Thursday, August 31, 2017

Whereas individuals may differ in their comprehensions of life

         Whereas individuals may differ in their comprehensions of life and in the speed with which they grasp divine principles or even human principles, men should understand--as in the fable of the hare and the tortoise--that what is important is that they arrive at the place where the knowledge of God has meaning to them and where their faith is anchored in that magnificent achievement of divine perfection which will one day manifest as fruit upon their Tree of Life.             -Mother Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:40
………                                                                                       .............
                      …they see Him only through their eyes and the limited aperture of their mind, hence they see only the limitations of eye and mind that hold a focus of limitation and never relinquish it, no, not even for a moment.  O embodied mankind, won’t you allow within the domain of your thought and feelings a penetration of the mercy flame of God, of the flame of His universal compassion for each child--each child of His heart?…If they would only permit barriers between hearts to be set aflame by the Holy Spirit, how quickly would human problems melt away in a great gust of divine Love!…

No matter how long I pondered in my embodiment as the Mother of Jesus I could never conceive of anything more precious than heaven’s will.  It was with this thought in mind that I mused hour after hour upon the rightness of the divine intent, upon the supremacy of universal purpose and the means to exercise that intent and that purpose within the framework of my own life.  The trivial tasks of the day seemed at times far apart from me.  At first I sat  as one dazed…but gradually through the ritual of contemplation the obscurities were dissolved and I was able to see those elements of divine Grace which are not always real to the average person but rather dimly perceived if at all.  Much later I came to realize that I could dwell both in the consciousness of God and in the consciousness of man….

Quite frankly much human difficulty is involved with human jealousy and with patterns of resentment of the achievements of others.  We have found it of great help for those who desire to overcome this type of situation to recognize achievement as God’s.  For when men perceive all human achievement as the mark of wonder upon the page of the ages, when they begin to understand that their achievement can be greatly enhanced through their calls to God for assistance, when they understand that true greatness is the greatness of God made manifest in man they will not resent the achievement of others nearly as much.  They will look behind the screen of the human monad and behold the hand of divine Grace helping to mold a better world, a world of understanding in preparation for the coming of the kingdom.

The tearing down of the old city of Jerusalem was not only an act of prophecy but also a leveling of man’s false concepts of himself, of those limiting concepts which in the old man had a tendency to go unrecognized because each man sought to exalt himself.  Once the destruction of the human ego with its false set of values takes place the New Jerusalem--symbolizing spiritual recognition of all achievement as God’s--comes into view in individual man.  When man’s energy is not expended in a manifestation of carnal-mindedness, when he is able to retain the perspective of the working together of mankind for the achievement of universal values to the end that all may share in those values, he is able to sunder his connection with those nefarious acts of karma in his own life that have held him back for so long….For man himself in the domain of his expanding consciousness is the City of God….

For born out of the Oneness of God is the oneness of man’s union with God--“I and my Father are one!”  How beautifully did my Son express this concept!  How complete is the work of the City Foursquare, the New Jerusalem which is lowered into every man’s consciousness as he becomes one with the foundations of perfection.  These heaven is ready to convey to each monadic expression as that expression determines to have and to hold its eternal oneness in the never failing light of God.                -Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:41
To Those Attending the Rebirth of the Christ in Human Hearts:          
                …Because his ignorance or his ignoring of the Law is no excuse, the man of faith cannot rightly persist in allowing elements of doubt in the Creator’s Word to color his mind and emotions without paying the penalty of being cut off from the answers to his calls.  For doubt is the wall that man erects between himself and his God, and it is a self-imposed penalty that only he can remove through corrective measures….it is the inexorable Law of cosmos which governs the return of energy misqualified by erroneous thought and feeling to those who send it forth that determines the burden man shall bear for past mistakes.

I wish to convey the immense yet simple knowledge that every gift of God given to man in answer to prayer must either be kept/used or dissipated.  It is always hoped by those among the heavenly host through whose hands the gift is bestowed that if it is kept and then used, it will be for the constructive good….Unfortunately those who dissipate the divine gifts of Mercy and Grace either through misqualification of the God-ordained intent or by spending the light upon paltry human desires will one day find that they are without the answers to their prayers.  For one day the karmic hammer will surely fall and they will have dissipated God’s energies for the last time….

