England or of Europe or of Africa because of the dalliance of these souls who received the gift and therefore postponed and postponed the return to the walk of the cross of life.

  As I send forth the quickening of your memory body remember the moment when we stood together in the great embrace upon Mount Zion, the trysting place of our souls, and you received a portion of myself.  Upon the line of the thread of contact you are in every level of life near and far from this altar.   

(by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985)
                         -Sanat Kumara:  7-4-1978 at Camelot, Pearl 42:20


3)  Blessed hearts, there comes a moment when, straying too far from the point of Christ-Selfhood, the individual himself loses the thread of Life and of contact and therefore slips as it were into a sea of oblivion.  This as you know was done through an outrageous disobedience of the fallen angels through their challenge of the Godhead.  The clenched fist, the sign of the world totalitarian movements, the sign of aggression of peoples, binding of souls, suppressing of the light and finally ultimate physical torture and cruelty, murder and death, bloodletting, et cetera--all of this began with the infamy of those fallen angels, the Watchers themselves and the Nephilim….

  Most beloved ones, in the hour of your individual crucifixion I can assure you that the sustainment of the light of the threefold flame in the heart is the only contact, is the only fire, is the only way that you can pass through death and emerge God-victorious in the oneness of your own Christ-Self, in the oneness of your own I AM Presence.    

          -Archangel Gabriel:  3-30-1983 at Camelot, Pearl  26:24


4)  Then I taught the Messenger and gave to the Keepers of the Flame there the lessons of fear—fear from such experience that now in this hour renders the people incapable of dealing with anything but the most surface activities.  Fear is binding in all directions, beloved.  And most of all it is the fear to delve deeply within oneself, to come to grips with oneself and all of those previous incarnations.

  But you see, it is known that this is the very plot of the fallen ones: not only to wreck a civilization or take power or see and enjoy the destruction while seizing the Light, but to set back the very soul, the psyche-the psyche that must be able to stand and face absolute evil, to remain in the light strengthened by the light.   

(by Schmiechen, 1884)
         -Morya:  6-23-1985 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 28:30


5)  “Incompletion” is the stamp that has been stamped upon many a file of many a chela whose records we keep in Darjeeling.  “Incompletion.”  Beloved, understand that this means that the divine plan cannot be completed because of personal karma or world conditions or the separation of twinflames.  Understand that at one point in the career of your Messengers their reuniting hung by a thread.  Its possibility was present by a thread of contact and a thread which, if broken,could become buried deep neath the tides of the sea, as deep as the transatlantic cable.  Thus realize that not all have found one another.   -Morya:  7-5-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 28:33


6)  Who has taken from you your sense of holiness?  Where is the glimmer of the light that does shine from you as holiness unto the LORD?  I will tell you!  That sense of holiness has been denuded from you by those in church and state who have come with their false revolutions of every kind, therefore seeking the lowest common denominator where all activity is common and is never endowed with devotion or a flame or an appreciation or the looking on high.  And thus it does show upon your faces to the utter chagrin of your Mother who stands before you.

  Therefore we say, take the flame of Opportunity and know that you did not take embodiment to be upon the socialist treadmill or any other treadmill of any other economic system where you are controlled from above, controlled from beneath, and boxed in as though  you were fleas or mice or some variety of the animal species.   

                 -Saint Germain:  11-3-1985 at Flevohof, Netherlandss, Pearl  29:4


7)  It is not so easy to find that which is lost, beloved ones.  It is not so easy to discover and reconnect.  But the thread of contact  is reestablished through the devotion of Kuan Yin and beloved El Morya, who also ruled in ancient China.   

-Archangel Jophiel:  2-15-1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:30  


8)   I am placing a point of light, a particle of light of myself in the secret chamber of your heart, by leave of your soul’s freewill and of your Holy Christ Self, to establish a certain point of contact, a certain increase of energy, of helpfulness as well as a [nucleus of] Teaching that perpetually emanates [awareness of your inner reality; the illumination from this nucleus] does suffuse the inner being, giving you a sense of Self-knowledge and well-being.  Self-knowledge is the key, beloved.  Few have it, many think they have it.   