Those who seek us will realize almost from the beginning of their search, and then again when the moment of truly knowing us comes, that our hearts are full of love for embodied humanity and that our only desire is to create through proper education a spiritual uplift in human consciousness that will enable mankind to avoid the shedding of tears for human failures and their remorse for divine ones.  The fact that individuals have turned the pathway of selflessness into the pathway of selfishness is due not alone to their lack of knowledge but to their lack of conclusive faith in the ultimate goodness of God….

Thus the wonder of His love is measured out of the very heart-steps of God Himself.  And there is a focus, a place prepared within each one’s heart where He shall abide if man wills it so.  All that man is and does is by the Grace of God…--this evidence of things not seen can be kept by man as a divine gift.  Those who desire to increase their faith may call for an intensification of the measure of Grace given unto them and see the miracle of immortal Life as it unfolds before them the magnificent faith of cosmos in its own fiery destiny.  Expectancy is a much needed virtue, blessed hearts of love, and this cannot be the expectancy of personal fulfillment through another but the expectant hope that waiteth on the LORD day and night.  

And when the triumph of an individual’s faith brings him at last out of the smoke of doubt and self-delusion into the fire of cosmic purpose how very wonderful is the counsel of God to each one concerning his life that is so precious.  Each life like a locket around the neck of the living God is the fulfillment of a wish He made as He fashioned the soul, a wish for its creative expression and for the best gifts to adorn the Christ aborning in each one of His children….

Will you then out of a heart akin to God’s own heart learn to be patient with individuals at various levels of development?  Do not expect too much of those who, far down the ladder of life, leap childlike toward what may seem to you only a bauble or a trinket.  One day they will come to understand infinite values….Oh what a pity it is that men do not understand the need for patience toward other parts of life!…How necessary it is that men learn not only to receive the Mercy of God but also to extend it graciously to others.  Let us then build a tower of light and hope in the world that shall shift man’s interests and intents from the mundane to the heavenly and…polarize his consciousness to the goal of rebirth in Christ.  Thus he moves toward the gentle Christ-attainment that thunders forth the peal of universal purpose made available to all because it has been realized by one.                     -Archeia Mary: 10-24-1972 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs

 -Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, through whom this series of Mother Mary's was dictated and through whose loving impetus and example in the Holy Spirit the Aquarian age is being born; hallelujah.

refugees in Germany; CIA backdooring; jihadists in Europe

8-31-17       CIA developed backdoor malware programs, among which are:
> Angelfire - tools to hack Windows with undetectable implants
ᗙ Weeping Angel - tool to hack Samsung smart TVs
ᗙ Fine Dining - a collection of fake, malware-laced apps
ᗙ Grasshopper - a builder for Windows malware
ᗙ DarkSeaSkies - tools for hacking iPhones and Macs
ᗙ Scribble - beaconing system for Office documents
ᗙ Archimedes - a tool for performing MitM attacks
ᗙ AfterMidnight and Assassin - malware frameworks for Windows
ᗙ Athena - a malware framework co-developed with a US company
ᗙ Pandemic - a tool for replacing legitimate files with malware
ᗙ CherryBlossom - a tool for hacking SOHO WiFi routers
ᗙ Brutal Kangaroo - a tool for hacking air-gapped networks
ᗙ ELSA - malware for geo-tracking Windows users
ᗙ OutlawCountry - CIA tool for hacking Linux systems
ᗙ BothanSpy & Gyrfalcon - CIA malware for stealing SSH logins
ᗙ HighRise - Android app for intercepting & redirecting SMS data
ᗙ Achilles, Aeris, & SeaPea - tools for hacking Mac & POSIX systems
ᗙ Dumbo - tool to disable webcams and microphones
ᗙ CouchPotato - tool to capture remote video streams

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

let men learn to be in contact with the living essence of the Spirit of truth

at Lake Siskiyou near Shasta

           I urge upon all the understanding that the mind of man in reality need not be so vulnerable that those who have pursued God for years will allow themselves to be cast down and destroyed by a sudden wind of doctrine or some new religious philosophy.  For men can submit their hearts to God without necessarily submitting their minds to dogma.  Dogma is like unto dead letter—it does not contain in and of itself the spiritual potential, which man himself must invoke, of bringing comfort and understanding to humanity; the  Holy Spirit does, the Presence of God does.  Therefore let men learn to be in contact with the living essence of the Spirit of truth rather than with the manifestation of the letter which killeth….There are those who feel that if a man even contemplates an idea that is foreign to his established beliefs or accepted tradition he is consorting with evil.  Oh how many more evil things there are in the world than that!…A man’s actions remains the supreme test of his philosophy, and these are far more important than his meat or his drink, what he concedes in his mind or what he does not….

Nevertheless it is very necessary in the disciplining of the mind and tethering the heart’s devotion to the Law for men to adhere to some form of ritual and certain tenets of faith….Will you think about that razor’s edge, that fine line which enables you to contemplate the nature of truth, to understand the precepts of the Law, and ask God to lead you into the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake?  How mighty indeed would be our thrust for light’s purpose if men would bring themselves into harmony with the universe and with one another!                 -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:39
 by Ruth Hawkins
       How strange it is that men are so often caught up in the glamor of economic station or social position; they do not seem to understand the greatness that God has placed within the heart of the divine seed which He has also placed within them….They think that balance is not within their grasp because of aberrations in the human consciousness which swing to the left or to the right of the Christ mind.  In reality even a middle-of-the-road position is not the desired position when it is sought from the level of the human ego, for the perfection of God is more than a human standard--it is a tangible reality that comprises the whole spectrum of man’s divinity.  This reality can never be subject to human opinion….The best position for any man to take then is one of trust whereby he recognizes the concern of the Holy Comforter that does not necessarily involve itself with human problems and human solutions but rather inculcates within the consciousness of embodied humanity an inner sense of God’s reality that adapts itself freely to meet the needs of any situation….

How difficult it seems for people to maintain their patience, their fortitude and their perspective long enough to keep their hands off the ark of God.  But if they would have the perfect solution to every problem they must be willing to wait for the salvation of our God and the moving of His Spirit upon the troubled waters….It is almost as though they thought that the perfection of God does not have the ability to invade the world of man’s imperfection!…

Because that which is beneath the allNess of God has willingly forfeited its position of the temporal disposition of its own affairs in an attitude of complete trust that the allNess of God possesses both the means and the end to produce perfection, it becomes the immediate benefactor of the divine intercession….This may seem hard at first, but when you call God into action in each human problem His response can result in a perfect outpicturing of the divine ideals for you.  This attitude of letting God in and letting the human out is the best means of achieving greater peace of mind and greater involvement in your affairs by the Godhead….

In the days of old Sanat Kumara and his retinue kept the flame at Shamballa on behalf of embodied mankind who had lost the thread of contact with their divinity….Albeit many among mankind neither know nor understand cosmic Law as it has been given unto the devotees to know and understand, they have been given an inner assurance within their souls that is strengthened and intensified by each effort of the devotees to keep the flame….Trust is the chalice of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, trust is the beneficent activity of the Holy Christ Selves of all mankind.  Trust is a universal blessing to the planet, providing a bonanza of the Holy Spirit’s manifestation of comfort to all….Often just at the hour of victory they (people) are ready to separate themselves from an activity which God Himself has ordained as one great doorway to His heart….Right in the midst of a service that requires the greatest constancy they suddenly become unwilling to submit their being and consciousness to that great cosmic Law that requires every man, woman and child upon the planet to balance every erg of energy they have misused….The magnetization of cosmic Love in itself gives new courage to the mind, strengthens the bond of spiritual reality and reveals at last those hidden mysteries which the soul has ever understood….