             -Gautama Buddha:  1-1-1990 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 33:2


9)  There are always fallen angels who can find their way into life that is at a low level, life that has no integrity, life that has lost all contact with God.  And that is why you find such individuals in embodiment: because people do not know how to protect themselves from bringing in lifestreams who in fact are not approved or sponsored by the Lords of Karma.  

           -Goddess of Liberty:  7-4-1995 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 47:17


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

the open door for all who follow in your footsteps

 1)  The Canaanite idea of child sacrifice--“burning their sons and daughters in the fire,” temple prostitution and burnt offerings and sacrifices to Baal--imitated by the Israelites, recalled the last days of a decadent Atlantis.  These abominations, of Nephilim origin, were denounced by Jeremiah and Ezekiel as well as by Isaiah, Amos and Micah.  By and by the substitution of the blood of sheep and other animals for that of human beings was deemed preferable in the rites of atonement practiced in the cultures of the Fertile Crescent.  Yet to this day human as well as animal sacrifice can be found on the continent of Africa.   

                                     -Jesus Christ:  Pearls of Wisdom 4:49   ………………………………………………………………………  

2)  Greetings to the people of Earth in the pure and magnificent name of the Eternal One, your own magnificent God Presence, from the Great Central Sun and from the hosts of light and from the angelic hosts.  (Won’t you please be seated.)  I AM come this day flooded with the consciousness of God’s love for the destiny of the people of Earth.  Everyone upon Earth is precious in the eyes of God….Therefore as the apocalyptic vision of the splendor of America as a nation is revealed to you individually and as you come to perceive the meaning of a God-unity sweeping the Earth and providing in the family of nations the spirit of absolute harmony--whereby the people of every nation are able within their own consciousness to accept trust and faith in one another--you will understand that when this manifests, the kingdom of heaven will also manifest upon earth very shortly.     -Micah:  6-3-1962 at Washington DC via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 55:13


3)  Hail, Thou Perfect One!  In unity Thy courts are flooded with peace.  In unity Thy light brings forth abundance, and all nature listens to the song of harmony whose dulcet notes rise and descend to bless the hearts of men.  I will enter Thy gates with praise and Thy courts with thanksgiving!  

                                       -Micah:  Pearls of Wisdom 5:40


4)   I would speak of Maldek and of lifewaves chosen of God to manifest the principles of freedom and brotherhood and unity.  Micah the angel of light, son of Michael, was assigned to those evolutions while they were on Maldek; and the banner of that angel is unity. Now if a lifewave uses the flame of unity to come together and to meld the carnal consciousness, then the end result will be the beast, the serpent that becomes the dragon at the end of the spiral of its precipitation. 

  Thus the perversion of unity was the cause that was set in motion that resulted in the flying-apart of the very atoms of that planetary home when the two lifewaves evolving there–one assigned to carry the flame of Alpha and the other to carry the flame of Omega–instead of uniting in a spiral of oneness, chose rather to amalgamate their carnal-mindedness for the greatest holocaust that has ever been seen in this solar system.   

 (by Sindelar)
                                                -Divine Director:  Pearl 17:5


5)  These are times of testing--the testing of whether this nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.  Can this nation endure all of the attempts to tear down liberty and life, unity and oneness and the flame of Micah and the flame of the angel with a flaming sword?  Can this nation endure the holocaust of war, starvation, economic degeneration?  Can this nation endure?   

              -Godfre:  2-22-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:25


6)  Therefore by the action of Saint Germain, by the action of his causal body let the assassins and the would-be assassins be bound!  Let the fanaticism of those groups that act independently of their governments to bring about what they consider justice be bound!  Let them be stripped of those entities and those demons of fanaticism by the power of Saint Germain!  As you make those calls then you will see how Saint Germain will come forth for the dissolving of those differences that all mankind might enter into the flame of the One and recognize the banner of Union and the banner of Micah, Angel of Unity! …See then that you puncture the balloon of pride rather than sitting in the seat of the scornful.  