Beloved hearts:  
Be slow to condemn, be swift to love,/ 
Be firm in your endeavors and look above!
The way of hope He does make plain--
The rule of Christ fore’er to reign!…
Where Life reveals the God of Love
And casts down idols, sense of blame
As man becomes a living flame.      

  Devoted to the expansion of your light, I AM      Mother Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:40

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It is not as though men cannot; it is so frequently that they will not.

           What shall I say then of the synthetic overlay fed by the constant drippings of human dreariness?  Long ago Paul said “Let us not be weary in well doing.”  There is a human tendency which the scientists understand as inherent within metal for the very atoms of substance to rebel against the constant outpicturing of sameness.  Hence as a result of their rebellion there sets in what is known as metal fatigue, the weariness of the particles of substance to their continual manifestation within the matrix of a specific object or activity.

When men understand life better they will see that unless the joyous dancing electrons of which substance is composed were able to express spontaneously the beauties and perfection of the ongoingness of God, they could not possibly bear the burden through the millenniums of those undesirable forms and endowments of the human consciousness which are such an abomination to the progress of life.

O hearts of light, the shadows of the world are not of God!  The fact that they are permitted at all is a manifestation of Law and forward movement.  It is ever God’s hope that men will do better, that men will accept the great legacy of life which He has so generously given to all, and that they will restrain themselves from dipping into those caldrons of seething human emotion which regurgitate upon the screen of life those awful manifestations of pain and hardship which are no part of the reality of God….

We pray that men will swiftly learn to discern the differences between the glamor of those unfortunate astral sequences and scenarios of half-existence which offer a shadowland of enticement to the human monad….One day the lesser aspect of man must joyously relinquish the little stairsteps upon which he has climbed to enter into the magnetic pull of his God Presence.  Rising then into his essential greatness the soul claims at last all that God envisioned for it.  Heaven conspires to give every advantage to the individual monad and remembers his iniquities no more, casting them aside as though they had never existed….Would it not be wise then if embodied mankind began to consider the accuracy of their reason and the integrity of their own souls and to attune with the blessed focus of the eternal coal of fire upon the altar of being?

By being Self-true men are able to see what is real instead of relying upon the words of men.  Can’t you see, beloved ones, that we are simply trying to give you a greater measure of perspective?  Be careful that you do not use this perspective to reject what is real, but do learn to discern, and that well….Hence out of the crucible of experience, trial and error, continual faith and a determination to know God will man come at last to the place where he will know himself as God….As His offspring all men are expected to follow the stream of the Law as it pertains to the perfect life.  It is not as though men cannot; it is so frequently that they will not.  And for what reason do men despise the higher Law of their being when by adhering to it they can--once the negative momentums of their life are overcome--walk with less effort into the domain of the Christ consciousness that overcomes the world and into that perfect life which is God?…

One day humanity will perceive en masse the goal of life after they emerge from the crucible of their self-created trials to that position where they will summon that great measure of understanding which will make of all men the Universal Christ in consciousness….The elect are usually those who elect to pursue the higher path.  This means that they have chosen even as they were chosen, and their generated response precedes them upon the path that leads to regeneration.

The Universal Mother would gather men and women from the four corners of the Earth into the court of the Temple of Understanding which is a spiritual temple built out of the giant hopes of God….The pities of life must go down under the triumphs, but so long as men ally themselves with darkness and with their failure to exert upon life the pressures of their own understanding they will continue to manifest in the mirror of consciousness those warps and waves of imperfection in which they dwell….

Like the pale and pastel morning/ The dawn of Life appears to all/ Expressing warning….              Devoted to the fire mist of creative essence within your heart, I AM    
                        Mary      Pearls of Wisdom 15:38

If the outer world lies in shambles is it a reflection of the inner world?

        To All Who Yearn to See:
         If the outer world lies in shambles is it a reflection of the inner world?  What is the limit of individual responsibility?  Is man responsible for the universe or only for himself?  If I am my brother’s keeper, who is my brother?

The enormous power within the individual if it were unleashed would give universal control even to the monad.  Is it any wonder that Hierarchy has prescribed the initiative process as a ladder leading to God?  Is it any wonder that Laws govern the appoint rounds of man’s adventures?  What then are the limits to which man should aspire?

Let men understand the tertiary devisions; let them understand how body, soul and spirit when function as one must also yield to the prescribed limitations.  Let them realize that power is intensified within the cube of responsibility.  Men have dominion over many aspects of their lives, but they form habits almost unwittingly and these become prison houses because the chamber is dull.  The almost witless ones proclaim the emptiness of life but life need never be a chamber of horrors—it can be a bower of beauty.  Each cube must be purified and washed; men may invite the Sun to cleanse all of their chambers but the chambermaid assumes the responsibility for the dispensing of cleanliness.  Men should learn to direct the buoyant spatial energies so that the Christ consciousness may gleam in every square inch of manifestation….

Tenderly God has placed His holy wisdom to permeate the universe, to exist side by side with His holy will.  His will is the key that unveils the Law.  But the Law has aspects both low and high; those who master the low may not know the high….And now our work is here upon Terra, and the children of men must be taught to find their deliverance from the darkness they have fashioned with their hands, with their minds, with their shortsightedness.  His will is the panacea.           
(by Schmiechen, 1884)
                             -Morya:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:31
               The mountain of codified wisdom extant in the libraries and archives of the world has not secured freedom for the Earth.  Even those who have perused ancient books in musty chambers that they might understand the Law of the infinite Self have more often that not failed to apprehend the mysteries of God. 

I AM an archangel--illumination is my flame.  And if it seem difficult for you to realize that “day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night shouted knowledge” (Pss. 19:2) whether from the lips of a slipping child or from the fiat of an archangel of God, try to understand with the inward heart that with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27). 

Men are prone to judge by worldly standards, to prove all things thereby and to follow the styles of the day rather than the principles of the ages…but why limit the speech and the knowledge of those of us who are preserved by His Grace throughout the millenniums?  We live to exalt truth in word and deed that you might step out from the clay images you wear into a dimension of reality that exists all round you, that is in you, that is the key to your release because it is the wisdom of God….God has always sought to make His will understandable to men, therefore do we know that the opportunity for enlightenment exists for all….

But toward what have their (men’s) efforts been directed?  Toward the glorification of the ego, I say, while the genuine God-directed Ego that is the true monad has not been properly honored.  Men mock virtue and laugh as the pure in heart whose modesty they deride.  In brashness and in silly boldness fools rush in where angels fear to tread.…We dispense truth to man as a prescription for all his ills, as the breaker of the chains of his bondage and as the creator of the winds of onward purpose….

The density in the minds of men is being fed because humanity look continually to the outer, they look to penetrate from the without to the within, whereas the real way to eternal progress is to penetrate the sed pattern, the divine idea from within.                       -Archangel Jophiel:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:38