         -Goddess of Liberty:  3-30-1975 at Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 56:11


7)   I would like you to get the vibration here of Mighty Victory together with Archangel Michael and Micah Angel of Unity sponsoring the true Israelites, the twelve tribes of the lightbearers, giving them the sense of victory in every nation upon Earth. That’s his victorious sense.  Victory says however that you have to believe in it and love it, for it’s a desire-body-action and a heart-action….That’s the sequence--the fire of the etheric heats the emotions to produce the energy that charges your mind with activity and your physical body with movement.   -Messenger E C Prophet:  1-25-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 43:5


8)   For every lightbearer who is here, whether it is the child of a month old or whether it is the child who is now ninety preparing for his ascension in the light--this is a band.  It is a team.  And it is a team of souls who have known one another for thousands upon thousands of years.  So feel the presence of Micah Angel of Unity in your midst this day and know that it is unity and the willingness to sacrifice for one another and to work together for the community that must be the infusion of my flame this day.   

                     -Lanello:  6–30-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 53:5


9)   In the name of my son Micah therefore remember the banner of Unity.  For all your strength is surely in your union with your Mighty I AM Presence, with your Holy Christ Self and, on that basis, with one another.    

         -Archangel Michael:  9-29-1989 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 32:45    …………………………………………..................................................….

10)   It is division that we deplore, not necessarily the boundaries of the nations that signify group karma--even as the states of the Union signify the same--but, blessed hearts, it is the animosity, the self-sufficiency, the smug pride of those of this or that nation saying:  “We are the inheritors of the light.  We are the chosen ones.”  Understand then that through the consciousness of Jacob there did enter among the twelve sons a certain rivalry, a certain chicanery, even a tendency toward deception.   

         -Saint Germain:  7-31-1981 at Ellecom, Netherlands, Pearl 24:38   ……………………………………………..………...................................................

11)  And let us also praise the name of Micah, Angel of Unity who has made it his mission since the very start [of “project America”] to unite that heaven and earth.     So unity is a powerful flame and that flame does enable the full power of the faith of Archangel Michael to come into form.  Blessed ones, therefore let us understand that the placing of the capstone [on the pyramid of the United States of America] is the sign that in the etheric octave the remnant of lightbearers have set the matrix for what that golden-age civilization can and ought to be….

  I desire to see other lightbearers cut free who could lighten your burden and strengthen your ranks.  I desire to see it, beloved.  And I commit to you that I shall use the maximum that the great Law will allow me to use of your daily Cyclopeas to fetch them to your hearts, to seal them where they are, to protect them.     

(by Sindelar)
         -Elohim Cyclopea:  11-26-1989 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 32:62    ……………………………………………………………………...........................

12)  Hail, legions of Archangel Michael!  I AM Micah, Angel of Unity, and I come to you in this hour to tell you that unity is everything!  Therefore let unity prevail among all Keepers of the Flame through­out the world, throughout your focuses all over the continents.  So let unity be the byword of those who have found the original matrix of Christhood within their hearts.     

                 -Micah:  4-20-1997 at Los Angeles, Pearl 45:16


13)   Rejoice in that which you have and remember that millions of people do not have the Teachings.  Therefore the tens of thousands who are a part of this movement must, as Micah has said, come into unity with one another, must bury the hatchet, bury old grudges and must not bear grudges that go back to previous generations and to centuries long past.  

(by Ruth Hawkins)
                     -Archeia Mary:  4-20-1997 at Los Angeles, Pearl 44:12   ……………………………………………………………..................................

14)  From  Buddhas of far-off worlds we claim the infinitude of great beings of light who penetrate through, intensify, glorify and send forth to a cosmos the stamp of Life everlasting.  Let the power of Amazonia, the power of Hercules and that of Micah who I AM be unto you the open door for all who follow in your footsteps, all who must be there for the youth of the world, for all nations and for Canada.  In these days of  reverent and irreverent outpicturings of life let there be the crystallization of the God-flame whereby souls of light might  intensify that light and accelerate….

  Let it be known then that many who are making decisions go to the right and go to the left.  Those who know not the way to go often take the wrong road, while others who have studied the alchemy of Saint Germain know well what they must do to achieve that anthem of victory for the freedom of all worlds and for each and every child of God.  

-ascension coil
              -Micah:  9-6-1998 at Ottawa, Canada, Pearl 41:45    ……………………………………………………………...........................