Monday, August 28, 2017

world news update


8-28-17  WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump will repeal restrictions that former President Barack Obama placed on police access to excess military gear, allowing the federal government to immediately resume handing out free bayonets, grenade launchers, tracked armored vehicles such as tanks and other equipment to law enforcement departments around the country.
Hurricane Harvey as seen from the International Space Station on Friday. CreditNASA European Pressphoto Agency
8-28-17   Gov. Edwards said the storm will drift slightly east and then north in the coming days, entering Louisiana somewhere between Toledo Bend and Shreveport.  He warned of flooding and tornadoes as the primary threats.
Meteorologist Don Wheeler, a USA TODAY Network correspondent, said Harvey could dump more than 20 inches of rain on some southwestern Louisiana parishes.
Flash flood warnings and watches have been issued throughout southern Louisiana, as well as numerous tornado watches and warnings.
8-28-17        Flexibility is not a watchword of the European Union.  That is, of course, one of the main reasons we are leaving it.  Had the EU been prepared to let David Cameron limit, in some circumstances, migration into the UK, they could quite easily have kept us in.
The people of Greece have been subjected to a full dose of EU lack of flexibility.  In his outstanding book Adults in the Room, the former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, describes the wall of intransigence he met when he attempted to restructure the debts of Greece rather stagger from one bail‑out to another.  What was so effective in defeating him was that he could never pin down who exactly in Europe he should be negotiating with.          -William Hague
    Is it any wonder the smart meter rollout is stalling?  Smart meters cannot, by themselves, save money; they give information.  It is up to the user to interpret it and use power when it is cheaper.  This may be inconvenient for normal households.  We do not want dinner at 2 am.
I could write, on one side of A4, advice for every household in the country to save electricity, and have it delivered for a tiny fraction of the rollout cost.  Let us not forget that this rollout is destined to cost more than building a Trident nuclear submarine.  These meters are strictly voluntary.  Just say No.
 288.  There were no periods in antiquity that compare to the present era of total global confusion.  While in ancient times perhaps thousands were involved, today there are hundreds of millions!  Try to imagine the difference in the power of the emanations and the myriad invisible participants that everybody is surrounded by.  Let us not attempt to calculate the multitudes causing disorder in the earthly sphere but rather consider the innumerable invisible stings.        
(Fiat Rex by N. Roerich, 1925)
-M:  Supermundane 2, 1938
Elizabeth Clare Prophet described Chananda, chief of Indian Council, during the Harpstrings of Lemuria conference on 12-29-1979:
"He is a very familiar and personable master... He wears white and a white turban with a jewel in front--very tall, majestic."

 (by N. T. Miller, 2003)
Chananda has said about his appearance:  "I think that those of you who have some concept of my physical appearance will be interested to know that some have thought of me as somewhat 'moon-faced.'  This is understandable if you will consider the negative aspects of the moon, which but reflects the light of the Sun, whereas I AM one of the sons of heaven dedicated to mankind’s spiritual unfoldment."     -12-31-1963

Iraq’s military fully reclaimed this northern city from the Islamic State on Sunday in a rapid campaign that defied expectations that the extremist group would put up a fierce resistance in one of its last major strongholds.
The battle for Tal Afar, which lasted just eight days, highlighted the diminished capabilities of the Islamic State in Iraq a month after it lost the key bastion of Mosul to a coalition of Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led airstrikes.  The relatively quick victory is likely to determine how future fights against the militant group will be pursued.  Senior Iraqi military officers said the Islamic State has lost the will to fight in the face of a motivated and increasingly professional military.
JEDDAH (SAUDI ARABIA) (AFP) –  Two million Muslims from across the globe are converging on Mecca in Saudi Arabia for the hajj pilgrimage, a religious duty and for some pilgrims the journey of a lifetime.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

still the most valiant way whereby individuals may come at last to a state of purification

chart of one's divine Self;         copyright Summit Lighthouse, Inc.

              Some men rejoice in the fact that the fashion of the world passeth away.  But remember, blessed hearts of love, that it is your victory won right within the framework of your experiences that skims off the dross of human misbehavior and produces the divine alchemy of purification.  This is the trial by fire that separates your darkness from your light…. It is a great pity that today’s smug and conceited Christianity often fails to utilize the honest eyes of heart and soul to extract a valued lesson from both present and past church history.  It is yielding the heart to the beat of joy in every situation that purifies the understanding of man that it might one day become a repository of strength to those who are willing to surrender unto God all human desires and their need for self-importance….

It should always be a joy to contribute thoughts of dignity and worth into the flowing stream of energy which constitutes life.  How often men sit on the bank of the river of life and watch it flow, taking from it all that they possibly can yet contributing nothing to its course or movement….Surely all shall come to understand one day that it is only that which is yielded unto God through love that endures….It is the energy of God that glorifies the soul of each one.  And when the electrifying concepts of His Grace are made known to the world the right use of both His masculinity and Her feminiity will be adhered to and the androgynous being of God seen at last in fuller measure in the stature of Christ….

Certainly we do not say that man should respect evil or those things which are hurtful to men.  But there is enough virtue in the soul of man which God so lovingly placed there that those who look can surely perceive that virtue in man and, seeing it,  amplify it so that all may partake of the sacred eucharist, the tiny wafer of Life by which they are made aware of their unity in Christ….we also observe in the temporary strands of human petulance and greed the tendency on the part of many to condemn others for the same thing that they themselves desire to do but in some cases have not done and in other cases have done.  It is dangerous for mankind to point an accusing finger at others when many times they are not aware of their own imperfect patterns from past ages.  They do not foresee what they will one day do as a result of the very trends that they are now creating.

O mankind, how lovely you are in your God-identity!…The soul gasps in individualized mankind that it might receive a breath of this reality, that it might perceive the infinite hand of God reaching through all experience and beckoning all to move onward into the universal light without fear and with the fullest of confidence.          -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:33
             Man possessed with his God-given right of mobility moves to and fro upon the earth just as his consciousness traverses the realm of manifold experiences.  But wherever he goes he utilizes the one consciousness, the one flow of the generosity of God which gives to embodied mankind the gift of access to the mind of God and the mind of Christ that he is able to achieve at last the perspective that enables him to rule the kingdom of nature as well as the realm of selfhood….All should come to the humble realization of the Grace of God shining in the face of nature and behind the screens of the human monad with all of its selfishness and deceit….

In dividing the Word of righteousness men must understand that condemnation of any act of man must be tempered not only by justice and mercy but also by the higher criticism of the divine Logos.  Men must love God above all things, for in loving God first they will come to love all things, all men, all the adornments of nature and the graces of life both seen and unseen as the manifestation of God, and they will be free of the desire to covet….

Let perish from your mind then the thoughts of darkness, of greed and the condemnation of human greed.  For by the illuminating sense that gives to each one the true knowledge of the right attitudes of spiritual thoughts that are the thoughts of Christ man can at last ascend in consciousness to the place where true Christhood does manifest.            
          Devotedly I AM    Mary     Pearls of Wisdom 15:34
            Let all understand then that the purging of the self, which may excite many tests and trials and may well provide elements of chastisement, is still the most valiant way whereby individuals may come at last to a state of purification and a greater extension of the light of God through the clear pane of their own crystal awareness.        
                                          -Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:35
             It is vital that man should cease to allow himself to be confused by human interpretations of dogma which seek to separate the creations of heaven or earth from the LORD that hath made all things.  Men choose so frequently to honor Him with their lips and by supposedly directing their consciousness to God alone; but while they seek to honor Him they exclude all of the functional and beautiful manifestations which He has made and charged with specific uses to the glory of the light in man….

From the first dawn of creation it was God’s hope that man made in His own image would learn how to be one with Him and elect so to be; thus the Father foreknew that many blessed souls would enjoy the Spirit of Wholeness through imbibing the spiritual gnosis of life.  By this process they would be able to bring their consciousness into complete harmony with the consciousness of God through the ministration of the Holy Spirit and through the complete acceptance of the reality of God….

To Him be “blessings and honor and glory and power” (Rev. 5:13).  Let the temples of individual lives, the temples of the world and the varying religions of the world learn to understand this cardinal truth that they may cease in their warnings and begin to express universal compassion.         -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:36
  I think also of His great mercies which endure forever because those who are the recipients of the greatest mercy are those who receive eternal Life….While flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God the triumph of the soul arrayed in its divine vestments is one of mastery over all man’s darkness by the expansion and acknowledgment of His light….

I make an impassioned plea to humanity, before it is too late and the karmic vials are poured out upon the earth, to seek to alleviate harshness, to repudiate it in all its forms by the action of their thoughts powerfully centered in God….Only by the Grace of God can the world order be moved forward into the domain of divine kindness and all people find at last the great possibilities of the kingdom envisioned so long ago by my Son Jesus Christ, by others before him and by the All-Father from the first page of the cycle to the present.  That the anointing of God be sought, that His Spirit be encouraged to do its mighty work among men to alter the structure of weakness and bind up the wounds of humanity is my prayer.         -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:37